

单词 珠海


珠海市 n

Zhuhai n


undiscovered talent [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

可以預期,香港、深圳、澳門珠海 、 以 至整個珠三角,勢將迅速地在經濟及文化上融合成為一個新的實體。
One can expect that Hong Kong,
[...] Shenzhen, Macau, Zhuhai and the whole Pearl River Delta [...]
will soon merge to become one entity
both economically and culturally.
可以預期,香港、深圳、澳門珠海 、 以 至整個珠港三角州,勢將發展成為一個經濟文化實體。
It can be expected that Hong Kong,
[...] Shenzhen, Macau, Zhuhai, as well as the whole Pearl River Delta, [...]
will be developed into one economic-cultural entity.
(iv) 據本公司所悉,華潤包裝珠海華潤 包裝具備的機器及資源足以滿足華潤怡寶深圳對包裝 [...]
(iv) to the knowledge of the Company,
[...] CR Packaging and Zhuhai CR Packaging are [...]
equipped with sufficient machineries and
resources to satisfy CR Beverage Shenzhen’s expected increase of demand in Packaging Materials.
根據租賃協議,楊先生同珠海澤濤之租賃期限為三年,自二零一三年三月一日起至二 零一六年二月二十九日止,首十二個月之月租為人民幣97,000元(相等於約120,318港 [...]
二月二十八日止年度及截至二零一六年二月二十九日止年度之年度代價將分別為人民幣 1,164,000元(相等於約1,443,810港元)、人民幣1,222,200元(相等於約1,516,001港元)及 人民幣1,283,310元(相等於約1,591,801港元)。
Pursuant to the Lease Agreement, Mr. Ieong has agreed to
[...] grant the Lease to Zhuhai Centresin for a term [...]
of three years commencing from 1 March
2013 to 29 February 2016 at a monthly rent of RMB97,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$120,318) for the first twelve months and annual increment of 5% for the subsequent two years, i.e. the annual consideration for the year ending 28 February 2014 will be RMB1,164,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,443,810), for the year ending 28 February 2015 will be RMB1,222,200 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,516,001) and for the year ending 29 February 2016 will be RMB1,283,310 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,591,801).
特别鸣珠海联合 国际学院卢焯标编辑本视频。
A special thanks to Mr.
[...] Lu Zhuo Biao from United International [...]
College for his help in editing this film.
委員雖然歡迎當局延長還款期,但認為當局 珠海 學院 (下稱"珠海")等新 借款院校提供較長的還款期極為重要,以便這 [...]
While welcoming the extension of the repayment period, members considered it important to offer the extended loan
repayment period to new
[...] borrowing institutions such as Chu Hai College of Higher Education [...]
("Chu Hai") so that they could
have resources to invest in improving the quality of education and the teaching and learning environment.
所有涉及㆗港兩㆞的經濟計劃,例如:香港污水往南㆗國海排放、桂山島汽油基㆞供香 港新機場使用珠海大橋 的興建以擴展珠江西岸與香港的經濟聯繫、香港新電廠在廣東省 [...]
內興建以減低對香港土㆞和環境的壓力、從廣東省獲取填土為香港填海,以至華南五個國 際機場的航空安全和協調等等問題,都是需要㆗港兩㆞的整體策劃的。
All the economic plans involving China and Hong Kong, for example the discharge of sewage water into the
South China Sea, the use of the oil depot on Guishan Island by the new airport, the
[...] construction of the Zhuhai Bridge to expand [...]
the economic connection
between the western bank of the Pearl River and Hong Kong, the construction of a new power station for Hong Kong in the Guangdong Province to relieve the pressure on the land supply and environment of Hong Kong, the procurement of sand from the Guangdong Province for reclamations in Hong Kong, the aviation safety and co-ordination of the five international airports in the southern China and so on, all these matters require integrated planning by Hong Kong and China.
於二零零六年五月一日至二零零 八年四月一日珠海澤濤 (i)未經中國海關當局同意裝卸中國海關監管貨物,招致人 民 幣940,000元 罰 金;(ii)從 事 生 產 儲 存 未 經 核 准 或 登 [...]
記 的 危 險 化 學 品, 招 致 人 民 幣 130,000元的罰金;(iii)向徫頓購買有毒化學品,違反中國有關規則及規例,招致人 民幣350,000元罰金;(iv)在未取得中國有關當局的業務登記文件的情況下從事售後服
務,招致人民幣15,000元罰金;及(v)向第三方銷售涉稅人民幣188,756元的免稅進口原 材料,招致人民幣100,000元罰金。
During 1 May 2006
[...] to 1 April 2008 Zhuhai Centresin (i) handled goods under the detention of the PRC customs authority [...]
without the customs authority’s consent resulting
in a fine of RMB940,000; (ii) engaged in production and storage of dangerous chemicals without approval or registration resulting in a fine of RMB130,000; (iii) purchased from Righton toxic chemicals contravening to the relevant PRC rules and regulations resulting in a fine of RMB350,000; (iv) performed after-sale services without business registration document with the relevant PRC authority resulting in a fine of RMB15,000; and (v) sold tax-exempted imported raw materials involving a tax amount of RMB188,756 to a third party resulting in a fine of RMB100,000.
艾伦塔斯珠海)有限公司位于广东 珠海 市 临 港工业区精细化工区。
ELANTAS Zhuhai is located in Special Chemical Zone, Harbour Industrial District, Zhuhai city, Guangdong [...]
province, P. R. China.
註:珠三角東部包括深圳、東莞和惠州;珠三角中部只有廣州;珠三角西部包 珠海 、 中 山、江門、佛山和肇慶。
Note: Eastern PRD includes Shenzhen, Dongguan and
Huizhou; Central PRD includes only Guangzhou; and Western
[...] PRD includes Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Foshan [...]
and Zhaoqing.
为了促进全社会对清洁柴油技术优势的认知和了解,博世率先启动了以"今享'柴'能"为主题的国内最大规模的清洁柴油技术中国巡演 珠海 站 为 本次巡演的第四站。
In order to demonstrate the advantages of clean diesel technology's environmental benefits to the Chinese public, and to let the whole society get better understanding on clean diesel's advantages, Bosch kicked-off the first and also the largest nationwide tour focused
on the clean diesel technology in China under the slogan of "Experience
[...] Clean Diesel Now", and Zhuhai is the fourth stop.
2006 年 10
[...] 月以及 2007 年 4 月,还分别在广东珠海和湖 南省张家界 举办了两次类似的讲习班。
Two similar
[...] workshops were held in Zhuhai city and Guangdong [...]
Province in October 2006 and, Zhang Jiajie, Hunan Province in April 2007.
德国艾伦塔斯电气绝缘材料公司是具有世界领先水平的漆包线漆、浸渍树脂和浸渍化合物等产品的供应商,子公司遍及全球市场,例如意大利艾伦塔斯Deatech公司和艾伦塔斯Camattini公司、德国艾伦塔斯Beck公司、艾伦塔斯(英国)公司、美国艾伦塔斯PDG公司、艾伦塔斯(巴西)公司、印度艾伦塔斯Beck公司以及在中国艾伦塔斯(铜陵)公司和艾伦塔斯 珠海 ) 公 司。
It is a leading supplier of wire enamels, impregnating resin, compounds in the globe with subsidiaries all over the world such as ELANTAS Deatech and ELANTAS Camattini in Italy, ELANTAS Beck in Germany,
[...] Tongling and ELANTAS Zhuhai in China.
在本珠海站巡 演中,"移动展示单元"也展出了"体验之旅"的最新进展。
This time in Zhuhai station, the latest [...]
data till has been reported to the mobile exhibition unit.
MPOWER 卡 學 生 卡 只 適 用 於 就 讀 下 列 院 校 或 其 附 屬 學 院 頒 發 之 證 書 或 以 上 課 程 ( 毅 進 計 劃 除 外
) 之 全 日 制 大 學 / 大 專 學 生 , 包 括 本 地 認 可 之
[...] 大 學 、 香 港 教 育 學 院珠 海 學 院 、 職 業 訓 練 局 、香 [...]
港 專 業 教 育 學 院 、 恒 生 商 學 書 院 、 恒 生 管 理
學 院 、 香 港 演 藝 學 院 、 明 愛 專 上 學 院 ( 前 稱 明 愛 徐 誠 斌 學 院 ) 、 明 愛 白 英 奇 專 業 學 校 、 香 港 科 技 專 上 書 院 及 香 港 專 業 進 修 學 校 。
MPOWER Card Student Card is only applicable to full-time University / Tertiary students attending certificated-level or above course (exclude Project Yi Jin) offered by following accredited education institutions and their subsidiaries, including accredited
universities in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong
[...] Institute of Education, Chu Hai College of Higher [...]
Education, Vocational Training Council,
The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hang Seng School of Commerce, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Caritas Institute of Higher Education (formerly known as Caritas Francis Hsu College), Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Hong Kong Institute of Technology or Hong Kong College of Technology.
乡村之声”本年度秋季亚洲巡回演出将访 珠海 、 广 州、深圳、香港、台北、高雄、台南和东京。
On their Asia tour in the autumn of this
[...] year they will visit Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, [...]
Hong Kong, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tainan and Ulanbaataar.
珠海,中 国一月20号,2007)当一些车队和车手还沉浸在圣诞和新年的喜悦中的时候,FRD决定 珠海 国 际赛车场组织一场特别的冬季比赛。
( Zhuhai , China ¨CJanuary 20, 2007)While some the teams and drivers are still enjoying their Christmas and New Year winter break, FRD decided to organize a special winter race at Zhuhai International Circuit, [...]
the Formula Renault Winter
Race in January so to provide an opportunity for the drivers to maintain their racing condition and prepare for the season to come.
[...] 有大幅增長、PET 價格的預期增幅、華潤包裝珠海華 潤 包裝的產能以及華潤怡寶深圳截至二零 [...]
交易金額分別約人民幣 340,000,000 元(約相等於港幣 424,120,000 元)、人民幣 640,000,000 元 (約相等於港幣 798,340,000 元)及人民幣 770,000,000 元(約相等於港幣 960,500,000 元)。
The above proposed annual caps are determined, after arms-length negotiations between the parties, by reference to the estimated substantial growth of the demand of CR Beverage Shenzhen’s products, expected increase in the
price of PET, the production capacity
[...] of CR Packaging and Zhuhai CR Packaging, and [...]
the historical transaction amounts for
CR Beverage Shenzhen’s purchases of Packaging Materials from independent third parties for the three years ended 31 December 2010, 2011 and 2012 being approximately RMB 340 million(equivalent to approximately HK$424.12 million), RMB 640 million (equivalent to approximately HK$ 798.34 million) and RMB 770 million (equivalent to approximately HK$960.5 million), respectively.
1.宋韶光精品擇吉日曆單色系列: 8K: 28元/本 16K:18元/本 32K:8元/本 批發另議請聯繫店主 尺寸規格: 8K:38.5cm*16.5cm 16K:19cmX26.5cm 32K:19cm*13.5cm 家有宋韶光 福運代代傳 風水日曆
催運招財 宋 韶光(大師)簡介: 性別: 男;出生地方: Hong Kong(香港);現時住址: Hong Kong(香港)
[...] 宋韶光、廣東鶴山人,國立台灣大學歷史系學士、美國伊利諾州大學歷史系研究所碩士;曾任教於香 珠海 書 院 、浸會大學歷史系。
1.Song Shaoguang boutique selection Kyrgyzstan Calendar monochrome series: 8K: 28 yuan / this 16K: 18 yuan / this $ 32K: 8 / this Wholesale negotiable please contact the owner Dimensions: 8K: 38.5cm * 16.5cm 16K: 19cmX26.5cm 32K: 19cm * 13.5cm Song Shaoguang fortune for generations home Feng shui calendar reminders shipped Lucky Song Shaoguang (Masters) Introduction: Gender: Male; birth place: Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Current residential address: Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Shaoguang Song Heshan, National Taiwan University, Department of History, BA,
University of Illinois, Department of History
[...] Institute Master; Chu Hai College, Hong Kong [...]
Baptist University, Department of History has taught at.
2009年,伟创力与北京市协作者社会工作发展中心进一步扩大了合作,珠 海工业园附近设立珠海市社 会工作协作者中心(ZCSWF)。
In 2009, Flextronics and SDCF further extended
the partnership by
[...] establishing the Zhuhai Center for Social Work Facilitators (ZCSWF) within the vicinity of our industrial park in Zhuhai.
有關研究及開發開支明顯增加的原因乃是一個澳門項 目,一批研發人員長珠海、澳 門之費用。
The significant increase in research and development cost is due to the
expenses of a Macau project and the accommodation of a group of research and development
[...] staff stationed in Zhuhai and Macau.
以「香港」一詞為例,知識系統能識别到「香港」不單是一個短語,而是一個常常與 中國,海,深圳,珠海,澳門等字詞有關的一個城市,因此,當你想 研究香港的經濟,知識系統能提供有 [...]
Moreover, it understands that Hong Kong is a
location that is often
[...] associated with China, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Macau, etc. Therefore, [...]
when you want to study
the economy of Hong Kong, KM would provide additional information about the economy of China, and projects related to the Hong Kong-ZhuhaiMacau Bridge.
简称“GBA”)(粉单市场交易代码:GNBA)今日在中国广 珠海 市 举 办的主要航展上欣然宣布推出GBA ArrowHawk旋翼机实际尺寸样机。
Groen Brothers Aviation, Inc("GBA") (PINKSHEETS: GNBA), the world-wide leader in gyroplane technology, is pleased to announce the introduction of the GBA ArrowHawk Gyroplane,
which is shown as a full-scale
[...] model at China's premier Air Show in Zhuhai, Guangdong ProvinceThe [...]
ArrowHawk reflects the latest
technology from GBA's 24 years of designing safe, high performance rotor wing aircraftMedia members at the Zhuhai Air Show will be welcome to visit us at our Booth Number D1-1A, Hall #1
隨着有關業務規管逐步放寬,可為離岸人民幣業務帶來龐大商機,特別是對 海 及 珠海 橫 琴 新區。
The deregulation process is set to
continue, creating significant long-term potential in offshore RMB business,
[...] especially in Qianhai and Hengqin New Area, Zhuhai.
本次工程建设在天津、石家庄、呼和浩特、太原、昆明、兰州、阿克苏 珠海 、 深 圳、武汉、长沙、郑州、桂林、南宁、海口、三亚(2)、湛江、汕头、重庆、贵阳、拉萨、济南、青岛、南京、杭州、合肥、南昌、福州、厦门、温州、宁波、长春、哈尔滨、大连等34个物理节点安装多业务板卡、思科3560、思科2851等设备;北京网控中心试验室、首都机场、北京ACC、上海虹桥、上海ACC、广州白云(旧)、广州白云(新)、广州ACC等跟随当地其他节点一起安排工程;在9个原有节点主控板升级、6个新增节点、一级节点三个和北京总局空管局等节点安装网络设备MGX8830/B;在北京及上海节点安装MPLS/VPN网管、安全产品及部分节点光端机扩容等。
In this project, multi-service cards, Cisco 3560 switch, Cisco 2851 router and other devices are installed at 34 physical nodes in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hohhot, Taiyuan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Aksu, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Guilin, Nanning, Haikou, Sanya (2), Zhanjiang, Shantou, Chongqing, Guiyang, Lhasa, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Changchun, Harbin and Dalian.
提供广州人才网招聘市场,深圳人才网招聘市场,东莞人才网招聘市场,惠州人才网招聘市场,番禺人才网招聘市场,顺德人才网招聘市场,中山人才网招聘市 场 , 珠海 人 才 网招聘。
Provides Guangzhou talented person net hiring market, Shenzhen talented person net hiring market, Dongguan talented person net hiring market, Huizhou talented person net hiring market, Panyu talented person net hiring market, Shunde talented
person net hiring market, Zhongshan talented person
[...] net hiring market, Zhuhai talented person [...]
net employment advertise.
经由尖沙嘴地铁站或中港码头前往北京道一号只需步行5分钟。中港码头设有频密班次来往澳门 珠海 , 东 莞,深圳蛇口及至临近澳门和珠江三角洲的15个城市地区。
One Peking is just five minutes walk from convenient transport access via Tsimshatsui MTR Station and
China Ferry Terminal offering frequent
[...] services to Macau, Zhuhai, Dougguan, Shekou [...]
Shenzhen and up to 15 destinations around
the Macau region and Pearl River Delta cities.
2009中国照明电器产品大赛中,在大赛专家组组长上海照明学会理事长章海骢教授带领下,评选出光源电器类的三等奖获得者 珠海 雷 特电子科技有限公司“LED无线遥控控制器”。
During China Lighting & Electrical Appliance Contest, the expert group leader, also president of Shanghai Illumination Engineering Society, Mr. Zhang Haicong announced the great prize
winner in the field of light source & appliance: LED Wireless
[...] Remote Controller from Zhuhai Ltech Electronic Technology Co.
珠海云辉 游艇将带来Prout CTS-40三体船,这是一艘终极高性能巡航快艇,即可作中短途的穿梭艇,又可作海上快速应变的巡防艇,能达到其它船艇所不能达到的速度。
Prout International will bring its Prout CTS-4 triple-hulled vessel, which is a final cruising yacht of high performance, that is, it may serve as a short and medium-distance shuttle, and as a cruising yacht with great strain capacity on the sea at a speed that other yachts can hardly reach.
a. 香港城市大學,及其專上學院 b. 香港教育學院,及其持續專業教育學院 c. 香港理工大學,及其香港專上學院 d. 香港專業教育學院,職業訓練局/職業訓練局工商資訊學院 e. 明愛白英奇專業學校 f. 明愛徐誠斌學院 g. 珠海學院 h. 恆生商學書院 i. 香港藝術學院 j. 保良局香港社區書院 k. 香港專業進修學校 l. 香港科技專上書院 m. 香港樹仁大學 n. 嶺南大學社區學院 o. 香港浸會大學國際學院 p. 香港中文大學專業進修學院 q. 香港公開大學 r. 香港大學專業進修附屬學院
and Information Systems e. Caritas Bianchi College of Careers f. Caritas Francis Hsu College g. Chu Hai College of Higher Education h. Hang Seng School of Commerce i. Hong Kong Art School j. Po Leung Kuk Community College of Hong Kong k. Hong Kong College of Technology l. Hong Kong Institute of Technology m. Hong Kong Shue Yan University n. Lingnan University, The Community College at Lingnan University o. Hong Kong Baptist University, College of International Education p. The Chinese University of Hong Kong




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