

单词 现身说法

See also:

现身 v

appear v


show oneself
(of a deity) appear in the flesh


way of speaking
one's version (of events)
expound Buddhist teachings


pose or motion of one's body in martial arts

External sources (not reviewed)

今天,我们很荣幸地邀请到五位在国际商场上赫赫有名的企业 现身说法。
Today, we are most privileged to have invited six distinguished business personalities from all over Asia to address us.
(b) 西班牙以往的经验表明,受害者 现身说法 对 于 防止恐怖主义能发挥重 要作用,以便使恐怖主义非法化,并动员民间社会。
(b) It is clear from the Spanish experience that the voice of the victims may have
great value in the prevention of terrorism
[...] by acting as means to delegitimize it, and to mobilize [...]
civil society; it is equally
necessary to design and implement care and support specific, national and international instruments to meet the needs of victims of terrorism
同时,我们也邀请到五位来自中国和本地的成功人士为大 现身说法。
At the same time, we have invited five successful personalities from China and from Singapore to share their exceptional stories with us.
参加讲习班的有议员、政治领袖和媒体,讲习班的重点是枪支暴 力幸存现身说法及联 合国小武器和轻武器行动纲领和武器贸易条约在尼泊尔 [...]
The workshop was attended by parliamentarians, political
leaders and the media, and focused on
[...] testimonies of survivors of gun violence and the [...]
relevance of the United Nations Programme
of Action on small arms and light weapons, and an arms trade treaty in the context of combating the scourge caused by illicit small arms in the country.
庆祝仪 式由教科文组织总干事松浦晃一郎先生主持,教育部门代理助理总干事 Aïcha Bah-Diallo 女 士发表了开场白;这一庆祝活动通过播放录像资料以及教师和学员 现身说法 , 为 国际教育 大会的与会者提供了重新认识扫盲之重要性及其在世界上取得的进展情况的良机。
The ceremony, chaired by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General, and introduced by Ms Aicha Bah Diallo, Assistant Director-General for Education, a.i., was the occasion for the ICE participants to be reminded once again of the importance of literacy and of its progress worldwide, through video documents and the testimony of trainers and pupils.
会上爱乐奇CEO潘鹏凯博士及副总裁Andrew Shewbart系统详尽地阐述了爱乐奇少儿英语数码教材的研发理
[...] 念、课程设置,为到场培训机构提供了全面详实的介绍,各地已签约机构纷纷上 现身说法 , 帮 助爱乐奇少儿英语大力推广。
In these sessions, Dr. Pengkai Pan, CEO of Alo7, and
[...] Andrew Shewbart, EVP of Alo7, will introduce the [...]
production ideology, digital materials,
and curricula of Alo7 English for Kids to training schools.
总干事说,这些年来高通公司对PCT的利用不断增加——从1995年的37件申请,提高到2010年的1,677件申请——从 现身说法 地 证 明了国际专利制度对成功创新很有价值。
The Director General said over the years Qualcomm’s growing use of the PCT – from 37 applications in 1995 to 1,677 in 2010 – shows the value of the international patent system to successful innovators.
日前,在美国洛杉矶FIT(美国时装设计商业学院)举行的服装科技大会上,Wolverine Worldwide公司全球运营总监Brian
[...] Snyder先生,就其公司分阶段实施格柏YuniquePLM™系统为大 现身说法 , 内 容包括需要考虑的一些主要里程,以及确保实施成功的一些关键点。
During the upcoming Apparel Tech Conference held at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles, Brian Snyder, Wolverine Worldwide’s director
of Global Apparel Operations, will discuss his
[...] organization’s phased approach to implementing [...]
Gerber’s YuniquePLM™ system,
including major milestones to consider and keys to ensuring success.
作为一个迈入信息化时代的最大的发展中国家,中国已经成为继美国、俄罗斯之后第三个拥有自主卫星导航系统的国家,渐向美国的太空霸主地位发起挑战。在指日可待的“2010上海国际智能交通和导航产业科技发展论坛”中,诸多来自美国负责GPS的高层专家前来参会,将就全球GNSS发展等重要问 现身说法。
As the largest developing country in the Age of Information, China has become the world's third country -- following the U.S. and Russia -- to have its self-owned navigation satellite system, and is developing rapidly to challenge the space supremacy of the U.S. At the
forthcoming NaviForum Shanghai 2010 event,
[...] senior U.S. officials will give [...]
presentations on global GNSS on behalf of the U.S. government.
罗马尼亚完全赞同西班牙代表在裁军谈判会议上代表欧洲联盟发表的 法; 现在我想以本国代表身份简单说几 句
Romania fully shares the views expressed in the Conference on Disarmament by the
representative of Spain on behalf of the European
[...] Union; I would now like to make some brief remarks in my national capacity.
一些委员对在这个问题上赋予法律委员会职责及解释 说 明 被 本 身 的 法 律 效 力提出了 质疑。
Some members questioned the role assigned to the Legal Committee in regard to the matter and also the legal value of the explanatory note.
若干发言说,身份盗用是一种常 见的活动现在的常用法是网 络钓鱼诱骗与有针对性的网络钓鱼诱骗和从公 共网址盗取个人资料。
Several speakers stated that identity theft was a regular activity carried out through now common practices such as phishing [...]
and spear phishing
and through the attainment of personal data from social network sites.
代表说,现有立法保障 是充分的。
The delegation stated that the existing legislative guarantees were [...]
举例说,现有的 信息对于使用完整的“自下而法”还 相当不详尽、不完整,该方法用来估计 世界范围内特定的适应成本。
For example, the existing information for using a complete “bottomup approach”, which involves [...]
estimating costs of specific
adaptations across the world, is far from being comprehensive and complete.
尽管人们广泛承认这个概念,政治辩论仍在继 续,首先是关于安全-发展关系的性质;其次是应当 采取何种政策来现持久 和平、安全与可持续的发 展,包括解决冲突的根源和动因;以及第三,鉴于冲 突和安全-发展关系的多变性质,以及巴西代表团编 写的概念说明(S/2011/50,附件)中 说法 , 安全理 事会如何着手防止冲突的爆发、延长或死灰复燃。
Despite that broad conceptual acknowledgment, the political debate continues, first, on the nature of the security-development nexus; secondly, on the types of
policies that should
[...] be pursued to achieve durable peace, security and sustainable development, including to address the root causes and drivers of conflicts; and thirdly, on the way forward for the Security Council to prevent the eruption or protraction of, or relapse into, violence, given [...]
the changing nature of
conflicts and the security-development nexus, as well expressed in the concept note prepared by the Mission of Brazil (S/2011/50, annex).
为此,我们对国际社会包括安理会将履行在巴勒 斯坦问题上所承担法律、 政治和道义责任充满希 望,这些责任自大会通过第181(II)号决议,将巴勒 斯坦委任统治地一分为二以来就一直未得到履行,对 它说,现在是一个最终履行责任,确保巴勒斯坦人 民正义与自由的历史性契机。
We are thus hopeful that the international community,
including the Council, will
[...] uphold the legal, political and moral responsibilities towards the question of Palestine that have remained unfulfilled since the General Assembly’s adoption of resolution 181 (II), which partitioned Mandate Palestine, and for which there is now an historic opportunity [...]
to finally
fulfil towards ensuring justice and freedom for the Palestinian people.
在这方面,小组委员会建议建立法程 序,根据医疗报告考虑将现身患绝 症的囚犯提前释放、转移到家里或医院。
In this regard, the SPT
[...] recommends that judicial procedures be established to consider, on the basis of medical reports, early release, transfer to home or hospital, of prisoners found to have a terminal illness.
在塞 内加尔,海关官员报说,与非法现 金 出 口有关的罪行日益增加,为此在该国与 冈比亚和几内亚比绍的边境逮捕了一些人。
In Senegal, customs
[...] officers report that offences related to illegal cash export are [...]
increasing, and a number of arrests
have been made in that connection at borders with the Gambia and Guinea-Bissau.
但 这一过说法也受“就其身而言 ”这一措辞的限定:虽然法院并不认为自己受 罗马尼亚单方面提出的解释约束,但这也不排除单方面解释作为一种证据手段或 [...]
可能确证法院根据《维也纳条约法公约》第三十一条所作解释的一份资料的效 果。
Such a radical remark is qualified, however, by the
use of the expression “as
[...] such”: while the Court does not consider itself bound by the unilateral [...]
interpretation proposed
by Romania, that does not preclude the unilateral interpretation from having an effect as a means of proof or a piece of information that might corroborate the Court’s interpretation “in accordance with Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”.
秘书长可要求提交请求的人作出必要澄清,包 说 明 失 踪者 身 份 、 失踪日 期和失踪时的情况、来源或同意的可靠性或提交此种请求的 法 利 益 理由。
The Secretary-General may request any clarification necessary from the
author(s) of a request,
[...] including the identity of the disappeared person, date and circumstances of disappearance, reliability of the source or consent or a legitimate interest to submit [...]
such request.
以“千年发展目标”为目标的政策和方案有无顾及残疾人的 权利
为贯彻“千年发展目标”,秘鲁已经对其公共预算进行了调 整,规定在 2010
[...] 年中央政府、区域政府和地方政府机构应 将其工作重心落在达成如下造福人民的目标上:a) 减轻儿 童严重营养不现象;b) 降低产妇和新生儿死亡率;c)提 高阅读理解水平和算术水平;d) 加强在使人民获得法身 份方面的工作;e) 缩短到社会(卫生和教育)服务场所以及 去市场所需要的时间;f) 为农村地区提供饮用水和卫生用 [...]
水处理设施;g) 提高农村地区电话和互联网的普及率和使
用率;h) 提高农村家庭的能源利用率。
In 2010, it was established that national, regional and local government bodies should give priority to achieving the following results: (a) a reduction in chronic child malnutrition; (b) a reduction in maternal and neonatal mortality; (c) an improvement in the levels of reading comprehension and mathematics; (d) an
increase in the
[...] availability of identity documents; (e) a reduction in waiting times for access to social service (health and education) centres and markets; (f) an increase in access [...]
to safe drinking water
and sewage disposal services in rural areas; (g) an increase in the coverage and use of telephone and Internet service in rural areas; and (h) an increase in operational power coverage in rural homes.
防范小组委员会采用惯 用的法来执行任务,也就说,现 场 查 证是否存在产生酷刑或虐待行为的形势 和因素,并核查针对上述行为所采取的具体预报措施。
The Subcommittee’s focus is empirical: its main task is to identify in situ the situations and factors that pose a risk of torture or ill-treatment and to determine the practical measures needed to prevent such violations.
一位代说,虽 然东部和南部非洲共 同市场成员国之间共享机密信息在过去是不可能的,但一些成员国已经开始使其 竞法现代化 ,并加强其竞争主管机构之间的区域合作。
One delegate said that, while sharing confidential information among member States of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa had not been possible in the past, some members had begun modernizing their competition laws and strengthening [...]
regional cooperation
among their competition authorities.
[...] 网站上予以提供,秘书处在题为“公约和示 法现 状 ” 的 说 明 中 还将每年加以 汇编(关于委员会第四十四届会议,见 [...]
It is also compiled annually in a note by
the Secretariat entitled “Status of
[...] conventions and model laws” (for the Commission’s [...]
forty-fourth session, see A/CN.9/723).
委员会关切,那些虽得到联合国人权事务高级专员办事处( 难民署) 确认,但 却无法依据目前规约外籍人就业问题的法律框架和担保制, 现 其 地 位正规化的 难民和寻求庇护者,依然无法按 法身 份 在该国境内居住。
The Committee is concerned that refugees recognized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and asylum-seekers who are unable to regulate their status in
accordance with the
[...] current legal framework regulating the employment of foreigners and the sponsorship system remain without legal residence in [...]
the country.
马拉维解说,根据《法》规定, 现 已 建 立了若干独立人权机构,包括 人权委员会、监察员办公室和法律委员会,任务是确保实现法律的现代化,并消 [...]
Malawi explained that under its Constitution, several independent [...]
human rights institutions had been established, including
the Human Rights Commission, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Law Commission, mandated to ensure the modernization of laws and the elimination of any defects in them, whether of a procedural, substantive or policy nature.
因此]最高上诉法院......恢复它在过去一个世纪奠定的 说 ( . . .. . .) ,现 在认为,具有纯粹法性质 的条约不涉及任何交战国之间的交往,并且与敌 对行为无关,不由于只是存在战争状态而暂停生效。
Hence] the Court of Cassation, reverting … to the doctrine which it has
laid down during the
[...] past century (…), now holds that treaties of a purely private law nature, not involving [...]
any intercourse between
the belligerent Powers, and having no connection with the conduct of hostilities, are not suspended in their operation, merely by the existence of a state of war.
埃塞俄比亚还报说,该国的身体机 能康复国家战略”、“残疾人就业权利宣言”和“残疾人问题国家行动 [...]
Ethiopia also reported its National Physical Rehabilitation [...]
Strategy, the Proclamation for the Right to Employment for Persons
with Disabilities, and the National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities all received status within the governing body of Ethiopian ministers.




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