

单词 现代音乐

See also:


modern times
modern age
modern era
Hyundai, South Korean company

现代 n

modernity n
modern society n

音乐 pl

songs pl

External sources (not reviewed)

每当您的音乐系统达到低音时,BeoLab 2 将为古典现代音乐增添逼真且具有穿透力的效果。
The BeoLab 2 will be there whenever your music system reaches for low bass, lending precise and deep
[...] assistance to both classical and modern music.
他是作曲家、管弦乐队指挥和名扬 四海的教育家,现代音乐产生 了一定的影响。
A world-famous composer, conductor and teacher,
[...] he had a clear influence on modern music.
这则以畅销大碟“Subterranean Homesick
[...] Blues”为背景音乐的记录片,更早已被许多的艺术家再度翻作,并被广泛认为 现代音乐 录 像带的潮流先驱。
The film clip for his hit “Subterranean
Homesick Blues” has been copied by dozens of artists since and is widely regarded as
[...] the forerunner of the modern music video.
邮政总局和10号图书馆 赫尔辛基邮政总局大楼内设 有邮局商店现代音乐图书 馆10号图书馆。
HELSINKI GENERAL POST OFFICE AND LIBRARY 10 The General Post Office also houses the post
[...] office shop and a modern music library, Library 10.
国际音乐理事会还开展了推 广现代音乐的活 动。例如,把从国际音乐理事会论坛从十几个文化区域推选出的 12 部现代 音乐作品 在广播电台播出即是其中之一。
IMC has also carried out
[...] activities to promote modern music, such as radio broadcasts of 10 or so contemporary musical works from some 10 geocultural regions chosen from IMC’s musical rostra.
1月初在哈尔斯塔举办的“伊利奥斯”(ILI OS ) 现代音乐 节 , 是为了欢庆在漫长的极地之夜结束后太阳回归的盛会。
The ILIOS Contemporary Music Festival in Harstad [...]
is held at the end of January to mark the sun’s return after the long polar night.
1990年以来,一现代音乐节吸 引了人们的注意力。
Since 1990, a number of contemporary music festivals have attracted [...]
这场音乐会吸引了来自德国、马来西亚、泰国以及新加坡的年轻优秀音乐家们参与演出,大会也荣幸的邀请到著 现代音乐 家 彼 德威尔(Peter Veale)为驻团进行指挥。
Top young musicians from Germany, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore
performed at the Ensemble, with the honour of
[...] having acclaimed contemporary musician, Mr Peter Veale, [...]
as its resident conductor.
动画功能, 五颜六色的背景, 喜剧冒险, 现代音乐, 勇气, 友好的歌曲, 心感人的故事,, 宝石, [...]
最后,他的那种, 一见钟情, 茂密的热带雨林, 金刚鹦鹉, 宏伟的城市, 动物园, 里约热内卢, 歌曲和舞蹈, 镇明尼苏达州, 生动的人物形象
animated feature, colorful backdrops,
[...] comedy adventure, contemporary music, courage, friendly [...]
song, heart warming story, jewel,
last of his kind, love at first sight, lush rain forest, macaw, magnificent city, menagerie, rio de janeiro, song and dance, town minnesota, vivid characters
此乐团的成立目的在于汇集东南亚地区 现代音乐 作 曲 家的合作并发表他们的作品,同时也促进东南亚地区的演奏家有机会于国际舞台演奏并扩 现代音乐 的 技 巧和诠释。
The aim of ACME is to bring together young composers and performers for the creation of new music that is not only organic to this region but is also international and global in outlook.
四位东南现代音乐青年 作曲家将与15名来自来自新加坡,马来西亚与泰国的音乐家联合15位来自德国音乐工厂青年室内乐团的学生在总监彼德威尔的率领下,为听众们开设音乐飨宴。
Four acclaimed ASEAN
[...] composers and join 15 musicians from Singapore, [...]
Malaysia and Thailand as they partner 15 students from
Germany (Studio musikFabrik) and their director, Mr. Peter Veale to put contemporary music on stage.
近期莫里纳利四重奏二度在瑞士指挥家查尔斯·迪图瓦(Charles Dutoit)执棒下与蒙特利尔交响乐团合作四重奏协奏曲;陆续亮相阿姆斯特丹艾斯布莱克音乐节、巴黎法国电台Présences系列音乐会、法国诺曼底十月音乐节、墨西 现代音乐 国 际音乐节、魁北 现代音乐 节 、 温哥华国际音乐节、温哥华新音乐节、加拿大班夫中心音乐季、多伦多音乐节、多伦多新音乐系列音乐会、多伦多夏季音乐节及大师课、渥太华国际室内乐音乐节、加拿大埃德蒙顿音乐节、奥赫佛国际音乐节、蒙特利 现代音乐 节 、 温尼皮格Ground Swell音乐节等重要音乐活动。
The Molinari Quartet was heard twice as the soloist with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra under Charles Dutoit and was invited to perform in numerous concert series and festivals including IJsbreker (Amsterdam), Présences
[...] Paris), Festival Octobre en Normandie (France), IXth International Festival of contemporary music Musica Nueva (Mexico), Musiques au présent (Québec), Festival Vancouver, Vancouver New Music, Banff Centre, Music Toronto, New Music Concerts (Toronto), Toronto Summer Music Festival and Academy, Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, Tonus Vivus (Edmonton), Orford Festival, Montréal / [...]
Nouvelles Musiques, Ground
Swell (Winnipeg), Five-Penny concert series (Sudbury), etc.
Ibadet Ramadani借用她独特的嗓音带来这次冒险,“不用说,她有个最令人兴奋、印象深刻,诱人和常会浮现于脑海的美好嗓音,这嗓音伴随 现代音乐 的 态度,还有令人流连忘返的魅力。
In particular with Ibadet Ramadani lending her voice to this venture; “Needless to say that she has one of the most exciting, impressive,
alluringly and hauntingly
[...] wonderful voices with attitude in modern music and with a [...]
radiating, charismatic presence that comes from somewhere else.
只需将您的设备在一起轻碰,便可以通过蓝牙 现 配 对和 听 音乐。
You can pair
[...] and listen to music over Bluetooth by tapping your devices together.
上述国家联盟包括世界各地区大约 400 个在图书、电影电视音乐、现代戏 剧 、书画 刻印艺术和造型艺术部门的文化专业组织。
The national Coalitions mentioned above are formed by around 400 professional cultural organizations from every region of the
world, from the sectors of literature,
[...] film and television, music, the performing arts, [...]
and the graphic and plastic arts.
这些芬兰乐坛新势力有不同的的风格,从赫尔辛基的灵巧英语说唱 (Rap)
[...] 到图尔库的浪漫流行音乐,从九十年代经常以捣毁吉他作高潮发泄表现的流 音乐 到 现代 电 子 音 乐 ,都有出色代表。
The stylistic spectrum of new Finnish music groups varies from intelligent
English-language rap from Helsinki to romantic pop from Turku, from
[...] ‘90s-inspired trashing guitar music to modern electronic sounds.
这项为期三年的计划由以下五个部分组成:第 1 部分:文化遗产,重点放在国家加强 对文化遗产的合法保护和保存的能力建设方面;第 2 部分:考古遗址和历史建筑物,加强对
考古遗址和历史建筑物的监管;第 3 部分:博物馆和文化机构:包括修复这类机构的设施、
[...] 提供设备和进行工作人员培训;第 4 部分:图书馆和档案馆,主要目的是使国家图书馆和伊 拉克的其它十个图书馆的编目系 现代 化 , 以及进行工作人员培训;和第 5 部分:非物质遗 产,尤其是宣传木卡音乐、保 护木卡姆档案,以及修复巴格达音乐学院,该学院是一所教 授音乐和芭蕾舞的国立学校。
The programme, which runs over a three-year period, has the following five components: Component 1: Cultural heritage at large, focusing on national capacity-building for increased legal protection and preservation of cultural heritage; Component 2: Archaeological sites and historic buildings, to strengthen the surveillance at archaeological sites and historic buildings; Component 3: Museums and cultural institutions, including rehabilitation of facilities, provision of equipment and staff training for such institutions; Component 4: Libraries and archives, notably aimed at the modernization of the cataloguing system of the National Library and ten other libraries in Iraq, as well as staff; and Component 5: Intangible
heritage, in particular the promotion of the practice of Maqam music, the protection of Maqam archives, as well as the rehabilitation of the Melodic Institute in Baghdad, the national school of music and ballet.
由于各 种设施现代化,西班牙现了一 些大 音乐 周 和 音乐 节 , 并造就了几代才华横 溢的作曲家和演奏家,这些人见证了各种形式的音乐是如何成为西班牙人日常生 活的一部分。
Encouraged by this modernization, major cycles and festivals have appeared, and several generations of composers and musicians of great intellectual [...]
standing have
been trained – a reflection of how music in its various forms of expression has become a part of people’s daily lives.
Stephanie 在体育音乐方面表现出众 ,下至地方社区,上至印度尼西亚共和国总统办公室,无不称赞。
Stephanie's excelled in sport and music, and lauded from [...]
her local community up to the Office of the President of the Indonesian Republic.
巡演音乐会在两个城市多处著名的演出场所举办,包括中央音乐学院,北京科技大学,愚公移山,上海东方艺术中心,上海 代 广 场,复旦大学,上海外滩茂悦大酒店,上海Mao Live House,健斗音乐现场酒 吧与红糖爵士音乐餐厅。
The performances took place at many well-known venues across the two cities, including: the Central Conservatory of Music; University of Science & Technology,
Beijing; Yu Gong Yi Shan; Shanghai Oriental
[...] Arts Center; Shanghai Times Square; Fudan University; Hyatt on the Bund; Mao Live House; Kento's Live House; and Brown Sugar.
作为一位小号手、乐团领导者和作曲家,他纵横各种多变 音 乐 类 型,包括结合了酷派爵 乐 、 现代 爵 士乐和融合爵士乐。
As a trumpeter, band
[...] leader and composer, he took jazz in diverse directions, including cool jazz, modal [...]
jazz and jazz fusion.
现音乐和通 话无缝过渡 您可以将 Jabra Clipper 同时与两台设备连接使用,比如您的手机和 [...]
MP3 播放器。
A seamless transition between music and conversation [...]
You can connect the Jabra Clipper to two devices at the same time,
such as your mobile phone and MP3 player.
副高级专员确 认,儿童权利问题专家和儿童权利倡导者、学者和专业人员、各缔约 代 表 、 联 合国各机构、基金和方案、非政府组织、民间社会、特 音乐 工 作 者和影片制作 者,以及儿童和青少年记者特邀小组全面积极地参与,都有利地确保了这次活动 的圆满成功。
The Deputy High Commissioner recognized the full and active participation of child rights experts and
advocates, academics and
[...] professionals, representatives of States parties, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, NGOs, civil society, musical guests and filmmakers, [...]
and a special
group of children and youth reporters, all of whom had been instrumental in ensuring that the event was a grand success.
RIO汇集了动物园的生动的​​人物形象,一个暖心的故事,丰富多彩的背景,充满活力的拉丁 乐 和 当 代音乐 , 和 家庭友好的歌曲和舞蹈。
RIO brings together a menagerie of vivid characters,
a heart-warming story, colorful backdrops,
[...] energizing Latin and contemporary music, and family-friendly [...]
song and dance.
关于知识产权及其发展的主题,任何认真的探索都必须考虑到著作权和基于著作权的行业 (包括出版业、电影业、电视业、广播业 音乐 业 , 现 在 还 要包括软件业)在知识和基于 知识的产品的生产和传播中所起到的至关重要的作用。
Any serious enquiry into the subject of IP and development has to consider the crucially important role of copyright and the copyright-based
industries (including publishing, film,
[...] television, radio, music and now computer software [...]
too) in the production and dissemination
of knowledge and knowledge-based products.
[...] 的做法,并决定继续朝此方向迈进,营造信任气氛,从而能够作为一个对自己的 文明感到自豪、具有阿拉伯伊斯兰特征 乐 于 接 受 现代 趋 势并信奉和平、民主和 人权价值观的国家,在各民族中占据应有的地位。
Tunisia had put an end to practices of the past and was determined to continue on this path and create an atmosphere of trust, so that it could occupy the position it deserves among nations, as a country proud of
its civilization, with an Arab
[...] Islamic identity, open to modern trends and attached [...]
to the values of peace, democracy and human rights.
这次比赛的评判工作将由一个从乐 和 音乐 行 业 选出的国际专业评审小组负责,评委包括Sony/ATV Music联席总裁Jody Gerson、著名乐代理人 和经纪人Goldring, Hertz and Lichtenstein LLP的Ken Hertz。
The competition will be judged by a professional panel of
[...] judges from the vocal and music industry, including the co-president of Sony/ATV Music Jody Gerson and prominent entertainment attorney and agent Ken Hertz of [...]
Goldring, Hertz and Lichtenstein LLP.
例如,博世与江淮汽车启动了新代 车 载 信息 乐 系 统 的开发工作,通过开源开发平台GENI VI 实 现 资 源 共享,对车载信息娱乐系统的开发流程与环节进行有效精简,进而实现整体研发成本的降低和开发周期的优化,并推动车载信息娱乐系统技术的创新发展。
For example, Bosch and JAC Motors have
jointly launched the
[...] development of the next generation in-vehicle infotainment system. This system achieves resource sharing via [...]
the open source development
platform - GENIVI, simplifying the development process of in-vehicle infotainment system, and therefore reducing overall R&D cost, optimizing the development cycle and promoting the innovative development of in-vehicle infotainment system.




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