

单词 班子

See also:

work shift
surname Ban

External sources (not reviewed)

品质控制监工的资格和经验的最低要求,应 与《2009 年地盘监督作业守则》所订明的注册结构工程师工班子T3 职级适任技术人员的资格和经验的最低要求相 同。
The minimum qualifications and experience of the quality control supervisor are to be the same as grade T3 technically competent person (TCP) under the RSE’s stream, as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009.
最后,我们赞扬秘书长特别代表和他班 子进科索沃和这个地区的和平与稳定所作的不 懈努力。
In concluding, we commend the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and his team for their unrelenting efforts in promoting peace and stability in Kosovo and in the region.
为了显示班子业服务形象,民建 联促请特区政府加快研究将现时《电讯条例》第 7M [...]
条规管电讯商具误导性 或欺骗性的行为扩大至涵盖收费电视,并引入合约冷静期、合约确认程序及 标准合约条款等,以防止电讯及广播服务业不良推销活动走向泛滥的困局,
To demonstrate the "professional service"
[...] image ofthenewgoverning team, the DAB urges [...]
the SAR Government to expeditiously
study the extension of section 7M of the Telecommunications Ordinance, which regulates misleading or deceptive practices by telecommunications service operators, to cover pay television and introduce a cooling-off period, a procedure for contract verification and standard terms in contract, with a view to preventing the proliferation of unscrupulous sales activities in the telecommunications and broadcasting industries, and only in this way can consumer interests be effectively protected.
根据下 一阶段所规划活动,执行委员会还注意到,多米尼加共和国为国家臭氧机构配备了专职班子 表现在开展了体制建设项目,政府并继续承诺对所有国家性的《蒙特利尔议定 书》活动都要由高层政府官员进行管理。
With the activities planned for the next phase, the Executive Committee also noted that the Dominican Republic has as a full team assigned to the national ozone office supported through the institutional strengthening project and with the continued commitment of the Government to have a very high level government official managing all national Montreal Protocol activities.
而这恰恰是总统面临的主要挑战,这是 由于总统从前任政府那里接手的是一个官僚化的内 阁和政班子
This is a major challenge given that he has inherited a cabinet and government bureaucracy from the old authoritarian regime.
在拟议支助预算核 准之后立即采取的第一个步骤,将是完成总部的过渡管理过程,以建立一个过硬 的高级管班子领导加强外地能力以及敲定和实施注重成果的战略计划的工 作。
The first step, to be taken immediately after approval of the proposed support budget, will be to complete the transition management process at Headquarters so as to put in place a strong senior management team to lead the strengthening of field capacity and the finalization and implementation of a resultsoriented Strategic Plan.
最后,如同每年,在审议秘书长关于海洋和海洋 法的报告时一样,阿根廷要对海洋事务和海洋法司工班子展的具专业水平和敬业精神的工作,以及 他们在其主管的事务方面向会员国自发提供的援助 表示肯定。
Finally, as every year when the report of the Secretary-General on oceans and the law of the sea is considered, Argentina wishes to acknowledge the team in the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea for its professional and devoted work and for the assistance that it spontaneously provides to Member States in the matters of its competence.
今天,既然有新的领班子,当然就是曾荫权本人,这是一个机会和契机,应尝试检讨这个问责制 是否真的可以改善,并向市民问责,还有重新定位,以反映市民的需要,以 及在理念上是否符合我们现时社会发展的方向。
Today, since a new governing team will soon assume office and of course, under the leadership of Donald TSANG, this will be an opportunity, a pivotal turning point, and it should try to review whether this accountability system can be truly improved in order to be accountable to the people and be repositioned to reflect the needs of the people, and also whether it is conceptually in line with the direction of the development of society.
委员会审议了该决议草案之后建议大会请总干事在工作规划中确保负责分计划 V.1.2“信息和 传播技术为教育服务”和相关横向项目的工作人 班子要活动放在非洲信息和传播技术的 能力建设上。
Having examined this draft resolution, the Commission recommended to the General Conference that it request the Director-General to ensure, through the work plans, that the staff teams in charge of Subprogramme V.1.2 “Harnessing ICTs for Education” and relevant cross-cutting projects focus their activities significantly on capacity-building in ICTs in Africa.
我们感到鼓舞的是,在过去几个月里,这方面的 势头显着增大,尤其体现在以下三个方面:瓦尔斯特 伦特别代表获得了任命,而且在她的努力下,一个由 优秀人员组成的工班子 形成;成立了一个专家 小组;特别代表立即对刚果民主共和国境内的严重危 机给予了重视。
We are encouraged by the momentum that has grown considerably in the past few months, particularly in three areas: the appointment of Special Representative Wallström and her work beginning to assemble a team of well qualified staff; the formulation of a team of experts; and the immediate attention that the Special Representative has given to the grave crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
有关报告须包括一份由注册结构工程师签署 的声明书,证实已根据品质监督计划提供足够的监督;一份上 文第 23 段所规定、注册结构工程师工班子册承建商工班子质控制监工的热浸程序检查记錄簿的副本;以及一 份上文第 22 段所规定的资料记錄器记錄软复本。
The report should include a statement signed by the RSE to confirm that adequate supervision has been provided in accordance with the quality supervision plan,acopy ofthe inspection log book of the quality control supervisors of the RSE stream and the RC stream for the heat soak process required in paragraph 23 above, and a softcopy of the record of the data logger required in paragraph 22 above.
However, because the CE and the Secretaries of Departments are the core members of SARG's leadership, we will continue to conduct and release their support ratings and support rates in parallel.
最新调查显示,特首曾荫权及其管 班子 望每况愈下,不少官员的民望数字同步跌至任内新低,接近危险边缘,情况令人忧虑。
Our latest survey shows that the popularity of CE Donald Tsang and his governing team continue to drop, as many officials registered their historical low popularity figures.
在本预算获得核准后,妇女署的能力将立即开始分阶段部署:(a) 在总部建 立高级管班子(b) 在最多 10 个外地办事处加强基本能力,优先重视方案 资源数额最大和(或)业务复杂性最高的外地办事处。
The phased installation of UN-Women’s capacity will begin immediately following approval of this budget, with: (a) the establishment of a senior management team at Headquarters; and (b) essential capacity strengthening in up to 10 field offices, giving priority to those with the largest programme resources and/or with operational complexity.
津联集团天津资产亦荣获市级「文明单位」及开发区保 税区「优秀处级领班子号。
Tsinlien Group Tianjin Asset was also awarded the titles of Civilized Unit at Municipal Level as well as Outstanding Section Leaders of Developing Area and Bonded Area.
这笔拨款将有助进一步发展政治委任制度,提高管 班子治能 力,从而有利於达致以民为本及有效施政。
The provision will facilitate the further development of the Political Appointment System which will enhance the political capacity of the governing team in the pursuit of people-based and effective governance.
最后,主席感谢《议定书》 / 《公约》缔约方会议主席和她的工 班子会期间所给予的杰出配合。
The Chair finally thanked the CMP President and her team for their excellent collaboration during the session.
由于这是他的最后一次会议,主席希望感谢他 班子他的支持,感谢执行委员 会成员所体现的持续的奉献和承诺。
As it was his last meeting as Chair, he wished to express his gratitude for the support he had received throughout his term and for the continued dedication and commitment shown by members of the Executive Committee.
不仅努力寻找担任相关工作的合适 人选,而且还努力建立能在实地互相支持的合适 的领班子这对特派团的有效运作至关重 要。
The effort is not only put in finding the right persons for the job, but in establishing the right leadership teams that will complement each other in the field which is critical for the effective functioning of the Mission.
他们将共同组成公司在亚太地区的业务发展领 班子
Together they will serve as the Company's business development team in the region.
[...] 过程是公开、公平和透明的,又不能损害候选人的隐私和破坏面 班子书长 本人的审议程序的机密性。
The challenge is to strike a balance between providing enough information to Member States so they are confident that the process is open, fair and transparent without compromising the privacy of the candidates and
jeopardizing the confidentiality of the deliberative process of either
[...] the interview panels or theSecretary-General [...]
安理会同意 达尔富尔冲突的起源和后果尚未得到解决,并重申支持非洲联盟——联合国达尔 富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动),支持非洲联盟——联合国联合首席调解人贾 布里勒·巴索莱为促进冲突的持久政治解决作出的努力,并呼吁苏丹政府以及苏 丹和该区域其他当事方酌情与国际社会相协调,与姆贝基总统及 班子
The Council agreed that the causes and consequences of the conflict in Darfur had yet to be addressed and reiterated its support for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and the efforts of the United Nations-African Union Joint Chief Mediator, Djibril Bassolé, to promote a lasting political settlement of the conflict, and called upon the Government and other parties in the Sudan and the region to work with President Mbeki and his colleagues, in coordination with the international community as appropriate.
中国计划领班子亦窒碍了 刺激作用。
The planned political transition in China also hindered any stimulative effects.
联合特使正在为访问大马士革进行准备,他将与阿萨德总统及 班子其 他有关利益攸关方包括来自反对派的对话者进行讨论,议题包括采取紧急行动执 行六点计划的必要性和政治进程的今后走向。
The Joint Special Envoy is preparing a visit to Damascus to discuss with President Assad and his team, and a range of other relevant interlocutors, including from the opposition, the need for urgent action to implement the six-point plan and the way forward on the political process.
本组 织的人道主义干事是联合国人道主义协调员小组的成员,定期参加人道主义协调 员待任人选库的面班子
Its Humanitarian Director is a member of the group of humanitarian coordinators of the United Nations and has regularly been part of interview panels for the humanitarian coordinator pool.
这项措施最初可以实行一段有限的时间,由缔约国会议定期进行审查,可能从委 员会 2012 年 6 月选举后有了新组班子便开始。
This measure could be initially adopted for a limited period of time, subject to periodic reviews by the Meeting of States Parties, possibly starting with the new composition of the Commission after the elections in June 2012.
方案以社区为单位,拥有广 泛的参与者组合,包括贝多因社区领 班子的代表、教育系统的代表、治疗 和预防性卫生保健服务的提供者代表、社区卫生部代表、内盖夫本-古里安大学 健康科学系流行病学专业的代表。
The program is community-based and boasts a wideconsortium of participants, including representatives from the Bedouin community leadership and the educational system, along with providers of curative and preventative health-care services, the Department of Health in the Community and the Department of Epidemiology of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
於现时领班子前,中国政府明显安於较缓慢的增长率, 因为仍然忧虑可能会发生通胀(主要受住房及食品推动)。
Prior to the current political transition, it was clear that the Chinese government was comfortable with a slower rate of growth as it still had concerns over inflation potential (mainly housing and food).
本报告由亚美尼亚共和国外交部与以下各方合作编写:亚美尼亚共和国总统 工班子民议会、司法部、劳工和社会事务部、卫生部、教育和科学部、文 化部、领土管理部、财政部、警察、总检察长办公室。
This report was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with the Staff of the President of the Republic of Armenia, the National Assembly, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Territorial Administration, the Ministry of Finance, the Police, and the General Prosecutor’s Office.




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