单词 | 球蛋白 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 球蛋白—globulinExamples:甲形球蛋白—alpha globulin alpha fetoprotein (AFP) 球状蛋白质—globular protein See also:蛋白n—proteinn proteinspl 蛋白—albumen egg white 蛋n—eggsn eggn 蛋—oval-shaped
常规的抗体或者是完整大小的抗体是被称为免疫球蛋白的糖蛋白,其是浆细胞对外来分子或者抗原反应后产生的。 labome.cn | Conventional or full size antibodies areglycoproteins called immunoglobulins that are produced by plasma cells in response to a foreign molecule or immunogen. labome.com |
尿液中出现血清白蛋白,血清球蛋白或其他血清蛋白。 hksh.com | The presence of serum albumin, serum globulin, or other serum protein in the urine. hksh.com |
不会, 因为结合病毒的免疫球蛋白会阻止疫苗病毒的复制,即使注射完全无母源抗体的雏鸡,注射7-10 天后病毒才会在法氏囊复制。 transmune.com | No, because theImmunoglobulins covering the virus (VPI) blocks the vaccine replication for 7 to 10 days (even in the absence of MDA) before enter to the blood stream. transmune.com |
在平滑肌收缩的Ca 2 +释放的肌质网和生化事件的高潮肌动蛋白肌球蛋白丝的滑动。 institutododelta.com.br | During smooth muscle contraction is Ca ² + release by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and biochemical events that culminate with the sliding of myosinfilaments on actin. institutododelta.com.br |
用特异性甲状腺球蛋白(TG)抗体对甲状腺滤泡的免疫染色反应显示,阳性物质分布在滤泡上皮细胞的胞膜及围绕滤泡腔的周边与中央胶质,幼年与成年鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡的免疫阳性反应部位有所不同。 actazool.org | Immunohistological reactions to specific antibodies againstthyroglobulin (TG) showed that immunopositive substances were distributed at the cytomembrane of follicle epithelial cells, around the perimeter of the follicle lumen and in the center colloid. actazool.org |
而多发性骨髓瘤患者体内,恶性浆细胞的生长和分化不受调控,导致了大量单一类型的免疫球蛋白生成。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In patients with multiple myeloma, the uncontrolled [...] growth and division of a malignant plasma cell leads to the production of large amounts of [...] a single typeof immunoglobulin. labtestsonline.org.br |
免疫固定电泳的价值是用于鉴别是否有特殊免疫球蛋白形式的存在。 labtestsonline.org.cn | The value of immunofixation electrophoresis is in the identification of the presence of a particular typeof immunoglobulin. labtestsonline.org.br |
见 用小鼠抗体为例讨论免疫球蛋白的亚型,分类以及免疫球蛋白结构域的数量 。 labome.cn | See mouse antibody for discussion on immunoglobulin isotypes, subclasses, and the number of immunoglobulin domains. labome.com |
在电泳凝胶中看到的特征性条带就是这类异常的蛋白质,通过免疫固定可以进行鉴别哪些免疫球蛋白是异常的。 labtestsonline.org.cn | The abnormal protein can be seen as a characteristic band on the electrophoresis gel and is identified by immunofixation, which indicates which immunoglobulin is abnormal. labtestsonline.org.br |
织物具有平滑肌收缩的形成和保持密集的机构,结块与结蛋白和波形蛋白细丝的肌球蛋白II的基本制度。 institutododelta.com.br | The fabric has as smooth muscle contraction basic system of the formation and retention of dense bodies, agglomerates of myosin II associated with desmin and vimentin filaments. institutododelta.com.br |
免疫球蛋白和补体之外的其他大多数球蛋白也是由肝脏合成的。 labtestsonline.org.cn | With the exception of the immunoglobulins and some complement proteins, most of the globulins are also produced in the liver. labtestsonline.org.br |
在“隐鞭虫耐受性鱼”(处于感染状态但未发病)的血液中存在一种天然的抗蛋白酶—a2-巨球蛋白,可以中和分泌的金属蛋白酶(毒力因子)。 actazool.org | In Cryptobia-tolerant fish (infected with the pathogen but do not suffer from disease) the secreted metalloprotease (virulent factor) is neutralized by a2 macroglobulin, a natural anti-protease that is in the blood. actazool.org |
在试验开始时,根据水动力粒径,β-乳球蛋白主要为二聚物,和其预期分子量一致。 malvern.com.cn | At the onset of the experiment the beta lactoglobulin is primarily dimeric as seen from the hydrodynamic size, consistent with its expected molecular weight. malvern.de |
还有,如果您的孩子接受过伽马球蛋白治疗,请在接种前向您的医生咨询。 sir.or.jp | If your child has been [...] treated withgammaglobulin injections, please [...]consult your doctor before vaccination. sir.or.jp |
例如,图6B,是 Cc5细菌培养对特定胎球蛋白残基的糖基化状态的影响,分析方法是胰蛋白酶消化后,用LC-MS检测。 labome.cn | For example, in Fig 6B, the effect of incubation with Cc5 bacteria on the glycosylation status of specific fetuin residues is assayed, following tryptic digest, by LC-MS. labome.com |
但多数多发性骨髓瘤患者中出现一些细胞,生成一种名为病变蛋白(又名M蛋白)的免疫球蛋白,对机体无益。 businesswire.com | However, most patients with multiple myeloma have cells that produce a form of immunoglobulin called paraprotein (or M protein) that does not benefit the body. businesswire.com |
上海和睦家医院有破伤风免疫球蛋白,我们的医生能够通过肌肉注射来预防可能的破伤风感染。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | SHU has the tetanus immunoglobulin that our doctor can administer intramuscularly to prevent possible tetanus infection. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
已知骨骼肌的肌球蛋白重链(MHC)成份与其功能特性有关。 actazool.org | Myosin heavy chain (MHC) content in skeletal [...] muscle is related to functional characteristics. actazool.org |
维持免疫系统的代价与持续产生白细胞、免疫球蛋白以及其它血浆蛋白时的营养分配有关,这些血浆蛋白用于取代在正常的细胞代谢中丢失的蛋白质以及细胞间的蛋白质。 actazool.org | The costs of maintaining the immune system are related to allocating nutrients for the continued production of leukocytes, immunoglobulin, and other plasma proteins to replace those lost during normal turnover of cells and extra-cellular proteins. actazool.org |
B, LC-MS检测小牛血清胎球蛋白,表明 Cc5细菌培养的(下图)相比于未经处理的(上图)胎球蛋白的糖基化变化。 labome.cn | B, LC-MS analysis of fetalcalf serum fetuinreveals achange in glycosylation when incubated with Cc5 bacteria (lower panel) [...] as compared to untreated (upper panel). labome.com |
以兔红细胞吸附幼虫血淋巴凝集素为抗原制备的抗体、胎球蛋白和甲状腺蛋白等三种亲和层析吸附剂纯化得到的幼虫凝集素是相同的,其分子量73kD左右。 actazool.org | SDS-PAGE results indicated that, the lectin purified from larvae haemolymph was a monomer with molecular weight (Mr) around 73kD; while the lectin from pupa was composed of two subunits, with Mr 30 and 33 kD, respectively. actazool.org |