

单词 现制度

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教科文组织 还支持必要的影响力和合法性,以确保所采取的各项措施 现制度 化。
UNESCO also supports the necessary visibility and legitimacy to
[...] ensure the institutionalization of measures [...]
此外,政治反对派,包括最近的倒戈者,正在公开 声明放弃使用暴力,并力争找到能 现制度 变 革 的解决方案。
In addition, political opponents, including recent
defectors, are publicly renouncing the resort to violence and seeking a resolution that
[...] would bring about a change in regime.
另外,政治反对派,包括最近的叛军, 都公开宣布放弃使用武力,寻求能 现制度 变 革 的解决方案。
In addition, political opponents, including recent
defectors, were publicly renouncing the resort to violence and seeking a resolution that
[...] would bring about a change in regime.
[...] 讨可能需要采取哪些补充措施,以使执行该战略的工 作得到强化并现制度化。
In this regard, we look forward to exploring what additional measures might be needed to
[...] strengthen and institutionalize application [...]
of the Strategy.
Faranak 女士目前被关押在 Tabriz 监狱中,据报她被指控侮辱 最高领袖、宣传反现制度和危害国家安全等罪名。
Ms. Faranak, currently being held in Tabriz prison, is reportedly accused of insulting the Supreme Leader, spreading propaganda against the system and acting against national security.
[...] 国进行对话,捐助方与联合国发展集团之间的对话有望在近期 现制度 化 , 但还 没有看到推动其他受益方参与对话的明显努力。
While dialogue has been initiated with the donor countries, and is
[...] expected to be institutionalized between donors [...]
and the UNDG in the near future, there
are no visible efforts to involve the other beneficiaries into the dialogue.
他因以下罪 名被判处有期徒刑 10 年:“通过建立库尔德斯坦人权组织危害国家安全”、“通过 传播新闻广泛宣传反现制度”、 “通过公开传播石刑和处决等处罚的消息反对伊 斯兰刑法”以及“替政治犯辩护”。
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of “acting against national security through establishment [of] HROK”, “widespread propaganda against the system by disseminating news”, “opposing Islamic penal laws by publicizing punishments such as stoning and executions” and “advocating on behalf of political prisoners”.
贫困监 测和评估过程通过在经济和贸易部建立发展计划协调与监督机构 现制度 化。
The process of monitoring and evaluation of poverty was institutionalised
through the creation
[...] within the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the coordination and monitoring units of development programmes.
由于人口基金道德操守办公室的培训和提高意识活动,在组织内使道德操 守现制度化方 面取得的进展,以及对道德操守办公室作为道德操守指导独立和 公正资源的可见度和看法的加强,向道德操守办公室请求提供服务的数量有所增 加。
As a result of the training and awareness creation activities of the UNFPA
Ethics Office, the
[...] progress made in institutionalizing ethics in the organization, and the increase in the visibility and perception [...]
of the Ethics Office
as an independent and impartial resource for ethics guidance, the Ethics Office has seen an expansion in the number of requests for its services.
南共体各国政府与民 间社会和私营部门就教育问题进行磋商已 现制度 化。
SADC Governments’ consultations with civil society and the private sector on the issue of
[...] education had become institutionalized.
随着国家人权委员会(人权委员会)以及向由负责人权的司法部授权、依照条 约建立的机构提交报告的准备和提交进程部际协调委员会的设立,起草提交给人 权条约机构的报告将现制度化。
The process of drafting reports for the human rights treaty bodies has now been formalized, with the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission and the Inter-ministerial Coordinating Committee for the Preparation and Submission of Reports to the Treaty Bodies, under the authority of the Ministry of Justice, which has special responsibility for human rights.
[...] 球移徙问题小组现任主席之间的对话 现制度 , 论 坛轮值主席的一名代表定期参 与全球移徙问题小组工作会议,以便就当前事态和论坛筹备进程交流信息和最新 [...]
In relation to the modalities of collaboration between the Chair and the Global Migration Group, the following conclusions were arrived at: the systematization of a dialogue at the level of the Chair-in-Office and the current Chair of the Global
Migration Group and the regular inclusion of a
[...] representative of the Forum Chairin-Office [...]
at periodic Global Migration Group working-level
meetings for the purpose of exchanging information and updates on ongoing events and processes in relation to Forum preparation had been assessed positively by both parties and, by extension, by those Governments present.
多民族玻利维亚国的一个国家信息方案已经按照该国的农业创新政策现 制度化。
In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, a national communication
[...] programme has been institutionalized in the context [...]
of the country’s agricultural innovation policy.
最近,阿根廷为执行《联邦人权计划》奠定了基础,对目前这些权利在国内 的发展情况进行了评估,据此确定了采取重大中期和长期战略行动的主要领域,
[...] 该计划由一系列措施组成,能够通过努力达成共识和各社会行为体的参与,使人 权现制度化并 得到进一步的发展和巩固。
Argentina has recently established the basis for implementation of a Federal Plan on Human Rights, consisting of an
assessment of the current status of their
[...] development in the country, based on which the [...]
major areas for strategic action in the
medium and long term will be determined.
[...] 采用磋商协调机制方面,该进程的工作 现制度 化 , ,且新德里全体会议通过了 挑选该进程副主席的细则和标准、该进程前参与方重新加入的细则和程序及该进 [...]
Notes with satisfaction the systematization of the work of the Kimberley Process with respect to continuing to develop
transparent and uniform rules and
[...] procedures, introducing a mechanism for consultations [...]
and coordination within the Process,
and adoption by the New Delhi plenary meeting of the rules and criteria for selection of the Vice-Chair of the Process, rules and procedures for readmission of a former Process Participant, and guiding principles on participation of the guests of the Process Chair in the Process;6 13.
3 月 13 日,总理和我的特别代表参加了比绍最大的一个郊区 Bairro
[...] Militar 的示范警署的正式破土动工仪式,这标志着迈出了公安警察面向社区的警务现 制度化的第一步。
On 13 March, the Prime Minister and my Special Representative took part in the formal ground-breaking ceremony for the model police station in Bairro Militar, one of the
largest suburbs in Bissau, marking the
[...] first step towards institutionalizing community-oriented [...]
policing by the Public Order Police.
印度欢迎努力实现刑事司制度现代 化 ,开始实施人权战略计划,采取措 施增进和保护移徙工人的权利,尤其是作为原籍国、过境国和目的地国重视这一 问题。
India welcomed efforts to modernize the criminal justice system, the introduction [...]
of strategic planning in human rights,
and measures to promote and protect the rights of migrant workers, especially the importance attached to the issue as a country of origin, transit and destination.
此种研究需要比较国家公务员制 度的整套报酬办法,这可能替代联合国共 制度现 有 的参 照 制 度。
The studies required comparison of compensation packages of national civil services, which could potentially replace the current comparator of the United Nations common system.
实现这些目标可能是各国通过实现企业破产 制度现 代 化 而提高经 济效益和降低系统风险的主要因素。
Achieving these objectives can be an important factor for States to gain economic benefits and reduce systemic risk by modernizing their business insolvency law regimes.
在大 部分国家出现的法制度现在纳 入环境评估的要求,但较少纳入社会影响的要求。
The legislative regimes emerging in most countries now include requirements for environmental assessments and, to a lesser degree, for social impacts.
适 应现行体制约束的环境政策具有高度的可行性; 然而制度现状可 以制约环境政策决策。
Environmental policies that are well adapted to existing
institutional constraints
[...] have a high degree of institutional feasibility; however, institutional realities can constrain environmental [...]
policy decisions.
2011 年,欧洲 联盟委员会贸易总署发表题为“欧洲联盟的两用物品出口管制制度:在不断变化 的世界中确保安全和竞争力”的绿皮书,对理事会(EC)第 428/2009 号条例规定 的两用物品出口制现行制度进行 调查。
In 2011, the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission issued a Green Paper entitled “The dual-use export control system of the European Union: ensuring security and competitiveness in a changing world”, which launched a survey on the current dual-use export control system as set out in Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009.
另外,为了支援社员兼 顾工作和育儿,公司还引入了“分 娩护理假”、“家庭生活支持假制度,现在,分阶段利用这一制度 的人数在逐渐增加。
As an additional note, an increasing number of employees are taking advantage of our “paternity leave” and “family support leave” systems, which have been introduced to help balance work and child care.
由于联大第五委员会的工作实行两年一周期制,联合国养恤 制度现 在 仅 由偶数年 (即非预算年的)的联大会议审议。
Due to the biennialization of the work of the Fifth Committee of
the General Assembly, the United Nations
[...] pension system is now considered by the [...]
Assembly only in even-numbered years (i.e. non-budget years).
在访问期间,工作组现,非 洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found
that the challenges faced
[...] by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence [...]
of racial profiling
and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
然而,如果该机制要大度提高 转向度,就 必须予以改革,具体而言,该 制现 行 的 基于项目的办法,必须让 位于具有更明确的方案和政策重点的办法。
However, reforms are needed if the mechanism is to significantly scale-up transfers, in particular its current [...]
project-based approach will need
to give way to more of a programmatic and policy focus.
鉴于最近进行的 访问,董事会欢迎有机会与审计员讨论以下问题:受赠方应达到的一般财务报告 要求的改进,包括关于选择和利用当地审计公司的指示、合格的审计报告类型、 建立可靠的国内会制度、现金和 支票的管理、人员和采购的支出记录和要保留 的证明文件。
The Board welcomed the opportunity to discuss with the auditors, in the light of the recent visits, improvements to the general financial reporting requirements to be met by grantees, including instructions on the
selection and use of
[...] local audit firms, types of acceptable audit reports, establishment of reliable internal accounting systems, handling of cash and [...]
checks, records of expenditures
on personnel and procurement and supporting documents to be retained.
为执行决议执行部分第 2、6 和 10 段而采取的其他新举措表明,土耳其通过 导弹技术制制度清单 和指导原则管制涉及运载工具的商品和技术,最终用户制现在是颁发许可证的标准程序。
Other new measures for implementation of the resolution’s operative paragraphs 2, 6 and 10 indicate that Turkey controls the means of
delivery-related goods and technology through the
[...] Missile Control Technology Regime list and guidelines, and end-user controls are now standard procedure for the licensing process.
根据这一决 定,在工发组织的协助下,苏丹政府 2012 年 3 月 1
[...] 日向臭氧秘书处提交了一封信,表示 许可制度现已根 据《蒙特利尔议定书》第 4 条 B 款构建并为消耗臭氧层物质的进口和 [...]
Pursuant to this decision, the Government of Sudan, assisted by UNIDO, submitted a letter to the Ozone
Secretariat on 1 March 2012, indicating that
[...] the licensing system is now structured in accordance [...]
with Article 4B of the Montreal
Protocol and provides for the licensing of both imports and exports of ODS.




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