

单词 理睬



without giving due consideration

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External sources (not reviewed)

法庭对他的受酷刑的指称不理睬, 也根 本没有进行审查。
The court simply ignored his allegations of torture, without examining them.
成立实况调查团调查伊拉克和阿富汗包括美国在内的冲突各方违反国际人 道主义法行为的要求无理睬。
Calls for fact-finding missions to investigate violations of international
humanitarian law committed by parties to the conflicts, including the United States, in
[...] Iraq and Afghanistan went also unheeded.
有學者認為,「政治蜜月期」的反面就是「跛腳管治期」,就是指有關領袖在卸任前往往英雄遲暮,無 理睬。
Some scholars also believed that the other side of the "honeymoon period" is the "lame-duck period", during which nobody seems to bother the outgoing leaders during their final days in office.
我也想說一說有數件事是到了很重要關頭,政府本來也不 理睬 我們 的,但後來不知道為何又回心一想,同意要通風,那便是關於沙中線車站的。
I would also like to say a few words on a few incidents in which the
Government, which had originally no
[...] intention to heed our advice, suddenly changed its mind for [...]
reasons unknown and agreed that
ventilation is essential for one of the Shatin to Central Link stations.
因此,我當年在英國便寫信給壓力團體的負責人,說我們要參與區 議會選舉,儘管當時沒有理睬我。
Therefore, at that time I wrote from Britain to the person in charge of the pressure group, saying that we should take part in the District Board elections.
但是,很可惜,我看到當這隻異形越長越大, 變成異形加異形,超級異形的時候,它根本不 理睬 我 們
Unfortunately, just as we are witnessing this alien growing bigger and bigger, just as it is becoming a king of the aliens, a super-alien, it is simply giving us a cold shoulder.
他还报告,各部多半理睬他向 其提出的资料要 求。
Furthermore, he reports that his requests [...]
to the Ministries for information were largely ignored.
叙利亚政府已呼吁联合国、欧洲联盟和国际 政府和非政府组织提供援助,解决那里的严重问题, 但是,像往常一样,以色列根本不 理睬。
His Government had appealed to the United Nations, the European Union and international governmental and non-governmental organizations for assistance in resolving the situation but, as usual, Israel had paid no attention.
最后,对南苏丹共和国不断的侵犯活动采取自我克制的苏丹政府敦促尊敬的 理事会要求南苏丹政府立即停止侵犯,并停止向各种反叛运动提供援助,如果南 苏丹政府理睬这一 要求,则苏丹共和国政府保留对南方任何侵略作出反应的权 利,以确保其领土安全与完整。
In conclusion, the Government of the Sudan, which exercises self-restraint towards the continued aggression by the Republic of South Sudan, urges the esteemed Council to call on the Government of South Sudan to refrain immediately from its aggression and the assistance it renders to the various rebel movements.
伊朗表示,它在新指导方针颁布之前就请求改变基准,但履约委员会未 理睬。
Iran indicated that it had requested a change in baseline before the new guidelines but the Implementation Committee did not act on its request.
如果我們不利用 這個議會壓迫政府,政府簡直不 理睬。
If we do not make use of this Council to press the Government, the Government would simply take no notice of us.
以色列 也拒理睬秘书 长和其他国际组织的领导人一再发 出的停止对巴勒斯坦人民实施非法行径和犯罪行为 [...]
Nor has it heeded the reiterated calls [...]
to the Secretary-General and other leaders of international organizations to put
an end to its illegal actions and its crimes against the Palestinian people.
把疾病分为传染和非传染两类对联合国来说或 许很方便,但是,它的最终结果是有一类疾病得到所
[...] 有关注、所有双边资金和所有行动的眷顾,另一类疾 病却无理睬,任其发展。
While splitting diseases into communicable and non-communicable categories may be convenient for the United Nations, it has ultimately resulted in one group
receiving all the attention, all the bilateral funding and all the action, while the
[...] other has been left to flounder unassisted.
审计员还建议国际贸易和工业部对未能遵守上述报告要求的进口 者的申请不理睬。
The auditors also included a recommendation that MITI should not process the application of any importer who fails to comply with the reporting requirement described above.
當然,我最後同意何俊仁剛才所說,策略上,我們是握着否決權, 但今次的總辭卻是把否決權也“擺上檯”,如果贏了,我們並沒有着數, 輸了的話,政府可以理睬我們 ,我們更有機會連否決權也失去。
In case of victory, we will not reap any benefit; and in case of loss, the Government can just ignore us. We can also lose this right to veto as well.
當我們看到一件完全沒有公理、明明引起公憤的事情,而當我們質 問政府,政府卻理睬我們 ,連開會也不准,保皇黨的議員更投票反對我們 開會,企圖阻撓我們討論,我們便惟有提出這項議案,根據特權法來要求有 關文件,但他卻指這是內耗。
When we come across an incident that is obviously unfair and has aroused public anger, but the Government has turned a deaf ear to us and even prevented us from holding a meeting as Members from the pro-government camp even voted against our proposal to hold a meeting, attempting to stop us from discussing the issue, we have no choice but propose this motion to seek the relevant documents under the legislation on powers and privileges.
就是每逢會令有錢人產生麻煩的都不幹,懶 理睬。
Whenever there is the likelihood of causing trouble to the rich, it will desist from doing anything
[...] and will not pay any heed.
今天,連財政司司 長也沒有出席,他其實已表示態度,便是財政司司長根本也懶 理睬我 們
In fact, he has made clear his attitude, that is, the Financial Secretary just does not bother to pay heed to us.
還是你們根本不理睬他 們 ,只希望解決了他們,一俟進行工作外判以後,這些員工便完蛋了,職位 也會取消了。
Or is it because you really do not want to pay any attention to them and you only hope to get rid of them, and once their jobs are outsourced, such staff will be finished and their posts will also be deleted?
梁家傑議員剛才說得很清楚,整個諮詢簡直就是行政霸道,也無 理睬 我們
Mr Alan LEONG made it very clear earlier on, that the entire consultation is downright executive hegemony, which also explains why we can be totally ignored.
自从接到实况调查团的建议之后,以色列一直 理睬 关 于取消封锁和停止关 闭进出加沙的过境点的呼吁,理睬 关 于允许人道主义援助和将加沙的生活水准 恢复到以前状态所需的其他物品及物资过境的呼吁,包括允许用于加沙在 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月以色列军事侵略和封锁造成灾难性影响之后重建和恢复所 必需的物品毫无阻拦地进入以满足巴勒斯坦平民人口日常生活需要的呼吁。
Since receiving the recommendations contained in the report of the FactFinding Mission, Israel has not complied with the calls to lift the blockade and to cease the closing of border crossings with Gaza and to allow for the crossing of humanitarian assistance and other supplies and materials needed for the restoration of the standard of living in Gaza to its status quo ante including by allowing for the unfettered entry of goods that are essential for both the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Gaza following the Israeli military aggression in December 2008 and January 2009 and the disastrous impact of the blockade for meeting the daily subsistence needs of the Palestinian civilian population.
正如有些同事吃午飯時 也埋怨,政府是“有事鍾無艷,無事夏迎春”,需要票數時就急call,但 當我們有意見或建議時,即使只要求修改一個字,有關官員只要數夠票 便理睬我們了。
It would call us urgently when it need our votes, but when we have an opinion to give or a suggestion to make, even if it is only a request to change one word, the relevant officials would ignore us if they have secured enough votes.
但是,阿塞拜疆当局选择理睬这个 善意姿态,在 引导平民脱离危险境地方面无所作为。
However, the Azerbaijani authorities chose to ignore that goodwill gesture and did nothing to lead the civilian population out of harm’s way.
这些形式包括威胁和恐吓行为;施加毫无道理的全面隔 离;关押条件使被拘留者无从知道自己被关在哪里、关了多久;对人实 施假处决;完全理睬一个 人或将其带入刑具室,或者将其置于一个可 能产生拘留当局准备实施酷刑的印象的环境。
Those forms include acts involving threats and intimidation; the imposition of total and unjustified isolation; detention in conditions that render the detainee incapable of knowing where he is being held or how long he has been there; subjecting a person to mock execution; and totally neglecting a person or putting him in a place equipped for the infliction of torture or giving the impression that the detention authorities are preparing to inflict torture.
可是,主席女士,很可惜,當兩間巴士公司被新巴收購後,我想我們的 游說工作又不會成功了,巴士公司其實無須怎 理睬 我 們,對於其服務,我 們只有要或不要,其實是沒有選擇的。
Insofar as its service is concerned, our choice is either we take it or we do not take it, which is actually a case of Hobson's choice.
在第二个十年期间,大会认识到自决是一项基 本人权,但它呼吁特别委员会、消除种族歧视委员
[...] 会、人权事务委员会以及加勒比共同体和非洲联盟 进行协作,但无理睬,特 别委员会只是注意到这 些机构和组织的工作。
During the Second Decade, the General Assembly had recognized that self-determination was a fundamental human right, but its calls for collaboration between the Special Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Human Rights Committee, as well as with the
Caribbean Community and the African Union,
[...] had not been heeded, the Special [...]
Committee having merely taken note of the work
of those bodies and organizations.
現時的政府並非強勢政府,酒商來到 立法會要求減稅,但當條例草案通過後,他們便 理睬 , 把稅款放進自己的 口袋,別人也奈他們不何。
The present Government is not a strong one. The alcoholic beverage trade came to the Legislative Council to request a duty reduction, however, after the passage of the Bill, they could not care less and pocketed the savings in duty themselves, yet there is nothing others can do.
然而,以色列不但没有响应 或遵从安理会的呼吁,而且继续推行侵略的政策,甚 至将侵略升级,每天造成数十人的死亡,对于无论来 自哪里的国际呼吁一概不理睬。
However, instead of responding to or heeding the call of the Council, Israel has pursued its aggressive policies and even escalated its aggression, claiming the lives of dozens every day with no concern for international appeals, regardless of their source.
1521 D. Conn. 1984)中, 原告 对美利坚合众国康涅狄格州托林顿市提起诉讼, 声称警官一直理睬她对 已分居丈夫的暴力行为的投诉, 甚至在看到他对她 进行野蛮攻击时仍然无动于衷, 陪审团裁定给予她230万美元 的赔偿金。
In the case of Thurman v. City of Torrington, (595 F. Supp. 1521 D. Conn. 1984) a plaintiff sued the city of Torrington, Connecticut, in the United States of America, alleging that police officers repeatedly ignored her complaints about violence by her estranged husband and even stood by and watched as he brutally attacked her and was awarded US $2.3 million in damages by the jury.




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