

单词 环境保护



PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)

See also:

环境 n

environments pl
context n
condition n
setting n
matrix n

环保 adj

green adj

保护 (...) v

defend v
secure v
shelter sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

环境保护和自然资源部还将确保其他相关政府利益攸关方的参与,如海关部门,以协 助执行具体的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划内容。
The Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources will also ensure the involvement [...]
of other related Government
stakeholders such as the Customs department to assist with the implementation of specific HPMP components.
[...] 此外,请注意欧盟和各国立法普遍有效的法律法规和其他具有约束力的规定, 以及所在国有关事故防范环境保护 的 现 行法规。
In addition, generally applicable legal and other binding regulations of European and national law
and the regulations for
[...] accident prevention and environmental protection in force in the [...]
country of use must be complied with.
[...] 织战略方向方面的情况已提供给负责文化遗 保护 、 环境保护 与 管 理、文化业与促进活的文 化的发展、文化旅游与查明及保护非物质文化遗产的联合国教科文组织和巴勒斯坦联合委员 [...]
Activities related to UNESCO’s efforts for rehabilitation and development in the Middle East, strategic guidelines were provided to the Joint UNESCO-
Palestine Committee focusing on
[...] cultural heritage preservation, conservation and management; [...]
cultural industries and the promotion
of living cultures; cultural tourism and the identification and protection of intangible cultural heritage with a view to the adoption of a comprehensive strategy and concrete operations in this regard.
在教科文组织与联合国系统其他组织和计划在国家一级的合作方面,有些与会者建 议,教科文组织应通过其多国办事处,更积极地参与国家一级的文件起草,如加勒 环境保 护协会 、联合国发展援助框架、减贫战略文件,以促进实现千年发展目标。
As regards UNESCO cooperation at the country level with other organizations and programmes of the United Nations system, some participants suggested that UNESCO through cluster offices should become more actively involved in the preparation of country-level documents such as CCA, UNDAF and PRSPs with a view to facilitating the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32
[...] 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家环境保护主 义者和水资源管理专家,以及大约 30 [...]
个有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济
委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was
attended by more than 350 experts, prominent
[...] scientists, environmentalists and water management [...]
specialists from 32 countries,
as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
经社会突出表明了为促进实现可持续发展而均衡地整合经济发展、社 会发展、以环境保护和养护这三大支柱的重要性。
The Commission highlighted the importance of achieving sustainable development through the balanced
integration of the three pillars of economic development, social
[...] development, and environmental protection and conservation.
关于正在采取的加强问责制的措施,秘书长指出,外勤支助部已采取若干 步骤来满足这一要求,具体如下:准备实施国际公共部门会计准则;采取行动,
[...] 使管理人员对其经管的资源承担更大问责;采取举措,使特派团人员对其个人行 为承担责任;在维和行动中努力实 环境保护 政 策 (A/66/679,第 122 段)。
With regard to measures being undertaken to strengthen accountability, the Secretary-General states that the Department of Field Support has taken a number of steps to address this requirement through its preparations for the implementation of IPSAS, actions to make managers more accountable for their stewardship of resources, initiatives to hold mission personnel accountable for their personal conduct
and efforts with respect to the
[...] implementation of the environmental policy in peacekeeping [...]
operations (A/66/679, para. 122).
(f) 上合组织:经济和贸易、能源、交通运输和通信 环境保 护与可 持续发展、信息和通信及空间技术、以及减贫工作。
(f) SCO: Economy and trade, energy, transport and
[...] communications, environmental protection and sustainable [...]
development, information and communication
and space technologies, poverty reduction.
[...] 统计委员会、最高法院、国家安全局、司法部、内务部、国防部、财政部、经济 调节部、劳动、就业和移民部、卫生部、教育和科学部、政府社会保障局、政环境保护和林业局、政府文化局提供。
The basic information for this report was made available by the Ombudsman, the Procurator-General, the Central Commissions responsible for elections and referendums, the National Statistics Committee, the Supreme Court, the National Security Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Regulation, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Migration, the Ministry of Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science,
the National Agency
[...] for Social Security, the National Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry [...]
and the National Agency for Culture.
它也是一个《核不扩散条约》和几 环境保护 、 打击 恐怖主义及促进人权公约的缔约国。
It is also a State Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty, as well as several other
[...] conventions on the protection of the environment, the suppression [...]
of terrorism and the promotion of human rights.
公安部学者陈伟称,九条龙为解放军海军部队、海 关执法部门(海关总署)、中国渔政指挥中心(农业 部)、海事局(交通部)、搜救中心(交通部)、公安
[...] 海警(公安部)、边防警察(公安部)、中国海监总队 (国家海洋局)及海环境保护部门
According to a scholar with the public security ministry, Chen Wei, the nine dragons include the PLAN, Customs Law Enforcement (General Administration of Customs), China Fisheries Law Enforcement Command (agriculture ministry), Marine Safety Administration (transport ministry), Search and Rescue Centre (transport ministry), Maritime Police (public security ministry), border police
(public security ministry), China Marine Surveillance (State Oceanic
[...] Administration), and maritime environmental protection.
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热核实验堆协定》第 14 条所载条例
[...] 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、辐射防护、许 可、核物质环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear
safety, radiation protection, licensing,
[...] nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection [...]
from acts of malevolence.
And this machine is also designed to consume less electricity, with an inverter-type oil cooler and a spiral-type chip conveyor.
[...] 管做法进行战略改革,还可能会对某个经济体的经济、政治和社会现状形成挑战, 但这样做是全面释放私营部门和市场开放潜力所绝对必需的,只有这样,才能促 进经济增长环境保护和社会发展。
Creating the right conditions for private enterprise may require strategic reforms to long-standing regulatory practices and may challenge the economic, political and social status quo of an economy, but doing so is absolutely essential to unlocking the full potential of private
enterprise and open markets in a way that can promote
[...] economic growth, environmental protection and social development.
直到很久以环境保护和土地可持续 发展才成为科学研究项目。
Environmental protection and sustainable [...]
land development did not become subjects of scientific research until much later.
粮食署还最终确定了与联 合国人口基金(人口基金)之间关于后勤和防止性别暴力等领域的谅解备忘录,与
[...] 世界卫生组织之间关于营养、准备工作和后勤领域的谅解备忘录,与联合国环境 规划署之间关于粮食安全环境保护 、 减 少灾害风险和适应气候变化等领域的谅 解备忘录。
WFP was also finalizing memorandums of understanding with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for areas such as logistics and preventing gender-based violence; WHO for areas such as nutrition, preparedness and
logistics; and the United Nations Environment Programme for areas such as food
[...] security, environmental protection, disaster risk [...]
reduction and climate change adaptation.
根据“区域环境保护计划 的 要求,需要更好地了解深海海洋环境,改善数据标准化,尤其是分类方面的标准 化。
Environmental protection plans for the Area [...]
required a better understanding of the deep sea marine environment and improved
standardization of data, particularly related to taxonomy.
因此,中国中央政府一直在通过颁布信息公开的法律法规、地方环境绩效评估来努力推 动地方政府环境保护做出 真实可信的承诺。
Thus, the Chinese central government has been
trying very hard to
[...] stimulate local environmental commitments by enacting freedom of information regulations and evaluating local environmental performance.
玻利维亚希望阐明一点,它不接受打着“绿色 经济”旗号的市环境保护主义 ,这样将会为自然 功能带上价格标签,将它们变成一个新的私人投资 和投机的商业部门。
Bolivia wished to make clear that it would not accept under the banner of “green economy” a marketstyle environmentalism that would put a price on the functions of nature, turning them into a new business sector for private investment and speculation.
又认识到包括合作社在内的中小型企业群组及社会和经济互助领域各组织, 作为促进小型工业以及在就业政策、社会融合、区域和农村发展、农业 环境保 护等领域落实发展目标的工具,发挥重要而积极的作用
Recognizing also the important and positive role of small and medium-sized enterprise clusters and organizations in the social and solidarity economy field, including cooperatives, as vehicles for promoting small-scale industry and for the implementation of the development goals in such fields as employment policy, social integration, regional and rural development, agriculture and environmental protection
承包者若提供了管理局可用于进行环境评估 环境保护 的 原始数据,则评为 A 和 B 级;若提供了可用于进行区 环境保护 的 数 据或分析,则评为 C 至 E 级; 若环境准则中某些部分根本没有被评估或所收集的资料对管理局的环境评估没 有什么用途或根本无用,则评为 F 至 I 级。
Contractors were evaluated at levels A and B if they had provided raw data that could be used
by the Authority for
[...] the purposes of environmental assessment and protection; levels C to E if they provided data or analysis that could be useful for regional environmental protection; and levels [...]
F to I if there were components
within the environmental guidelines that had either not been evaluated or where the information collected was of little or no use for environmental assessment by the Authority.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Welfare of Montenegro controls the production and trade in
precursors and toxins, while the
[...] Ministries of Tourism and Environmental Protection control the management [...]
of chemicals.
[...] 个关键因素和/或支柱的平衡:经济和科技的可持续发展,在社会平衡基础上的 社会可持续发展,以环境保护和自 然资源的合理使用。
The goal of the Strategy is to achieve the balance of three key factors and/or pillars of sustainable development: the sustainable development of economy and technology, the sustainable
development of society on the grounds of
[...] social balance and environmental protection and rational usage [...]
of natural resources.
[...] 增加,尤其是:产品和服务贸易的全球化、外包与外国投资、公共服务的开放/私有化、 公众对消费者安全的要求环境保护 及 法人社会责任等。
The Observer highlighted the increasing demand for voluntary international standards due to various factors, among others: globalization of trade in products and services; outsourcing and foreign investment;
deregulation/privatization of public services; public demand for
[...] consumer safety, environmental protection and corporate [...]
social responsibility.
各省自治主要职责 包括:公共教育、健康宣传保护、 环境保 护、农 村地区的现代化、公共道路、集中运 输、土地开发、文化、社会福利、旅游业、 [...]
The self-government executes tasks in the following
scope: public education, health
[...] promotion and protection, environmental protection, modernising [...]
the rural areas, public roads,
collective transport, land development, culture, social welfare, tourism, counteracting unemployment and activating the local labour market.
[...] 革议程包括捍卫农民和劳动权利,创造就业、整顿公共保健照料和社会保障,提 高教育和保健水平,促环境保护。
In his inaugural speeches, the President made commitments in the area of economic, social and cultural rights, while his 10-point reform agenda includes the safeguarding of farmers’ and labour rights, the creation of jobs, the overhauling of
public health care and social security, raising education and health standards and
[...] the promotion of environmental conservation.
加拿大政府与法兰西共和国政府关于勘探和开采跨界油气田 的协定》有 21 条和 6 个附件,其中确认,有必要共同管理石油和天然气,以确
[...] 保跨海洋边界油气资源的保护和管理,在两国之间分配跨界油气田中发现的储 藏,并促进安全环境保护。
The Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the French Republic relating to the Exploration and Exploitation of Transboundary Hydrocarbon Fields, containing 21 articles and 6 annexes, recognizes the need for a common approach to oil and gas management to ensure the conservation and management of hydrocarbon resources that straddle the maritime boundary, to apportion between
the two countries the reserves found in transboundary fields and to promote
[...] safety and the protection of the environment.




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