单词 | 球鞋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 球鞋 noun, plural —shoes pl球鞋 —athletic shoesExamples:网球鞋 n—tennis shoe n See also:鞋 n—shoe n • footwear n
持鐵鎚的疑犯則身穿黑色上衣,灰色卡其褲,黑 色 球鞋 和 穿 上手套。 ktsf.com | The sledgehammer-carrying suspect was wearing a black hoodie, gray cargo pants, [...] black and white sneakers and gloves. ktsf.com |
噴楜椒噴霧的疑犯當時身穿白色連帽上衣,藍色牛仔褲,黑白 色 球鞋 , 頭 戴冷帽並穿上手套。 ktsf.com | The pepper spray-wielding suspect was wearing a white hoodie, blue jeans, [...] black and white sneakers, a black beanie [...]and gloves. ktsf.com |
奶酪、瑞士军刀、钟表、网球拍和足 球鞋 - 卢 塞恩狂欢节上的花车总结了可代表瑞士的东西。 swissworld.org | A mountain of cheese, a Swiss army knife, a clock, a tennis racket, a football and a football boot - a Lucerne carnival float sums up what Switzerland is all about...© swissworld.org swissworld.org |
起初NOWHERE只發售UNDER [...] COVER跟我從美國搜羅回來的服飾,當中有全新也有Vintage單品,而且還有很受歡迎的Dead st o c k 球鞋。 think-silly.com | To begin with we only sold UNDER COVER and some clothing I sourced from America — new designs, [...] vintage and deadstock trainers. think-silly.com |
庄臣达成收购 Sara Lee 的全球鞋类护 理业务的协议,其中包括广受 欢迎的 Kiwi® [...] 品牌。 scjohnson.com | SC Johnson reaches an agreement to [...] acquire Sara Lee’s global shoe care business, including [...]the beloved Kiwi® brand. scjohnson.com |
但現在很多住在公 [...] 共屋 的家長也很樂意為子女購買昂貴的球 拍 、 球鞋 , 或 給他們金錢到電子遊戲機 室玩樂等。 legco.gov.hk | But now, many parents living in public [...] housing estates are willing to buy [...] expensive rackets and sports shoes for their children [...]or give them money to play in video games centres. legco.gov.hk |
走上這些橋樑時,感覺不斷搖晃、頭昏眼光,生手都走得很慢,但熟人走在橋上卻很習慣,好似穿著喬丹 籃 球鞋 一 樣 輕快。 thisbigcity.net | First timers take slow steps, while experienced crossers walk as if they were [...] in Air Jordan basketball sneakers. thisbigcity.net |
(b) 球員更換穿著:在死球時,裁判員應給時間讓球員更換嚴重破損的球衣、 短褲或球鞋。 irblaws.com | When the ball is dead, the referee allows time for a player to replace or repair a badly torn [...] jersey, shorts or boots. irblaws.com |
以下事件会变成家庭便饭:“Ruffles”还是幼犬的时候,它会经常扯下餐厅窗帘的边缘;“Babe”经常会在重要的比赛前弄坏宝贝的 足 球鞋 ; “ Ferragamo”一整天藏在 Leddy 姑妈的手提包中,但全家人都会以为它跑出去了。 eukanuba.com.cn | The stories often become family lore: "Ruffles" pulled the fringe off the dining room curtains when she [...] was a puppy, "Babe" chewed [...] up Bobby's football boots right before the big match, "Ferragamo" [...]hid in one of Aunt Leddy's [...]handbags for an entire day and the whole family was convinced she had run away. eukanuba.com.au |
一個高爾夫球袋,內有高爾夫球桿和一雙高爾 夫 球鞋 dragonair.com | One golf bag containing golf clubs [...] and one pair of golf shoes dragonair.com |
Anniel 1976年创建,当时只是意大利利贝卢那的一个家庭小作坊,专门制作运 动 球鞋。 shop.projectaegis.com | Anniel was founded in 1976 by a small [...] family-run, develops in Montebelluna, near Venice, and specializes [...] immediately in the field of footwear and sportswear. shop.projectaegis.com |
在這悠久的歷史裡,它的定義作出多次變奏 — 籃球鞋、Sk ate Shoes、對應著BMX運動的機種…這種多向的延伸、發展, 在 球鞋 史 上是極少有的;慢慢地,NIKE DUNK超越了復古球鞋的本 質,昇華成一段歷史,甚至一件藝術品。 think-silly.com | In the duration, its many mutations came to life — basketball shoes, skate shoes, tailor-made shoes for BMX… the eventful development is extremely rare in the history of sneakers. think-silly.com |
作品意在创造视觉冲击,描述篮球运动员,并表 现 球鞋 如 何 帮助他们更好地发挥。 ba-repsasia.com | The idea was to create visually stimulating pieces that [...] describe the basketball players and represent how the shoe improves their game. ba-repsasia.com |
该桥的主承包商Laing.0’Rourke与 Cure复合材料公司(位于澳大利亚的扬迪纳)签定了制造这副巨型 网 球鞋 底 的 合同。 diabgroup.com | Cure Composites (Yandina, Queensland) [...] was awarded the contract to produce [...] the giant pair of tennis shoe soles by Laing 0’Rourke [...]the main contractor for the bridge. diabgroup.com |
(a) 主辦單位指派或授權的裁判員與巡邊員,必須檢查球員的穿著 與 球鞋底 錨是否符合規則。 irblaws.com | (a) The referee or the touch judges appointed by or under the authority of the match organiser must inspect the players’ clothing and studs for conformity to this Law. irblaws.com |
這時候,我的球鞋已變 成一艘小船,全濕了。 4tern.com | My shoes, socks were soaked and wet. 4tern.com |
我曾向教育局提問的是,據我觀察,香港很多年青人願意花兩三百元購 買一雙球鞋、花 三四百元購買知名歌星的演唱會門票,還要排隊等候簽名, 但如果要求他們以 20 元買門票欣賞嚴肅的國畫或西洋畫,一般的反應也是 搖頭的。 legco.gov.hk | The question that I put to the Education Bureau is this: I told them that according to my observation, many young people in Hong Kong are willing to spend $200 to $300 on a pair of sneakers, or $300 to $400 on a ticket of a famous singer's concert. legco.gov.hk |
SATRA的旗舰刊物每月出版,使会员在第一时间获得影响全 球鞋类和 皮革行业的最新资讯及技术发展信息。 satra.co.uk | SATRA’s flagship publication is produced monthly to [...] keep members informed of the latest news and technical [...] developments affecting the global footwear and leather industries. satra.co.uk |
2010年「時尚匯集論壇」已確定的發言人包括 全 球鞋 業 同 盟的營運總監Peter T Mangione先生,他將對全球鞋業零 售商進行全面概覽,以及討論鞋業如何更透徹地把握市場商機和中國市場的狀況。 fashionaccess.aplf.com | Confirmed speakers at Fashion Access Forum 2010 include Mr. [...] Peter T Mangione, [...] Managing Director, Global Footwear Partnerships, who will take a comprehensive look at global footwear retailers and how footwear entrepreneurs [...]can better understand [...]market opportunities and realities in the China market. fashionaccess.aplf.com |
销售总监Jennifer Rust说道:“一双合脚的高尔夫球鞋提 供 出色的舒适度和稳定性。 mechanicsofstyle.com | A good fitting golf shoe provides comfort [...] and stability,” says Director of Merchandising Jennifer Rust. mechanicsofstyle.com |
2011年6月1 日,为了庆祝“六一儿童节”, Emerson 各地员工捐助上万元善款,为学生们购 买球鞋与袜 子,把物资与爱心送给云南镇沅县东 镇学堂村小学的孩子们。 emerson.com | Since 2009, Emerson has participated in the “New Great Wall Program” of the China Foundation for underprivileged college students. emerson.com |
想要一双很酷的球鞋,还 能代表你的家乡? ba-repsasia.com | Want a cool pair of kicks and also rep your hometown at the same time? ba-repsasia.com |
本機最適合足球鞋、高爾夫球鞋、雪 靴、男鞋、登山鞋、工作鞋、休息鞋之結幫。 minz.com.tw | Especially suitable for soccer shoes, golf shoes, snow shoes, man shoes, climbing shoes, working shoes, and casual shoes lasting. minz.com.tw |
Sara Lee 全球鞋类护理业务,包括全球的 Kiwi® 品牌、 加拿大的 Tana® 品牌、 欧洲的 Bama® International [...] 品牌以及 亚洲的 Kiwi Kleen® 清洁 剂品牌。 scjohnson.com | Sara Lee’s global shoe care business, including the global Kiwi® brand, [...] the Tana® brand in Canada, Bama® International in [...]Europe and Kiwi Kleen® cleaners in Asia. scjohnson.com |
连帽粗呢大衣,羊毛外套,针织衫,皮草 配饰,黑色格子衬衫,打皱的橙色礼服,带后跟的 球鞋,牛仔布等元素在本季脱颖而出。 enviefashion.com | Particular pieces that stood out were Re Dark's plaid shirts, Lip Service's [...] vertical pleated luminescent orange dresses over black [...] bodysuits, Backs' heeled tennis shoes and their denim [...]everythings. enviefashion.com |
ONELEAF相信每个人都是独一无二的,树叶产品将强烈的个性文化,透过大胆的设计运用,展现出个性魅力的强烈冲击,在融入了许多个性的风格后,为鞋款带来了全新的进化, oneleaf的基因就开始广泛接触全球鞋子 流 行文化吸取各式各样的潮流资讯,它是我们作为灵感设计的主要源泉。 oneleaf.com.cn | ONELEAF believe that every person is unique, the leaves will be a strong personality and cultural products through the use of bold design, showing a The strong impact of charm in the style into a number of personality, in [...] order to bring a new evolution of shoes, oneleaf genes began Extensive contacts [...] with the world's shoes absorb all kinds [...]of pop culture trend [...]information, it is designed as the main source of inspiration. oneleaf.com.cn |
論壇的演講者包括 PumaSAFE 供應鏈環球總監 Reiner Hengstmann 博士、環球鞋業同 盟的創辦人 Peter Mangione 先生 - 他將分享自己在鞋業30餘年的寶貴經驗,以及時尚趨勢預測公司 StyleSight的亞洲潮流趨勢總監 [...] Valerie Wilson Trower 博士。 fashionaccess.aplf.com | Confirmed speakers include Dr. Reiner [...] Hengstmann, PUMA’s Global Director of PumaSAFE supply chain, Mr. Peter Mangione, founder of Global Footwear Partnerships, who [...]brings to the Forum over [...]30 years of experience in the footwear industry, and Dr. Valerie Wilson Trower, Asia Trend Director of trend forecasting company StyleSight. fashionaccess.aplf.com |
根據膠黏劑行業報告,鞋履需求自二零零五年至二零零八年持續增加,於二零零 [...] 五年、二零零六年、二零零七年及二零零八年, 全 球鞋 履 產 量分別約為140億雙、149 億雙、161億雙及166億雙(儘管於二零零八年年底爆發全球金融危機),複合年增長率 [...]約為5.84%。 cre8ir.com | According to the Adhesive Industry Report, demand for footwears has [...] grown from 2005 to 2008 and global [...] production output of footwears amounted to approximately [...]14 billion pairs in 2005, approximately [...]14.9 billion pairs in 2006, approximately 16.1 billion pairs in 2007 and approximately 16.6 billion pairs in 2008 despite of the global financial crisis in late 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate of approximately 5.84%. cre8ir.com |