单词 | 班级 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 班级 noun, plural —classes pl班级 —classes or grades in schoolSee also:班 n—class n • team n 班—ranking • squad • work shift • surname Ban
教育调查现在包括班级规模和中等教育毕业生等项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The education survey, for example, now includes items on class size and secondary graduates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
学生通过单点登入查看他们的分配,课程 和 班级 其 它 信息。 javakaiyuan.com | Students through single sign-on view of their distribution , course and other class information . javakaiyuan.com |
例如,在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆大学,几个百 人 班级 追 逐 一本图书馆教科书是很普遍的,而且收 藏的教科书经常是两次新版之前的过期版本。 iprcommission.org | For example, at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, classes of 100 students chasing one copy of a library textbook are common and the textbook collections are often two editions out of date. iprcommission.org |
如果因为学生的特殊需 要,学习在有特殊需要的学生的班级 上 进行,如果学生已有了基础,学过简化课 程及有中度和重度学习障碍的学生的课程,正在接受基础教育,就可以提供额外 资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Additional resources are provided if, due to special needs of a pupil, the study takes place in a class for pupils with special needs and if a pupil is acquiring basic education on the basis of a simplified curriculum or curriculum for pupils with moderate and severe learning disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会深 [...] 为关切地注意到,在实践中,各学校并没有同样落实包容性战略;往往违反有关 主流学校中儿童数目和包容性班级管 理 的规则,学校在同一省各地区之间的分配 并不公平。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it notes with deep concern that, in practice, the inclusion strategy is not equally implemented in schools; rules relating to the number [...] of children in mainstream [...] schools and to the management of inclusive classes are commonly [...]breached; and schools are not [...]equitably distributed between regions of the same governorate. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,缔约国应采取具体步骤,确保不 [...] 得未经独立的医疗诊断,也不得完全依据儿童的能力而在特殊需 求 班级 安 置 任何 儿童包括罗姆儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the State party should take concrete steps to ensure that decisions for the placement of [...] all children, including Roma children, in [...] special needs classes may not be made [...]without an independent medical evaluation [...]nor based solely on the capacity of the child. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,教育部还在努力确保将罗姆儿童 纳入班级主流 ,并在这方面回顾说,对罗姆学生的排斥、歧视和将之边缘化有违 [...] 希腊《宪法》和立法,以及一些具有约束力的国际文书。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Ministry is striving [...] to ensure the integration of Roma children [...] in mainstream classes and has recalled, [...]to this effect, that the exclusion, segregation [...]and marginalization of Roma students are against the Greek Constitution and legislation as well as a number of binding international instruments. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于班级规模 、教师的专业资格、课程内容、教学方法及教材均设有严格的标准。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | These standards extend to class sizes, professional teacher qualifications, curriculum, teaching methods and materials. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
通过扩大班级的规 模、增加教师的工作量(尤其是对教学的支持本来就比 较差的情况下)、降低师范学院的入学门坎、聘用未经培训或不称职的专业人 [...] 员或几乎没有职业保障的合同老师等,都有可能进一步降低教师职业的地位, 使教师缺乏应有的设备来对付课堂上面临的现实问题,或导致教师丧失敬业精 神。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Responses to shortages through larger class sizes, by increasing [...] teacher workload, especially if teaching support is already [...]poor, by lowering the entry level to teacher colleges, by hiring untrained or poorly trained professionals or contract teachers with little job security, can further lower the status of the teaching profession, leave teachers ill-equipped to cope with the realities of the classroom or result in a loss of professional motivation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
每个儿童必须拥有受教育的平等机会和渠道;(b) 制定方法多种多样的初等教育 政策,即它们不应忽视儿童的社会、情感和心理方面以及每个方面是如何影响儿 [...] 童学习能力的;(c) 制定一些方案,促使家庭和社区成为教育进程的一部分,以 [...] 便它们可以帮助培育一种关爱儿童的氛围;(d) 建立教师和班级规模标准,以便 获得最佳教育经验,不让任何儿童在尝试获得成功所需要的知识时陷入困境;(e) [...] 为初等教育提供充足的资金,以便消除父母和照顾者肩上的负担;(f) [...] 保证教室 环境令所有儿童都感到安全,以便他们可以发挥各自的潜能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Every child must have an equal chance and accesses to education; (b) establish primary education policies that are wide-ranging in their approach. That is, they should not ignore the social, emotional and psychological aspects of childhood and how each affects a child’s ability to learn; (c) establish programmes to help families and communities become part of the educational process so that they may help to cultivate an atmosphere of support [...] for children; (d) establish norms for teachers [...] and for class size so that the optimum [...]educational experience is achieved, leaving [...]no child to flounder in an attempt to gain the knowledge needed to succeed; (e) fully fund primary education so that the burden is lifted from the shoulders of parents and caretakers; (f) assure that the classroom environment is one in which all children feel secure so that they may achieve their potential. daccess-ods.un.org |
开班前的分级考试可以确定学员入学时的 德语水平,保证学员可以在适合其水平 的 班级 开 始 学习。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | A placement test before the start of the course determines your previous language level, and you will then be put [...] into the appropriate course level. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
代表团说,《学校法》为特殊学校或特 殊班 级规定 了明确的招生标准,对有特殊教育需要、残疾或身体虚弱的儿童和学生有 [...] 明确的定义,并将这类儿童和学生与社会处境不利的儿童和学生区分开来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation stated that the School Act provided clear [...] criteria for enrolling children in [...] specialized schools or classes, and clearly [...]defined and distinguished between children [...]and students with special educational needs, handicaps, disabilities, or feeble health from those who came from a socially disadvantaged environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
推迟的其 他原因包括在时间选择、培训班长度 和 班级 规 模 问题上的意见分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further causes of the delay included divergent views over the timing and duration of the course and class size. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以给每个参与的班级分配一个 字母,由班级发出 邀请并在整个学校进行传播,安排排练日期和时 间。 peaceoneday.org | Each participating class could be allocated a letter and invitations could be made by the class and circulated throughout the school, citing a prearranged date and time. peaceoneday.org |
国际职工会协 调会代表建议,只要子女上了小学,就支付补助金,而不必任意规定一个截止日 期,否则,子女均在同一小学班级求 学的工作人员之间可能出现歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of CCISUA suggested that the grant should be payable as long as the child was admitted to a primary school rather than being subject to an arbitrary cut-off date, noting the potential discrimination between staff members whose children were both admitted to the same primary school class. daccess-ods.un.org |
每个班级通常会有解决学生非教学需 要的班主任。 jrs.ie | Each class usually has a year head teacher to look after the non-academic needs of the students. jrs.ie |
教育系统的资金方面出现了严重的赤字:教师 、 班级 设 备、资料供应以使 学生们能够在理想条件下接受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of inadequate funding, the education system is confronted with significant shortages with regard to teachers, class equipment and documentation enabling the pupils to keep up with the courses. daccess-ods.un.org |
她立刻怀疑是他(他有个班级小丑的名声),并告诉他不要这样做,声音不是很大老 师听不到。 ipaworld.org | She immediately suspects him (he has a reputation of being the class joker), and tells him not to do it, without saying it so loud that the teacher hears. ipaworld.org |
委员会建议缔约国,为向罗姆儿童提供教育,并提供有关罗姆语言与文化的教育 和其家长以及有关的罗姆组织进行磋商,修订其立法、政策和方案,或视必要雇 [...] 用中间人,确保各学校深切了解罗姆儿童的需求,与此同时,在没有任何客观理 由的情况下,防止将罗姆人收入在特 别 班级 内。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party revise its legislation, policies and programmes to provide education to Roma children, and on Roma language and culture, in consultation with parents and concerned Roma organizations, and employ mediators as necessary, ensuring that schools are sensitive to their [...] needs while preventing enrolment of Roma [...] children in special classes where there are [...]no objective grounds for assigning them thereto. daccess-ods.un.org |
当这个班级在七个月后毕 业时,这 900 名学员将加入国家警察的行列,其中 500 人担任警官,300 人担任惩教警官,100 人担任海岸 警卫队员。 daccess-ods.un.org | When it graduates in seven months, the 900 recruits will join the ranks of the Haitian National Police — 500 as police officers, 300 as corrections officers and 100 as coastguards. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还对下列情况表 示关切:残疾儿童,特别是女性残疾儿童,在受教育方面面临的困难;从事特别 [...] 教育的教师和监督人员人数有限;多数残疾儿童都在与健康儿童分开的学校 或班 级受教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is further concerned about the difficulties children with disabilities, particularly females, face in receiving education, about the limited availability of special education teachers and supervisors, and about the fact that the majority of children with [...] disabilities receive their education in [...] special schools or classes that are segregated [...]from children without disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还建议缔约国扩大儿童早期教育计划的覆盖面和提高其 质量,特别是增加保育人员人数,提高工作人员与儿童的比率,以保 证 班级 规模 小和“保育关系的连续性”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further recommends that the coverage and quality of early childhood education programmes is improved by, inter alia, increasing the number of care staff and improving the staffchild ratio, so that the group sizes are limited and “continuity of care” relationships are better secured. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管有其他新成员加入到班级中,或许能帮助孩子们减少一些孤独感,但是通常情况下对于大多数孩子而言这仍然是令人沮丧的经历。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Although the presence of other new children joining the class may help the child feel less lonely, it is still often a daunting experience for most. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
其中,一个班级用手 语“朗诵”了一首关于忠诚的诗;另一 个 班级 则 表演了一个精彩的“忠诚”小品。 ycis-bj.com | Another class performed an excellent “loyalty” skit. ycis-bj.com |
国际化的德语班级与多样化的课余 活动,将使德语学习迅速成为一种切身的生活体验。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | By attending German courses in [...] internationally mixed groups and with [...]a variety of leisure activities, learning German will [...]quickly become a real experience. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
应特别通过班级委员 会、学生会以及学校董事会和委员会中的学生代表来 实现儿童对决策进程的扎实参与,在这些组织中儿童可以对学校政策和行为守则 [...] 的制定和执行自由发表意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Steady participation of children [...] in decision-making processes should be achieved through, inter alia, [...]class councils, student [...]councils and student representation on school boards and committees, where they can freely express their views on the development and implementation of school policies and codes of behaviour. daccess-ods.un.org |
当计算小组或班级的平 均人数时,必须考虑有特别教育 需求的儿童或大中学生或小学生,两个或三个儿童可能患某种类型的残疾,这意 [...] 味着为他们组织的特殊班最多只能有 7 至 15 名大中学生或小学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | When the average number [...] of a group or class is calculated, [...]the child or student/pupil with special educational requirement [...]must be taken into account as two or three children subject to his disability type, meaning that the special classes organized for them may have max. 7–15 students/pupils each. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的学校反对歧视”竞赛是为学校或 班级 通 过学校干预和校外干预打击 针对全国第二和第三周期基础教育和中等教育学校的学生的各种形式歧视(即多 重歧视、平等待遇和机会均等问题)项目而设立的奖项。 daccess-ods.un.org | The contest “my school against discrimination” is an award for a [...] project of school [...] intervention or outdoor intervention coming from a school or a class on ways to [...]fight the various forms [...]of discrimination (namely the questions of multiple discriminations, of the equality of treatment and equal opportunities) for the pupils of the schools of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of the basic schooling and of the secondary level of all the Country. 110 schools applied, which involved more than 6 000 pupils of 17 districts of all the Country. 50 reports were presented, coming from the schools and groups of schools, the first prize being awarded to one school of each the three levels of teaching and two honour mentions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您愿意并有可能,为您孩子的老师、他所在 的班 级或学校提供帮助,比如作为出游时的陪同人员、在 [...] 举办某些活动和项目时的助手,或为其他孩子的家长 等担任翻译员,请告诉班主任老师。 primspiez.ch | Please let the class teacher know if [...] you are willing and able to support your [...] child's teachers, class or school through [...]any kind of assistance such as accompanying [...]trips out, helping in projects, small translations for parents of another child etc. This kind of help contributes to a good relationship between parents and teachers and a good atmosphere in the school. primspiez.ch |