单词 | 班次 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 班次 noun, plural —flights plless common: frequencies pl 班次 noun —frequency n班次 —number of runs or flights • order of classes or grades at school See also:班 n—class n • team n 班—ranking • squad • work shift • surname Ban
这使得军事行动和民用飞行可以同时存在, 民用飞行已从每天 200 个班次增加到禁飞期结束时的 400 多个班次。 daccess-ods.un.org | This allowed the safe coexistence of military and [...] civil operations, with [...] civil activity increasing from 200 flights a day to more than 400 at the end [...]of the no-fly zone period. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过在各个班次之间 定期召开会议和进行经验交流,世创电子材料得以将产量提高了10%。 reports.wacker.com | Through standardized meetings and experience-sharing [...] between the various shifts, Siltronic managed to raise its capacity by up to 10 percent. reports.wacker.com |
(b) 運輸署署長負責設定經營巴士服務的標準(服 務 班次 、巴 士載運量及巴士種類)、監察專營公司經營達致其滿意程 度的適當而有效率的公共巴士服務,以及為此目的作出 任何所需的行政指示和暫時更改指明路綫或批准暫時改 變有關路綫。 legco.gov.hk | (b) it is C for T who sets the standards for the operation of the bus services (bus frequency, bus carrying capacity and bus types), oversees that a grantee operates a proper and efficient public bus service to his satisfaction, and for that purpose, makes any necessary administrative direction, and alters a specified route or approves its variation temporarily. legco.gov.hk |
其他时间的班次则较少,周日晚上 7:00 收班,周一至周六午夜收班。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Services are less frequent at other times, and cease at 7:00pm Sunday and midnight on other days. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
因此,取消了硬拷贝分发夜班,把业务能力重新分配给较早 的 班次 , 从 而节省 了加班费和夜勤津贴,提高了印刷和复制能力的使用成效(同上,第 2.11(a)和 (e)段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, the night shift for hard-copy distribution has been eliminated and capacity has been reallocated to earlier shifts, leading to savings in overtime and night differential payments and the more effective use of printing and reproduction capacity (ibid. daccess-ods.un.org |
過境巴士在本港範圍 內的營運安排,必須符合非專營巴士的發牌條件、客運營 業證條件和過境巴士服務的營運條件,以及按照客運營業 證夾附的服務詳情表所指明的路線、上落客站點 和 班次經 營。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, such services must be operated in accordance with the routes, pick-up/drop-off points and frequencies specified in the corresponding schedules of service attached to the PSLs. legco.gov.hk |
備註 : 關於內地客車服務的班次及車費,如需要進一步資料,請與上述的服務供應商聯絡。 chinasouthcity.com | NOTE: For the mainland coach time schedule & bus fees, please contact the above service providers for more details. chinasouthcity.com |
(b) 由於乘客需 求不大及營辦 商 控 制成本的需要,大 部 分 航班的 班 次 較疏(由 15 鐘 至 20 分 鐘 一 班11 ),並且 使用舒適度 及 速度較 低 和 船齡較高的船隻。 forum.gov.hk | (b) Because of the low passenger demand and the need to control cost, most ferry routes operate at a relatively low frequency of 15 to 20 minutes11 , and older vessels that are less comfortable and of slower speed are deployed. forum.gov.hk |
例如,我们估计,在食品和饮料行业,停机成本 的范围大约为每小时 5,000 [...] 美元至 10,000 美元,其中许多意外停机 事件都发生在第二和第三班次。 uptime.videojet.com | For example, we estimate that the cost of downtime in the food and beverage industry varies between [...] approximately $5,000 to $10,000 per hour, with much of the unplanned downtime [...] occurring on the second and third shifts. uptime.videojet.com |
为国家警察制订复杂业务规划(危机管理;跨国犯罪和有组织犯罪;街头帮派和武术团体)提供 技术咨询和协助,包括为指挥人员举办至少 3 次危机管理问题讲习班,1 次机构 间综合边境管 理问题讲习班,以及为地区指挥官、副地区指挥官和业务主管举办 2 次社区警务问题讲习班 daccess-ods.un.org | Provision of technical advice and assistance to the national police in developing complex operations planning (crisis management, transnational crimes and organized crime, street gangs and martial arts groups) through at least 3 workshops on crisis management for command staff, 1 inter-agency integrated border management workshop, and 2 community policing workshops for district commanders, deputy district commanders and operations chiefs daccess-ods.un.org |
专家小组在 2011 年 7 [...] 月获悉,民用交通流量迅速增加,预计夏季民航交 通高峰可达 6 000 班次左右 ,这意味着或许需要修订夏季应急程序,但禁飞区在 [...]2011 年 10 月 27 日第 2016(2011)号决议第 6 段予以取消之前一直运转良好。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel was informed in July that the civil traffic flow situation was rapidly [...] evolving, and that a summer traffic peak of [...] around 6,000 civil flights was expected, which [...]meant that the summer contingency procedures [...]might need to be revised; but the no-fly zone went well until it was lifted on 27 October 2011 by resolution 2016 (2011), paragraph 6. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,澳門與韓國首爾每天有直航 班次 , 而 澳門與釜山每週有包機航班。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | At present, there is a [...] daily direct flight between Macau and Seoul, and twice-weekly charter [...]flight between Macau and Busan. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
普納即面臨如此重要關頭,城市發展完全無規劃,塞車、空氣污染、交通事故屢創新高,卻無穩定與普及的大眾運輸系統,居民常抱怨公車老舊、擁擠、效能低落 、 班次 不 固 定,車站大多殘破,地點也不方便,況且搭公車也無法節省時間,由於欠缺公車專用道,故和其他車輛一同受困在車陣中。 thisbigcity.net | The city is entirely unplanned; traffic congestion, air pollution and automobile accidents are at all time highs; and yet no reliable and broad public transportation system. thisbigcity.net |
精确饲喂的关键在于每个挤奶班次获 得的信息,这样,您可定制每头奶牛的饲喂需求。 delaval.cn | The key to accurate feeding lies in the information derived from each milking session, so you can tailor feed requirements to each specific cow. delaval.ca |
TPW20EE01高级累计功能:配方称重;与PC通讯(多种数据通讯协议);可储存1000个产品信息、200个客户/供应商信息、300个皮重值、4种累计数据、产品条码的数据库;15个可配置且可打印的文本ID(即:代码、批次ID、操作员 ID 、 班次 号 等);自动标定提醒:自动检查设置和标定;个性化设置打印格式。 diniargeo.cn | Standard version with "AF01" software for advanced totalisation, in loading/unloading, formulation; functioning as PC terminal (data entry protocol communication); database of 1000 articles; 200 customers/suppliers, 300 tares, 4 independent viewable and printable total levels, bar code reading with article activation; 15 configurable and printable text IDs (i.e.: Code, lot ID, operator ID, shift number, etc.), A.C.W. (Automatic Calibration Warning): automatically advises to check the configurable calibration. diniargeo.com |
目前,澳航每天都有航班来往于澳大利亚和上海之间,每周来往于澳大利亚和香港的航班也多达 25 班次。 australiachina.com.au | Today, Qantas operates daily services between Australia and Shanghai and 25 services per week between Australia and Hong Kong. australiachina.com.au |
若以火車的班次及搭 客的次數,威靈頓火車站無疑是紐西蘭最繁忙的火車站。 4tern.com | Due to Wellington Train Station’s train frequency and passengers amount, it is recognized as the busiest train station in New Zealand. 4tern.com |
國際航線不論是客運或貨運皆呈現顯著之成長,客運量 成長了 49%,貨運量成長近 34%,班次數則成長了 47%;國內航線在客運部分則 顯著地萎縮,載客人數減少 52%,班次數減少 54%,國內航空貨運部分近十年則 無太大變化。 asc.gov.tw | The number of passenger increased 49 percent, the cargo [...] increased 34 percent, [...] and the numbers of flights increased 47 percent over the period. Meanwhile, the numbers of domestic air transport declined significantly since the number of passengers decreased almost 52 percent, the numbers of flights also decreased [...]54 percent, however [...]the numbers of cargo services remained constant ever since 2002. asc.gov.tw |
這些計劃中的各 項建議包括取消路線、減少車輛數目、縮短/合併路線、更改行車 路線、減少班次、更 改總站、改為只在繁忙時間服務以及改為只在 周末/假日服務。 devb.gov.hk | These packages include proposals for route cancellation, vehicle reduction, route truncation / amalgamation, re-routeing, frequency reduction, terminal change, conversion to peak-only service and conversion to weekend / holiday service only. devb.gov.hk |
可使用新型 26 英寸/660 毫米印张,每班次可完成更多工作,每印张利润更高,并且具备市场领先的图像质量。 graphics.kodak.com | With new 26”/660 mm sheet, drive more jobs per shift and more profit per page with market-leading image quality. graphics.kodak.com |
此 外 , 提 供 每 周 三 班 機 前 往 曼 徹 斯 特 後 , 我 們 每 星 期 從 香 港 飛 往 英 國 的 航 班 便 達 到 31 班 , 班 次 之 頻 密 是 各 航 空 公 司 之 冠 。 swirepacific.com | With three new services to Manchester, we will operate an unmatched 31 flights every week from Hong Kong to the UK. swirepacific.com |
因为R F I D 系统可以自动获取托盘进出仓库的状 态,因此班次主管就可以实时管理供 货链。 intermec.com.cn | Shift leaders can manage the supply chain real-time as the RFID system automatically communicates the movement of pallets in and out of the warehouse facility. intermec.com.br |
维尔贝莱特性能优异可靠的抛丸机 (包括原迪砂的技术设备)在数百例的实际应用中,通过多 个 班次 全 天候的运行,证明了其可以可靠地满足全球各类应用所要求的质量。 wheelabratorgroup.com | The outstanding reliability of Wheelabrator’s high performance shot blast machines (including DISA technology) has been proven in hundreds of applications, operating in multiple shifts around the clock, and achieving the desired finish quality all over the world. wheelabratorgroup.com |
73 或74号巴士也可到达沙滩,但是班次 很 少。 cn.yha.co.nz | Bus No. 73 and 74 also come out to the beach, but are a lot less frequent. yha.co.nz |
憑著其廣闊的內地航空網絡、頻密的 班次 , 以 及在內地營運航班服務的豐富經驗,港龍航空連續六年在Skytrax研究機構的旅客調查中,獲選爲「中國地區最佳航空公司」、二○○八年獲該機構選為「東南亞地區最佳區域航空公司」,於二○一○年及二○一一年更獲選為「全球最佳區域航空公司」。 dragonair.com | The airline’s expertise has been recognised in its winning the Best Airline – China category for six consecutive years in the respected Skytrax passenger survey. dragonair.com |
很可惜,我們錯失了Taieri Gorge的班次。 4tern.com | It was a pity, that we missed the Taieri Gorge train schedule. 4tern.com |
a. 是否有一个联合国机构地区知识中心(hub), b. 是否与地区区划范围相切合; c. 是否有会员国提供的基础设施条件; d. 是否具备诸如航线联系及合适的航线 班次 等 后 勤保障条件; e. 通信及接入互联网的质量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The United Nations’ two other major specialized agencies, FAO (present in 78 countries) and ILO (present in 43 countries), have a three-level structure. unesdoc.unesco.org |
減少這些效率不高的服務節約的資金將用於增加擁擠路線的載客量;為始終延誤的路線增 加運行時間;在最需要的地區增加 班次 以 便 擴大非高峰時段的服務;重組路線簡化服務。 wmata.com | The savings realized from reducing these non-productive services will be used to add capacity on crowded routes; add running time to routes that are consistently late; add trips to expand non-rush hour service to areas of the greatest demand; and restructure routes to streamline service. wmata.com |
阿根廷鐵路民營化的唯一優點,在於鐵路運輸並未完全消失,長途客運鐵路網長度仍高居拉丁美洲之冠,各大城市之間亦有鐵路相連,不 過 班次 縮 減造成惡性循環,政府不再認為鐵路是一種運輸途徑,因此刪減經費,進一步造成服務惡化,導致預算再度縮水。 thisbigcity.net | However, the steep reduction in rail service has led to a vicious cycle of decay; train service is not seen as a legitimate form of transportation, thus funding is cut, which leads to even worse service, then more funding cuts, and so on. thisbigcity.net |