单词 | 玩火自焚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玩火自焚—play with fire and get burnt (idiom); fig. to play with evil |
他冻得直哆嗦,抓起毛巾盖在自己浮肿、酸痛的双腿上,手中摆弄着玩具火车,嘴里发出“突突”的声响。 unicef.org | The little boy shivers and pulls up the towel to [...] cover his badly swollen and sore legs, picks up atoy truck and makes bulldozer noises. unicef.org |
自焚烧窑的 高端喂入原料,并主要通过底端的火焰加热,底端也是产品(熟料)的出口。 ficem.org | The kiln is fedwith raw materials at its upper end and heated by flame from, mainly, the lower end, which is also the exit end for the product (clinker). ficem.org |
他因拒捕,最後淋汽油在身上引火 自焚而去世。 legco.gov.hk | He resisted arrest, and afterpouring petrol onto his body, he burnt himself to death in the end. legco.gov.hk |
这个城市有很多东西可看,如大教堂,博物馆美术学院的蝴蝶馆(LA Papillonneraie)的,博物馆自动化(机械玩具从 19世纪)和旧街道上的商店和咖啡馆。 leapfrog-properties.com | The city has plenty of things to see such as the cathedral, the Musee des Beaux Arts, the [...] butterfly house (La Papillonneraie), [...] the Musee des Automates (mechanical toysfrom the 19th century) [...]and the old streets full of shops and cafes. leapfrog-properties.com |
一年多一点之前,面对一个警察所采取可说是微 不足道的举动,一个突尼斯年轻人决定引火自焚,以表达他对继续生活在不平等现象日益司空见惯、无耻 炫富与满目贫困比邻共存的社会中的愤慨之意,或毋 [...] 宁说是感到绝望。 daccess-ods.un.org | A little more than a year ago, reacting to a police officer’s action that could be described as unremarkable, [...] a young Tunisian chose [...] to sethimselfonfire in orderto express his anger, or rather his despair, at [...]continuing to live in a society [...]where inequality was increasingly prevalent and where shameless displays of wealth existed side by side with rampant poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
在纳布卢斯地区巴勒斯坦人的 Ainabus 村,来自非法 定居点“Yitzhar” 的以色列定居者进入村庄,毁坏一栋房屋的围栏,并放 火焚烧一部轿车。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Palestinian village of Ainabus, in the Nablus [...] area, Israeli settlers from the illegal settlement of “Yitzhar” entered the village, breaking the fence of a home and setting acarablaze. daccess-ods.un.org |
它讲述了一位印度女孩在其未婚夫的火葬堆上 自焚的爱情故事。 wdl.org | It recounts the love story of a Hindu girl [...] who burns herself on the funeral pyre of her betrothed. wdl.org |
我奉 劝 [...] 政 府以社 会 稳 定 为 重 , 不要引火 自 焚。legco.gov.hk | I have to advise the Government to treasure social stability [...] and not to set itself on fire. legco.gov.hk |
小朋友㆒般比较容易接受教师的 教导,明白玩火的危险性,知道不应该接触会伤害自己的物品,例如电器、刀剪、火 柴等,而这种安全教育要维持经常性,反覆多次引导,使重视安全成为儿童及家长生 活习惯的㆒部份。 legco.gov.hk | They will learn that they should not touch things that may hurt them, such as electrical appliances, knives, scissors and matches. legco.gov.hk |
当然,儿童玩火而造 成较轻微的损伤个案, 更是多不胜数。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, the figure does not include the countless accidents [...] due to childrenplaying withfire in whichonly minor [...]injuries resulted. legco.gov.hk |
他们定期聚会,自豪地炫耀自己的 钟表宝藏,就像收藏玩具火车或极有价值的老邮票一样",这位已在爱彼工作 31 年的专家微笑着叙说。 audemarspiguet.com | They met regularly to proudly show off their [...] treasures, as if they were collectible toy trainsor valuable stamps”, smiled the specialist, [...]who has been [...]working for Audemars Piguet for 31 years. audemarspiguet.com |
我很 诚恳希望 董 建 华先生听听民 意 , 要 知 道 现在民 情 汹涌, 市 民 有 很 多不满 , 如 果 他 还常 常 觉 得自己 这个强 势 政 府 是对, 而不愿 意 从 这 件 事中汲取教 [...] 训 , 听 取 民 意的 话 , 他 迟 早是会引火 自 焚的。legco.gov.hk | If he still insisted that his incumbent government is right and refused to [...] draw experience from this incident by listening to public views, he would sooner or [...] later bring destruction uponhimself. legco.gov.hk |
来自各大洲的最好的玩家,我们自己的 管理团队,多语种,现场游戏和电视演播室,以及业界最高的奖池,总是及时支付,FXOpen [...] E-Sports每月约200%的速度成倍增长,是在电子竞技行业首屈一指的。 fxopenasia.com | With the BEST playersfrom every continent, our own management [...] team, multi-lingual streams, a live gaming house and a TV [...]studio, as well as the industry’s highest prize pools, that are always paid promptly, FXOpen E-Sports have grown exponentially at a rate of approximately 200% per month and is second to none in the e-sports industry. fxopenasia.com |
现 时对於李柱铭议员提出的这项议案,便说一定要反对,好了,任由他反对吧, 又一次玩玉石俱焚好了。 legco.gov.hk | All right, we will just let him oppose it and this will again be an instance of "everyone loses". legco.gov.hk |
在皮博尔,联合国儿童基金会已经建立了一个儿童友好中心,这是一个孩子们可以自由玩耍并参加学习活动的安全场所。 unicef.org | In Pibor, UNICEF has set up a child-friendly space, a safe place where the children can play and participate in learning activities. unicef.org |
2011 年 6 月 6 [...] 日夜间,位于西岸中心地带 Mughayyir 村的第三座巴勒斯坦清真寺被以色列定居 者纵火焚烧。daccess-ods.un.org | During the night of 6 June 2011, a third Palestinian mosque in Al Mughayyir village in the centre of the [...] West Bank was set onfire byIsraelisettlers. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1A) 如主管当局决定 在任何现有的政府火葬场加入与焚化人类遗骸直 接有关的设施, 则须安排将指明 有关场地所在及 须加设施的公 告,在宪报连续 3 期以中英文刊 登。 legco.gov.hk | (1A) Where the Authority intends to add any facility which is directly related to theburning ofhuman remains in an existing governmentcrematorium,the Authority shall cause notice of such decision, specifying the site and facility to be added, to be published in English and Chinese in 3 successive numbers of the Gazette. legco.gov.hk |
03 时 00 分,一股武装恐怖团伙在 Salmiyah 的 Ubaydu [...] 一家人住宅附近开火, 并放火焚烧属于 Ali Ubaydu 的汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0300 hours, an armed terrorist group opened close to the homes of the Ubaydu family in [...] Salmiyah and setfire to the car belonging [...]to Ali Ubaydu. daccess-ods.un.org |
洛瓦西克家族的物品包括各类家具、一套玩具火车、一些塑制雕像、珠宝、一台洗碗机,以及一些更为私人的物品,如照相册、结婚证、个人文件和家族中一位牧师撰写的数百本宗教书籍。 shanghaibiennale.org | The Lovasik family’s objects tell a long domestic story that spans [...] the range of several generations and [...] include furniture, a toytrain set, plastic [...]figurines, jewelry, and a dishwasher to [...]more personal artifacts, including photo albums, a marriage certificate, personal files and hundreds of religious books written by a priest in the family. shanghaibiennale.org |
Kaina 上校坚守阵地一周,在政府施加压力和不断有人投降后,纵火焚烧刚果(金)武装部队基地,然后逃离鲁丘鲁,袭击与卢旺达和乌干达接壤的 [...] Bunagana 村,并在 10 天后重新出现在马西西。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kaina had fled from Rutshuru [...] after setting firetoparts of the [...]FARDC base and attacked Bunagana, a village bordering both [...]Rwanda and Uganda, before reappearing in Masisi 10 days later. daccess-ods.un.org |
之后,在靠近孟加拉(以穆斯林为主的国 家)的边境地区的 3 个北部城镇以及实兑市(以佛 教徒为主的若开邦的首府),对立的佛教团伙和穆 斯林团伙开始纵火焚烧对方教徒的房屋,袭击并杀 害他们。 crisisgroup.org | Rival Buddhist and Muslim gangs then set fire to houses and attacked and killed people from the other community, in the three northern townships near the border with Bangladesh (a Muslim-majority area) and in Sittwe (capital of the Buddhist-majority state). crisisgroup.org |
2009 年 12 月 3 日在宁巴州的 Canta 发生了一起交通事故,致使当地摩托车协会 的一个成员丧生,此后一辆载有一个副部长的经政府登记的汽车受到该摩托车协 会成员的袭击,并被纵火焚烧。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 3 December 2009, a Government-registered vehicle carrying a Deputy Minister was attacked and set ablaze in Ganta, Nimba County, by members of the local motorcycle union following a traffic accident in which a union member had been killed. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一项回收趋势则以木材为主,尤其是某些区域过往以木头为主要建材,如今森林却岌岌可危,2010年冬季奥运即为一例,加拿大温哥华位於森林广阔的卑诗省,但伐木业近年来在各项因素冲击下饱受威胁,包括松甲虫病(pine [...] beetle infestations)、山林大火焚毁大片可用林地等,消费者也逐渐要求改用符合永续原则的建材。 thisbigcity.net | Vancouver is located in the timber-rich province of British Columbia, but recent years have seen the logging industry come under stress due to a variety of factors: pine beetle infestations [...] (PDF), significant losses of harvestable [...] trees dueto forestfires,aswellas gradual [...]shifts in consumer demand towards more [...]sustainable building materials. thisbigcity.net |
不要忘记叙利亚儿童 [...] —— 在22个月以前,这些儿童也在上学,与朋友玩耍, 生活在自己的家乡……而如今却并非因自己的过错流离失所,经历冲突和暴力。 unicef.org | Don't forget the Syrian child – don't forget that this is child who, until 22 months [...] ago, went to school, was playing to [...] their friends, was living in their own homes…this [...]is now a child who, for no fault of [...]their own, is displaced, has seen conflict, has seen violence – and needs your support,” says Mr. Chaiban. unicef.org |
辛格那时常对传统的科学试验方法和发现方法的原因和结果这两者进行幽默的玩味 ,还将自己的工作室称为实验室,经常在瑞士的高山之间实施自己的大型项目。 shanghaibiennale.org | Signer often humorously relishes the traditional method of scientific experimentation and the reason and result of discovering method, also calls his studio a laboratory, and frequently proceeds with his own large-scale projects among the high mountains in Switzerland. shanghaibiennale.org |
在以往的 NPE 展览会 上,典型的展品包括未来汽车或厨房灶台的设计理念、关键性医疗设备方面 [...] 的最新商业化突破、微精电子连接器、时髦的化妆品容器、动力工具外壳、 光学存储媒体、住房绝缘材料、自动玩具、金属替代材料齿轮和橡胶替代材 料垫圈。 npe.org | Typical examples from past NPEs range from design concepts for tomorrow’s automobiles or kitchen counters to the latest commercial breakthroughs in critical medical devices, micro-precise electronic connectors, stylish cosmetics containers, [...] power-tool housings, optical storage media, home [...] insulation, automated toys, metal-replacing [...]gears, and rubberreplacing gaskets. npe.org |
它们集成了无线 RF、PHY 层基带和 MAC 层体系架构,可与简单的微处理器配合使用,在家庭自动化、消费类电子、PC 外设、玩具和工业自动化等众多应用领域应用较低的数据速率。 digikey.cn | They integrate wireless RF, PHY layer baseband and MAC layer architectures that can be combined with a simple microprocessor to apply low data rate to a [...] multitude of applications that include [...] home automation, consumer electronics, PC peripherals,toys industrial automation andmore. digikey.com.mx |