

单词 珍羞

See also:

precious thing
value highly
culinary delicacy

External sources (not reviewed)

妥善處理領養能夠促進坦誠溝通、毋須隱瞞或感 羞 恥 ,也讓父母及早並經常與子女分享他們的領養故事。
Adoption best practices encourage honesty and openness, avoiding secrecy
[...] or feelings of shame, and sharing [...]
a child’s adoption story early and often.
以色列的政策蔑视所有具有国际合法性的相关决 议,特别是尤其是第 497(1981)号决议——(该决议规 定,以色列侵占叙利亚戈兰的决定无效,没有法律效
力);作为这类同样政策的一部分,以色列正继续拒不 把被占领的叙利亚戈兰归还给它的祖国叙利亚,并正
[...] 在奉行其定居点政策、恐怖主义行动、种族歧视行为, 试羞辱叙利亚公民,分割被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并 [...]
在戈兰 Majdal Shams 村庄以东建造一道隔离墙。
As part of the same Israeli policy that flouts all relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in particular resolution 497 (1981), which provides that the Israeli decision to annex the Syrian Golan is null and void and has no legal effect, Israel is continuing to refuse to return the occupied Syrian Golan to its motherland, Syria, and is pursuing its settlement policies,
terrorist actions, acts of racial discrimination,
[...] attempts to humiliate Syrian citizens, [...]
divide the occupied Syrian Golan and build
a separation wall in the Golan east of the village of Majdal Shams.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and persons under probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
国家工作人员和私人个人必须尊 重所有人的尊严,避羞辱和 偏见,并承认和支持生活贫困的人为改善生活所做 的努力。
State agents and private individuals must respect the dignity of all, avoid stigmatization and prejudices, and recognize and support the efforts that those living in poverty are making to improve their lives.
在回答对其第六次报告所使用资料来源和例子的某些批评时,特别报告员 解释说,他曾经试图以最佳方式利用可获得的材料,而且他在报告中总是注明出 处,他在报告里也一再明确地说,所引述的情况并非包罗全面,并且当然不是为羞辱所提到的那些国家。
Replying to certain criticisms of his use of sources and examples in his sixth report, the Special Rapporteur explained that he had tried to make the best use of the material available, the sources of which had always been clearly cited, and that he had expressly stated in his report that the cases cited were not comprehensive and certainly not intended to stigmatize the countries mentioned.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
会议回顾亚太经社会第 66/10 号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁成
[...] 员和准成员,除其他外,“将普及工作建立人权的基础上,并采取措 施解羞辱和歧视问题、以及阻碍艾滋病的有效应对措施,特别是关 [...]
级别政府间会议,以便“评估在落实关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治宣言中的承诺和千年发展目标方面的进展和确保普及方面的工作, 并查明区域合作的领域,特别是在查明和消除阻碍普及的政策和法律 障碍,同时推动卫生和其他部门之间,包括司法、法治和毒品管制部 门之间进行对话等领域”。
The Meeting recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 66/10, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, “to ground universal access in human rights and
undertake measures to address stigma and
[...] discrimination, as well as policy and [...]
legal barriers to effective HIV response, in
particular with regard to key affected populations” and had requested the Executive Secretary to convene a highlevel intergovernmental meeting “to assess progress against commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals and efforts to ensure universal access, and identify areas for regional cooperation, in particular in such areas as policy and legal barriers to universal access and promoting dialogue between health and other sectors, including justice, law and order and drug control”.
除了宪法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权;国籍权;健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权;父母关爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获得父母财产的权利;社交活动权;与父母 在一起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和风俗习惯影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health and health services, etc; right to privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right to social activities; rights to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.
拉丁美洲及加勒比地区想表示珍视 、承认和赞赏“与全国委员会和新合作伙伴关系 处”的工作及在沟通、能力培养和对该地区的支持方面所做出的巨大改进。
The Latin America and the Caribbean region wants to establish that it values, recognizes and commends the Division of Relations with National Commissions and New Partnerships for its work and for achieving considerable improvements in communication, capacity-building and general support to the region.




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