单词 | 珠流璧转 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 珠流璧转 —lit. pearl flows, jade moves on (idiom); fig. the passage of |
该会 议尤其指出要加强专家之间的横向交 流 , 欧 洲的一 些 转 型 经 济体可获得食典信托基金的 支持。 codexalimentarius.org | Among other points, the Session noted the need to improve horizontal communication among [...] experts and that several [...] members in the European region whose economies were in transition were eligible [...]for support from the Codex Trust Fund. codexalimentarius.org |
。南南合作还可有助于增加投资流动 和[ 专业知识(JZ)] [技术(JZ)转让(欧盟)的 传播(欧盟)]。 daccess-ods.un.org | South– South cooperation can [...] also contribute to [...] increasing investment flows and [dissemination of (EU) technology (JZ) transfer (EU)] [know-how (JZ)]. daccess-ods.un.org |
其欧洲章程的使命旨在提供教育、促进研究、从事出版工作、识别和提供网络机会,促进欧洲人力资 源 流转 和 外 包的专业化 。 tipschina.gov.cn | The mission of the European Chapter is to educate, promote research, publish, [...] recognize, and provide networking opportunities to foster [...] professionalism in HR transformation and HR outsourcing across Europe. tipschina.gov.cn |
委员会面前有秘书长转递欧 洲经济委员会关于欧洲区域统计发展的报告的说明 (E/CN.3/2012/18)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had before it a note by the [...] Secretary-General transmitting the report of [...]the Economic Commission for Europe on regional [...]statistical development in Europe (E/CN.3/2012/18). daccess-ods.un.org |
除在华沙或蒙特利尔公约界定的国际运输中运送的托运行李或非托运行李外,如乘客托运之行李内含有受行李运输一般条款所禁止盛载之物品,而该等物品引至托运行李内的物件有任何丢失、损害或延误,我们在任何情况下均无须承担责任,包括但不限于在乘客托运行李内的易碎或易毁消的物品、钥匙、艺术品、相机、金钱 、 珠 宝 、 贵金属、银器、医药、药物、危险物品、商业物品、不正常大小的物品、 可 流转 文 件 、证券,或其他贵重物品、商业文件、样品或护照及其它身份证明文件。 dragonair.com | Except for checked or unchecked baggage carried in the course of international carriage as defined by the Warsaw or Montreal Convention, we are not liable, in any way whatever, for loss of, damage to or delay in the delivery of articles which you include in your baggage despite their inclusion being prohibited by our General Conditions of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage. dragonair.com |
该杂志对全新Quattroporte总裁系列精英版自动挡也进行了报道,称其“真正称得上是豪华轿车中独一无二的艺术杰作,堪比超级跑车”,而“与这款 车 珠 联 璧 合 ”的全新自动变速箱也让许多潜在客户期盼已久。 maserati.com.cn | The British magazine also makes a feature of the new Quattroporte Automatic, “the only limo-sized saloon that truly cuts it as a work of art and surrogate supercar” and to its new automatic transmission “so worthy of the car” remarking that this is the answer many potential customers have been waiting for. maserati.it |
当然,仅仅利用一轮或多轮磁珠筛选 而不 用 流 式 细 胞仪,许多研究也能开展起来,但这不是本文讨论的重点。 labome.cn | Of course many studies can be performed using one or multiple rounds of magnetic selection without FACS, but that is not the focus of this article. labome.com |
虽然瑞士不是欧盟成员国,但其增值税(VAT)体系是按照欧 [...] 盟第六号增值税指令(“关于成员国 流转 税 法 律协调的理事会第 六号指令”)构建,是一种规定扣除进项税的非累积性多阶段税 种。 gza.ch | Although Switzerland is not an EU member state, its value added tax (VAT) system was structured in accordance with the Sixth EU VAT Directive («Sixth Council Directive on the [...] harmonization of the laws of the Member [...] States relating to turnover taxes») as a [...]non-cumulative, multi-stage tax that provides for deduction of input tax. gza.ch |
首先,我要同其他人一道,就今天发生的地震所 [...] 造成的人员伤亡和损失向中国人民和政 府 转 达 欧洲 联盟的慰问和同情。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to join others, at the outset, in conveying the condolences and [...] sympathy of the European Union to the people [...] and Government of China for the [...]victims and losses suffered in today’s earthquake. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如, 东欧转 轨经 济国家的固定排放收费被过去十年的高通货膨 胀大大削弱了。 undpcc.org | Fixed emissions charges in the transition economies of Eastern Europe, for example, have been significantly eroded by the high inflation of the past decade. undpcc.org |
部分議員促請香港特區政府與內地及澳門當局合作制訂 措施,以增加港珠澳大橋的車流量,例如放寬發出跨境 車輛行車證或發出一、兩天的通行證,讓更多香港駕駛 [...] 人士使用港珠澳大橋。 legco.gov.hk | Some members called on the HKSAR Government to formulate measures in collaboration with [...] the Mainland and the Macao [...] authorities to boost the traffic flow of HZMB, such as by relaxing [...]the issue of cross-boundary vehicle [...]licences or issuing one-day or two-day passes to enable more Hong Kong motorists to use HZMB. legco.gov.hk |
该研究报告将于 2003 年年底问世, 其基础为各地区的研究成果:中欧和东 欧 转 型 国家,阿拉伯国家, 亚洲和太平洋地区,非洲 和加勒比地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The study, to be available at the end of 2003, will be based on research findings from five regions: Central and Eastern European countries in transition, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Africa and the Caribbean. unesdoc.unesco.org |
大多数的欧洲转型期经济体在向市场经济过渡后,不 平等大幅增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inequality increased substantially in most of the economies in transition after their transition to market economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多 偷渡者利用我国作为前往欧洲的中转 地 , 而大约总人数20% 的其余人则等待着前 往地中海欧洲沿岸的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many of these infiltrators use the country as a transit point to Europe, whereas the rest, amounting to about 20 per cent of the total population, await the right opportunity to travel to the European coast of the Mediterranean. daccess-ods.un.org |
颠沛流离辗转欧洲各地后,布鲁诺于 1591 年回到意大利。 wdl.org | After adventurous wanderings all over Europe, Bruno came back to Italy in 1591. wdl.org |
規劃署在 2006 年年初推出的“全港工 [...] 業用地的最新分區研究報告”建議,盡量繼續保持現有工業用地的土地用 途,以應付持續增長的“與工業有關的非製造業”活動,以及香港轉型為 “泛珠三角地區物流樞紐 ”所需的存貨地方。 legco.gov.hk | In its "Report on the Updated Area Assessments on Industrial Land in the Territory" published in early 2006 the Planning Department proposed to maintain by all means the current land uses of industrial sites, in order to cope with the ever increasing activities of industry-related non-manufacturing sectors and [...] provide the storage space required by the restructuring of [...] Hong Kong into a logistics hub in the Pearl River Delta Region. legco.gov.hk |
因此, 我們認 為 《 框 架 協 議》內 提及須加快構建適 應 區 域 合作的 綜 合 交 通 網 絡 , 進一步 完 善 區 域 內 鐵 路 發 展計劃, 加 強 省 際 高 速 公 路 的 銜 接 , 以 及 各 航 空 公司與 機場間的 合作, 方 向都是 非 常 正 確和值 得支持 的,除了對發 展 泛 珠 地 區 的 旅 遊 業 有 正 面 幫 助 外 ,長遠 而 言 , 對 促 進 泛 珠 地 區 的人流 和 物 流 也 有 好 處。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we think that the acceleration of the construction of a comprehensive transport network which can adapt to co-operation within the Region, the further perfection of regional railway development plan, the strengthening of the convergence of provincial expressways, and the co-operation between airline companies and airports as mentioned in the Framework Agreement are all in the right direction and are worth supporting. legco.gov.hk |
此外,廖局長又以 2005 年 3 月“新界西北交通及運輸基建檢討”報告 為理由,指預測在 2016 年前,目前新界西北的整體基本公路網,包括屯門 公路及三號幹線,已足夠應付深西通道與后海灣幹線通車後的 車 流 量 和 港珠 澳大橋的通車。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, by March 2005, Secretary Dr Sarah LIAO said that based on the Northwest New Territories Traffic and Infrastructure Review, it was estimated that the existing overall road networks in the Northwestern New Territories, including Tuen Mun Road and Route 3, [...] would be able to cope [...] with the traffic flow subsequent to the commissioning of the HK-SWC, the Deep Bay Link and the HZMB until 2016. legco.gov.hk |
长江珠江流域生 态恢复项目(一个主要的世行贷款项目) [这部分包括了流域治理手册 [...] 的编制,但与 WRDMAP 项目正在编写的文件材料的重叠很少]。 wrdmap.org | Changjiang and Pearl River Watershed [...] Rehabilitation Project (supporting a major World Bank funded project) [This component [...]has included the preparation of manuals on watershed rehabilitation. wrdmap.org |
20.58 2012-2013 两年期间,749 800 美元的预计预算外资源将用于:(a) 支持在经济转型国 家实施 欧洲经委会和简化手续中心的贸易便利化标准、建议和工具,从而进一步 将 转 型 经济体同简化 手续中心的进程联系在一起;(b) 提供贸易便利化领域的良好做法及其实施方面的能力建设。 daccess-ods.un.org | 20.58 During the biennium 2012-2013, projected extrabudgetary resources of $749,800 will (a) provide support for the implementation of ECE and CEFACT standards, recommendations and tools for trade facilitation in countries with economies in transition and for further linking the economies in transition to the CEFACT process and (b) provide capacity-building on good trade facilitation practices and on their implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这位珠宝设计先锋、现代珠宝设计师创作出了符合时尚 潮 流 的 珠 宝 作 品。 lvmh.cn | Avant-gardist, he presented himself as a "Modern Jewelry Designer" and created jewels that matched fashion. lvmh.com |
在国际理论物理 中心经常活动的参与者中:6%来自最不发达国家,43%来自发展中国家,1%来自 东南欧转型经 济体国家,4%来自独立国家联合体,46%来自发达国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The participants to ICTP’s regular activities came from: LDCs 6%, developing countries 43%, transition economies in South-Eastern Europe 1%, CIS 4%, and developed countries 46%. unesdoc.unesco.org |
珠江东西向穿流而过,南北两岸的城市画卷交相辉映。 shangri-la.com | A city space spread along [...] both banks of the Pearl River, Guangzhou [...]takes great pride in showing off the flavor that makes it so unique. shangri-la.com |
太阳眼镜、手表和潮流珠宝 msccruises.com.cn | Sunglasses, [...] watches & fashion jewellery msccruises.com.au |
江门是珠江流域重要的贸易中心。 emerson.com | Jiangmen is an important [...] trading hub in the Pearl River Basin. emerson.com |
本组群内的重大变化包括在非洲西部和中部地区及拉丁美洲及加 [...] 勒比区域建立和扩大多国业务中心,加强儿基会在南苏丹的存在,以及把俄罗斯 联邦国家办事处转变为 中东欧及独立国家联合体区域办事处下的伙伴关系存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | Significant changes in the cluster include establishment and expansion of multi-country operations service centres in the West and Central Africa region and the Latin America and the Caribbean region, [...] strengthening of the UNICEF presence in [...] South Sudan and a transformed presence in the [...]Russian Federation from a country office [...]to a partnership presence under the regional office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. daccess-ods.un.org |
热点生态系统研究和人对欧洲海洋的影响”项目将解决在社会经济以及 治理知识和方法方面的某些关键差距,并制订和执行适当的社会政策接口机制, 以确保研究的政策相关性,并促进将研 究 转 化 为 国家、欧洲和国际各级的政策 咨询。 daccess-ods.un.org | HERMIONE will address some of the key gaps in socio-economic and governance knowledge and methodologies, as well as developing and implementing appropriate science-policy interface mechanisms to ensure the policy relevance of the research and to facilitate the translation of research into policy advice at the national, European and international levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年 5 月 15 日,外国资产管制处拒绝西班牙人民银行 2009 年 3 月 16 日关于解除冻结资金的请求,涉及 2008 年 12 [...] 月古巴航空公司从马德 里向莫斯科转移的 107 770.95 欧元资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 15 May 2009, the Office of Foreign Assets Control rejected the 16 March 2009 request by Banco [...] Popular Español for the release of funds blocked [...] owing to the transfer by Cubana de [...]Aviación of 107,770.95 euros from Madrid to Moscow in December 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
据直布罗陀政府,2010/2011 [...] 年期间,金融中心完成了从离岸避税 地 转 变 为岸上欧洲金融服务中心的过渡进 [...]程,自那时起,牢牢把握了 2011 年 1 月生效的新税制提供的机遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Government of [...] Gibraltar, during 2010/2011 the Finance Centre [...] completed its transition from offshore [...]tax haven to onshore European finance services [...]centre and was since well placed to seize the opportunities offered under a new tax regime that went into effect in January 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨应欧洲联盟代表团的要求,随函转 递 欧洲理事会 2011 年 3 月 11 日在布鲁 塞尔举行的特别会议通过的宣言案文(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to convey herewith, at the request of the delegation of the European Union, the text of the declaration adopted by the extraordinary session of the European Council, held on 11 March 2011 in Brussels (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |