

单词 现任

现任 ()

at the present
hold an office
occupy a post


现任官员 n

incumbent n

External sources (not reviewed)

另一个挑战是现任轮 值 主席国柬埔寨如何保持推进和平的势头。
Another difficulty will be maintaining momentum
[...] with Cambodia now in the chair and actively playing the matter down.
发言的还有:代 表 77 国集团和中国发言的古巴代表、代表非洲集团发言的埃及代表、代表亚洲 集团发言的孟加拉国代表代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发言的哥斯达黎加代
表、代表欧洲联盟发言的西班牙代表、代表最不发达国家发言的尼泊尔代表、代 表内陆发展中国家发言的巴拉圭代表、中国代表、泰国代表、美国代表、马来西
[...] 亚代表、印度代表、(纽约 77 国集团和中国现任主席 )也门代表、埃塞俄比亚 代表以及津巴布韦代表。
Additional statements were made by the representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of G-77 and China; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Costa Rica, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of Spain, speaking on behalf of the European Union (EU); the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Paraguay, speaking on behalf of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs); the representative of China; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the United States; the representative of Malaysia; the representative of
India; the representative of
[...] Yemen (which currently chaired the G-77 [...]
and China in New York); the representative of Ethiopia;
and the representative of Zimbabwe.
打开扫描仪护盖并检查成像区域是否 现任 何 明显的灰尘微粒。
Open the scanner cover and look at the imaging area for any noticeable dust particles.
尽管对惩罚制裁问题 国家仍然犹豫不决,中国已开始与这些国 现任 领导人以外的团体建立更广阔的关系,利用自身 优势推动这些政府进行改革、增加国际参与。
While still hesitant about punitive sanctions, China is starting to develop broader relationships beyond current leaders and to exercise some leverage to push the governments toward reform and international engagement.
随后,执行委员会第二十二次会议决定“执行委员会第 21/36 号决定批准的对秘书
[...] 处进行适当增强应足以使秘书处得以通过开发一个监测和评价体系及数据库,协调、监督 和执行各项研究及任务,在秘书处内建立一个监测和评价职位—— 现任 者 将 直接向小组 委员会和/或执行委员会报告监测和评价,并负责对全部监测和评价活动进行协调,来持续 履行监测和评价工作”(第 22/19(h)号决定)。
Subsequently, the 22nd Meeting of the Executive Committee decided “that the modest strengthening of the Secretariat approved by the Executive Committee in decision 21/36 should be sufficient to enable the Secretariat to perform monitoring and evaluation on a continuous basis, through the development of a monitoring and evaluation system and database, the coordination, supervision and carrying out of
monitoring and evaluation
[...] studies and assignments and the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation post within the Secretariat whose incumbent would report [...]
directly to the Sub-Committee
and/or the Executive Committee and be responsible for the coordination of all monitoring and evaluation activities” (decision 22/19(h)).
然而,如果现任何人 在执行国家征兵计划中实施不人道和有 辱人格的待遇、酷刑,或实行强迫、无报酬劳动,政府绝不宽恕。
Nevertheless, the Government spared no effort in prosecuting anyone found guilty of subjecting people to inhuman and degrading treatment, torture or exacting forced and/or free labour of youth in the national service programme.
为了稳步推进这一进程,现任务优先领域的持久变 革,在任务的第一年里,工作的重点是振兴与该研究发展有关的网络,促成新的 联盟,进一步巩固战略伙伴关系,而将区域治理结构制度化以打击暴力侵害儿童 [...]
To advance this process
[...] steadily and achieve lasting change in the priority areas of the mandate, during the [...]
first year of the mandate
attention was focused on the revitalization of networks involved with the development of the study, the promotion of new alliances and further consolidation of strategic partnerships, and particularly on the institutionalization of regional governance structures to combat violence against children.
使用一组诸如关键路径的内置可视化选项,或者自定义外观来 现任 务 及 感兴趣区域的可视化。
Use a set of built-in visualization options like Critical Paths or customize the
[...] look to visualize tasks and regions of [...]
从富有活力的公司创始人现任董事 会主席Frank Hasenfratz播下创业种子至今,公司已发展成为一家价值22亿美元,在加拿大、美国、墨西哥、德国、匈牙利、中国和法国拥有17000多名员工和39家生产机构的公司。
From the entrepreneurial seeds planted by the dynamic founder and current Chairman, Mr. Frank Hasenfratz, Linamar has evolved into a $2.2 Billion company with over 17000 employees and 39 manufacturing facilities located in Canada, USA, Mexico, Germany, Hungary, China and France.
这些指示得到了严格的执行,私有化进程没有 现任 何 解 雇的措施,从而保证了 人员的稳定。
They were scrupulously followed, and the privatization process resulted in no dismissals, thereby
[...] preserving the personnel's confidence.
法律顾问根据本组织的惯例和工作方法,请委员 会不要这样做,避免在法律委员会通过报告时 现任 何 混 淆现象。
The Legal Adviser, referring to the Organization’s settled practice and working methods, invited the Committee to abstain from such a procedure and thus avoid any confusion when the time came to adopt the Legal Committee’s report.
16.第 16/COP.9 号决定第8 段指示科技委主席团确保机构或企业集团的选择以 透明方式严格依照任何既定标准进行,同时避免被选定的机构或企业集团同任何 主席团成员之间现任何利益冲突。
Paragraph 8 of decision 16/COP.9 directs the Bureau of the CST to ensure that the selection of the institution/consortium is done in a transparent manner, and in strict accordance with the established criteria, if any, and to avoid any conflict of interest between the institution/consortium selected and any Bureau member.
鉴于实施工作的时限非常 紧,中国政府在这一问题上没有 现任 何 其他可行的方案。
Given the very limited time frame for implementation, the Government does not see any other viable option at this point.
我的特别代表会晤了最高级主教代理 和塞尔维亚东正教主教会现任主席 、都主教 Amfilohije 以及塞尔维亚科索沃 和梅托希亚事务部长,讨论了如下问题:如何保存和保护塞尔维亚宗教遗产,继 续由欧洲委员会领导的重建进程,并找到继续在这方面与贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂 纳进行对话的框架。
My Special Representative met with the caretaker of the Patriarch and the current Chairperson of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Amfilohije, as well as with the Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, to discuss the preservation and protection of Serbian religious patrimony and the continuation of the reconstruction process led by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, as well as a framework within which to continue dialogue in this area with Belgrade and Pristina.
如果新建筑项目现任何延误,将最终可能导致安全 和保安升级项目的落实工作受阻。
Any eventual delays in the new constructions [...]
could lead to possible delays in the implementation of the safety and security upgrade project.
如果发现与上述所列物质相似的化学结构或相似生物作用的其它物质、诊断标识物、 激素的释放因子的存在,或现任何 提 示所检测到的物质为外源性来源,则样本被视为含有 禁用物质,并报告为阳性检测结果。
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be deemed to reflect the use of a Prohibited Substance and shall be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
他补充指出,即使委员会愿意承认一些类型的非政府组 织普通申请制度能够实现第二十二条认为合法的一些目标,但表示乌兹别克斯坦 登记制度中的多项实际要求不是为了并且无法 现任 何 此 类合法目标。
He adds that, even if the Committee were prepared to accept that some kind of NGO regime of general application could be in service of some aim deemed legitimate by article 22, it is manifest that a great many of the actual requirements in the Uzbek registration regime are not, and cannot be, in service of any such legitimate aim.
美利坚合众国通过 中央情报局分设在世界各地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导现任政府 声名狼藉,这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;它抨击人权理事会,但又惧 怕人权理事会审查其人权记录。
The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record.
监察组没有现任何证据可以表明,厄立特里亚政府对 Erta'Ale 事件的行 动规划或实施或对发生在 Erta'Ale [...]
The Monitoring Group has seen no evidence
to suggest that the Government of
[...] Eritrea bears direct responsibility for the planning [...]
or conduct of the operation at Erta’Ale or for the killings.
尽管过去一段时期加工奶酪的贸易量不断增长,但是调查没有 现任 何 重 大的国 际贸易问题。
The survey did not identify any major documented impediments or problems in international trade in processed cheese, despite the increase in the trade of this commodity over the past period.
第一个经验教训是,维持和平行动和特派团在支 持实现导致安全部门改革的国家目标方面发挥的重 要作用;第二个经验教训是,需要提供充分的工具和 资源,以便现任务授 权中设定的结果;第三,维持 和平行动的各种活动必须包括可持续的长期目标;以 及第四,必须改进就制定和实施国家当局规定优先事 项与国家当局开展的对话、磋商与协调,从而对安全 部门改革进行有效和妥善的改革。
Thirdly, activities of the peacekeeping operations must include sustainable and long-term goals; and fourthly, dialogue, consultation and coordination with the national authorities on the development and implementation of the priorities set by the national authorities must be improved in order to achieve effective and appropriate security sector reform.
[...] 提供的所有信息均准确可靠,并承诺在客户现 任何此 类信息有失准确时即时纠正及更新此类信 息。
Customer warrants that all information provided herein is accurate and reliable
and undertakes to promptly correct and update such
[...] information if Customer discovers any such information [...]
is inaccurate.
已经指示金融机构确保在业务中遵守安理会第 1970(2011)号决议关于提供 金融服务、进行金融资产和资源交易以及与阿拉伯利比亚民众国金融机构和银行 关系的第 17 段;如现任何决 议所涉的金融交易,必须向官员汇报,并报告采 取的措施。
Financial organizations have been instructed to ensure that their operations comply with paragraph 17 of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) in relation to the provision of financial services, transactions involving financial assets and resources, and relations with financial institutions and banks in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, and to inform officials of any financial transactions they may detect that fall under the resolution and of the measures taken.
擦拭玻璃后,重新检查是否现任何 可见的灰尘微粒。
After wiping the glass, re-inspect for any visible dust particles.
该国经济严重依赖出口,易于受到其主 要贸易伙伴的经济复苏现任何中断带来的影响,而失业率居高不下和消费者信 心降低将限制家庭支出,对公共债务的关切可能制约财政刺激措施的延续。
Being highly dependent on exports, the economy remains susceptible to any relapse in the recovery of its major trade partners, while high unemployment and low consumer confidence will curb household spending and concerns about public debt may constrain continuation of the fiscal stimulus.
任择议定书》规定,小组委员会应与区域公约下设机构举行磋商以便相 互合作避免重复,从而有效促进现 《 任 择 议定书》防止酷刑和其他形式虐待的 各项目标。
The Optional Protocol provides that the Subcommittee shall consult with bodies established under regional conventions with a view to cooperating with them and avoiding duplication, in order to promote effectively the objectives of the Optional Protocol to prevent torture and other forms of ill-treatment.
在新西兰的持续协助 下,托克现任政府 委员会打算持续注重实施与基础设施、核心服务提供以及航 运有关的各种优先项目,并注重发展各村以及加强长老大会、托克 现任 政 府委 员会和托克劳公共事务处。
With the continued assistance of New Zealand, the
[...] Council of Ongoing Government of Tokelau intends to maintain its focus on implementing various priority projects related to infrastructure, the delivery of core services and shipping, as well as on developing the villages and to strengthening the General Fono, the Council of Ongoing Government [...]
of Tokelau and the Tokelau Public Service.
[...] 办事处的所有对话者,特别是在纽约的布隆迪任 和现任常驻代表扎沙里耶·加胡图大使和Herménégilde [...]
Niyonzima大使表示最诚挚的感谢,感谢他 们的协作精神,感谢他们慷慨传授有关布隆迪的知 识。
As I conclude my assignment to Burundi, I wish to
[...] extend my warmest thanks to all BNUB’s interlocutors [...]
and, particularly here in New
York, the former and current Burundian Permanent Representatives Ambassador Zacharie Gahutu and Ambassador Herménégilde Niyonzima, for their collaborative spirit and their generosity in imparting knowledge about Burundi.
这些提议包括:举行会期更短、 更频繁的年度会议,其中包括特别会议,可以就程
[...] 序性和实质性问题做出决定;建立由 任 、 现任和 下 任主席组成的“主席小组”,在会议期间和休会 [...]
期间更好地维持《条约》的工作;以及,通过小型 支助机构加强审议程序的行政能力。
The proposals included providing for shorter but more frequent annual meetings, including extraordinary meetings, that could take both procedural and
substantive decisions, forming a “Chairs’
[...] Circle” of past, incumbent and future Chairs [...]
to better sustain the Treaty’s work during
and between meetings, and bolstering the administrative capacity of the review process with a small support unit.
至于对捷克共和国领 土进行真正彻底的(世界上独一无二的)地质勘探问题,不太可能 现任 何 新的石 油或天然气储量,也不需要签署新的国际协议对其共同开采和/或利用进行管理。
With regard to the really thorough (unique in the world) geological exploration of the territory of the Czech Republic, no new oil or natural gas deposits are likely to be found and requiring a new international agreement that would regulate their shared exploitation and/or use.




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