

单词 珠光体

See also:

珠光 adj



pearl n
bead n
pearls pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Carbides Pearlite
特别的钒钢在许多国家中用来提高钢轨的寿命和减少维修,包括俄罗斯和中国,含钒的具 珠光体 或 贝 氏体组织的高性能钢轨正在欧洲、日本和美国开发和测试。
Special vanadium steels are used to increase the life of the rails and reduce track maintenance in many countries, including Russia and China, and high
performance rails containing vanadium,
[...] consisting of pearlitic or bainitic microstructures, [...]
are being developed and tested in Europe, Japan and the US.
珠体积很 小,可嵌于肌肤表面的细纹中,通过 光 效 果最大程度地减少细纹,令肤色更加匀净光洁,呈现出优美的光泽。
With their
[...] small size, the silica beads settle into fine lines on the skin surface and help minimize their appearance with an optical luminous effect [...]
called opalescence that
evens and smoothes the complexion while conveying beautiful radiance.
微细珍珠粉的闪耀效果,能使肌肤看起来更明亮光滑,展现您自然的光泽感与透明亮肌,让轮廓看起来更 体 深 邃,具有打亮效果 珠光感 BB 霜。
It is a trendy pearl BB cream which has a light, moist use feeling and quite brilliant pearl to make a bright [...]
revitalizing skin.
体上讲,金属珠光效果 颜料使粉末涂料表面具有如下优点
In principle metallic and pearlescent effect pigments [...]
provide the following benefits to powder coated surfaces
2-1.4 吐珠筒的火药体的结 构必须保证其 在功能产生时没有烧筒或炸筒现象产生,也没 有插座被炸。
2-1.4 The pyrotechnic chamber in Roman Candles must be constructed in a manner that allows normal functioning in a normal manner without burnout or blowout, including expulsion of any spike.
为了同时满足环保和美观的涂装需求,专为粉末涂料调配和量身定做的金属效果颜料 珠光 效 果 颜料,为高质量的表面涂装提供了最佳选择。
In order to satisfy both demands, the need for environmental friendliness
and highly aesthetic appearance of coatings,
[...] metallic and pearlescent effect pigments [...]
– modified and tailor-made for powder
coatings – offer the right option to achieve surface coatings of high-quality.
在整个表面活性体系中,该Rhodia产品提供了极佳的亮度、冷光和不透明度,所含杂质极少,因此成为当今用途最广 珠光 剂。
This Rhodia product delivers outstanding
[...] shine, luminescence and opacity at low inclusion levels across a broad range of surfactant systems, making it the most versatile pearlizing agent available today.
珠菌是一种体内天 然存在的酵母菌;然而,酵母菌的过度繁殖,会导致正常细菌的平衡。
Candida is a naturally-occurring yeast in the body; however, [...]
when normal bacteria are disturbed, yeast can proliferate to excessive levels.
由卡塔尔石油和壳牌资助的珠GTL-项 (气体到液体),不 仅是全世界最大的GTL-项目,还是卡塔尔史上最大的能源项目。
The Pearl GTL Project (GTL= Gas to Liquid:) financed by Qatar [...]
Petroleum and Shell is not only the largest GTL project in
the world but also the largest energy project in the history of Qatar.
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分光盘,发行《电视体 操 作 技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计的网站模板,出 版简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第四和第五版。
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es Salaam
cluster), the
[...] distribution of the CD-ROM for National Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” and the creation [...]
of a website template
for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy.
科尼利厄斯出现与Grundel战斗在深渊的边缘,直到两人情投意合,而拇指姑娘到达隧道尽头的,害怕她的追求与 体 滑 坡 的 珠 宝。
Cornelius appears and fights Grundel until the two fall over the
edge of the chasm, while Thumbelina reaches the end of the tunnel and scares her
[...] pursuers off with a landslide of jewelery.
彼目前為滙漢控股有限公司(股份代號: 214)、泛海國際集團有限公司(股份代號:129)、世紀城市國際控股有限公司(股份代號: 355)、中國鎳資源控股有限公司(股份代號:2889)、華鼎集團控股有限公司(股份代號: 3398)、安寧控股有限公司(股份代號:128)、第一天然食品有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人) (股份代號:1076)、金鷹商貿集團有限公司(股份代號:3308)、弘茂科技控股有限公司(股 份代號:1010)、百利保控股有限公司(股份代號:617)、富豪酒店國際控股有限公司(股份 代號:78)、冠捷科技有限公司(股份代號:903) 珠光 控 股 集團有限公司(股份代號:1176) (於二零一二年六月五日獲委任)各自之獨立非執行董事,上述公司均於聯交所上市。
He is currently an independent non-executive director of each of Asia Orient Holdings Limited (stock code: 214), Asia Standard International Group Limited (stock code: 129), Century City International Holdings Limited (stock code: 355), China Nickel Resources Holdings Company Limited (stock code: 2889), China Ting Group Holdings Limited (stock code: 3398), ENM Holdings Limited (stock code: 128), First Natural Foods Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed) (stock code: 1076), Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited (stock code: 3308), PacMOS Technologies Holdings Limited (stock code: 1010), Paliburg Holdings Limited (stock code: 617), Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited (stock code: 78), TPV Technology Limited (stock code: 903) and Zhuguang Holdings Group Company Limited (Stock Code: 1176) (appointed on 5 June 2012), all of these companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.
其企业精神不体现在所有 Fossil 珠宝和 Fossil 手表中,体现在深入人心的 Fossil 生活方式中。
This entrepreneurial spirit is
[...] evident in the complete line of Fossil Jewelry and Fossil Watches and is all in the spirit [...]
of the
Fossil lifestyle that makes them so irresistible.
珠光紙是 PP材質,目前牛皮紙及銅版紙使用之澱粉系、PVA系均不適合,建議使用低溫型熱熔膠,並在製袋機上加裝熱熔膠來作業。
Since PEPA is made of PP and [...]
the starch system and PVA system currently used for kraft paper and art paper are not applicable
for PEPA, it is recommended to use low-temperature hot glue and installed an hot melt applicator on the bag making machine.
由於塗佈珠光紙, 其紙面對油墨之接受性相當廣泛,任何紙用油墨及塑膠油墨均有良好之密著性及印刷適性,可使用一般紙用網印油墨印刷。
Since coated PEPA is more freely the [...]
application of inks, any ink for ordinary paper printing and plastic ink can well adhere
to it and be suitable for printing.
我们在原有的金属颜料和金属涂料产品系列的基础上又增加 珠光 颜 料 系列,这一系统性的扩展让 ECKART 可以为广阔的应用领域提供更多高质量的基于特殊效果颜料的系列产品。
Systematic expansion of the existing product range of metal pigments and metallic paints to include pearlescent has resulted in ECKART today being able to offer an extensive range of high-quality products based on effect pigments for a wide variety of applications.
这款多功能去屑洗发水配方中加入了Sulfochem™ B-298K混合表面活性剂,这是一种表面活性剂浓缩液,经优化可提升发泡和粘度性能,同时还能为含锌的洗发水配方增添雅致 珠光 效 果
This multifunctional anti-dandruff shampoo is formulated with Sulfochem™ B-298K Surfactant Blend which is a surfactant concentrate that has been optimized for foaming and viscosity building performance, while imparting an elegant pearlescence to shampoos formulated with zinc.
Pearly glass mosaics, ceramic [...]
pebbles and pelmets in Navona Travertine are among the precious features that embellish the
bar area, contributing to an atmosphere that is refined and at the same time relaxed.
在大型国际会议上以及向各国全委会、代表团、教育部长、政府间组织、非政府组织 等散发了 470 000
多份文件,其中包括《2002 年全民教育全球监测报告》、题为《教育与教
[...] 科文组织》的小册子、关于全民教育的专题研究报告、通讯、《今日教育》,以及 15 000 多张多体光盘和 招贴画,以此传播应用研究与信息,支持会员国提高作出有根据的决策能 力。
The capacity for evidence-based decision-making in Member States was supported through the dissemination of applied research and information in the form of more than 470,000 documents, including copies of the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2002, the brochure Education and UNESCO, thematic studies on EFA, the newsletter Education Today, over 15,000 copies of multimedia CD-ROMs and posters at major international conferences and to National Commissions, Delegations, Ministers of Education, IGOs, NGOs, etc. The dissemination of information on the
education website considerably increased:
[...] 8, 208,459 page views during the past [...]
18 months (January 2002-June 2003), as compared
to 3,875,753 in the previous 18-month period.
在泰国举行的第 二十八届世界童子军大会上(2002 年 12
[...] 月),推出了教科文组织为青年提供的如何制作多体光盘及网站的实用建议手册。
A UNESCO handbook providing young people with practical advice on
[...] creating multimedia CD-ROMs and websites [...]
was launched at the 28th World Scouts Jamboree in Thailand (December 2002).
这是一款质地柔软的润唇膏,带有甜香气味和 3D 立 体光 泽。
A softly textured lip gel with a deliciously
[...] sweet scent and 3D shimmer.
若雷达探测到某个物体,PT系列红外热像仪会自动转到相应方向,传输视觉图像,这样您就可以及时了解雷达屏幕上 体光 点 的具体所指对象。
If the radar detects an object, the PT-Series will automatically turn in the right direction and give you a visual image so that you can instantly see what the blip on the radar screen really means.
47. 食典委通过了执委会建议的国际编码系统拟议修正草案,并建议食品添加剂法典
[...] 委员会根据粮农组织/世卫组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会第七十四届会议编制的规格专 论中的描述为“铝硅酸钾珠光染料 ”安排一个新的INS编码。
The Commission adopted the proposed draft amendments to the INS as proposed by the CCEXEC and recommended to the CCFA to reconsider a
new INS number for “potassium aluminium
[...] silicate, based pearlescent pigments” on [...]
the basis of the description of the specifications
monograph prepared by the 74th JECFA.
上海金浦塑料包装材料有限公司 提供种类繁多的BOPP(双向拉伸聚丙烯)薄膜,
[...] 如平片(从18到60的规格),纸层压薄膜(从12至15的规格) 珠光 膜 , 可热封的薄膜,胶带膜,垫膜,特殊的阻挡膜,激光全息膜,金属化膜等… [...]
SHANGHAI JINPU PLASTIC PACKAGING MATERIAL offers a great variety of BOPP (biaxially oriented polypropylene) film such as plain film (specifications from 18 to
60), paper–laminating film(specifications
[...] from 12 to 15), pearlized film, heat-sealable [...]
film, adhesive tape film, mat film,
special barrier film, laser holographic film, metallized film, etc..
成膜·线路形成材料、CVD·ALD用成膜材料、CVD材料·气体、离子注入 体 、 光 掩 膜 、液浸平版印刷技术用材料、光致抗蚀剂材料、蚀刻液·气体、CMP研磨材料、各种洗涤剂、各种合成材料、各种添加剂、界面活性剂、各种溶剂、胶带·粘接剂、保护材料、纳米管、面向MEMS的薄膜材料(吸气剂材料等)、树枝形分子等高分子材料、聚合物材料、无菌衣/手套/面具/鞋/帽、清洁滚子、/刮水器/各种滚子/刷子、静电除去/除尘对策产品、清洁室/清洁长凳/隔离器、薄膜/垫块/片、粒子计数器、空调设备、过滤器、其他清洁相关零部件材料等。
Film-forming and wiring materials, film-forming materials for
CVD and ALD, CVD materials and gasses, ion
[...] injection gas, photo masks, liquid immersion [...]
lithography materials, photo resist
materials, etching fluid and gas, CMP polishing materials, various detergents, various synthetic materials, various additives, surface-active agents, various solvents, tape or pasting materials, adhesives, protection materials, nanotubes, film materials for MEMS (e.g. getter materials), polymer materials such as dendrimer, polymer materials, sterile clothes/gloves/masks/shoes/caps, clean rollers/wipers/various rolls/brushes, static charge free products/dust-free products, clean room/clean bench/isolators, films/mats/sheets, particle counters, air conditioners, filters, other cleaning-related tools, etc.




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