单词 | 玻色子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玻色子—boson (particle physics)Examples:希格斯玻色子—Higgs boson (particle physics) See also:色子—dice (used in gambling)
一种被称作希格斯玻色子的难以捉摸的亚原子粒子被《科学》杂志宣布为2012年最重要的科学发现。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The observation of an elusive sub-atomic particle, [...] known as the Higgs boson, hasbeen heralded [...]by the journal Science as [...]the most important scientific discovery of 2012. chinese.eurekalert.org |
欧洲核子研究中心记者采访到卡尔·哈根采访到,罗切斯特大学的理论物理学家卡尔·哈根,在欧洲核子研究中心的最新成果,对希格斯玻色子的搜寻。 portalhispano.info | CERN to Carl Hagen Interview Interview [...] to Carl Hagen, theoretical physicist, Rochester University, about the latest results [...] at CERN on the Higgs boson searches. portalhispano.info |
该活动为的是确保生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间 科学政策平台(IPBES)临时秘书处的设立(最后的决定将在预定于 2013 年初召开的该平 台第一次全会上做出);在“科技与创新促进青年就业、人力资源开发包容性增长”的非洲 论坛(肯尼亚内罗毕,2012 年 4 月)上,非洲各国负责科技与创新、财政和计划、教育的部 [...] 长们通过了关于科技与创新的内罗毕宣言;国际水文计划的政府间理事会通过了题为“水安 全:应对地方性、地区性、全球性挑战”的国际水文计划第八阶段(2014--2021 年)战略规 [...] 划;欧洲原子能研究机构发现了被认为是希格斯玻色子的一种新的基本粒子,人们预期这将 会解释宇宙中质量的存在。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other major achievements include: the Organization was accepted in a process which involves also UNEP, FAO and UNDP, for ensuring the interim secretariat of IPBES (a final decision in this regard will be taken by the Platform’s first plenary foreseen for early 2013); the adoption by African Ministers in charge of STI, Finance and Planning, and Education, of the Nairobi Declaration on STI at the African Forum on “STI for Youth Employment, Human Capital Development and Inclusive Growth” (Nairobi, Kenya, April 2012); the adoption by the IHP Intergovernmental Council of the Strategic Plan for Phase VIII (2014-2021) of IHP on “Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges”; the discovery by [...] CERN of a new elementary particle, thought [...] to be theHiggsboson,that is expected [...]to explain the existence of mass in the universe. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2012年7月4日生产的希格斯玻色子更新搜索在欧洲核子研究中心研讨会於2012年7月4日2012年7月4日,大型强子对撞机在欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子对撞机,7月4日的2012更新的希格斯玻色子的希格斯玻色子更新搜索研讨会在大型强子对撞机搜索:CERN视频制作总监:CERN视频制作15:00分。 portalhispano.info | 4th July 2012 at CERN Seminar on theHiggsBoson Updatesearches at the LHC, 4th July 2012 4th July 2012, Seminar at CERN on the Higgs Boson Update searches at the LHC, 4th July 2012 Update on the Higgs Boson Produced searches at the LHC by: CERN Video Productions [...] Director: CERN Video Productions 15:00 min. portalhispano.info |
私营军事和安保公司人员并不总是穿戴特定的制服和标志徽章,并常常 驾驶配备有色玻璃、不悬挂车牌的无标志越野车,因而更加无法辨别。 daccess-ods.un.org | Private military and security company personnel are not always wearing distinctive uniforms and [...] identification badges and often drive unmarked sport [...] utility vehicles withtinted glasses and no plates, [...]which add to the confusion. daccess-ods.un.org |
例子包括罐头栗子、罐头栗子泥、以玻璃瓶包装的蘆笋、罐头和已烹 煮粉红豆、罐头番茄糊(低酸),以及罐头番茄(一块块、楔形或原个)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: canned chestnuts, canned chestnut puree, asparagus packed inglass jars,canned [...] and cooked pink beans, [...]canned tomato paste (low acid), and canned tomatoes (pieces, wedges or whole). cfs.gov.hk |
总部设在德国慕尼黑市的瓦克化学集团多年来一直为中、 高电压应用领域的陶瓷和玻璃绝缘子提供特种有机硅涂料(系列品牌: POWERSIL®)。 wacker.com | That is why WACKER’s POWERSIL® product range for applications in the transmission and [...] distribution (T&D) industry has, for many years, included specialty silicone [...] coatings for glass and porcelain insulators. wacker.com |
容许浓度 [...] 再者,也总称为由原子吸光分析装置(AAS),离子色谱法的测量数据, 把环境管理物质的分析数据称为ICP测量数据。 nidec-copal.com | In addition, analysis data of environment-related substances also including the data [...] measured by atomic absorption [...] spectrometer (AAS) and ion chromatography analysis are [...]collectively called ICP measured data. nidec-copal.com |
他 们懂得使用简易织布机,懂得拧塑料绳和穿小珠子,还懂得用玻璃珠、陶珠等易裂的艺术 媒体或可伸缩的彩色塑料自行制作饰物(如友谊手链、项链和饰针)和服装,并会乐在其 中。 cpsc.gov | They can work a basic loom, twist plastic strands, [...] string small beads, [...] and use fragile art media likeglass and pottery beads or shrinkablecolored plastic tomake their own accessories [...](for example, friendship [...]bracelets, necklaces, and pins) and costumes, and enjoy doing so. cpsc.gov |
该部门的资本是沙特尔,位于北部其中的touristiest的建筑是大教堂,美丽的彩色玻璃窗户。 leapfrog-properties.com | The capital of the department is [...] Chartres, located in the north where the touristiest building is the cathedral, with [...] its magnificent stained-glass windows. leapfrog-properties.com |
换上全透明的临街窗子,采纳更多自然光线;淡金色大马士革图案墙纸,将店内的典雅气氛提昇至更成熟的层次;配件饰物井井有条的陈列在木制玻璃橱子内,令顾客易於选购;保留欧洲破落风味的小木屋、巨型圆木DJ台及民族地毯,不同风格的对比组合带出强烈的视觉效果。 think-silly.com | The main wall is now replaced with clear glass, directing [...] natural light into the [...] space; sheergold damask patternelevates the elegant atmosphere; accessories are now neatly laid in authentic wooden display cabinet; the European-style hut, oversize wooden DJ [...]table and exotic rug [...]are kept in the new set up, the mish-mash and contrast conjure a distinguished visual energy. think-silly.com |
例 如一块绿色玻璃(或绿色滤片)就吸收了光谱两端的大部分红光和蓝光,而使绿光透了过 来。 motion.kodak.com | For example, a [...] piece of greenglass (or agreen filter) [...]absorbs most light from the blue and red ends of the spectrum while [...]transmitting green wavelengths. motion.kodak.com |
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 纳法索、哥伦比亚、古巴、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南 非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, [...] Estonia, Greece, [...] Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) [...]joined the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓶身延续了雅致的圆弧形瓶身,而咖啡琥珀的色调更加闪耀性感,在玻璃瓶子上单独装饰上一朶Valentina时装最具象徵的裸色花朵,配以一个华丽的黑珍珠及铜色帽子,简洁却也彰显Valentina内敛的奢华及魅惑特质。 hk.eternal.hk | Extremely linear in shape, made of brownopaline glassand illuminated with amber reflections, it is adorned with one largeflower, the emblem of Valentino couture. hk.eternal.hk |
浅色玻璃窗车顶仿如透明无物,让人於寒冷天气下仍可享受露天乐趣。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | When light it is virtually transparent, offering an open-air experience even in cold weather. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
所以我们不惜在库比蒂诺的实验室把产品拆开变回个别组件及物料,然後使用不同方法进行测试,包括 X 光萤光光谱及离子色谱法。 mammals.org | Then we test them using many methods, including X-ray fluorescence [...] spectroscopyand ion chromatography. mammals.org |
TRUMP SOHO是由The Sapir Organization、Bayrock Group LLC和Trump Organization的一个附属子公司合资打造的,这栋令人瞩目的建筑拥有银色玻璃幕墙外体,是由设计公司“Handel Architects”所设计的,从这栋建筑上可以观赏到无可比拟的城市天际线、哈得逊河、自由女神像和帝国大大厦。 tipschina.gov.cn | Ajointventure amongThe Sapir Organization, Bayrock Group, LLC and an affiliate of the Trump Organization, the dramatic building with a silver-glass curtainwall [...] facade was designed by [...]Handel Architects and boasts unrivaled views of the city skyline, the Hudson River, Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building. tipschina.gov.cn |
内部设计带有非常明显的意大利风格,包括简单的线条,简洁的家具设计,和电子色彩与软装潢的良好结合。 msccruises.com.cn | The décor has many Italian influences, and this includes clean lines, [...] minimalism in furniture design, and an [...] eclectic collection ofcolors and softfurnishings [...]that work well together, and without any hint of garishness. msccruises.com.hk |
新款T-恤以白色及不同颜色袖子色作鲜明的对比 - 全白色涤沦布T-恤, 质料轻, 透气, 絶对适合所有户外活动。 brandhk.com | New style shirts in white with a contrasting sleeve colour - all made from lightweight polyester fabric designed for maximum coolness during sports activities. brandhk.com |
触点力对重复性具有重大影响,尤其是在测量易碎部件,如玻璃或电子部件时影响更大。 solartronmetrology.cn | Tip force can also have a significant effect on repeatability, particularly in the gauging of fragile [...] components such asglass or electricalcomponents. solartronmetrology.com |
双子塔是玻璃和钢筋的完美结合,游客可通过连接双塔的人行天桥方便地游览。 shangri-la.com | Set against the skies of Kuala Lumpur is the Petronas Twin Towers. shangri-la.com |
这辆车的基本装备包括车尾及车侧包围,真皮方向盘及波棍,空调,深色玻璃,电动前侧窗,泊车提示,跑车式悬挂,循迹雾灯,巡航设定,无匙启动,五个安全气袋,及声控Blue&Me [...] 多媒体系统等。 hkcarworld.com | The standard equipment includes body coloured rear spoiler and side skirts, leather steering [...] wheel and gear knob, automatic [...] climate control, dark tinted privacy glass, electric [...]front windows, rear parking sensors, [...]sports suspension, adaptive cornering fog lights, cruise control, Start & Stop, voice-controlled Blue&Me multimedia system and five airbags. hkcarworld.com |
取出保险丝(银色玻璃管),以相同 尺寸的 1A 快速烧熔保险丝替换。 garminasus.com | Remove thefuse (glassand silver cylinder), [...] and replace with a 1A fast blow fuse of the same size. garminasus.com |
路易Erard看到一个玻璃房子的事情没有这样的後果,是一个品牌,可以定期监测进展情况。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Consequence of this way of seeing [...] things without aglass house, Louis Erard [...]is a brand which can regularly monitor progress. en.horloger-paris.com |
宝石般的色彩和风格化的图像是对早期彩色玻璃画的怀旧,也反映了艺术家在文字里描述的“充满生机的热爱”。 wdl.org | The jewel-like colors and stylized imagery are reminiscent of early stained glass andreflect [...] what the artist referred to [...]as “the exuberant devotion” of the text. wdl.org |
徐州众联玻璃瓶厂产品有:食品玻璃瓶、化妆品瓶、药用瓶、玻璃工艺品、玻璃蜡烛台、奶瓶玻璃、香水玻璃瓶、墨水玻璃瓶、出口玻璃瓶、马口铁瓶盖、调料瓶、保健瓶、麻油瓶、酒瓶、罐头瓶、酱菜瓶、饮料瓶、蜂蜜玻璃瓶、饮料玻璃瓶、大酒坛子、玻璃容器、药用玻璃瓶、输液瓶、抗生素瓶、精油瓶、红花油瓶、膏霜瓶、指甲油瓶、玻璃口杯等1500多个品种,并能为客户来样加工烤花、刻字。 zlblp.com | Xuzhou public glass bottle factory products are: glass bottle, cosmetic bottles, medicine bottles, glass crafts, glass candlestick, glass bottles, perfume bottles, glass bottles, glass bottle of ink, tinplate, seasoning bottles, bottles, oil bottles, health care, cans, bottles pickles bottles, beverage bottles, honey glass bottles, beverage bottles, largewine jar, glass containers, medicinal glass bottle, transfusion bottles, oil bottles, bottles of antibiotics, safflower oil bottles, cream bottles, nail polish bottles, glass and so on more than 1500 varieties, and for customers to sample processing decorated, lettering. zlblp.com |