

单词 球证

External sources (not reviewed)

石油收益透明化:美国能源安全与 反腐政策的战略元素》,球证人组 织,2007 年 3 月, 详情可登录 www.global witness.org。
Oil Revenue Transparency: A Strategic Component of U.S. Energy Security and Anti-Corruption
[...] Policy”, Global Witness, March 2007, at www.global witness.org.
球证券市场已在反弹、 贷款的风险溢价降低。
Global equity markets have [...]
rebounded and risk premiums on lending have fallen.
环境项目小组也在审查让整个小开曼岛取得绿色 球证 书 的 各项要求。
The Environmental Project team was also reviewing the requirements for
[...] attaining Green Globe certification for the entire Island [...]
of Little Cayman.
StatPro的数据范围包括球证券、全球 债 券、全球共同基金、大部分指数体系、外汇利率和市场分类等等。
StatPro data coverage includes global equities, global bonds, global mutual funds, most families of benchmarks, FX rates, sector classifications and much else besides.
本报告中涉及的 15 家公司均收到了来自球见证关于 这项合作研究项目的中文通 知。
All 15 companies mentioned in this report
[...] received a letter from Global Witness (in Mandarin) [...]
notifying them of the upcoming launch
of the joint research project.
上交所秉承“法制、监管、自律、规范”的八字方针,致力于创造开放、安全、高 效的市场环境。128 上交所可以通过提高对公司向海外政府支付的信息披露的要求,使自 身更为规范和透明,并提高它在 球证 券 交易所中的地位。
The SSE operates on the principle of “legislation, supervision, self-regulation and standardization” with the aim of creating an “open, safe and efficient marketplace”.128 The SSE has a great opportunity to improve standardization, transparency and to leverage its leadership by requiring disclosure on payments to overseas governments.
本次会议将以交互式数据在球证券 市 场和公共部门领域强劲发展动力为基础,重点讨论XML格式数据将如何对上市公司数据、政府业绩信息、交易信息及其他信息的用户带来有利影响。
This conference will build on the momentum behind
[...] interactive data worldwide both in the securities [...]
markets and in the public sector,
with an emphasis on how data in XBRL format will favorably impact the consumer of public company data, government performance information, transactional information and other information.
由1973年起,法国巴黎银行一直热心赞助网球运动及大力支持球手与广大球迷,包括新晋球星、职 球 手 、 球证 、 拾 球 员 , 甚至观众席上的家庭和爱于周末在球场大展身手的健儿,由与网球结缘开始,集团一直希望让更多人投入这项运动。
Since 1973, BNP Paribas has shown unrivalled enthusiasm in its partnership with tennis and its support for both players and fans, from the rising young star to the seasoned professional, from the umpires to the ball-boys and -girls, from the family sitting in the stands to the veteran who goes out on the courts at weekends.
作为 GCF(球认证论坛 )和 CCF(CDMA 认证论坛)的成员,我们在全球技术领域发挥了积极的作用,并且我们的工程师均为其知识领域的专家,可为您提供最完整的电信测试和认证解决方案。
As a member of the GCF (Global Certification Forum) and CCF (CDMA Certification [...]
Forum), we take an active role in global
technology and our engineers are experts in their fields of knowledge, bringing you the most complete solution for telecommunications testing and certification.
通过调查和游说,球见证致力于找出破解“ 资源诅咒”的方法来减少冲突和腐败,这样富资源 国家的人民便有望公平地获得他们在国家财富中应 得的一部分。
Through investigations and advocacy, the organization seeks solutions to the ‘resource curse’ to prevent conflict and corruption and so that citizens of resource-rich countries can, hopefully, get a fairer share of their country’s wealth.
但根据两用物品类型、出口协议类型和持续时间以及 出口物品目的国的不同,经济部可向出口商发放同类物品出口到一国或多国的球通用许可证。
However, depending on the type of dual-use items in question, the type and duration of the export agreement and the country to which these goods are being exported,
the Ministry may issue
[...] to the exporter a global licence for the export of goods of the same kind, for one or more countries.
在国家疆界以外,我们比以往更有必要开展国际合作,以加强共享海洋资源 的球渔业管理,证可持 续渔业能继续提供相关就业及其他经济效益。
Beyond national boundaries, there is increasing need
for international
[...] cooperation to improve global fisheries management of shared marine resources and to preserve the associated [...]
employment and other
economic benefits of sustainable fisheries.
我们特制的壁球馆(7.3米长、4.5米宽、3.2米高)得到世界 球 联 盟的 认 证 , 让您畅快淋漓底挥洒在海天之间。
Our specially designed squash court (7.3 meters long, 4.5 meters wide, 3.2 meters high) and accredited by the World Squash Federation.
球范围,被证明对预防注射吸毒者中新的艾滋病毒感染最有效的服务的 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月向 [...]
注射毒品者分发少量无菌器械,8%的人参加类阿片激动剂治疗方案,和 4%的艾 滋病毒呈阳性的注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that [...]
have been shown to be most effective in preventing new HIV infections among people
who inject drugs remains low: a limited number of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of drug dependence treatment services, a limited number of sterile devices are distributed per month per person who injects drugs, 8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy and 4 per cent of HIV-positive people who inject drugs are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
[...] 不可持续的消费主义日益盛行、对私营部门的信任和问责有所减少、对靠不可持 续的消费赚取利润的部门监管不足(全 球 金 融 危机 证 了 这 一点),以及对不可持 续的生产和消费模式的驱动因素缺乏了解。
We believe that the resistance of Governments to developing adequate national sustainable consumption and production policy frameworks is combined with a continued promotion of unsustainable consumerism, an erosion of trust and accountability of the private sector, inadequate regulation for sectors whose
profits depend on unsustainable
[...] consumption (as witnessed by the global financial crisis) [...]
and, lastly, a lack of understanding
of the forces driving unsustainable production and consumption patterns.
一方面,GCF 不断将 TD-LTE
[...] 新增频段的移动设备纳入其认证范畴,为 TD-LTE 终端提供球性的认证平台 ;另一方面,通过 GCF 认证的终端也意 [...]
味着获得 GCF 运营商成员的认可,加速 TD-LTE 商用。
On one hand, GCF constantly incorporates mobile equipment with newly added TD-LTE
frequency bands into the scope of its
[...] certification to provide global certification platform [...]
for TD-LTE terminal; on the other
hand, passing GCF certification means the terminal is recognized by GCF operator members, which speeds up commercial application of TD-LTE.
下面的传感器具有可选的 FM 或 CSA 本安认证,适用美 国和加拿大,而 ATEX 认证适用全球。
The following sensors have optional FM or CSA Intrinsically Safe certification, for use in the US and Canada,
[...] and ATEX certification, for use worldwide.
作为球测试和认证的总 工程师,Dosedlo 先生与区域首席工程师一道,为 UL 集团提供全球性的技术指导和监督,最终提高了员工的技术能力,促进了认证要求的一致应用,优化了 [...]
UL 标志项目的管理,实现了 UL 认证要求与相应安装规范、UL
As the global chief engineer for testing and certification, together with [...]
the regional chief engineers, Mr. Dosedlo provided
technical direction and oversight for the UL family of companies on a global basis to facilitate staff technical competence, consistency in application of certification requirements, management of the UL Mark program, compatibility of UL certification requirements with applicable installation codes, UL's data acceptance policy, and product certification program management.
与母公司 ROHM 合并后的协同优势 — ROHM
[...] 作为一家资产达数十亿美元的半导体公司,拥有庞大的分销网络、出色的现场工程团队、具备成熟设计经验的全球研发团队,以及 球 质 量 保 证 体系 — 以增强我们面对全球庞大客户群的服务能力。
Synergy with our parent company ROHM—a multi-billion dollar semiconductor company with a vast distribution
network; exceptional field engineering group; global R&D
[...] organization with proven design expertise; [...]
and worldwide quality-assurance
systems—strengthens our ability to serve a large global customer base.
她最近的任职是在 STR 的测试和质量证部担任全球化学 负责人。
More recently, she was Global Head of Chemistry for [...]
STR's Testing and Quality Assurance Group.
海卓泰特作为全球工程与连接完整性服务公司,与屡获殊荣的跨国机构 City and
[...] Guilds 共同编制了一系列独特的全新现场加工培训课程 - 这项业内首举旨获得了球认可的认 证。
GLOBAL engineering and joint integrity services company Hydratight has joined forces with international awarding body City and Guilds to develop a unique
new series of on-site machining training courses ­­- the first in this
[...] field leading to globally-recognised certification.
作为世界领先的检验、验证、检测和认证公司,我们已获得主要行业协会和 证 机 构的 全 球 性 认 可。
As the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company we are internationally recognized by major industry associations and accreditation bodies.
我们敬业的品牌专家团队已经开发出各种富于创新的命名、设计、品牌战略与验证方法, 它们证明是全球最有效的方法之一。
Our dedicated team of branding experts has developed innovative
naming, design, brand strategy, and
[...] validation methodologies that have proven to be among the most effective in the world.
虽然这种做法在区域范围内对数目有限的法域或许行得通, 但在球范围内可证明无 济于事,因为对于这些名称所谓何物并非所有法域 都有共同理解,若要包罗万象,相当麻烦,恐非易事。
While that approach might be possible for a limited number of
jurisdictions in a regional context, it
[...] might not prove to be helpful in a global context, since not [...]
all jurisdictions share a common
understanding of what those labels mean and it might prove cumbersome and difficult to achieve in a comprehensive manner.
2010 年, 中证交所约占球IPO 交 易总数的37%,这是因为越来越多的中国公司能够达到上市要求,表明尽管年内全球金融动荡不安,中国经济仍然保持强劲增长。
The Chinese stock exchange was responsible for
[...] around 37 per cent of the global total IPO deals in 2010, [...]
as more Chinese
companies could meet the requirements for public offerings, reflecting China’s strong economic growth during the year despite the global financial uncertainty.
证明,2010 年从 2008-2009 年球金融 危机谷底形成的 V 形复苏是短暂 的,世界经济在 2011 年进入危机的第二阶段,由于欧元区债务危机加重,美利 [...]
The V-shaped recovery from the depths
[...] of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis in 2010 proved to be short-lived [...]
as the world economy
entered the second stage of crisis in 2011, with a sharp deterioration in the global environment as a result of the accentuation of the eurozone debt crisis and continued uncertain outlook for the economy of the United States of America.
通过与国际高等教育质量证、资格 认 证 和 承认 全 球 论 坛 的工作密切配合,正在制定 一个政策框架,以满足因高等教育全球化的影响,新的信息技术、因特网和各种形式的高等 教育商业化,包括教育服务贸易的放开而产生的新的需要。
In close cooperation with
[...] activities of the Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Recognition [...]
of Qualifications in
Higher Education, a policy framework is being developed to address new needs arising from the impact of globalization on higher education, fuelled by new information technologies, the Internet and different forms of commercialization of higher education, including the liberalization of trade in education services.
[...] 作用,促进科学信息的自由流动, 证 全 球 知 识 和技术资源的开放,这样做对人类进步至关 [...]
Here UNESCO could play an important role in promoting a
free flow of scientific information and in
[...] keeping open a global pool of knowledge [...]
and expertise, crucial for the advancement
of humankind and corresponding to the Organization’s ethical mandate.
这些挑战的深层是,需要不断推进结构改革议程, 证积 极加入球市场 ,符合长期有力的经济增长途径,同时保持古巴社会保障制度的 [...]
Underneath these challenges lies a need to keep moving forward with an agenda
of structural reforms to guarantee a
[...] dynamic insertion into global markets consistent with [...]
a long-term path of robust economic
expansion, while preserving the achievements and social conquests of the Cuban social security system with a sustainable fiscal position.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为
401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第
[...] 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在球传播 经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 [...]
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was
consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had
[...] been designed to disseminate the [...]
results from the validation of methyl formate
technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.




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