

单词 珍重

珍重 ()

extremely valuable
(honorific) Please take good care of yourself!




See also:

precious thing
value highly
culinary delicacy

External sources (not reviewed)

我亦希望 劉千石議珍重,在爭取勞工權益的路㆖,繼續努力。
I hope Mr LAU will take good care of himself and continue his efforts in fighting for the rights and interests of workers.
母亲既工作又照顾子女”项目,在国家高级官员公署秘书处的领导下实施, 目的是创造替代托儿机会,从而给父 重 返 劳动力市场的机会。
The aim of the project Lapsed hoitud, emad tööl (Taking care of children while mothers work), carried out under the leadership of the State
Chancellery, is to create alternative childcare possibilities, thus giving parents
[...] the opportunity to return to the [...]
labour market.
所有成员们珍重其语 言并希望看到其发展。
Once the community considers the full range of factors and completes its self-assessment, it will have a well-founded basis on which to seek support from relevant agencies.
F 当使用健康酵重新吸收更快时, 不要接种老酵母或以前发酵慢的酵 母。
F Do not pitch old generation yeast or yeast that has been slow to ferment
另外,也不能强制未成年父重拾学 业,因为这取 决于他们自己的决定。
Moreover, teenage parents could not be coerced to continue their studies, because it was up to each individual to decide.
因此,港府必須盡快廢除現行有礙新聞自由的過時法例,確保新聞工作免受政府的無理 干預;同時更需要推行資訊自由法,進㆒步為公眾開放資料,為實踐向公眾負責的開放 政府作好準備,也令香港市民㆒ 珍重 的 言 論自由和新聞自由能得到法律的確認和保 證。
The Government must as soon as possible repeal all obsolete legislation which is hampering the freedom of the press, in order to ensure that journalistic activities are immune from the Government’s unreasonable intervention. The Information Access Bill should also be introduced to allow further disclosure of information, so as to prepare for the emergence of an open government which is accountable to the public and to provide legal confirmation and guarantee for freedom of expression and press freedom, both of which have all along been treasured by the people of Hong Kong.
為進一步推動香港社會重視家庭的文化及維繫家庭倫理,在未來一 年,家庭議會將會開展“ 開心家庭運動”,並會聯同政府部門及諮詢組
[...] 織、教育界、商界和非政府組織,鼓勵市民共建香港 珍重 的 家 庭,使 大家共同為家庭注入歡欣、關愛、互助互勉、互相欣賞及共同承擔責任 [...]
In order to further encourage the Hong Kong community to attach importance to family culture and maintain family morality, the Family Council will launch a "Happy Family Campaign" in the coming year and collaborate with government departments and advisory bodies, the education sector, the business
sector and NGOs to encourage the public to
[...] build families cherished by Hong Kong [...]
people, for the injection of elements such
as happiness, kindness, support, mutual appreciation and joint commitment, into families.
珍重收容大批难民的国家的慷慨行为,确认大批难民的存在给这些国家 带来了安全、社会经济和环境影响,并深感关切地注意到国际援助的数量不断下 降。
We value the generosity of the countries hosting large numbers of [...]
refugees and acknowledge the security, socioeconomic and
environmental impact of the presence of large-scale refugee populations on these countries, and note with deep concern the declining levels of international assistance.
这些儿童大多数来自父母因涉重大 犯 罪而已经被逮捕或目前 正在监狱服刑的家庭,已成为流离失所者或 重 虐 待 的受害者。
Most of the children come from families where the
[...] parents have been arrested for major crimes or are presently serving jail sentences, have been misplaced or are victims of severe abuse.
Even though the little girl had
[...] gained over half a kilo since, her eyes [...]
were still huge in her too-thin face and she needed
to continue being fed with the nut paste.
孕期感染疟疾与母亲的重贫血症和其他疾病有关,会使新生婴儿 重 过 轻 ,是造成婴儿死亡率和次优生长和发育的一个主要风险因素。
Malaria infection during pregnancy is
[...] associated with severe anaemia and other illness in the mother and contributes to low birth weight among newborn infants [...]
— one of the leading
risk factors for infant mortality and sub-optimal growth and development.
针对农村妇女的技能培训对 残疾妇女和单身母亲给予重点关注。
Skills training for rural women
[...] included a special focus on women with [...]
disabilities and single mothers.
就非洲人后裔而言,这可能需要确保在有此需要的地方提供双 语教育,并确保课程安排珍惜和尊 重 历 史 、文化和非洲人后裔对其国家和全球 发展所做的贡献,以便促进在社会内部对他们的承认和他们的认同感,特别是对 非洲裔的儿童和青年来说更是如此。
In the case of people of African descent, this may entail ensuring the provision of bilingual education where relevant, and ensuring that curricula value and respect the history, culture and contributions that people of African descent have made to their nations and global development in order to promote their recognition within society and a sense of identity, particularly for children and young people of African descent.
重要的 非官方母語包括中文、義大利文、 德文及旁遮普語。
Other significant non-official [...]
first languages include Chinese, Italian, German and Punjabi.
设保人的姓名为相关身份识别 特征并且准确的姓名为登记处所用语文以外的另外一种语文的,规则应当澄清
[...] 究竟如何对构成姓名的字母及字母上的任 重 音 加 以调整或翻译以便与登记处 的语文相符。
Where the grantor’s name is the relevant identifier and the correct name is in a language other than that used by the
registry, the rules should clarify how the
[...] characters and any accents on characters [...]
that form the name are to be adjusted or translated
to conform to the language of the registry.
国家为下述人员缴纳社会税:孩子 3-16 岁,人居住在爱沙尼亚,身有 中度重度和极重度残 疾的父母或养父母;孩子 16-18 岁,身重度和极重 度残 疾,人居住在爱沙尼亚,没有职业,还没领取国家养恤金的父母或养父 母;只身居住在爱沙尼亚,已经缔结了在家中抚育孩子的父母、监护人或照 [...]
料者,和抚养七个或更多 19
岁以下儿童,人居住在爱沙尼亚的父母、监护 人或照料者。
The state pays social tax for a parent or step-parent of a child aged 3–16 and
residing in Estonia
[...] and having a moderate, severe or profound disability or of a child aged 16–18 and having a severe or profound disability [...]
if such parent or
step-parent resides in Estonia and is not employed and does not receive a national pension, and for a parent, guardian or caregiver residing alone in Estonia with whom an agreement of raising a child in the family has been concluded and who raises seven or more children under 19 years old and residing in Estonia.
(iv) 非洲的项目重于“注重母语 的多语言教育”,它可望在 2010 年 12 月之前完 成。
(iv) The project for Africa, which focuses on “mother-tongue-based multilingual education”, is expected to be completed by December 2010.
提倡在重母语的情况下,在所有可能 的地方实现各级教育中的语言多样化, [...]
Encouraging linguistic
[...] diversity – while respecting the mother tongue [...]
– at all levels of education, wherever possible, and
fostering the learning of several languages from the earliest age.
[...] 会成员,民间社会和非政府组织,尤其是从事残疾人工作的民间社会和非政府组 织,包括巴斯马促进残疾人就业协会,全国助盲联合会,突尼斯支助智障者联合 会,肢体障残者联合会,突尼斯母亲组织, 重 残 疾 人家庭护理协会,突尼斯残 疾人体育运动联合会,突尼斯残疾人监护人和残疾人之友协会,助聋协会,以及 突尼斯促进聋人福利协会。
The present report was prepared after broad consultations at the national level with all stakeholders, the ministries responsible for various aspects of human rights, the Higher Committee on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, members of Parliament, civil society and non-governmental organizations, particularly those working with disabled persons, including the Basma Association for the Promotion of the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, the National Union for the Blind, the Tunisian Union for the Support of Persons with Mental Disabilities,
the Association of
[...] Persons with Motor Disabilities, the Tunisian Organization of Mothers, the Association for Home Care for Persons with Severe Disabilities, [...]
the Tunisian Federation
of Sports for Persons with Disabilities, the Association of Guardians and Friends of Persons with Disabilities, the Association for the Support of Persons with Hearing Loss and the Tunisian Association for the Welfare of the Deaf.
當時的衞生福利局局長霍 羅兆貞曾向議會承諾會(我引述)“締造一個巿民大眾均瞭解並 重 母 乳育 嬰的社會環境”。
The then Secretary for Health and Welfare, Mrs Katherine FOK, pledged to this Council and I quote: "to foster a public awareness of breastfeeding and to cultivate a respect for it".
現時雖然由於各種原因, 香港尚 未 有一間醫 院 成 為 愛 嬰 醫 院 , 但 生 署 和 醫 管 局 均 已 落 實《國際 推 銷 母乳代 用 品 守 則》和《成功 母乳育 嬰 十 項 指引》 中 的 多項要點,致力 締 造 一個市民 大 眾 均瞭解並重 母乳育 嬰 的 社 會環境。
Due to various reasons, no hospital in Hong Kong has become a "baby friendly" hospital yet, but the DH and the HA have been striving hard to implement most of the key points in the Code and the Ten Steps to foster a public awareness of breast-feeding and to cultivate a respect for it.
此外,在各级教育中重母语的同时可鼓 励语言多样性,以支持文化和睦和保护文化多样性。
Moreover, rapprochement and the preservation of cultural diversity
can be supported by encouraging linguistic
[...] diversity — while respecting the mother tongue [...]
— at all levels of education.
4.14 关于2008年11月19 日苏黎世市学校心理支助服务处的报告,对于指出 孩子们自杀倾向重,母 亲过世的消息使他们原有症状 重 的 这部分内容,法庭 有一定的保留。
4.14 Regarding the report from the school psychological support services of the city of Zurich dated 19 November 2008, the Tribunal has some reservations about the portion of the diagnosis which indicates that the children run a greater risk of suicide and that their pre-existing symptoms have been aggravated by the news of their mother’s death.
对于那些认为当前以市场为基础的消费发 展模式应当继续的人,那些认为,在地球母亲在 对我们说:‘够了,够了’的时候,人类还等得 起,各国人民还等得起,而且,各国人民,重 要的是,地球母亲将会耐心等待的人,我要说: 保护我们自己的唯一办法是我们各国人民团结 起来。
I say to those who think that the current market-based consumer model of development should continue, who think that humankind can afford to wait, that the peoples can afford to wait and that the peoples — and above all Mother Earth — will wait patiently while Mother Earth is saying to us, ‘Enough, enough’: The only way to defend ourselves is to unite as peoples.
巴西建议土库曼斯坦:(a) 实现理事会第 9/12 号决议中规定的人权目 标;(b) 考虑批准《国际刑事法院罗马规约》、《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或 有 辱 人 格 的 待 遇 或处罚 公约任择
议定书》 、 《 保护所有人免 遭强迫失踪公约》 和 《禁止对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》;(c) 考虑向特别程序发出长期有效 的邀请;以及(d)
[...] 加强关于防止和制止童工现象和关于充分保障儿童权利的政策, 特重视没有父母照料的儿童。
Brazil recommended that Turkmenistan (a) reach the human rights goals set by the Council in its resolution 9/12; (b) consider ratifying the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court, the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention for the Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappearance and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; (c) consider adopting a standing invitation to special procedures; and (d) strengthen its policy on the prevention and the combating of
child labour and on the full guarantee of the rights of the child,
[...] with special attention to children [...]
without parental care.
以往的获奖者包括帮助穷人接受教育的 Nanhi Kali 项目,这个项目帮助加纳的寡重新 融 入社会;母婴教育方案,这是土耳其的一个 项目,目的是教育和支持贫困社区学龄前儿童,帮助母亲成为“第一个教育家”。
Past winners include the Nanhi Kali project to provide education to needy girls; the Widows Alliance Network, which helps widows in Ghana integrate into society; and the Mother-Child Education Programme, a Turkish initiative that aims to educate and support preschool children from under-resourced communities by training mothers to be the “first educator”.
例如,方案可重于对 母亲或照顾者的培训,使其理解他们孩子的发展需要,并恰当地回答或建议父亲怎样才能在儿童的生活中变得更加主动的方式方法。
For example,
[...] programmes can focus on training mothers [...]
or caregivers to understand their children's development and to respond
appropriately or suggest ways for fathers to become more active in the lives of their children.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
除了宪法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权;国籍权;健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权;父母关爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获得父母财产的权利;社交活动权;与父母 在一起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和风俗习惯影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health and health services, etc; right to privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right to social activities; rights to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.
我甚至擔心,一心想要學一口標準美式英語的我,但最終學到的 可能是夾雜世界各地口音的雜語,因爲在美國,人們是那麽地不忌諱,或者說是自然地操著 帶有各自重母語口音的所謂英語,儘管他可能移民 17 年、20 年或更久。
I was once even worried that for all my wish to acquire a standard American English accent I might end up taking a mixture of accents in some miscellaneous English. Because in the United States, immigrants are so reckless that they naturally speak a so-called English mixed with a strong accent of their mother tongue, although they might have been in the United States for seventeen, twenty years or even longer.




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