

单词 理解测试

See also:

理解 (...) v

understand v
see v
appreciate v
read v
grasp v
seize sth. v
make out v
identify v



理解 adj

understood adj
understandable adj


test (students)
test (machinery etc)
beta (software)

External sources (not reviewed)

但在试解决该问题的过 程中,东盟在印尼领导下已经为理 未 来 类似纠纷 设置了一套方案。
But in trying to resolve it, ASEAN, under Indonesia’s leadership, has laid out a methodology for [...]
dealing with future disputes.
凭借经过现场验证的测试方法、集成 测试解 决 方 案以及基于云的数据 理 , EXFO能够帮助您消除臆测、迅速判断故障点距离并增加带宽需求以降低OPEX。
With field-proven
[...] methods, integrated test solutions and cloud-based data management, EXFO can [...]
help you eliminate guesswork,
quickly determine the distance-to-fault and bridge the OPEX gap created by increasing bandwidth demand.
它提供的功能包括:支持解测试设 计 并能够清楚的概括负载描述。
It provides features include: support for
[...] graphic design and the test load to clear the [...]
general description .
FTB-200紧凑型平台和FTB-7200D LAN/WAN接入网OTDR是承包商测试任何光纤类型 理 想 之选,可结合另一个模块(如OLTS或以太网测试仪)实现完整 测试解 决 方 案。
The FTB-200 Compact Platform and the FTB-7200D LAN/WAN Access OTDR
make it ideal for
[...] contractors to test any fiber type, along with another module such as an OLTS or Ethernet tester for a complete test solution.
但在制订减少风险战 略;与信息和通信技术厅共同开展业务影响分析以切实优先落实部门业 务流程、培训理人员和关键工作人员以确保他们能够继续开展关键业 务流程;以测试业务连续性计划和确保其继续运作等方面,还有一些 工作要做(另见本补编 A/64/7/Add.9 号文件,第 42 至 45 段)。
However, work remains to be done in setting up mitigation strategies; carrying out a business impact analysis, together with the Office of Information and Communications Technology, to
validate the
[...] prioritization of business processes at departmental level, train managers and critical staff to ensure they are able to continue critical business processes, and testing the business continuity [...]
plans and ensuring
their maintenance (see also paragraphs 42 to 45 of document A/64/7/Add.9 in the present supplement).
通过这测试,开展评估活动的国家寻求对其教育体系的绩效有一个整体 解 , 通 过每 隔三年提供信息来设定教育标准并能够了解造成在评估结果中发现的缺陷的原 因和后果。
With these tests, the countries that are being assessed seek to gain an overview of the performance of their education [...]
systems, supplying
information every three years to set education standards and to be able to understand the causes and consequences of the deficiencies observed in their results.
而这一机遇催生了对有助于确保正确部署、运营和维护标准SONET/SDH、OTN和新的基于以太网的传输网络 测试解 决 方 案的需求。
This opportunity creates the need for test solutions that can help
ensure proper deployment, operation and maintenance of standard SONET/SDH, OTN
[...] and new Ethernet-based transport networks.
就此,日本代表将理解通知 了执行委员会,即:如果项目获得核准,为项目所核 准的总供资额中相当于日本捐款的那部分金额只能用于能够以透明方式加以 测 的 活 动, 而且,资金只能用于臭氧层的保护,不得挪作其他用途。
In this context, the representative of
Japan notified the
[...] Executive Committee of its understanding that, if the project were approved, the portion of the total funding approved for the project equivalent to the contribution of Japan should be spent only on activities that could be monitored in a transparent [...]
manner, and that
the funds should be spent only for the protection of the ozone layer, without being diverted to other uses.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和试报告 以提交外地中央审查机构, 测 其 分 管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,理其分 管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 [...]
面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or
her purview and
[...] consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the [...]
field operations for positions
in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
(b) 所有对米-24 进测试的新的授权需要向安理事 会制裁委员会正式提 出豁免请求。
(b) Any new authorization to conduct tests on the Mi-24 necessitated a formal [...]
request for exemption to the Security Council Sanctions Committee.
谢宁解决问题的步骤是FACTUAL™ (关注、策划、汇聚测试、理解、改 善和推广) 。
The Shainin problem solving roadmap is FACTUAL™ (Focus, Approach, Converge, Test, Understand, Apply, [...]
用户可以定义和理测试对象 、创建测试方 案、执行测量并生成测试报告。
The user can define and manage test objects, create test plans, perform measurements, and generate reports.
[...] 业信息和通信技术项目的大部分开发费用来自中央预算,相关的活动费用,如数 据理、测试和培 训则至少部分由用户部门以及数据拥有者承担,作为其业务责 [...]
The Committee had also been informed that it was customary in such large enterprise information and communications technology projects for the majority of development costs to be budgeted centrally and for
the costs of related activities, such as
[...] cleansing of data, testing and training to [...]
be supported, at least in part, by user
departments and owners of the data as part of their operational responsibilities.
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案 (A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资产管理等核心功能;第二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成果理制、风险理、 运输和差旅等其余功能的设计-建 立-测试-部署
The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and a second wave over a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation and travel.
任职者将测、解释、 分析和 报告本地信息环境中与联黎部队任务执行有关的所有事态发展;从多个来源的研 究相关信息,以便了解与联黎部队任务有关的地方关切和敏感之处; 理 和 总 结 可用作战略通信政策指导的信息,协助部队指挥官特别参谋长组织、规划和举行 部队指挥官与当地社区、宗教领袖和地方当局领导人的会议;并履行部队指挥官 特别参谋长所要求的其他职责。
The incumbent will monitor, interpret, analyse and report on all developments in the local information environment that have a bearing on the implementation of the UNIFIL mandate; research multiple sources for information relevant to understanding local concerns [...]
and sensitivities
in the context of the UNIFIL mandate; collate and summarize such information for use as strategic communications policy guidance; assist the Force Commander Chief of Special Staff in organizing, planning and holding meetings of the Force Commander with leaders of the local community, religious leaders and local authorities; and perform other duties as required by the Force Commander Chief of Special Staff.
解决方案管理器实现服务包括,解决方案文档 解 决 方案实施、模板 理 、 测试 管 理 、变更控制管理、应用事件管理、技术操作、业务流程运作、维护管理、升级管理等。
Solution Manager Implementation services include Solution Documentation, Solution Implementation, Template Management, Test Management, Change [...]
control Management,
Application Incident Management, Technical Operations, Business Process Operations, Maintenance Management, Upgrade Management, etc.
我们坚信,Azimuth公司的802.11n Wi-Fi测试解决方 案将会大幅提高我们质量保证确认流程的效率,帮助确保我们的客户能够拥有他们所期望的从贝尔金公司获得的可靠、高品质802.11n无线解决方案。
We are confident that the
[...] Azimuth 802.11n Wi-Fi test solutions will dramatically [...]
streamline our QA validation processes
and help ensure that our customers receive the reliable, high-quality 802.11n wireless solutions they have come to expect from Belkin.
FTB-8080同步分析仪是一套全面 测试解 决 方 案,用于电信网络同步保证、监测和故障诊断应用。
The FTB-8080 Sync Analyzer is a
[...] comprehensive test solution for telecom network [...]
synchronization assurance, monitoring and troubleshooting applications.
这两种产品结合在一起使用,可以为半导体厂商、设备制造商及服务提供商测试802.11n服务及解决方案提供最全面 测试解 决 方 案。
Used in conjunction, the two products offer the most
[...] comprehensive test solution for semiconductor vendors, device manufacturers and service providers testing 802.11n services and solutions.
它为从用代码打开的窗口上获得句柄提供了支持;为在一个部件层次定位部件提供支持;为在部件中发起事件(例如按一个按钮)以及以线程安全方式 理 部 件 测试 提 供 支持。
It is from the open window with the code you get the handle on providing support; to locate components in a component -level support ; initiating
event in the parts (such as pressing a button ) as well as thread-safe
[...] approach to component testing to provide support.
为此,我们制订了一个二者兼顾的策略,既重视 理测试 , 也重视感官测试。
For this purpose, we have developed a two-pronged strategy deploying not only
[...] physical but also perceptual testing.
这些接口可用于与FTB-8510B Packet
[...] [...] Blazer以太网测试模块或外部以太网设备(例如,交换机、路由器等)互连,提供了业内第一个数据集成式下一代SONE T/ S D H 测试解 决 方 案,用于高级Ethernet-over-SONET/SDH服务模拟和分析,十分适合于实验室或现场测试应用。
These interfaces can be used to interconnect with an FTB-8510B Packet Blazer Ethernet test module or an external Ethernet device (e.g., switch, router, etc.), delivering the
industry’s first data-integrated
[...] next-generation SONET/SDH test solution for advanced Ethernet-over-SONET/SDH [...]
service emulation
and analysis—ideal for lab or field test applications.
安全测试模型利用我们的专利技术,为网页服务提供行业中唯一的动态安 测试解 决 方 案。
Security testing mode leverages patented technology that offers the industry's only
[...] dynamic security testing solution for web services.
理性可 以否认基督的权威,尽管永恒的地狱,并自称基督徒,谁也不愿意承认这一点,可能会 试解 释 了 基督的话,但它作为道德上的邪恶问题的解决依然神透露。
Rationalists may deny the eternity of hell in spite of the authority of Christ, and
professing Christians, who
[...] are unwilling to admit it, may try to explain away Christ's words; but it remains as the Divinely revealed solution of the problem of moral evil.
Damon 的责任包括 Cobham 温伯恩工厂的日常理,同 时为所有环境要求提供单点联系,从夹具设计到定制振动和疲 测试解 决 方 案。
Damon’s responsibilities include the hands-on
[...] management of testing at Cobham’s Wimborne site, and he provides a single point of contact for all environmental requirements, ranging from fixture design to building bespoke vibration and fatigue test solutions.
EXFO的测试和监测解决方 案由此开 始起作用,它们可用来准确有效地评估所有 与SLA相关的关键性能指标,并对传统T1/E1 [...]
链路/线路和下一代IP/以太网技术进行服务 质量验证。
This is also
[...] where EXFO’s test and monitoring solutions come into play, [...]
allowing for accurate, efficient assessment of all
SLA-related key performance indicators, as well as service quality certification on legacy T1/E1 links/circuits and nextgeneration IP/Ethernet technologies.
Marketwire,作为唯一一家完全综合性的总部设在北美的全球电讯社,是为那些寻求最佳新闻发布,媒体 理 , 多 媒体及 测解 决 方 案的投资者关系,公共关系以及市场传播专家提供完全服务的合作伙伴。
The only fully
[...] integrated North America-based global newswire, Marketwire is a full-service partner to IR, PR and MarCom professionals seeking top-tier press release distribution, media management, multimedia and monitoring solutions.
2008 年的具体审计建议包括:加强项目 理 和 信 息技术 理 ; 改 进总部外办事处优先 事项的确定、成果规划和绩效测; 解 决 总 部长期使用合同制临时人员的问题。
Specific audit recommendations during 2008 included strengthening project management and governance of information technology; improving priority setting, result-planning and performance monitoring of field offices; and addressing long-term use of temporary assistance contractors at Headquarters.




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