

单词 环保型

See also:

环保 adj

green adj

External sources (not reviewed)

瓦克可以根据您的具体需求,为您提供创新型的产品和技术,帮助您实现经济有效地生产高品 环保型 胶 粘 剂和密封剂。
WACKER supplies innovative products and technologies for these sectors so that
customers can economically produce
[...] high-quality and environmentally-compatible adhesives [...]
and sealants tailored to their exact needs.
在八名工厂引环保型聚氨酯海绵生产系统“YES SYSTEM”,这在日本尚属首次。
Introduced the
[...] YES system, an environmentally-friendly urethane [...]
foam manufacturing system in the Yana Plant, for the first time in Japan.
工研院的稳定传送R2R技术可以准确定位100微 环保型 W i l lo w玻璃,使触控图案可以被直接做在玻璃上。
ITRI's stable transmission R2R technology produces precise
[...] alignment of 100μm environmentally friendly Willow [...]
Glass enabling touch patterning to be
directly fabricated on the glass.
所涵盖的主题 是:(a) 绿色发展;(b) 节约资源环保型社会 ;(c) 增加非化石燃料在自然 能源组合中的比例;(d) 提高能效和降低二氧化碳排放量的措施;(e) 改革补 贴,以便减少化石燃料的使用和浪费,并提高资源效率和改进减贫努力;(f) 电子贸易和交流;(g) 能源和水综合规划;(h) 绿色发展计划,以应对气候 变化影响。
emissions; (e) reforming subsidies to reduce fossil fuel use and waste and improve resource efficiency and poverty reduction efforts; (f) electricity trade and exchange; (g) integrated energy and water planning; and (h) addressing climate change impacts with green development plans.
多米 尼克采纳环保型有机 岛的理念,圭亚那通过了低碳发展战略,巴巴多斯采纳了 绿色经济理念。
Dominica has adopted
[...] the concept of an environmentally sound organic island, [...]
Guyana a low-carbon development strategy, and
Barbados the green economy concept.
在已有兴趣且已承诺采用绿色经济方法的许多发展中国家(尤其是最不发 达国家),面临的主要挑战包括:缺乏可用于为向绿色经济过渡投资的财政资源、
[...] 无法获得合适且负担得起的技术、无法使自己 环保型 产 品 进入外部市场(尤其 是内陆国家和山区国家),以及缺乏机构能力。
In many developing countries, especially the least developed countries, where there is already interest in and commitment to applying the green economy approach, major challenges include a lack of financial resources to invest in a green economy transition, a lack of access to appropriate and affordable technologies, a lack of access, especially by landlocked and
mountainous countries, to external
[...] markets for their environment-friendly products and [...]
a lack of institutional capacity.
我们致力于环保 型材料 、功能和制造工艺融入新产品设计。
We’re focused
[...] on incorporating environmentally sustainable materials, [...]
features, and manufacturing processes into our new product designs.
[...] 纳这些做法提供支持(5);通过工发组织制订和推行有关节约资源管理方法的技术指 南,以协助国家清洁生产网络和相关专家中心支持发展中国家的小企业和行业做出投 资决策,引环保型技术(6)
(ii) Training courses, seminars and workshops: good practices in user- or consumer-oriented tools and methodologies, such as sustainability reporting, footprinting, eco-labelling, standards and certification, are developed and support for their implementation is provided in target countries and industries (5); technical guidance for resource-efficient management practices is developed and promoted through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to assist a network of national cleaner production and related expert centres in supporting small businesses and industries in
developing countries in their investment decision-making and
[...] the introduction of environmentally sound technologies (6).
非洲发展 新伙伴关系(NEPAD)已把这些目标和开 环保型 发 展 作为重点。
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has focused on these objectives
[...] and on creating environmentally friendly development.
总部设在德国慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在2013年3月19至21日于纽伦堡举办的欧洲国际涂料展览会(ECS)上展示最新聚合物粘结剂, 这些混凝土改良用产品符环保型建 筑应用的全部要求。
At the European Coatings Show (ECS) in Nuremberg from March 19 to 21, 2013, the Munich-based WACKER Group
is showcasing its latest polymer binders for concrete
[...] modification and environmentally sound construction [...]
开发研环保型溶剂、干洗机、离子体清洗等无水洗涤 技术和设备。
Develop and research non-water washing techniques and equipment such as environmentally friendly dissolvents, [...]
dry-cleaning machines and ionophore washing.
We manufacture environmentally-friendly products [...]
taking into account the entire product lifecycle.
具体举措包括:开发轻型汽车零部件,减少溶剂和涂料的使用量,不使用会产生二恶英的聚氯乙烯的无PVC产品,通过实现产品材料的一元化(全部使用相同材料生产产品)而提高产品的分解性,开发无氟聚氨酯,日本首 环保型 软 质 聚氨酯海绵生产系统“八名生态系统(YES系统)”等。
INOAC's environment conservation activities include the development of lightweight automotive components, reduction in the use of solvents and coating materials, development of products that do not contain dioxin-producing polyvinyl chloride, improvement of disassembly efficiency through the development of components produced entirely from a single material, development of CFC-free polyurethane and adoption of Japan's first environment-friendly soft-urethane-foam-manufacturing system, called the Yana Ecology System (YES system).
例如,电子废物工作计划包括关于计算设备的全球伙伴关系,以及制订关 于电子废环保型管理的技术准则。
The e-waste workplan includes, for example, a global
partnership on computing equipment and the development of technical
[...] guidelines on the environmentally sound management [...]
of e-waste.
印涂马口铁生产线配置英国CRABTREE酒精润版系统双色印铁机、德国LTG自动连续烘房系统;奶粉罐生产线配备瑞士苏德罗尼克AFB108无 环保型 焊 机 、全自动焊线喷涂烘干系统、法国萨巴帝尔(SABATIER)罐身组合机及空气洁净度可达十万级标准的制造环境系统;化工罐生产线配备罐底7层卷封技术,拥有自配的模具加工中心,能够满足客户多样化的需求。
Printed and coated tinplates production line using UK CRABTREE alcohol dampening system color printing machine, Germany LTG automatic continuous drying system; milk powder cans
production line is equipped with Swiss
[...] Soudronic AFB108 environmentally friendly mercury-free [...]
welding machine, automatic wire
spray drying system, France SABATIER Can body composition machine and air cleanliness standards up to 100,000 manufacturing environment systems; chemical cans production line is equipped with can bottom 7 layers seal technology, equipped with self-mold machining center to meet customer diversified needs.
截至目前,在哥伦比亚国家淘汰计划 2008-2009 年工作方案期间,已经取得一些成 果,包括:新增 700
名获得认证的制冷维修技师,自方案启动以来,已有 3,500 多名技师 获得认证;向 44
[...] 个培训中心提供培训设备和教材,并面向培训师开办了六个有关制冷环保型管理 的区域培训讲习班,目前已有超过 1,350 名技师接受了培训;向约 [...]
200 个维修 讲习班分发回收和再循环设备,以及完全转换商用制造行业中的泡沫塑料工艺。
A number of results have been achieved so far during the 2008-2009 work programme of the Colombia NPP, including: the certification of an additional 700 refrigeration servicing technicians, reaching over 3,500 technicians certified since the beginning of the programme; providing training equipment and materials to 44 training centres, and
completing six regional training workshops
[...] for trainers on environmentally sound management of [...]
refrigerants, with over 1,350 technicians
trained so far; distribution of recovery and recycling equipment to some 200 service workshops, as well as full conversion of foaming operations in the commercial manufacturing sector.
Together with
[...] the need for more environmentally friendly paint [...]
systems a trend towards highly aesthetic coatings exists,
especially concerning colour and effect.
博纳油保养剂环保型产品 ,溶剂含量低。
Bona Oil
[...] Refresher is an environmentally sound product [...]
with low solvent content.
这可帮助各国,特别 是发展中国家,在国际社会的支持下发展其自身的创新办法、科学研究 环保型 新技术。
This can help countries, especially developing countries, to develop
their own innovative solutions,
[...] scientific research and new, environmentally sound technologies, [...]
with the support of the international community.
为进一步满足国家发展的重大需求,创制的“高性能炭/ 炭航空制动材料”和“高性环保型 汽 车 制动材料”双双列入国家发改委产业化示范工 [...]
程,其中,“高性能炭/炭航空制动材料”的成功产业化,使我国成为继美、英、法之后, 全世界第四个能够生产此类材料及其制品的国家,该项目
2004 年度获国家技术发明一 等奖,打破了国家技术发明一等奖项目连续六年空缺的局面。
And in order to meet the further demand [...]
of country’s development, national Committee of Development and Reform has classified
“aviatic brake material of high-powered charcoal” and “automobile brake material of high-powered environmental protection type” into demonstrative projects of industrialization.
我们与Perlen纸业股份公司紧密合作,开发出节 环保型 总 方 案,将所有的工序一体化。
Developed in close collaboration with Perlen Papier AG, all processes are coordinated with one another through a holistic approach.
(a) 改善特别是发展中国家和经济转型国家人民和社区的生计,为他们可持
[...] 续地管理森林创造必要的条件,包括加强金融、贸易 环保型 技 术 转让、能力建 设和治理方面的合作,以及按照国家立法、政策和优先次序推动可靠的土地保有 [...]
(a) Improving the livelihoods of people and communities, in particular in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, by creating the conditions needed for them to sustainably manage forests, including through strengthening
cooperation in the areas of finance,
[...] trade, transfer of environmentally sound technologies, [...]
capacity-building and governance,
as well as by promoting secure land tenure, participatory decision-making and benefit-sharing, in accordance with national legislation, policies and priorities
随着遏制气候变化和降低化石燃料的运动在全球如火如荼地展开,各国正在加快可再生能源 环保型 能 源 的利用。
Worldwide, the trend towards the utilization of renewable and
climate-friendly energy sources is accelerating, as the fight
[...] against climate change and diminishing [...]
fossil fuel resources intensifies.
发达国家还应采取进一步行动,动员供资、 能力建设和向发展中国家转环保型 技 术 ,《约翰内 斯堡执行计划》就提出了这种呼吁。
The developed countries should also take further action to
mobilize financing, capacity-building and
[...] the transfer of environmentally sound technologies [...]
to developing countries, as called
for in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
该 数据中心采用高效率、低耗电量的直流电源,引进 跟建筑物的特性最合适的散热系统,以及引进高效 率的空调设备等,建环保型的绿 色数据中心。
We will create an environment-friendly, green data center by using a direct-current power source and incorporating a heat-venting system that fully exploits the building’s characteristics and highly efficient air conditioners.
开发各类高环保型清洗剂、 微生物清洗剂和高效水洗机。
Develop various
[...] highly effective environmentally friendly detergents, [...]
microorganism detergents and highly effective water washing machines.
以茶皂素为主体配制而成环保型清 塘剂8901,一方面可以作为对虾养殖前的清塘,也可以在养殖过程中用于杀死敌害鱼类,另一方面还可促进对虾脱壳,刺激对虾生长,同时它还能很好地杀死附在螃蟹身上的线虫与聚缩虫,达到治疗蟹病的目的,它的使用量在对虾养殖上淡水为2~3ppm,海水为1 [...] [...]
ppm,治蟹病为15~25 ppm。
Tea Saponin in preparation for the
[...] main form of environment-friendly Agent 8901, on the one hand can be used as cleaning-up fish [...]
ponds before brieeding
shrimp, also can be used to kill fish in the breeding process, shrimp shell on the other hand, can also promote to stimulate the growth of shrimp at the same time. it can kill a good body attached to the nematodes and crab Zoothamnium to the treatment of mesh crab disease, and its use of shrimp culture in freshwater for 2 ~ 3ppm, of sea water for 1 ppm, crab disease rule 15 ~ 25 ppm.
以茶皂素为主体精制而成环保型农 药助剂可广泛地应用于杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂等达到增效、增溶、减毒之目的,作为可湿性农药的湿润剂,不仅能明显改善农药的湿润性能,而且能有效提高农药的悬浮率,达到或超过国家规定的标准;作为水剂型农药助剂优越性更多,它不含有损农药质量的金属离子,因其PH值中性偏酸,有利于农药的贮存;作为乳油型农药的增效与展着剂能够改善农药的理化性能,用量少,防治效果好,击倒速度快,抗雨水冲刷,药效持久等优点,由于茶皂素的表面活性作用,它可以减少农药用量的50~70%,增效作用明显。
Tea Saponin in fine form as
[...] the main body of environment-friendly pesticide additives [...]
can be widely used in pesticides,
fungicides, herbicides, such as to achieve efficiency, solubilization, attenuated poison, as the moist wettable pesticide agents, not only can improve the wetting properties of pesticides,but also can develop suspensi rates, to meet or exceed state standards; pesticide as a water additive superiority more, it does not contain pesticides detrimental to the quality of the metal ions, because of its PH neutral and is conducive to the storage of pesticides; as the EC-type pesticides and show a synergistic agent to improve the physical and chemical properties of pesticides, with less effect, and down speed and rain erosion resistant, durable efficacy, etc. , Tea Saponin as a result of the role of the surfactant, which can reduce pesticide use for 50 ~ 70%, clear synergistic effect.
多年来,小森公司一直孜孜不倦地致力于减少报损纸张、改善生产环境、节省能源消耗、 降低噪音影响等,力争实现“生产环境与人类与大自然的和谐共存”,推出先进 环保型 印刷机。
Indeed, Komori has developed printing presses that reduce paper waste, save energy, improve the work environment, and reduce noise.




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