

单词 理发


理发店 pl

hairdressers pl




hair parlor
barber's shop

External sources (not reviewed)

缺乏此类凭据 可能说明一揽子项目理发挥的 监督和监测职能薄弱,也可能说明对项目的监测 不力。
Lack of such evidence may indicate weaknesses in the monitoring and oversight role of the portfolio managers and may also indicate that there was inadequate monitoring of the project.
发达国家在理发展中 国家问题时还应从政策空间的角度来考 虑问题,并采取措施克服危机对发展中国家造成的影响。
Developed countries should also think in terms of policy space when dealing with the problems of developing countries and take measures to resolve the fallout of the crisis on developing countries.
要将建立社会安全网络以及从人权角度 理发 展和 粮食安全问题,纳入国家和国际战略。
The establishment of social safety nets and the adoption of a human rights approach to development and food security need to be incorporated into national and international strategies.
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现
实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事努力无法解决阿富汗冲突,但我们不能忽
[...] 视安全保障对于确保在其他领域,例如在 理 、 发展 和人权领域取得进展的重要性;必须使阿富汗政府本 [...]
身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠、有效伙伴;此外,显然需要高度重视发展阿富汗
The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a credible political process to achieve that vision; the fact that while military efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security
to making progress in other areas, such as
[...] governance, development and human rights; [...]
the indispensability of a credible and
effective partner in the Afghan Government itself that can provide basic services and take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give priority to developing Afghan capabilities in order to transition to Afghan ownership.
在这方面,综合培训处计划为 D-1 和 D-2 职等工作人员举办领导才能 发展方案,为 P-4 和 P-5 职等工作人员举办理发展方案。
In this regard, the Integrated Training Service plans to conduct a leadership development programme for staff at the D-1 and D-2 levels and a management development programme for staff at the P-4 and P-5 levels.
尽管完整评估所有其他的 IBSP 活动超越了本报告的范围,仍然应当提及几个在此类项 目内成功开展的活动,如非洲的数学 理发 展 ( 项目 5-BJ-01,东道国贝宁),通过与联合 国教科文组织相关的中心推进微观科学实验的科学教育(项目 5-ZA-1,东道国南非),以 [...]
及开发抗禽流感病毒的抗病毒剂(项目 4-VN-01,东道国越南)等。
Although a complete review of all the other initial IBSP activities goes beyond the framework of the present report, it
is still expedient
[...] to mention successful developments within such projects as the development of mathematical physics in Africa (Project [...]
5-BJ-01, host country:
Benin), the promotion of science education through UNESCO associated centres for microscience experiments (Project 5-ZA-1, host country: South Africa), and the development of antiviral agents against avian influenza virus (Project 4-VN-01, host country: Viet Nam).
有关在非洲和拉丁美洲推行电子治理的经验信 息均作了收集,拟整理结集成一份电子 理发 展 现状的报告发表,对问题的现状作一概述, 并为教科文组织利用信息和传播技术促进地方 理发 展 提 供新的机遇。
Information of e-governance in Africa and Latin America has been collected
and will be published as
[...] state-of-the-art reports to provide an overview of the current situation and the opportunities for UNESCO to introduce ICT tools to improve governance at the local level.
正如我们今天听到的以及从外交部长拉苏勒给 秘书长潘基文的信(见 S/2011/118,附件)中看到的那
[...] 样,阿富汗政府越来越强烈地和正当地要求领导理、发展和 实现和平的努力的所有方面。
As we have heard today and seen in the letter (see S/2011/118, annex) from Foreign Minister Rassoul to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Government of Afghanistan
is increasingly and legitimately demanding to lead all aspects
[...] of governance, development and efforts [...]
to achieve peace.
有了这些易于理解的信息之后可帮助你快速 理发 生 网 络故障。
With these easy-to- understand information to help you quickly deal with after a network failure.
贸 发会议根据《阿克拉协议》,继续加大努力 理发 展 中 国家面临的市场准入方面 的问题,重点关注卫生与植物检疫措施以及遵守食品安全标准和质量要求,包括 遵守各种关于食品的法律和规章等问题。
Pursuant to the Accra Accord, UNCTAD continues to strengthen its work on market-access problems facing developing countries, focusing on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures and on compliance with food safety standards and quality requirements, including divergent food laws and regulations.
发展伙伴数目和援助数额的增加,还加剧了受援国在 理发 展 援 助方面所 面临的挑战。
An increase in the number of development partners and amount of aid has also compounded the challenge faced by recipient countries in managing development assistance.
这一大 目标下的具体目标包括:进一步建立开放、基于规则、可预测、非歧视的贸易和金融制度;满足最不 发达国家的特殊要求;满足内陆发展中国家和小岛屿国家的特殊要求;综合 理发 展 中 国家的债务问 题;让发展中国家有机会获得基本药物;普及新技术,特别是信息和通信技术。
The targets under this Goal include: developing further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system; addressing the special needs of least developed countries; addressing the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island states; dealing comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries; providing access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries; and making available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications.
粮食署采取了支持发展妇女事业的一系列措施,包括:更多 地利用设在联合王国的克兰菲尔德 理发 展 中 心,评估可能胜任高级管理职务的 妇女人选;通过中级管理人方案支持妇女;通过私营部门伙伴关系,在比利时的 欧洲管理中心和美国圣克拉拉大学开设针对妇女的高级领导课程。
WFP takes a number of measures to support women’s career development, including expanded use of the United Kingdom-based Cranfield Management Development Centre, to assess women candidates for potential senior management positions; supporting women through a middle-managers programme; and providing tailored senior leadership programmes for women at the Management Centre for Europe in Belgium and at Santa Clara University in the United States of America, through a private-sector partnership.
除了理发展账户的广泛责任外,该账户在经社部的能力发展工作中发挥很重要 的作用,藉此可以预测经社部对国家发展战略和政策所作出贡献的价值和独特 性。
Apart from the broader responsibilities in managing the Development Account, the Account plays a very significant part in the Department’s capacity development efforts, providing the means to project the value and uniqueness of the Department’s contribution to national development strategies and policies.
鱼通常以活体、新鲜、冷藏、冻冻、热 理 、 发 酵 、干制、 熏制、盐腌、腌渍、蒸煮、油炸、冷干、碎肉、肉粉或罐制,或二个或更多类型 [...]
It is generally distributed as live, fresh,
[...] chilled, frozen, heat-treated, fermented, dried, [...]
smoked, salted, pickled, boiled, fried,
freeze-dried, minced, powdered or canned, or as a combination of two or more of these forms.
这些问题可包括:在企业集团每个成员的利益与重整整个集团 的所需之间取得平衡;由集团非破产成员提供启动后融资,尤其是在可能产生 控制权问题的情形下(例如该非破产成员由企业集团破产母公司控制);如何理发生在属于实质相关人(见术语表,(jj)段)的集团成员之间的交易;由已进 入破产程序的集团成员提供融资;以及是否值得在破产程序中保持集团在破产 开始之前的资金结构,尤其是如果该结构涉及将集团所有资产用作筹资抵押, 而资金又是经具有财务职能的中央集团实体的渠道筹集的。
(jj)); provision of finance by group members subject to insolvency proceedings; and the desirability of maintaining, in insolvency proceedings, the financing structure that the group had before the onset of insolvency, especially where that structure involved pledging all of the assets of the group for finance that was channelled through a centralized group entity with treasury functions.
(f) 2010 年9月28 日,加拿大和蒙古理发出了一份联合声明,其中加拿 大欢迎蒙古承诺加入《公约》。
(f) On 28 September 2010, the Prime Ministers of Canada and Mongolia issued a joint statement in which Canada welcomed Mongolia’s commitment to accede to the Convention.
在这些新情况下,必须考虑采取何种 理发 展 政 策的新的方针,或者是否需要修 改已有的方针,从而既立即切实应对大规模社会不满和社会要求,又不危及近年 来脆弱的增长?
In these new circumstances, what new approaches to development policy must be considered, or old ones revised, in a way that at once responds concretely to massive social discontent and demands and does not jeopardize the fragile growth gains of recent years?
[...] 展研究所扩大服务范围,方法不仅包括查明、收集和传播南方解决方案和最佳做 法,而且也包括理“发展信息网”这一名册系统。
To capitalize on this increasing demand, the Special Unit has expanded its services through the Global South-South Development Academy not only by identifying, collecting and disseminating
southern solutions and best practices but also in
[...] its management of the Web of Information for Development roster system.
将未成年人 安置在居留性机构里是最后的选择,主要原因是对儿童的社会 理发 展 所产生的 消极影响以及对儿童在离开机构之后融入社会方面产生的影响。
Placing the underage in residential institutions is the last option, mainly because of the negative repercussions that affect their psycho-social development and the integration into society in the post-institutional phase.
(c) 2008 年 7 月 14 日至 18 日在坎帕拉为非洲公共行政和理发 展 学院和学 会协会(行政院校协会)负责人举行的研讨会,由“方案”与国际行政学院和学会 协会、非发展管理训练 研究中心(发管训研中心)和非洲 理发 展 学 会网合作组 织,以讨论经社部/行政院校协会公共行政教育和培训优秀标准问题国际工作队 拟订的关于公共行政教育和培训的优秀标准。
(c) Seminar for Directors of Schools and
Institutes of Public
[...] Administration and Management Development in Africa, convened to discuss standards of excellence in public administration education and training, organized by the Programme, in cooperation with the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA), the Centre africain de formation et de recherche administratives pour le développement (CAFRAD) and the Africa Management Development Institutes [...]
Network (AMDIN), designed
by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs/IASIA International Taskforce on Standards of Excellence in Public Administration Education and Training, and held in Kampala from 14 to 18 July 2008.
(d) 有能力以符合时间要求的方式同时掌握和 理发 展 中 国家缔约方的多 个复杂项目,包括有能力为了共同和互补的目标而与不同的客户和利益团体有效 合作;并且有能力评价项目管理的业务绩效和采取措施加强其效能。
(d) The ability to simultaneously manage and administer multiple and complex projects in developing countries in a timely manner, including the ability to work effectively with different clients and interest groups towards shared and complementary objectives; and the ability to evaluate the operational performance of project management and to take measures to enhance its effectiveness.
[...] 治团还致力于加强科索沃警察管理一级的独立能力,系统地改变科索沃警察的预 算理,发展情 报和分析局使其成为科索沃警察刑事情报系统的有效核心。
As part of the long-term EULEX effort to build sustainable capacity in Kosovo rule of law institutions, the Mission also contributed to strengthening the independent capabilities of the Kosovo police at management level, to systemic
changes in the administration of the Kosovo
[...] police budget, and the development of the [...]
Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis
as the effective hub of the Kosovo police Criminal Intelligence System.
[...] 执行,还增进了利益攸关方之间的协调,但是其总体的效力必须在上文指出的 理发 展的 背景之下进行评估。
The NPP modality has provided these countries with a more comprehensive framework, management flexibility, more focused implementation and enhanced
stakeholder coordination but its overall efficacy must be assessed in the context of
[...] the management evolution just noted.
第三个目标是加强民主、人权 和自决等领域的社区治理机构,与有活力的民间社会一道 理发 展 问 题,并且使 公共部门现代化。
The third goal entails strengthening the community’s institutions of governance, including in the areas of democracy, human rights and self-determination, engaging with a vibrant civil society on development issues, and modernizing the public sector.
巴巴业力处理损害赔偿在狭义(连同盗窃,抢劫,人身伤害)和损害赔偿的权利;巴巴meci'a而言,主要是在资本方面的法律问题和 理发 现 , 存款利率和贷款;巴巴Bathra关注的是社会的政体(财产,限制,购买和销售,安全,继承和文件)的问题。
Baba Kamma treats of damages in a narrow sense (along with theft, robbery, and bodily injury) and the right to damages; Baba meci'a is concerned chiefly with legal questions in regard to capital and treats finding, deposits, interest and loans; Baba Bathra is concerned with questions of social polity (possessions, limitations, buying and selling, security, inheritance and documents).
国际援助的作用是确保第 13 条规定的权利得到有效落实,确保受教育能 力,消除社会中的种族和宗教歧视以及帮助王国政府依靠技术 理发 展 国 家。
The role of the international support is to ensure the actual exercise of rights as stipulated in article 13, ensure the capacity to education; eliminating discrimination against races and religions in the society; and helping the Royal Government develop the nation on technical management.
为了促进持续、具有包容性和公平的经济增长,非洲经济委员会(非洲经委 会)倡导在非洲建立一个新的发展框架,以促进国家在 理发 展 和 促进经济变型 方面发挥更有效的作用为基础。
To promote sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has advocated for a new development framework in Africa based on a more effective role for the State in governing development and promoting economic transformation.




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