单词 | 现世报 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 现世报 —karmic retribution within one's lifetimeSee also:现世—be disgraced • this life • lose face
舒尔茨-纽达姆的海报现仅存 4 幅,其中一幅于 2005 年在伦敦以 398,000 英镑的破记录的高价售出,成为世界 上最昂贵的海报。 wdl.org | Only four copies of Schulz-Neudamm’s poster [...] are known to exist, one of which was sold in London in 2005 for a record price of ₤398,000, making it the most expensive poster in the world. wdl.org |
2010 年世界教师日的主题为“复兴始于教师”,为此在巴黎展出了一系 列原创海报,展现世界各 地的教师在危机后局势下开展工作,这些海报同时刊载 于教科文组织网站的在线图片库。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An original [...] series of posters showing teachers at work in post-crisis situations around the world, in line with the [...]topic of WTD 2010 – [...]“Recovery Begins with Teachers” – was displayed in Paris, as well as on UNESCO's website in an online gallery. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为实现 2013年和 2015 年的氟氯烃控制量,中国政府提议根据 2012 年 19,446 ODP 吨的预测消费量削减氟氯烃消费量,而不是根据最 新 报 告 的 消费量 ( 世 界 银行提交的聚氨 酯“泡沫塑料行业计划”项目提案中所述的 2009 年 16,587 ODP 吨)或估计的基准 (17,417 ODP 吨)进行消减。 multilateralfund.org | To meet the 2013 and 2015 HCFC control levels, the Government of China proposes [...] to reduce [...] HCFC consumption from the forecasted 2012 consumption of 19,446 ODP tonnes, and not from the latest reported consumption (16,587 ODP tonnes for 2009 as quoted in the PU Foam Sector Plan project proposal submitted [...]by the [...]World Bank) or the estimated baseline (17,417 ODP tonnes). multilateralfund.org |
作为中亚地区最 [...] 具代表性的佛教建筑之一,塔吉克斯坦将其列入 申 报世 界 遗产名录的候选名单,但目前尚未 [...]列入世界遗产名录。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Being one of the most representative Buddhist complexes in Central Asia, it [...] is on the list of potential sites to be [...] nominated to the World Heritage List [...]by Tajikistan, which is non-represented on the List at present. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据 2007-2015 年期间多年工作方案确定的论坛今后届会的任务,今后若干 年的一项重大挑战是提交报告,说明 全 世 界 可持续森林管理的状况和在森林文 书,包括实现全球 森林目标和执行政府间森林小组/政府间森林论坛行动建议和 森林论坛以往决议的执行情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on the tasks of the future sessions of the Forum laid down in the multi-year programme of work for the period 2007-2015, a major [...] challenge in the [...] coming years will be reporting on the status of sustainable forest management worldwide and on progress made in the implementation of the forest instrument, including the achievement of the global [...]objectives on forests [...]and the implementation of the proposals of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests/ Intergovernmental Forum on Forests for action and the previous resolutions of the United Nations Forum on Forests. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后,显示页面中会出现一条警报, 只 有测量值返回到当前带宽内,警报才能 被重置。 highvolt.de | This results in a message alert on the display which is only reset when the measured value returns to within the current bandwidth. highvolt.de |
在先前向特设联络委员会会议提交的报 告中世界银行就曾指出,如果巴勒斯坦权力机构 能够继续保持它在机构建设和提供公共服务方 面的出色表现,它 就具备了在不久未来的任何时 间点建立国家的良好条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | reports to meetings of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) that if the Palestinian Authority (PA) maintains its performance in institution-building and delivery of public services, [...] it is well positioned for the establishment [...]of a State at any point in the near future. daccess-ods.un.org |
美利坚合众国通过 中央情报局分设在世界各 地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导致现任政 府声名狼藉,这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;它抨击人权理事会,但又惧 怕人权理事会审查其人权记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,许多部委现在必须报告其 开支对妇 女和贫困有何影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, [...] many ministries now had to report on how spending [...]affected women and poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
整个系统的报应末世通过 天堂与地狱从来没有在承担了犹太教信仰的教条的性格,和塔木德犹太教大胆地转移到了天上以后的判决在审 判 现 场 , 当天在每年年初(相对湿度16B条见新的一年)。 mb-soft.com | The whole eschatological system of retribution through paradise and hell never assumed in Judaism the character of a dogmatic belief, and Talmudic Judaism boldly transferred the scene of the heavenly [...] judgment from the hereafter to the annual Day [...]of Judgment at the beginning of the year (RH 16b; see New-Year). mb-soft.com |
如欲实现报告制 度的完善,前提条件便是要能获得客观、现实的数据和信息,从而 允许对计划执行的实效进行评价。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The prerequisite to improved reporting is the availability [...] of objective and realistic data and information that would allow [...]actual performance to be assessed against planned performance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同时, 它们认为遗产中心 [...] 应在以下方面制定出更有战略性的方法:改进评选过程;加强能力建设工作,特别是在最不 发达国家;为申报《世界遗 产名录》的资料准备工作提供技术援助;考虑限制应列入名录的 [...] 数量;与私营部门合作并与其它政府间组织结成伙伴关系等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the same time, they considered that WHC should devise a more strategic approach in the following areas: improved selection process; strengthening capacitybuilding efforts, especially in LDCs; technical [...] assistance for the preparation of requests for [...] inscription on the World Heritage List; [...]consideration of a limitation of the number [...]of sites worthy of inclusion; cooperation with the private sector and partnerships with other intergovernmental organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会面前有秘书长关于世界统计日 的 报 告 (E/CN.3/2012/32)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had before it the report of the Secretary-General on World Statistics Day (E/CN.3/2012/32). daccess-ods.un.org |
报告指 出, 通过落实国际化学品管理战略方针、执行有关国际法律文书、加强信息共享和 风险交流、建立风险评估、减少和预防方案以及制定指标和监测,在 实 现世界 首 脑会议上设定的对化学品进行健全管理的 2020 年目标方面已取得了重大进 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | It notes that significant progress has been made in attaining the 2020 goal set at the World’s Summit concerning the sound management of chemicals by means of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, the implementation [...] of related international [...]legal instruments, the strengthening of information-sharing and risk communication, the establishment of programmes on risk assessment, reduction and prevention, and the development of indicators and monitoring. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了公平对待其使命——该使命把 人权设想成普遍、不可分割和相互依存的——特别 报告员应访问世界所有地区的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | To do justice to their mandates, which envisaged human rights that [...] were universal, indivisible and interdependent, [...] the special rapporteurs should visit countries in all parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
世卫组织代表向食典委通报说,世卫 组织目前只有大约 25%的预算来自正常拨款, 而其余 75%都是来自预算外捐款。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative of WHO informed the Commission that currently only approximately 25% of the overall WHO budget comes from regular contributions and 75% from extra budgetary contributions. codexalimentarius.org |
在 34C/4 号文件草案中要取得的成果主要是:教科文组织为实现千年发展目标 1 和 7、 执行 2005 [...] 年世界首脑会议成果文件的规定、实 现世 界 科学大会通过的《宣言》和《科学议 [...]程--行动框架》的目标以及执行《2005--2015 年兵库行动框架:建设各国和社区对应灾难的 [...]复原力》做出的具体贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The outcomes to be addressed in draft document 34 C/4 will focus on UNESCO’s specific [...] contributions to MDG 1 and MDG 7, the [...] provisions of the 2005 World Summit Outcome [...]document, the objectives of the Declaration [...]and Science Agenda Framework for Action adopted at the World Conference on Science, and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of nations and communities to disaster. unesdoc.unesco.org |
缔约国认识到,即将推出的世界报告 中所载建议,可能为履行《公 约》之下所负的义务,解决地雷受害者的权利和需要问题提供额外的指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The States Parties recognise that the recommendations contained in [...] the forthcoming World Report may provide additional [...]guidance to meet their obligations [...]under the Convention to address the rights and needs of landmine victims. daccess-ods.un.org |
常驻代表咨委会还审议了秘书处依照经社会第 67/15 号决议编制的一 份现状分析报告— —旨在逐步过渡到举办无纸化经社会届会、做到文件数量 少但质量高,并核可了非正式工作组报告中提出的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee had also considered an analysis of the current state of documentation, prepared by the secretariat, in line with Commission resolution 67/15 with a view to moving towards paperless Commission sessions with fewer but higher quality documents and had endorsed the recommendations contained in the report of the informal working group. daccess-ods.un.org |
报表设计器也配有一个 Silverlight 的报表向导,允许你的终端用户从头来创建一个新的数据 呈 现报 表。 evget.com | This Report Designer can also be equipped with a Report Wizard for Silverlight, allowing your end-users to [...] create new data-aware reports from scratch. evget.com |
以下专题小组成员发 了言:乌拉圭国家教育主任 Luis Garibaldi 介绍了信息和通信技术在教育领域 的应用、Ceibal 计划及相关公共政策和评价;美洲开发银行教育部高级专家 Eugenio Severín 讨论了教学过程是信通技术的移动目标;智利大学计算机科学 土木工程师、智利教育部技术和教育中心链接方案前主任 Didier De Saint Pierre 介绍了在实现 21 世纪优 质教育方面的进展情况;拉加经委会社会发展司 社会事务干事 Daniela Trucco 以“利用信通技术促进拉丁美洲的教育:风险和 机遇”为题作了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The panellists were: Luis Garibaldi, National Director of Education of Uruguay, who gave a presentation on the use of information and communications technology in education, the Ceibal plan and related public policies and evaluation; Eugenio Severín, Senior Specialist, Education Division of the Inter-American Development Bank, who discussed the teaching and learning process as a moving target towards ICTs; Didier De Saint Pierre, Civil Engineer in Computer Science at the University of Chile and former Director of the Links Programme at the Technology and Education Centre of the Ministry of Education of Chile, gave a presentation on progress towards a quality education for the 21st century; and Daniela Trucco, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ECLAC, who gave a presentation on “ICTs for education in Latin America: risks and opportunities”. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年世界儿童状况报告 – 青春期:一个充满机遇的年龄’,这是联合国儿童基金会新发布的一篇代表 性 报 告 , 其核心内容是关于 全 世 界 年 龄在 10 至 19 岁之间的十几亿青少年的成长与权力问题。 unicef.org | The State of the World’s Children 2011 – Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity,’ UNICEF’s flagship report, focuses on the development and rights of more than a billion children aged 10 to 19 worldwide. unicef.org |
信徒必须受到保护,其信仰免受仇恨言论和行 [...] 为的伤害,但这种保护最好通过保护个人和团体的 宗教自由权来实现,《世界人 权宣言》、《公民及政治 权利国际公约》以及《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的 [...] 一切形式的不容忍和歧视宣言》对此做了阐述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Believers had to be protected from hate speech and acts against their convictions, but the protection could best be achieved by insuring the right of individuals [...] and communities to religious freedom, as [...] set forth in the Universal Declaration of [...]Human Rights, the International Covenant [...]on Civil and Political Rights and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. daccess-ods.un.org |
就此而言,计划效 绩报告涵盖了各种报告所反映的本组织工作所产生的结果和/或影响,比如落实发展议 程 报 告 和 向 世贸 组 织(WTO)《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)委员会和联合国科学技术委员会提交的定期报告。 wipo.int | In this regard, the PPRs capture the results and/or impact of the organization’s work that is covered [...] by various reports [...] such as the reports on the implementation of the Development Agenda and the periodic reports to the World Trade Organization [...](WTO) Council on Trade [...]Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the UN Commission on Science and Technology. wipo.int |
马来西 亚建议:(a) 加强 努力 旨在实现伊斯兰教 法与现行法律内容的谐 [...] 调,以期确保最大限度地保护妇女和儿童、侵权行为受害者;(b) 对国际文书和公 约 [...] ,包括《公民权利 和政治 权 利 国 际公约 》 和 《经济 、社会、文化 权 利 国 际公 约》进行彻 底和全面的研究,尔后再加入上述公约; (c) 在促 进各文明之间对话方 面,继续发挥主导作用,旨在实现世 界 各 不同信仰和传统之间的容忍和理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Malaysia recommended to: a) intensify its efforts aimed at harmonizing elements of the Shari’ah with existing laws, with a view to ensuring maximum protection for women and children as well as victims of human rights abuses; b) undertaken thorough and comprehensive studies of international instruments and conventions, including ICCPR and ICESR, prior to its accession to those instruments; c) continue playing a leading role in facilitating interreligious and [...] inter-civilisation [...] dialogue, aimed at achieving enhanced tolerance and understanding among the different faiths and traditions of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
决议草案是对秘书长报告(A/64/77-E/2009/13) 的体现,报告表 明以色列对包括东耶路撒冷在内的 巴勒斯坦领土的占领仍在加深巴勒斯坦人民的经济 [...] 和社会困境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft [...] resolution was a reflection of the Secretary-General’s report (A/64/77-E/2009/13), [...]which demonstrated that the [...]Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, continued to deepen the economic and social hardships of the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
敦促各国酌情审查、颁布和修订立法及教育政策和制度,确保 实 现 《世 界人 权宣言》中规定的平等接受教育的权利,消除歧视,为少数群体成员,特别 [...] 是少数群体儿童提供平等接受优质教育的机会,同时按照《宣言》规定,保护他 们的特性,促进融合、社会包容和一个繁荣稳定的社会 daccess-ods.un.org | Urges States to review, enact and amend their legislation, where necessary, as well as [...] their educational policies and [...] systems, to ensure the realization of the right to [...]education, as set out in the Universal [...]Declaration of Human Rights, to eliminate discrimination and to provide for equal access to quality education for persons belonging to minorities, in particular minority children, while protecting their identity, as enshrined in the Declaration, and promoting integration, social inclusion and a prosperous and stable society;2. daccess-ods.un.org |