

单词 现行

现行 adjective ()

prevailing adj


现行税 n

current tax n

现行制 n

current system n


criminal caught red-handed

现行的 adj

existing adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 此外,请注意欧盟和各国立法普遍有效的法律法规和其他具有约束力的规定, 以及所在国有关事故防范和环境保护 现行 法 规
In addition, generally applicable legal and other binding regulations of European and national law and
the regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection in force in the country
[...] of use must be complied with.
经社会表示支持亚太统计现行的工 作方案,并指出需要 进一步增强培训工作,以期继续满足现有的和新出现的需求。
The Commission expressed support for the current work programme of SIAP and pointed to the need for further strengthening training to continue meeting existing and emerging demands.
[...] 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间现行教育 差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 [...] [...]
鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian
people; the adoption of measures
[...] to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians [...]
and the wider population;
the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
[...] 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同 现行 法 律 规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 [...]
加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest,
health protection, etc.); with the
[...] exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated [...]
or involved in activities for
which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
安全理事会欢迎秘书长按安理会第 1918
[...] 可采用哪些方案来实现起诉和监禁要对索马里 沿海的海盗和海上武装劫船行为负责的人的目 标,尤其是关于设立可有国际人员的国内特别分 庭、区域法庭或国际法庭和做出相应监禁安排的 方案,同时考虑到索马里沿海海盗问题联络小组 的工作、设立国际法庭和混合法庭 现行 做 法 以 及取得和维护重大成果所需要的时间和资源。
The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/394), as requested by its resolution 1918 (2010), on possible options to further the aim of prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, including, in particular, options for creating special domestic chambers possibly with international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding imprisonment arrangements, taking into account the work of the Contact Group on Piracy
off the Coast of Somalia
[...] (CGPCS), the existing practice in establishing international and mixed tribunals, and the time and resources necessary to achieve [...]
and sustain substantive results.
缔约国应进一步发展和强现行教育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、拘留场 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村卫队成员以及监狱和移民官员在内 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁止实施酷刑的原则, 以及如果有任何违反《公约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public inspectors of places of detention, law enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration officials, are fully aware of the provisions of the Convention, the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for any actions in contravention of the Convention.
该项最终改为:“拟订法律和修现行法律,确保给予农村妇女充分和平等的财产权 和租赁权,包括通过继承的方式,并开展行政改革 和采取一切必要措施,在获取信贷、资本、适当技 术以及进入市场和利用信息方面,给予妇女与男子 相同的权利”。
The subparagraph should thus read: “Designing, revising and implementing laws to ensure that rural women are accorded full and equal rights to own and lease land and other property, including through the right to inheritance, and undertaking administrative reforms and all necessary measures to give women the same right as men to credit, capital, appropriate technologies and access to markets and information”.
关于确保适用该原则的程序,它 们通过国际批准文件的普通适用机制获得落实:国家劳动法的规定和正确适现 行劳动 法方面的私人控制(劳动监察局、工会、雇员协会),以及对违反根据国际 规则实行的国内规范的行为的适用的处罚制度。
With respect to the procedures meant to ensure its application, these take place through the ordinary mechanisms of application of international ratified documents: provision in national labour legislation of state and private control of correct application of the labour legislation in force (labour inspection, trade unions, associations of employers) and application of a system of sanctions for breach of internal norms adopted on the basis of international rules.
根据此类预算外资金现行政府 间 审查和管理安排,关于使用这类预算外资源的两年期预算须经人居署理事会批 准。
The existing arrangements for intergovernmental [...]
review and management of those extrabudgetary funds provide for the UN-Habitat
Governing Council to approve biennial budgets governing the use of such extrabudgetary resources.
为实现上述目标,应采取各种行动,如: 现行 法 律进 行修正,并加入《儿童权利公约》的各项基本原则;对西班牙儿童和未成年人因 未受到足够的保护而面临的风险进行调研,并提出相应的预防措施;推动和加强 未成年人保护和维权机构的管理机制和管理水平。
This objective comprises, for instance, a review of the legislation currently in force with a view to incorporating within it the general principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, promotion of investigations to prevent risk situations and lack of protection among children and adolescents in Spain and the development and consolidation of management systems of a high standard in the specialist services for the protection of minors.
秘书处代表说,R-507 和 R-404A 是当前与为冷 藏室安装现行系统 兼容的唯一可获得的技术,但工发组织曾表示工发组织希望鼓励乌拉 圭探讨使用碳氢转为两个剩余企业的替代办法。
The representative of the Secretariat said that R-507 and R-404A were the only technologies currently available that were compatible with the current systems being installed for cold rooms, although UNIDO had indicated that it would encourage Uruguay to explore the possible use of hydrocarbons as an alternative for the two remaining enterprises.
在该届会议上,委员会商定:㈠今后 的任何审查应当依据委员会先前对这个问题的审议、法国和美国提出的意见 (分别为 A/CN.9/635 和 A/CN.9/639)以及秘书处的说明(A/CN.9/638 及增 编),据认为,后者对贸易法委员会议事规则和工作方法的制定和演变做了特别
重要的历史回顾;㈡应当委托秘书处编写一份工作文件,借助其先前说明 (A/CN.9/638 及增编)中的有关资料,介绍委员会在适用议事规则和工作方
[...] 法、特别是在决策以及在非国家实体参加贸易法委员会工作方面 现行 做 法 ; 该工作文件将有助于委员会今后就该事项进行正式和非正式协商。
At that session, the Commission agreed that: (i) any future review should be based on the previous deliberations on the subject in the Commission, the observations by France and the United States (A/CN.9/635 and A/CN.9/639, respectively), and the note by the Secretariat (A/CN.9/638 and addenda), which was considered as providing a particularly important historical overview of the establishment and evolution of UNCITRAL rules of procedure and methods of work; (ii) the Secretariat should be entrusted with the preparation of a working document describing current practices of the Commission with the application of rules of procedure and methods of work, in particular as regards decision-making and participation of non-State entities in the work of
UNCITRAL, distilling the relevant
[...] information from its previous note (A/CN.9/638 and addenda); [...]
this working document would
serve for future deliberations on the subject in the Commission in formal and informal settings.
斐济政府认为,上述与下现行立法,加上目前拟订中立法(例如打击恐怖 主义示范法案/生物安全示范法案)的颁布,也有助于执行部分第 [...]
3 段各项规定的 实施。
The Government of Fiji
[...] considers that existing legislation of [...]
above and below, together with the enactment of legislation currently
under development (e.g., Model counter-terrorism Bill/Biosecurity Bill), also contributes to implementation of requirements in OP 3.
莫桑比克进一步报告说该国审查了所 现行 标 准,以确 保根据《国际排雷行动标准》将核证土地无雷的概念纳入莫桑比克的国家标准, [...]
并称通过适当的非技术和技术调查,可疑危险区域的估计面积预计将大幅减少, 这种减少将确保排雷工作者更加有效地利用时间和资源,从而缩短不同省份和地
Mozambique further
[...] reported that all the existing standards have been [...]
reviewed to ensure the land release concept is integrated
throughout Mozambique’s national standards in compliance with the IMAS, that it is expected that through proper non-technical and technical survey there will be a significant reduction to the estimated suspect hazardous area, and, that this reduction will ensure a more efficient use of time and resources for demining operators, which could reduce the estimated completion timelines of in various provinces and districts.
国际民航组织理事会认识到制定与健康风险程度相符的应急计划的关键重要性,通过了关于甲型 H1N1 流感病毒现行健康 威胁的声明,并强化了世界卫生组织的建议,即没有理由施行旅行限制,因 [...]
Recognizing the critical importance of contingency planning commensurate with the level of health risk, the
Council of ICAO has adopted a Declaration
[...] regarding the current health threat [...]
of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and also reinforced
the WHO recommendation that advises travel restrictions are not warranted, as they would have little effect on stopping the virus from spreading but would be highly disruptive to the global community.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由开放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案现行行 星保 护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界以外的行星保护:空间研委 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
最后,我们承认必须进一步努力在武装冲突中保 护平民,但我们也认为,对于安全理事会内部建立任 何新机制的问题应深思熟虑,然后再作出决定,以免现行动和 体制上的重叠以及消极的财政影响。
Finally, while recognizing the need for further efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict, we hold the view that the establishment of any new mechanism within the Security Council should be carefully considered and studied in depth before a decision is made in order to avoid operational and institutional overlapping, as well as negative financial implications.
[...] 理挑战的指导原则、提高质量保证的能力和审查学历承认 现行 公 约 ,以适应日益增长的跨 国界高等教育带来的飞速发展。
The Forum’s Action Plan includes guiding principles on ethical challenges posed by
globalization, capacity-building in quality assurance
[...] and reviewing existing conventions [...]
on the recognition of studies to respond to
the fast pace of developments brought about by the increase of transborder higher education.
根据以上情况,秘书处表示担忧,提议的项目不符合 58/19 号决定的准则,也没有 明确地回应蒙特利尔议定书缔约方大会第二十一次会议第 XXI/2 号决定,其中请执行委员 会,除其他外,“审议现行销毁 活动中一次性供资窗口的成本,应对低消费量国家对那 些来源国缔约方无法使用的臭氧消耗物质积聚库存的出口和环境无害处置问题”,因此该提 案更像是一篇研究,了解该区域同处置消耗臭氧层物质废物有关的问题和难题,以便找到 未来解决办法。
Based on the above, the Secretariat expressed concerns that the proposed project did not meet the guidelines in decision 58/19, nor does it clearly respond to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol where the Executive Committee was requested, inter alia, “to consider the costs of a one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volumeconsuming countries that are not usable in the Party of origin”, since the proposal is more of a study to see what are the issues and problems related to ODS waste disposal in this region with a view to finding a future solution.
食典委忆及,对各商品委员会与综合委员会之间的关系的拟议修改仅适用于添加 剂,如果得到通过,适用于污染物 现行 规 定 将丢失,注意到执行委员会建议推迟通过 所提出的修正,谅解是秘书处将审 现行 规 定 ,并编写既涉及添加剂又涉及污染物的一 项经过修订的拟议修正案。
The Commission recalled that the proposed changes to the Relations between Commodity Committees and General Committees applied only to additives and that, if they were adopted, the current provisions applicable to contaminants would be lost, and noted that the Executive Committee had recommended to defer the adoption of the amendment proposed, with the understanding that the Secretariat would review the current provisions and prepare a revised proposed amendment addressing both additives and contaminants.
认识到许多国家政府到 2014 年可能无法现《行动纲 领》的所有目标和宗 旨,我们坚决支持呼吁各国政府在最高级别再次做出承诺,以实现这些目标和宗 旨,并重申《行动纲领》,坚持其原则,以及在 2014 年以后进一步执行这些原则 的重大行动,以确保充分实现这些原则,关于国际人口与发展会议 2014 年以后 后续行动的 A/RES/65/234 号决议阐述了这一点。
Recognizing that many Governments may not have met all the goals and objectives of the Programme of Action by 2014, we strongly support the call for Governments to recommit themselves at the highest level to achieving these goals and objectives and to reaffirm the Programme of Action, upholding its principles, and its key actions for their further implementation beyond 2014, to ensure their full achievement, as set out in Resolution A/RES/65/234 on Follow-up to the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014.
这一规定在《国际军火贩运条例》的框架内执行安全理事会的行动,将 利比亚列入第 126.1(c)节,并修订了第 126.1(k)节对利比亚的原来政策, 宣现行政策 是拒绝所有向利比亚出口或以其他方式转让防卫物项和服务 的许可证或其他申请,除非安全理事会禁运令不加以禁止,并经认定符合美 国的国家安全和外交政策。
This rulemaking implements the Security Council’s actions within the International Traffic in Arms Regulations by adding Libya to section 126.1(c) and revising the previous policy on Libya contained in section 126.1(k) to announce a policy of denial for all requests for licenses or other approvals to export or otherwise transfer defence articles and services to Libya, except where not prohibited under Security Council embargo and determined to be in the interests of the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
总干事还认为现行的 C /4 和 C/5 的结构相当复杂和累赘,它的层次及类别过多(比 如:横向专题、主流化方式、旗舰计划、主要优先事项和其它优先事项),难以区别,使满 足不断变化的计划资源需求的灵活性受到限制,跨部门的做法往往是在计划编制工作事后提 出的想法,而且监督检查工作也没有引起充分的注意。
The Director-General has also borne in mind that the present C/4 and C/5 system is rather complex and cumbersome, that it has too many layers with too many categories difficult to distinguish (e.g. cross-cutting themes, mainstreaming, flagships, principal and other priorities), that it limits flexibility to meet evolving programme resource needs, that intersectoral efforts are too often an afterthought in the programming exercise and that monitoring does not receive sufficient attention.
第 14 条还规定,“人民法院应执行外国法院所传送的调查委托书,条件是: 调查委托书是通过国际公约或条约(在无此种公约或条约时、通 现行 法 律 )所设 渠道并遵照这些公约或条约(在无此种公约或条约时、遵 现行 法 律 )中的规定送 达人民法院的”。
Article 14 also states that “the People’s Courts shall execute letters rogatory transmitted by foreign courts, provided that they are received through the channels and in accordance with the requirements established in international conventions or treaties or, in the absence thereof, in the legislation currently in force”.
因 此,各国必须根现行科学 证据及酿成气候变化的历史导因,承担起减轻气候变 化的责任,以确保各国人民都能调整应对气候变化的不利影响,特别是那些干预 [...]
Consequently, States must assume responsibility
for mitigating climate change based
[...] on the best available scientific evidence and their historical [...]
contribution to climate
change in order to ensure that all people have the ability to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, particularly those interfering with human rights.
论坛在审议该项目时,面前有“土著人民和 森林问题国际专家组会议报告”(E/C.19/2011/5),“各国就处理土著问题常设论 坛各项建议的情况提供的资料”(E/C.19/2011/8),“主题为‘跟踪评估促进土著
[...] (E/C.19/2011/11),“研究土著人民与公司问题以审查有关公司和土著人民现 行机制和政策并确定良好做法”(E/C.19/2011/12)和“联合国土著问题常设论坛 [...]
秘书处编写的分析报告:经济和社会发展,环境及自由、事先和知情同意” (E/C.19/2011/13)。
For its consideration of the item, the Forum had before it the documents entitled “Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on Indigenous Peoples and Forests” (E/C.19/2011/5), “Information from States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” (E/C.19/2011/8), “Report of the international technical expert meeting on the theme ‘Keeping track: indicators, mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights’” (E/C.19/2011/11),
“Study on indigenous peoples and
[...] corporations to examine existing mechanisms and [...]
policies related to corporations and indigenous
peoples and to identify good practices” (E/C.19/2011/12) and “Analysis prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: economic and social development, the environment and free, prior and informed consent” (E/C.19/2011/13).
大会在第 63/248 号决议第五节第 4 段中表示注意到秘书处内部监督事务厅
[...] 在其关于审计四个主要工作地点语文部门征聘临时工作人员方面 现行 特 别 安 排的报告(A/63/94)中提出的建议,请秘书长确保全面落实这些建议,并通过会 [...]
In section V, paragraph 4, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly took note of the recommendations provided by the Office of Internal Oversight
Services of the Secretariat in its report on the
[...] audit of the existing special arrangements [...]
governing the recruitment of temporary
assistance staff in the language services across the four main duty stations (A/63/94), and requested the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session through the Committee on Conferences.
[...] 出了具体建议:建立全面的监测、控制和监督系统、分阶段综合评价,每个成员 遵现行养护 和管理措施的情况、加强问责制、将非约束性市场措施转化成具有 [...]
Specific recommendations were made on the development of a comprehensive monitoring, control and surveillance system, a structured,
integrated approach to evaluate the compliance
[...] of each member with the conservation [...]
and management measures in force, greater
accountability, transformation of non-binding market measures into binding measures and expanding the scope of the current statistical document programme.
会上执行支助股股长就执 行支助股和其他公约( 《生物武器公约》、《特定常规武器公约》) 支助机制的支 出结构提供了更多资料,介绍现行 供 资 制度下执行支助股不同活动的财政情 况,并概述了执行支助股与缔约国会议、审议会议和闭会期间工作方案有关的任 务。
At this meeting, the ISU Director provided additional information on the cost structure of the ISU and of other conventions’ support mechanisms (BWC, CCW), a description of the financing of the different ISU activities, under the present funding scheme, and, an overview of ISU’s tasks related to meetings of the states parties, review conferences and the intersessional work programme.




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