单词 | 玩笑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玩笑 noun —jokes pl玩笑 —jestExamples:爱开玩笑的人 n—tease n 开...的玩笑 v—rib v 开玩笑—make fun of • play a joke See also:玩—have fun • trifle with • legendary archer • sth. used for amusement • play with • keep sth. for entertainment • careless 笑 n—laughter n 笑 v—smile v • laugh v
在就职典礼上,我开玩笑说, 我们家族用了100年走过了一英里 - 从我祖父做家仆的房子到华盛顿州州长所住的房子。 embassyusa.cn | During my inauguration I joked that it took our [...] family 100 years to travel one mile -- from the house where my grandfather [...]was a servant to the house where the Governor of the State of Washington lived. eng.embassyusa.cn |
本杰明“本”丁尼生本被证明是一个骄傲的,不成熟的男孩,上面没有享受的关注和喜欢 开 玩笑 , 甚 至在战斗。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Benjamin “Ben” Tennyson: Ben is shown to be a cocky, immature boy, who is not above enjoying attention [...] and enjoys making jokes even during fights. seekcartoon.com |
假如這便算做了「充分考慮」,這樣的「充分考慮」未免太過兒嬉或 開 玩笑。 legco.gov.hk | If they treat this as having already "seriously taken account of", would it not be [...] like child play or joking? legco.gov.hk |
我认为这是用一种玩笑的方 法探讨两种文化中自由、生产和个体的概念。 shanghaibiennale.org | I see it as a tongue in cheek way of exploring the idea of freedom, production, the individual in two cultures. shanghaibiennale.org |
他们是由一群十几岁的男孩所组成,就像其他男孩队伍一样,爱 开 玩笑 爱 玩 耍 ,爱互相聚在一起。 resources.specialolympics.org | They are a bunch of teen-age boys, just like any other [...] team of boys who joke and play and bond [...]with each other, Nokulung said. resources.specialolympics.org |
他開玩笑說, ”我讀了關於手錶的時間比任何其他問題。 zh.horloger-paris.com | I read more about watches during these periods than [...] any other issue," he joked. en.horloger-paris.com |
很遗憾,所有的常规解析器都不适用于 HTML(我并不是开玩笑,它 们可以用于解析 CSS 和 JavaScript)。 html5rocks.com | Unfortunately all the conventional [...] parser topics do not apply to HTML (I didn't bring [...] them up just for fun - they will be [...]used in parsing CSS and JavaScript). html5rocks.com |
人们经常开玩笑说过度体力运动会得疝气,但是这种疾病并不可笑。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | People often joke about getting a hernia [...] from excessive physical exertion, but this medical condition is no laughing matter. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这个故事中那个同伴开的玩笑既过 分,又无聊,但是作者就是想通过这 个 玩笑 来 说 明,世间的一切,甚至包括我们的情感都是虚幻的,我们不能沉迷于此,否则就会被这些虚幻所欺骗。 chinesestoryonline.com | Through this story, the author tried to tell us that everything in the mundane world even including our feeling is delusive, therefore we are often cheated by its illusion. chinesestoryonline.com |
他们有可能会做出一些不恰当的行为,例如: 拿精神疾病开玩笑,或 者认为精神上的问题不是身体上的疾病,患了精神疾病的人不能称其为 [...] 病人。 hongfook.ca | They may behave in inappropriate [...] ways, such as joking about mental illness [...]or refusing to believe a person is ill because the problem is not physical. hongfook.ca |
然后与会者 开玩笑地扮 演了失业者、飞行员或残疾人的角⾊,再⾃ ⼰判断在哪个社会领域,虚构的人物会前来参与。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants then slipped playfully into the role of the unemployed, pilots or people with disabilities, and then judged for themselves in which social areas the fictional person could come forward and participate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
玩笑之余 ,从品牌的长远发展来看,TMall从淘宝中分离并明确两者间的区别可能是个不错的战略。 labbrand.com | Jokes aside, the separation [...] and clear distinction of TMall from Taobao might be a great strategic move for the brand in the long run. labbrand.com |
当他们路过晋国的时候,一个同行的人想跟他开 个 玩笑 , 就指着晋国的城市,欺骗他说:“这就是燕国的城。 chinesestoryonline.com | One of his companions who [...] wanted to play a joke on him pointed at [...]the city of Jin, saying: "Look, my friend, this is the city of your homeland. chinesestoryonline.com |
芬兰人开玩笑地嘲 笑自己独特的羞涩和腼腆,但许多游客却因此对芬兰文化有一种不同的感受。 visitfinland.com | Finns playfully mock their own distinctive shyness, but many visitors have a different kind of experience with the local culture. visitfinland.com |
管制人員: 食物環境衞生署署長 局長: 食物及衞生局局長 問題: 有酒店業人士以半開玩笑形式 向我申訴,多年帶心愛狗隻散步經驗顯示,狗隻在 市中心馬路旁散步與交通流量較少地區散步後,得出的狗隻「腳板底」污黑程度 出現很大差別,反映市區污染物及沙塵聚積情況嚴重。 legco.gov.hk | A member of the hotel industry with many years of experience of dog walking complained to me in a halfjoking tone that the paws of his/her dog were much dirtier after walking along the roadside in downtown areas than after walking in areas with less traffic flow, reflecting the seriousness of the problem of pollutants and dust particles on the surface of streets/roads in the urban areas. legco.gov.hk |
Francesca Galeazzi的艺术作品以一种开玩笑的方式回应了政治上的环境保护问题。 art-spring.org | Francesca Galeazzi's artworks playfully cast light on deeply entrenched political problems respecting the environment. art-spring.org |
我們街頭也有自己的語言,也稱為街頭黑話,哈哈哈,這只 是 玩笑 話 , 但這種語言確實很流行」。 thisbigcity.net | Did you know us streets also have our own language – we call it street lingo. thisbigcity.net |
简直是开玩笑!如 果这是真的话,那为什么现在已经有那么多的“被破解”的Windows Vista在Bittorrent的网络可供下载,并且每一个版本都称它们能够绕过Windows Vista的许可证控制,这样即使没有安装合法的许可证协议也能够永久的使用Windows Vista? readtheweb.info | If this is true, so why there are already so many “cracked” Windows Vista versions on Bittorrent network claim that they all can by-passing Windows Vista license control and use forever without a legal copy of license? readtheweb.info |
他它们只对可疑的味道发出警号,也许如果一个人三天没洗澡,会令它们晕倒( 开 玩笑 )。 4tern.com | If you haven’t take any bath for 3 days, you might faint them on [...] the ground, just kidding. 4tern.com |
但别轻视此问题,或在孩子恐惧时开 玩笑 , 也 不要强调恐惧的感觉,只要让他们知道您随时都在他们身边予以帮助,与他们倾谈内心感受,并鼓励他们抱积极的态度面对这种感觉。 hsbc.com.hk | Encourage positive attitudes and efforts to confront the fear. hsbc.com.hk |
的Prestashop主题玩笑归玩笑,这是不妥协的,同时提供先进的功能,为您的电子商务网站的管理界面,允许您自定义您的网站的一部分。 pro-themes-plugins.com | Joking aside, this Prestashop theme is uncompromising [...] in offering both advanced features for your eCommerce site a part [...]of administration interface which allows you to customize your site. pro-themes-plugins.com |
另一方面,正如一名与会者开玩笑所 说 ,这可能是一种聪明的办法, 让选出的成员一天忙到晚。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, as [...] one participant joked, it may be a clever [...]way of keeping the elected members fully occupied. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是越來越清楚的,Doris 對我的那份親切和重視,所以玩笑也 可 以 開得很大,也會一直很任性的要我給她愛和抱抱。 lgbtfamily.org.tw | Additional information on government policy from interview by Darren Spedale with Jonna Waage, civil servant at the Denmark Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen, August, 1997. lgbtfamily.org.tw |
終於,根據是專業演奏者所半開玩笑 地 說 ,Yamaha拒絕把Xeno開於予日本以外地區售賣。 tomleemusic.com.hk | At least, that's what the pros started saying, only half in jest, when Yamaha steadfastly refused to make the Xeno available anywhere but in Japan. tomleemusic.com.hk |
我们的语言大师、我 [...] 们不同的年龄组、我们通过谑语建立的亲切关系、我 们家族姻亲之间开玩笑互嘻 以及我们的寓言故事传 统,都是导致形成民族文化群体之间对话与和平文化 [...]的元素和载体。 daccess-ods.un.org | or familial joking among in-laws; [...] and our parable tree are all elements and vectors that contribute to a culture of dialogue [...]and peace between ethno-cultural groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
我坦率承认这个理论极不可能而且是 开 玩笑 的 想 法,我提出这点的原因是,任正非通过第三方渠道展现在世人面前,而不是在公共事件中直接发言或对媒体发言,这种趋势越来越明显。 youngchinabiz.com | My reason for putting forth this theory, which I’ll openly admit is highly unlikely and mostly playful thinking, is the growing tendency by Ren to present himself to the world through third-party channels rather than directly speaking at any public events or to individual media. youngchinabiz.com |