

单词 珠三



Pearl River Delta


Pearl River Delta (PRD)


Pan-Pearl River delta
The nine provinces of Southern China around Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta
South China


the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zone including the 5 provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong)

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

實踐 上述目標將有助明顯改珠江三角洲( 珠三 角 )的空氣質素和紓緩 煙霧問題。
Achieving these targets will help improve significantly
[...] the air quality of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region [...]
and relieve the regional smog problem.
我 們相信,以上這些及其他計劃,將有 珠三 角 地 區培育出新一批能夠在影響全球的企業。
We believe that these and other
initiatives will contribute to the development of the next
[...] generation of globally important companies in the Pearl River Delta.
可以預期,香港、深圳、澳門、珠海、以至整 珠三 角 , 勢將迅速地在經濟及文化上融合成為一個新的實體。
One can expect that Hong Kong,
[...] Shenzhen, Macau, Zhuhai and the whole Pearl River Delta will soon [...]
merge to become one entity both economically and culturally.
与京津地区不同的是,2012年度三角 和 珠三 角 两 地区拍卖市场份额逆 势而上,均比上一年度有一定的提升。
Contrary to the Beijing and Tianjin region, the
[...] Yangtze River Delta1 and Pearl River Delta2 regions [...]
auction market share rose in 2012 against
the trend, both improving on the year before.
DTTN 旨在協助中小型企業降低使用電子 商業的門檻,為本港珠三角地 區提供先進的電子商業基建,以鞏固香港國際物流 [...]
Ultimately, the aim of the DTTN is to lower the barriers
for SMEs to enjoy e-commerce, provide
[...] Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region [...]
with a sophisticated e-infrastructure, and
secure the region’s place as a leading international logistics hub.
這個國家與中國一樣,努力從初級的低成本生產轉向更高附加值的工業活動,而且已經成功地吸引轉移了部分中 珠三 角 的 生產活動。
The country has made efforts similar to China's to move away from primarily low-cost production to more
value-added industrial activity, and has actually managed to lure some manufacturing activity
[...] away from China's Pearl River Delta.
政制及內地事務局首席助理秘書長(7)負責統籌香港特區政府參與 支援四川地震災區重建的工作,並為香港特區支援四川地震災區
[...] 重建督導委員會提供秘書處支援;與 珠三 角 區 域合作的事宜; 與澳門特別行政區政府聯繫;就中央人民政府與香港特區政府的 [...]
議提供秘書處支援;香港特區政府駐北京辦事處及駐內地經濟貿 易辦事處的內務管理支援;處理對內地當局的投訴及在內地遇事 港人的求助個案;以及繼續就上海世博的相關活動,在香港提供 支援和進行聯繫。
PAS(CMA)7 is responsible for coordinating actions taken by the HKSAR Government to support the post-quake reconstruction work in Sichuan and providing secretariat support for the Steering Committee on the HKSAR’s Support for Reconstruction in the
Sichuan Earthquake Stricken Areas;
[...] cooperation with Pan-Pearl River Delta Region; [...]
liaison with the Macao Special Administrative
Region Government; advising on the CPG/HKSAR Government relationship; liaison with the CPG; providing secretariat support for the Hong Kong/Beijing and Hong Kong/Shanghai Economic Cooperation Conferences; housekeeping of the Beijing Office and Hong Kong ETOs in the Mainland; handling complaints against Mainland authorities and assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress in the Mainland; and providing continued support and liaison in Hong Kong for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China (Shanghai Expo) related activities.
這項研究的目的,是在“一國兩制"的框架下,以前瞻性的視野考慮珠三角地 區發展的機遇與挑戰,藉此制訂區域的發展策略。
It aims to formulate a regional development strategy by taking a forward-looking perspective
to consider the opportunities and constraints
[...] of the Greater PRD region under the [...]
“One Country, Two Systems” framework.
他是若干政府/公共藝術文化政策研究的首席作者和編輯,包括:《香港創意產業基線研究》(2003)、《創意指數研究》(2005 )和 珠三 角 及香港創意產業》(2006)和 《香港藝術界年度調查報告》(2010 )。
He is Chief Author and Editor of several government/ public studies related to arts and cultural policy including the Baseline Study on HK's Creative Industries (2003), A Study on Creativity
Index (2005) and Study on the
[...] Relationship between the Pearl River Delta and Hong [...]
Kong's Creative Industries (2006) and
Advisor for the Annual Survey of the Arts Sector in Hong Kong (2010).
不同于其他以前的神奇宝贝电影,神奇宝贝:崛起的的Darkrai份额情节元素的下两部电影的第一部电影是什么说的钻石& 珠三 部 曲,神奇宝贝:Giratina和“天空勇士”和结尾的神奇宝贝:Arceus和生命的宝石。
Unlike other previous Pokémon films, Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai share plot elements with the next two films
making this the first film of what is said
[...] is the Diamond & Pearl trilogy, followed [...]
by Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior and
ending in Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life.
在粵港合作聯席會議下,其中一項有關規劃事宜的主要工作,是進行 珠 江 三角 洲城鎮群協調發展規劃研究,目的是要在“一國兩制"的框架下,為 珠三 角制 訂區域發展策略。
One of the major tasks on planning matters under the auspices of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference
is to carry out
[...] the Planning Study on the Co-ordinated Development of the Greater Pearl River Delta (PRD) Townships which aims to formulate a regional development [...]
strategy for the
Greater PRD region under the “One Country Two Systems” framework.
In terms of purchasing power parity, the per
[...] capita GDP of the PRD Metropolis by 2038 [...]
will be around US$100,000, which will be
above the average of the three international metropolitan centres of New York, Tokyo, and London respectively.
2011年香港商業獎簡介 香港商業獎於1990年由DHL和香港南華早報創辦,獎項的目的在於: 1) 每年公開表彰對保持及加強香港 珠三 角 洲 的經濟繁榮與國際地位做出突出貢獻的香港工商業人士及機構; 2) 激發並維持企業家的精神,表彰並肯定優秀的企業管理標准。
ABOUT Hong Kong Business Award 2011 The Hong Kong Business Awards were established by DHL and the South China Morning Post in 1990 with the following aims and objectives: 1) To create an annual Business Awards to acknowledge publicly the vital contributions made by individuals and by companies in maintaining and expanding the economic viability and international stature in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. 2) To create an environment through which the Business Awards will encourage and sustain the region's entrepreneurial spirit, and highlight and recognize excellent standards of corporate management and governance.
多台网络快车每天专线运输,把每份快件准时快捷的送达客户手中;现代化的电子跟踪系统(POD)准确追踪到每一份快件的去向;所有快件均有专人24小时为您处理;我们的代收货款、签回单在整 珠三 角 地 区是最有强势的服务项目。
Express more than one day, green transport network, to express punctual and efficient service for each customer's hands; modern electronic tracking system (POD) to accurately track the movement of each shipment; all shipments are handled for you 24 hours of
hand; Our collection of money, check back
[...] throughout the Pearl River Delta region [...]
is the single most powerful services.
在整个设计中我们以国际专业水平为定位,将其打造成 珠三 角 独 一无二的国际红酒汇,其主要功能包括保税仓储、境外红酒加工、红酒汇多功能综合体。
The main functions include bonded warehouse, overseas red wine processing and red wine composite.
這些措施包 括:成立駐粵經濟貿易辦事處,向在粵的香港企業收集
[...] 和發放經貿資訊;開展新的跨境基建項目,使兩地之間 的人流和物流更暢通;設立珠三角 商 務委員會,在商 業層面上,討論關係粵港兩地共同利益的議題。
These included: setting up a government economic and trade office in Guangzhou to gather and communicate trade and economic information to Hong Kong companies conducting business in Guangdong; commissioning of new cross-boundary infrastructures to improve
passenger and cargo flows; and establishing
[...] the Greater PRD Business Council to provide a platform [...]
for discussing issues of mutual
benefit to Hong Kong and PRD at the business-to-business level.
郭主席總結﹕「作為深圳珠三角地 區本土開發商,集團將積極提高運營能力,嚴格控制開 [...]
發及管理成本,並將品牌建設作為重點,充分挖掘“深業地產”的品牌價值,以為股東創造更 好的回報。
Mr. Guo concluded, “As a local developer
[...] in Shenzhen and Pearl River Delta, the [...]
Group will strengthen its operating capabilities,
implement strict cost controls, focus on brand building and fully exploit the brand values of ‘Shumyip Property’ to generate higher value for shareholders.
廣州》計劃建珠三角地 區文化交流的網絡及促進交流而再獲「香港舞蹈年獎2010」。
On 2010, CCDC Dance Centre received the Hong Kong Dance Award
[...] again for its Pearl River Delta community [...]
dance and education exchange project “Youth Dance.
不同于其他以前的神奇宝贝电影,神奇宝贝:崛起的的Darkrai份额情节元素的下两部电影的第一部电影是什么说是钻石 珠三 部 曲 ,其次是宠物小精灵:Giratin ...
Unlike other previous Pokémon films, Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai share plot elements with the
next two films making this the first film of what is said
[...] is the Diamond & Pearl trilogy, followed by Pokémon: [...]
王氏的另一作品《Sang Yat Fai Lok》(2008)
[...] 亦是從他其中一個研究計劃所演 變而成,關於珠三角的家庭背景和一個本地電視節目名人的叔叔。
Wong’s video Sang Yat Fai Lok (2008) is also the product of his
research-based practice, this time into his
[...] familial ties to the Pearl River Delta, namely [...]
his estranged great uncle who was a local television personality.
實現這些目標將有助達到香港的空氣質素指標,並可減 珠 江 三 角 洲 (下稱 珠三 角 」 )地區的能見度和光化學煙霧問題。
The accomplishment of these targets is instrumental in meeting the Air Quality Objectives of Hong Kong, as well as in alleviating the visibility and photochemical smog problems in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region.
廣深港高速鐵路日後將連接全國高速鐵路 珠三 角 城 際快線,有助從內 地導引人流資金流進入香港,對重構本港的發展格局產生策略性的作用。
As the Rail Link will link up with the Hi-speed National Rail
[...] Network and the Pearl River Delta Inter-city [...]
Express Rail Network, it is strategically
important in reshaping the developmental landscape of Hong Kong, as it would bring in the flow of people and capital from the Mainland.
我在2001年起擔任工總主席,任內兩年期間,有珠 三角雖然是香港工業最重要的生產基地,可是,社會對 香港珠三角經 濟關係的認識卻明顯不足。
During my two-year tenure as chairman of the FHKI beginning 2001, the relative lack of understanding of the economic relationship between Hong Kong and our single most important production hinterland for Hong Kong industry – the PRD, prompted FHKI to embark on the Made in PRD research project.
在真實情況 下珠三角和 香港空氣污染所帶來的影響和成本代 價,將遠遠超出本報告所提供的數字。
28. The proportions of the number of private hospital outpatient visits due to respiratory diseases in the nine prefectures were assumed to be the same as those for the number of public hospital inpatient episodes in Guangzhou.
近几年珠三角和 长三角地区利用一直 利用自身的优势,逐渐形成以上海和杭州为中心的长三角地区,及广东为中心珠三角拍卖地区。
In recent years, the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions have exploited their advantages, with Shanghai and Hangzhou gradually forming as the core of the Yangtze River Delta region and Guangdong as the centre of the Pearl River Delta [...]
auction region.
近年來,廣東省城鄉規劃行業勇於解放思想,銳意改革創新,諸多理念和實踐都處於國內領先水平,其 珠三 角 城鎮群協調發展規劃獲國家金獎 珠三 角 綠道網被住房和城鄉建設部授予中國人居環境範例獎,並獲2012年度“迪拜國際改善居住環境最佳範例獎”全球百佳範例稱號。
Subsequent to the reform and innovation under way, most of the concepts and practices in Guangdong Province are already above the national level. Mr. Cai played a positive role in the
Coordinated Planning of City
[...] Clusters of the Pearl River Delta being awarded the “National Gold Medal” and the Greenway in the Pearl River Delta being [...]
awarded the “China
Human Habitat Environment Prize”, by the Ministry of Construction, and received the “2012 Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment”.
[...] 點是鼓勵企業簽署《清新空氣約章》,並實踐約章所臚列的六項措 施,從而減少空氣污染,提升珠三 角 地區的空氣質素。
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) and the Hong Kong Business Coalition on the Environment (HKBCE) are driving a businessled initiative –
Project CLEAN AIR – to combat air pollution with the goal of improving the quality of air
[...] in the Greater Pearl River Delta.
共建优质生活圈专项规划》(《专项规划》)是首个粤港澳三地共同参与编制的区域性专项规划,旨在透过建构三方长远合作蓝图,将 珠三 角 地 区建设成一个低碳、高科技、低污染的优质生活城市群。
The Regional Cooperation Plan on Building a Quality Living Area (the Plan) is the first regional plan being jointly compiled by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The
overall objective of the Plan is to transform
[...] the Greater Pearl River Delta (PRD) [...]
region into a low-carbon, high-technology
and low-pollution city cluster of quality living through the compilation of a long-term co-operation blueprint for the three sides.
我 们 一 向 积 极 支 持 环 保 , 「 绿 色 融 资 计 划 」 旨 在 通 过 优 惠 的
[...] 借 贷 方 案 , 帮 助珠 三 角 设 厂 的 港 资 企 业 [...]
, 投 资 于 较 环 保 的 机 器 及 设 备 , 以 提 升 能 源 效 益 及 减 少 污 染 。
We have long been an active supporter for environmental protection.  The Hang Seng Green Financing Scheme aims
to provide funding for Hong Kong-owned
[...] factories in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) [...]
Region to acquire green equipment that would
enhance energy efficiency and reduce pollution.




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