

单词 环保当局

See also:

环保 adj

green adj


PRC National bureau of environmental protection
environment protection office



当局 n

administration n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,一些省级法院推环保当局提 交 的案件调查和裁决。
Moreover, some provincial courts delay the investigation and verdict
[...] the cases filed by environmental authorities.
从两种不同的网络 (尼泊尔–亚太区域办公室和特立尼达和多巴哥–拉美与加勒比区 域办公室)
[...] 中各选出两个国家进行访问,并采访在各海关口岸工作的海关官员,以及 海关环保当局(和其他相关利益方,酌情),以收集直接参与监控 ODS 交易的关 [...]
键人员如何看待环境规划署的活动对他们所在的国家和他们自身在实际中应对非法交 易的能力所产生的影响的观点(在采访期间所讨论的问题和被采访官员的回答摘要将
列在最后报告附件 6 中)。
Visits to two selected countries from two different networks (Nepal – ROAP and Trinidad & Tobago - ROLAC) to interview customs officers
working at customs posts
[...] and also customs and environmental authorities (and other stakeholders, [...]
if appropriate) in order to collect the views of the key
players directly involved in monitoring and control of trade in ODS on how they see the actual impact of UNEP activities on their country’s and their own personal capability to deal with illegal trade in practice (issues discussed during interviews and the summary of responses of the interviewed officers will be contained in Annex 6 to the final report)
乌兹别克 斯坦建议,环境规划署可以帮助海关 环保当局 创 建 一个有关 ODS 转移和护送装有 ODS 船只的安排的区域通告系统,以杜绝船只在运输途中将 [...]
ODS 在途经过境国时部分卸载的 情况发生。
Uzbekistan suggests that UNEP could
assist in creating a regional system of notification of
[...] customs and environmental authorities on ODS transfers [...]
and arrangement of
convoying the ODS shipments to avoid partial unloading on the way through a transit country.
[...] 完全是由于乌兹别克斯坦国家臭氧机构与俄罗斯联 环保当局 自 环 境规划署组织的独联体 国家区域讲习班召开以来所建立的联系,乌兹别克斯坦才截获了装有 [...]
6 吨谎称为回收利用 的四氯化碳(实为真正的四氯化碳)的船只。
A good example was given by Uzbekistan – only due to
the links forged between the
[...] Uzbekistan NOU and Environmental Authorities in Russian Federation [...]
since the Regional Workshop
for NIS countries organised by UNEP the shipment of 6 tonnes of CTC falsely declared as recycled could be stopped.
关于科学,教科文组织支持卢旺环 境 管 理 当局 在 联发援框架关于环境和自然资源管 理专题的范围内,评估基伍湖在生物多样性方面的价值。
With regard to the sciences, UNESCO supported
[...] the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority to assess [...]
the biodiversity value of Lake Kivu,
within the framework of the UNDAF theme on the management of environment and natural resources.
在这些外部的动荡面前当局保持了 宏观经济的稳定和所需改革的 强大势头,值得赞赏。
The authorities are to be commended for maintaining macroeconomic [...]
stability and strong momentum for needed reforms in the
face of these external shocks.
该方案是在关键政府伙伴国家供水和环卫 管局、环保部和农业部、地当局 及 国家和国际非政府组织的协作下得到落实 的。
It has been implemented in collaboration with key Government
partners, the
[...] Direction Nationale de l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement, the Ministries of the Environment and Agriculture, local authorities and national [...]
and international non-governmental organizations.
确保埃及遵守国际义务,包括防止非法或未经授权获取核材料的义务, 以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括盗窃、虚报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证对个人、社会 环 境 的 保 护,保在核或放射材料、器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing radiation of all
types in all fields so as to guarantee the
[...] protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure that no activity is undertaken in connection with nuclear or radiation material, equipment and technologies, except as authorized by the regulatory authority.
的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防
[...] 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利当地 知识 来 保 护 环 境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain
ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well
[...] as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
委员会重申它建议 (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3,第20段) 缔约国为遵守《公约》第12条, 需要废除酌情起诉制度,这样主 当局 只 要 有合理的理由相信在其管辖境内的任 何地方发生了酷刑行为,就有义务主动开展系统的公正调查,以便有效 保 此类 罪行的犯罪者不能免于处罚。
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, para. 20) whereby compliance with the provisions of article 12 of the Convention requires a derogation from the system of discretionary
prosecution, so as to
[...] oblige the competent authorities to launch impartial inquiries systematically and on their own initiative wherever there are reasonable grounds for believing that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction, in order to effectively ensure that the perpetrators [...]
of such crimes do not remain unpunished.
续会议;参加了监督全民教育后续活动的工作组;编 写《国际社会科学期刊》关于变革时期的青年专刊;
[...] 组织青年非政府组织参加各种国际和双边会议;使青 年人参加旨在分析 22 个国家的青年人的消费方式、 生活方式和行为的“青年人的消费行为”研究项目 (教科文组织和环境规划署)以及参加为中学生设计 的“开环保运动的青年新闻工作者”活动,他们通 过与有关各方直接接触,当地环境 问 题进行新闻调 查。
Ensured student participation in two followup meetings of the World Conference of Higher Education (WCHE); Participated in the task force monitoring follow-up of Education for All; Prepared the issue of the International Social Science Journal on Youth Transition; Organized youth NGOs’ presence in various international and bilateral meetings; Engaged the participation of young people in the research project on young people’s consumption behaviour (UNESCO and UNEP) aimed at analysing consumption patterns, lifestyles and behaviour of young people in 22 countries, and
in the Young Reporters for the Environment Campaign, designed for secondary-school
[...] students who carry out a journalistic inquiry of their local environmental problems by directly contacting concerned stakeholders.
经社会注意到,地当局在整 合城市发展所涉及的经济、社会 环境 层 面开展能力建设对于实现可持续的城市发展及为重要,并说亚太经社会在 这些领域内开展的活动可使成员国获益非浅。
The Commission noted that capacity
[...] development for local authorities to integrate economic, social and environmental aspects of urban [...]
development was of
crucial importance for sustainable urban development and that the activities of ESCAP in those areas could be greatly beneficial for member States.
教科文组织作为一个多边政府间机构,在 通过其计划和项目促进、提供和保 有 利于实现这些国家人民的愿望的 当环 境 方 面发挥着 至关重要的作用。
As a multilateral intergovernmental
agency, UNESCO has a
[...] critical role in promoting, providing and ensuring the right environment to realize the aspirations [...]
of the people
in these countries through its programme and projects.
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部 分能源需求与运行所安装的制冷和空调设备有关),为了让城市发展部、能 源效率局、新能源和可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管 当局 能够参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适当技术规范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构推广无氟氯烃建筑设计和方程式;通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为修改建筑学院课程准备一个模板,以便将 [...]
(b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like
the Ministry of Urban
[...] Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate specifications [...]
for alternatives to
HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity of architects through the Council of Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC free building design and construction.
虽然低浓缩燃料和黄饼并不是安全威胁方面的重大关注事项,但鼓励利比当局保持严 格的安全措施,尤其是要防止价值很高的黄饼失窃。
While low-enriched fuel and yellowcake do not represent a major
concern in terms of security
[...] threats, the Libyan authorities are encouraged [...]
to maintain strict security measures, particularly
to prevent the theft of the high value yellowcake.
承包者若提供了管局可用于进环 境 评估 和 环 境 保 护 的原始数据,则评为 A 和 B 级;若提供了可用于进行区域环境保护的数据或分析,则评为 C 至 E 级; 若环境准则中某些部分根本没有被评估或所收集的资料对管 局 的 环 境评估没 有什么用途或根本无用,则评为 F 至 I 级。
Contractors were evaluated at levels A and B if they had provided raw data that could be used by the Authority for the purposes of environmental assessment and protection; levels C to E if they provided data or analysis that could be useful for regional environmental protection; and levels [...]
F to I if there were components
within the environmental guidelines that had either not been evaluated or where the information collected was of little or no use for environmental assessment by the Authority.
[...] 要额外的参与,比如:额外支持朝阳市水 局 与 环保局 有 关 水质模型方面的工作;进一步参与 起草编制水资源综合管理规划的简要指导说明,相信将对辽宁省水利厅有用。
It is also likely that additional involvement may be required in
relation to providing additional assistance
[...] to the Chaoyang WAB and EPB in relation to water [...]
quality modelling work whilst further
involvement is expected in relation to the preparation of a simple guidance note for the preparation of IWRM Plans that the Department of Water Resources in Liaoning believe would be useful to them.
缔约方第二十一次会议要求“执行委员会依照第 XX/7 号决定继续审议第 5 条缔约 方的其他试点项目,并从这个意义上考 当 前 销 毁活动范围内的一次性窗口费用,以便解 决那些原产缔约方无法使用的低量消费国家的出口和 环保 方 式 处置臭氧消耗物质库问 题”(第 XXI/2 号决定第 2 段)。
The Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties requested “the Executive Committee to continue its consideration of further pilot projects in Article 5 Parties pursuant to decision XX/7 and, in that context, to consider
the costs of a
[...] one-time window within its current destruction activities to address the export and environmentally sound disposal of assembled banks of ozone-depleting substances in low-volume-consuming [...]
that are not usable in the Party of origin” (decision XXI/2, paragraph 2).
阿尔及利亚代表团还着重指出,重要的是,精确 了解共享水资源的程度,其流量和质量;保护共享水 资源国家拥有该国发展所需之足够水量;通过 当保 护和善意合作,环境层面纳入有关国家的可持续发 展;加强本国管制措施和双边或分区域合作机制,以 确保有效保护含水层不受各种形式的污染。
His delegation also stressed the importance of having precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and quality; protecting the rights of countries sharing aquifers to have sufficient quantities for
their development needs;
[...] integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith [...]
cooperation; and strengthening
national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution.
但是,为了保障黎巴嫩利益得到全 保 护 , 避 免其主权受到不当侵犯,根据《程序和证据规则》规则 77(B),检察官的决定应 受司法监督:在必要和适当时,检察官必须经过预审法官授权,方可在没有本当局参与的情况下开展调查行动。
However, in order to guarantee that the interests of Lebanon
[...] are fully preserved and that its sovereignty is not unduly encroached upon, rule 77 (B) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence provides that the decision of the Prosecutor is subject to judicial scrutiny: when necessary and appropriate, the Prosecutor must be authorized by the Pre-Trial Judge to carry out investigative acts without the involvement of national authorities.
此外,工商业非政府组织环境类 非政府组织、农民、土著人民组织、地方 政府和市当局、工 会非政府组织、妇女和性别问题以及青年非政府组织的代表 也都作了发言。
In addition, representatives of business and
[...] industry NGOs, environmental NGOs, farmers, indigenous peoples organizations, local government and municipal authorities, trade union NGOs, [...]
women and gender,
and youth NGOs made statements.
建立该系统所需的基本资源已提供给下列国家:阿富 汗、阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维那保加利亚、吉布提、埃及、格鲁吉亚、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊 拉克、约旦、黎巴嫩、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马尔代夫、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴 基斯坦、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚、斯里兰卡、苏丹、前南斯拉夫的马其顿 共和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰和也门,以及巴勒斯坦被占领 当局 和 科索 沃。
Basic resources for establishing the systems were provided to Afghanistan,
Albania, Algeria,
[...] Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen, as well as to the authorities of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and to Kosovo.
合作伙伴, 例如,可以包括学校、地当局、保 健 机构,即在解决客户的问题方面可以平行 发挥重大作用的组织,因为失业也可能是由健康问题、教育不足、缺乏托儿设施 [...]
The partners may, for example,
[...] include schools, local authorities, healthcare institutions, [...]
i.e. organisations that fill a
parallel significant role in solving the client’s problems, as unemployment may also be caused by health problems, shortfalls in education, lack of childcare facilities, etc.
本报告的基本信息由政府巡查员、总检察院、中央选举和公投委员会、国家 统计委员会、最高法院、国家安全局、司法部、内务部、国防部、财政部、经济 调节部、劳动、就业和移民部、卫生部、教育和科学部、政府社 保 障 局 、 政府 环境保护和林业局、政府文化局提供。
The basic information for this report was made available by the Ombudsman, the Procurator-General, the Central Commissions responsible for elections and referendums, the National Statistics Committee, the Supreme Court, the National Security Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Regulation, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and
Migration, the
[...] Ministry of Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Agency for Social Security, the National Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry [...]
and the National Agency for Culture.
[...] 关执法部门(海关总署)、中国渔政指挥中心(农业 部)、海事局(交通部)、搜救中心(交通部)、公安 海警(公安部)、边防警察(公安部)、中国海监总队 (国家海局)及海洋环境保护部门。
According to a scholar with the public security ministry, Chen Wei, the nine dragons include the PLAN, Customs Law Enforcement (General Administration of Customs), China Fisheries Law Enforcement Command (agriculture ministry), Marine Safety Administration (transport ministry), Search and Rescue Centre (transport ministry), Maritime Police (public security ministry), border police
(public security ministry), China Marine
[...] Surveillance (State Oceanic Administration), and maritime environmental protection.
认识到回收煤矿甲烷的各种好处,欧洲经委会于 2004 年 在美环保局支持 下,与甲烷市场化合作伙伴密切合作,启动了一个促进最佳做 [...]
Recognizing the many benefits associated with the
coal mine methane recovery, ECE, with
[...] support from the Environmental Protection Agency of the United [...]
States and in close cooperation
with the Methane to Markets Partnership, had launched a programme in 2004 to promote best practices and provide technical assistance in planning, designing and financing coal mine methane projects.
城市历史景观方法将文化多样性和创造力看作是促进人类发展、社会发展和经济发展的重 要资产,它提供了一种手段,用于管理自然和社会方面的转变, 保当 代 干 预行动与历史背景下 的遗产和谐地结合在一起,并且考虑地 环 境。
The historic urban landscape approach considers cultural diversity and creativity as key assets for human, social and economic development, and provides tools to manage
physical and social
[...] transformations and to ensure that contemporary interventions are harmoniously integrated with heritage in a historic setting and take into account regional contexts.
申请人如符合 以下情况,应予批准:第一,申请人及工作计划符合《海洋法公约》、《1994 年协 定》和管局为缔结合同而颁发的细则和条例,尤其是《海洋法公约》附件三第 4 条第 6(a)至(c)款规定的义务;第二,申请人(a) 充分可靠,可以保证在“区 域”从事的活动将以维护作业安全、健康、工作安全 环保 需 要 的有序方式进行, (b) 能够提供在“区域”有序开展活动所需的资金,(c) 能够合理显示计划在“区 域”中进行的活动能够以商业规模进行。
An applicant shall be approved if, first, the applicant and the plan of work meet the preconditions of the Convention, the 1994 Agreement, and
the rules and
[...] regulations issued by the Authority for the conclusion of a contract, and in particular the obligations pursuant to article 4, paragraph 6 (a) to (c), of annex III to the Convention; and second, the applicant (a) is sufficiently reliable and can guarantee that the activities in the Area will be implemented in an orderly manner which upholds the needs of operational safety, of health and safety at work and of environmental protection, (b) can provide [...]
the funding needed for
an orderly execution of the activities in the Area, and (c) can show plausibly that the activities planned in the Area can be carried out on a commercial basis (section 4 of the Act).




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