



琐碎 n

petty n

繁琐 adj

burdensome adj



External sources (not reviewed)

有代表团质疑审查今后的拟议预算时,是否会发现各机构年度报告中关于管 理成果的信息列报冗长琐,并提出可能有必要进一步审议这一计划。
The delegations questioned whether the presentation of the information on management results
in the annual reports of the agencies would
[...] prove to be cumbersome when future [...]
budget proposals were reviewed, and said that
this plan may need further consideration.
劳工。第三,各项劳工组织法律文书引起的报告义务对摩纳哥这样的国家 不胜琐,它 无力切实和有效履行这些义务。
Thirdly, the reporting obligations resulting from the various ILO legal instruments were too onerous for a State like Monaco, which would not be in a position to respect these obligations with diligence and efficiency.
[...] 以色列国防军协调之后,才到自己的土地上工作,而这种方式往往既无效率(因 为琐费时 )也不成功(常被拒绝允许前往土地)。
Because of the frequent attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians from this village, Palestinians usually work their lands only after coordinating with the Israel Defense
Forces, which is often neither efficient
[...] (since it is cumbersome and time-consuming) [...]
nor successful (the permission to
access land is often refused).
因此,审查研究的目的是设计出一种具有竞争力,因而有助于有关 各组织吸引、培养和留住非常称职的工作人员的薪酬制度,这种制度应根据成绩和能力来确 定报酬,既要考虑集体的工作成果也要考虑各个的工作成果,因为它要比现行的制度简单, 所以更便于管理并不象原来那样琐。
The purpose of the study is therefore to devise a competitive system which enables the organizations to attract, train and retain highly qualified staff, which bases reward on merit and competence, and which takes into account collective and individual results alike, and which, being simpler than the existing system, is easier to administer and less complex.
法律、体制和行政障碍包括:国家监管框架复杂,缺乏二级立法以及业务指令、 工具和程序,审批手续琐复杂 且效率低下,利用公开招标的进程有限。
Legal, institutional and administrative barriers included the complexity of the national regulatory frameworks, lack of secondary legislation and
operational instructions, tools and procedures,
[...] complex and cumbersome authorization [...]
procedures and inefficiency and limited
use of public tendering processes.
补救工作必须包含预先制 订更合适的预算外活动计划,更加准确地预测可能出 现的问题(包括教科文组织无法控制的问题),简化琐的内部行政程序以及开展持久的人员培训活动。
Remedial action must comprise better prior planning of extrabudgetary activities, better anticipation of problems (including those beyond UNESCO’s control), alleviation of heavy internal administrative procedures, and continued staff training, both at Headquarters and in the field.
同样, 尽管我曾希望在担任首席辩护人期间,把大量时间和精力用于重点关注遗产、外 联工作以及建立可真正制衡检察官庞大权力的法庭支柱,却不得不把过多的时间 用来管理所谓一次性费用结构,这种结构或许在理论上意图良好,但程序 琐, 不切实际,不仅费时,而且引发了塞拉利昂初级和高级辩护律师之间的内部斗争 和冲突,以及我们在审判团队中国际辩护律师和国内辩护律师之间的冲突。
Likewise, although I had hoped to focus a significant portion of my tenure as Principal Defender on legacy, outreach and building a pillar of the Court that could serve as a real counterbalance to the overwhelming power of the Prosecutor, I had to spend an inordinate amount of time administering a perhaps well-intentioned in theory, but bureaucratic and unrealistic, so-called lump sum fee structure, that not only wasted much time, but also led to internal struggle and conflicts between junior and senior defence lawyers within Sierra Leone, and clashes between international and national defence lawyers we mixed into trial teams.
根据 俄罗斯联邦主管机构提供的情况,最近的增长也是有关取消 琐 卸 货登记手续的 管理决定的结果,在2010年年初前,俄罗斯联邦船舶在国家港口的卸货被按照进 口对待。
According to the authorities of the Russian Federation, the recent increase is also a consequence of the management decision to remove excessive formalities on documentation of landing operations, as up until early 2010 landings by vessels of the Russian Federation in national ports were treated as imports.
琐、低效率的条例,对车辆跨界往来的限制,在边界的货物转载、实物检 查和卸载,在运输途中无正当理由的检查,相邻国家之间不同的车辆标准,司机 和货物的安全保障不足,和贪污腐败,已成为内陆发展中国家连接到海港的跨界 运输和物流网络的可靠性、速度和安全受到妨碍的主要瓶颈。
Burdensome and inefficient regulations, cross-border restrictions on vehicle movements, trans-loading, physical inspections and offloading of freight at borders, unwarranted inspections of goods en route, differing vehicle standards between neighbouring countries, inadequate security for drivers and freight, and corruption have emerged as among the principal bottlenecks hindering reliability, speediness and security of cross-border transport and logistics networks connecting landlocked developing countries to seaports.
这样的设计迫使你去思考和处理错误,但是如果细粒度的错误处理太过 琐 的 话 ,你也可以总是对数据库添加一个总的错误处理程序。
This design forces you to  think about and handle
errors, but you can always add a catchall error handler to the database if fine grained
[...] error handling is too cumbersome.
审计委员会和行预咨委会针对为速效项目拨出 资源利用不足的问题作出结论,但当时并未考虑到琐的财 务程序和内部控制措施等因素,这些因素妨碍 了在要求的时限内实施这些项目,结果失去了很多机 会。
In reaching their conclusions regarding the underutilization of the resources appropriated for quick-impact projects, the Board of Auditors and Advisory Committee had failed to take into account such factors as cumbersome financial procedures and internal control measures, which hampered the implementation of those projects within the required time frames and resulted in lost opportunities.
我们所提供人性化的在线贷款计算器,助您摆脱 琐 运 算 ,只需点击鼠标设置理想的贷款参数,最契合所需的金融方案即刻呈现。
Personalized online payment estimator is offered to help you get rid of complicated operation.
过境运输方面的问题依然存在,例如港口负载能力不足、港口和海关 清关延误、琐的海 关手续及其他法规制约造成的费用和障碍、法律和制度安排 薄弱以及高昂的银行交易费用。
Transit transport problems still persist such as insufficient carrying capacity at ports, port and customs clearance delays, fees and obstacles owing to cumbersome customs procedures and other regulatory constraints, weak legal and institutional arrangements, as well as costly bank transactions.
(i) 加紧迫害属于已获承认的宗教少数群体者,其中除其他外包括基督教 徒、犹太人、苏菲派人、逊尼派穆斯林 琐 罗 亚 斯德教徒以及维护其权益者,并 侵犯他们的人权,尤其注意到对苏菲派人和福音派基督徒的大规模逮捕和拘留, 以及关于对基督教牧师进行严判的报道
(i ) Increased persecution and human rights violations against persons belonging to recognized religious minorities, including, inter alia, Christians, Jews, Sufis, Sunni Muslims and Zoroastrians and their defenders, noting, in particular, the widespread arrest and detention of Sufis and evangelical Christians and reports of harsh sentences against Christian pastors
如果发现据称遭到报复的投诉属琐 屑 无 聊或故意作假的情况,道德 操守办公室通报行政首长。
(h) In cases where the complaint of alleged retaliation is found to be frivolous or intentionally false, ethics office informs the executive head.
缺乏出海口、远离主要市场、过境设施薄弱、海关和过 境手续琐、监 管限制,以及法律和制度安排欠缺等因素,会削弱内陆发展中国 [...]
The lack of access to the sea and
remoteness from major markets, inadequate transit
[...] facilities, cumbersome customs and [...]
border crossing procedures, regulatory constraints,
as well as weak legal and institutional arrangements, undermine the efforts of LLDCs to build their productive capacities and to be competitive in world markets.
秘书长在 1994 年依照第 47/218 B 号决议提交大会的报告中指出,对联合国
[...] 和提供装备的国家而言,确定补偿会员国向维持和平特派团提供特遣队所属装备 的费用的程序已变得过于琐。
In his report submitted to the General Assembly in 1994 pursuant to resolution 47/218 B, the Secretary-General indicated that the procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment
(COE) provided to peacekeeping missions had
[...] become overly cumbersome, both to [...]
the United Nations and to equipment-contributing countries.
现代城市人经常埋首于办公室的琐 工 作 或过于久坐,而忘了活动放松,以致腰酸背痛,久而久之就会引起颈椎等疾病,而有了这个简单小巧的按摩器,只需把两块传动贴片轻轻一贴在要按摩的部位,选择自己喜欢的揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,针灸,指压等方式,再加以力度选择(10段不同的力度),就可以达到如同真人的按摩感觉,边工作边按摩,充分利用时间,使你精力更充沛,工作更持久,是不可多得的贴身帮手,两片贴片可同时按压穴位道,有效消除疲劳;可模拟8种真人按摩运动---揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,舒筋,指压......利用高频率刺激穴位,加快体内气血循环,有助于快速消除疲劳。
The modern city people often hammered away at the office work or too trival sedentary, and forgot about the activities that waist sour backache, relax, as time passes can cause cervical vertebra disease such as, and have this simple small massage device, only to the two pieces of transmission patch a stick to massage gently in the site, choose your favorite kneading, knock, automatic massage, acupuncture, finger pressure, again to choose way efforts (10 section different strength), can achieve human like massage feel, and work at massage, make full use of our time, make you more energetic energy more lasting, is rare and personal assistant, two pieces of patch can also press the point way, effectively eliminate fatigue; Can simulate the 8 kinds of real massage exercise--kneading, knock, automatic massage, relaxes the muscles, refers to the pressure... By using high frequency stimuli, speed up the points in the body blood circulation, help to fast eliminate fatigue.
描述:本卷描述了上海曲阳路玉田新村的一小户人家的生 琐 事。
This scroll shows the everyday minutiae of a small family in the Yutian Xin Cun apartment complex on Quyang Rd in Shanghai.
此外,现代担保交易法必须允许对设保人设备、库存品 和应收款之类一批现行和未来资产设定有效的担保权。要求对这些类型的资产
[...] 按物品逐一加以说明将会造成登记进程过于 琐 , 并 在进行说明时容易出错。
Moreover, a modern secured transactions law must accommodate the creation of an effective security right in pools of present and future assets such as the grantor’s equipment, inventory and receivables; requiring an item-by-item specific
description for these types of asset would make the
[...] registration process cumbersome and prone [...]
to errors in descriptions.
他既可以作为一个开发期间的脚本管理工具,让开发者在开发期间享受JSI带来的种种便捷; 也可以作为一个运行时的脚本管理框架,让类库编写者能够自己管理好自己编写的类库的相关依赖,让最终用户从 琐 的 依 赖管理中解脱出来,提高类库的易用性。
he can during the development of the script as a management tool that allows developers to enjoy during development brought JSI convenient ; can run the script as a management framework for library writers to manage their own class libraries written in the relevant dependent , so that end users rely on management from the tedious freed to improve the library 's ease of use.
对卫生系统的挑战包 括无法确保获得和适当维修医疗设备,到国外的转诊需要经过长时间和 琐 的批 准程序,医务人员难以进修知识和技能。
Challenges to the health system include the impossibility of ensuring that medical equipment is available and properly maintained, while referral abroad is subject to long and arduous permit processing and medical staff are prevented from upgrading knowledge and skills.
道路车辆专业司机在申请签证时不得不经过复杂而 琐 的 手 续,而且 一般每次只能获得一个单次入境签证。
Professional road vehicle drivers have to go through complicated and difficult procedures to apply for visas and are generally granted only a single-entry visa each time.
而从行政管理程序方面讲,他们认为这是最不 琐的 方案。
In terms of administrative procedures they feel it is the least burdensome option.
4.可维护性:一般修改了数据库表需要同时修改M、V,需要重新编译,虽然简单,但带来了 琐 的 操作,而且有可能引起其他错误,而jvc框架弱化了M,不需要编写对象关系映射的类,而是用命名规范使得对于大部分的修改只是需要修改V(jsp页面)。
4. Maintainability : General modified the database tables need to modify the M, V,Need to recompile , though simple, but brought a complex operation , and may cause other errors, jvc framework weakens the M, do not need to write object-relational mapping classes , but with the naming convention for most of the changes just made need to modify the V (jsp page ) .
一旦安装了CFCS之后,安装向导管理器会帮助您建立您首选的图表类型并提供可视化的属性列表方便您修改图表属性,因此,您根本不需处理任何复杂的属性设置或者编写任何代码,以往 琐 的 功 能设置现在只需要一键搞定。
The Wizard manager will help you setup your preferred chart type and visual attributes, without even handling properties or writing code.
同样,尽管我们对以色列最近批准加沙境内 11 个联合国建设项目表示欢迎,但我们感到关切的是, 如果不精简目前琐的材料报批和运入程序,执行这 些项目势必会受到制约。
Similarly, while we welcome Israel’s recent approval of 11 United Nations construction projects in Gaza, we are nonetheless concerned about bottlenecks in project implementation if the current cumbersome procedures for approval and entry of materials are not streamlined.
白俄 罗斯还表示,执行供资协定和新项目的行政程序仍然十分 琐 , 不 但无法保证项 目的顺利执行,而且很难拟定起始和完成日期。
Belarus also stated that the administrative procedures to implement the “Financing Agreement” and the new project remained complicated and that not only do they not guarantee successful implementation of the project but make it difficult to indicate a start and completion date.
将制订一套更适合国家有自主权的发展议程的灵活编制方案工具,作为精简办事 处业务工作和减少不增加价值的琐 官 僚 主义流程的第一个重要步骤。
A mix of flexible programming tools better suited to nationally owned development agendas will be developed as an important first step in streamlining office operations and reducing burdensome bureaucratic procedures that add little value.




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