单词 | 玩意 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玩意noun—gadgetnless common: stuffn thingn toyn 玩意—act plaything trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc) Examples:小玩意n—gadgetspl noveltyn 小玩意—gadget widget (small item of software) See also:玩—have fun trifle with keep sth.for entertainment play with careless legendary archer sth.used for amusement
特色的户外空间有着跳飞机与秋千等俏皮 玩意与室内工业的装潢成强烈对比,加上LED的屏幕墙,予人无限的视觉惊喜。 ilovelkf.hk | Fly'sfun outdoor space with hopscotch and swings sits in contrast to the industrial interiors where [...] a LED wall pulses to the beat. ilovelkf.hk |
如今,滑冰旅游是一种流行的户外活动,和一种享受结冰湖泊和美丽风景的好 玩意。 visitfinland.com | Nowadays, tour skating is a popular outdoor [...] activity and a great means of enjoying the [...]frozen waterways and beautiful scenery. visitfinland.com |
我在这里了解苏丹小时候的玩意及爱好。 4tern.com | This is where I got to know the [...] Sultan’s childhood’s toyand hobby. 4tern.com |
利用美国宇航局(NASA)的哈勃空间望远镜,天文学家已经发现了一个像用一条金色丝带包裹的玻璃饰品般的“小 玩意儿”(如右图)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have [...] spied one notable bauble resembling a [...]blown-glass ornament wrapped with a golden ribbon. chinese.eurekalert.org |
传统菲林相机会完全被淘汰,变成纯粹属於收藏家的 玩意,仍然纯属揣测;但当得悉Polaroid决定不再生产菲林这个消息後,便让人更认真思考,我们活在现今的数码时代,选择数码相机除了讲究相片质素外,简单便携可能是更重要的大前提。 think-silly.com | Although the complete extinction of traditional film camera is yet to approach, one cannot help but to be hit by the news that Polaroid is closing down its film factories. think-silly.com |
不仅如此,有了Xtraz平台的支持,你还可以发送贺卡等各种个性化的新 玩意。 icq.cn.uptodown.com | Also you can send greeting cards thanks to Xtraz platform, which is great, you will be able to send [...] a lotof new things, and customizethem. icq.en.uptodown.com |
除此以外,看看Rails 3和Merb 1.1中都有什么新玩意吧。 infoq.com | Also: a look at what's up with Rails 3 and Merb 1.1. infoq.com |
1984年Oris指针式日历表在市场上全面反攻:在日本,一群引领时尚潮流的先锋者,特别钟爱Oris的腕表特色和机械功能,远胜于原本装置有LED和LCD的电子小 玩意儿。 oris.ch | In 1984 the Oris Pointer Calendar makes a come back: the Japanese trendsetters favour [...] its characteristics and mechanical workings over the electronic gimmicks with LED and [...] LCD displaysthey havebeen used to. oris.ch |
在纽约,不论是文化爱好者、购物狂、老饕或夜猫子,总是有新 玩意儿让人大开眼界。 audemarspiguet.com | There’s always something new for culture buffs, shopping addicts, gourmets and nightowls. audemarspiguet.com |
不瞒你说,我还是第一次在纽西兰玩这个 玩意儿。 4tern.com | To be frank, this is my first time playingthis. 4tern.com |
曾参加展览: 2011 “我不是个小玩意儿”,北京艺门画廊,北京,中国 “The Couple Show”,沪申画廊,上海,中国 “关系:中国当代艺术展”广东美术馆,广州,中国 2010 “现实再想象–摄影艺术展”,余德耀美术馆,雅加达,印度尼西亚 “四度空间──两岸四地当代摄影展”,香港艺术中心,香港,中国 作品阐述: 《玉门》 可变空间 2006-2009 庄辉 旦儿 位于甘肃省境内祁连山西部的玉门油田,是中国第一个石油基地。 shanghaibiennale.org | Currently is an independent artist and lives in Beijing, China Yumen Various Dimensions 2006-2009 Zhuang Hui & Dan Er The Yumen oil field in the western Qilian Mountains in Gansu Province was the first oil field in China. shanghaibiennale.org |
附带扣,可以安装到手推车的不同地方之上,有大量 玩意,宝宝不会厌。 combi.com.hk | Equipped with a belt-clip and can be clipped onto different parts of stroller. combi.com.hk |
此外,家长们还喜欢 传统或经典的棋盘游戏,因为那都是他们小时候喜欢的 玩意儿。 cpsc.gov | Parents also like traditional or classic board games because they enjoyed them as children. cpsc.gov |
印刷使用: 主要由插图构成的书籍;海报;文具:文件夹、笔记本、钢笔、铅笔、贴纸; 小玩意;日历; 杯子;鼠标垫;T恤衫、服装等。 cn.depositphotos.com | Printed use: books consisting largely of illustrations; posters; [...] stationery: folders, notebooks, pens, [...] pencils, stickers;charms;calendars; mugs [...]and glasses; mouse pads; T-shirts, clothing, etc. depositphotos.com |
然後是资讯科技的硬件和不断变天的多媒体音像电子 玩意开发人。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Next came IT hardware and that whole gaggle of instantly obsolescent, multi-media audio-visual electronic gyzmos. housingauthority.gov.hk |
来自德国的Bless最为人熟知的是它的时装设计,其实她们的创意与幽默感,也发挥於家品及其他小 玩意中。 think-silly.com | Applying the same creativity and humor, [...] their home collection is just as inspiring. think-silly.com |
展览的焦点为两台主题情景作品,以全会会员协力参与制作,另亦有数个以个别主题划分的展区, 包括有Ballcap展区、海峡两岸展区、英联邦海军展区、舰载机展区及近年的新兴 玩意--果子 模型, 当然也有来自全会各会员制作的,各个年代级别舰艇组成的单项作品群。 hknma.com | As there are so many exhibits to be demonstrated, the exhibition hall has therefore been separated into several areas, they are the main scale model display area, the ballcap exhibits, the British and Commonwealth fleet exhibits, the Taiwan Strait exhibits, the naval aviation exhibits, as well as the toys and collection exhibits. hknma.com |
下一个步下卡车的是Halong,他的问题是双脚有严重的皮肤过度角化(皮肤乾燥及龟裂,走在硬地时会非常痛楚),但牠个性安静,对新事物充满好奇心,牠在被喂饲时便发明了「用食物盆擦擦我的头」的 玩意呢 animalsasia.org | Next was Halong – with badly hyperkeratotic feet (dry, cracked and painful from never walking on solid ground), but a calm, inquisitive lad who invented the game of "rub my head in my food bowl" the second he was fed. animalsasia.org |
可装在手推车上玩耍,充满小玩意,也有IC音乐。 combi.com.hk | It can be attached to stroller front guard which is full of funny stuff and IC music. combi.com.hk |
但有些游戏已显得乏味而无新意。他们于是发掘各种新的 玩意儿,挑战其日益发 达的运动技能和大脑思维。 cpsc.gov | Therefore, they are looking for a new range of activities to challenge their more advanced motor skills and thinking. cpsc.gov |
诚 实 谎 话 的 特 质 , 是 行 骗 者 认 为 这 是 最 符 合 受 骗 者 的 利 益 , 或 认 为 尽 管 这 样 做 有 可 能 导 改 一 [...] 些 潜 在 或 实 在 的 不 利 , 但 这 只 不 过 是 无 损 於 人的玩 意。hkreform.gov.hk | The inclusion of dishonesty would avoid criminalising "honest lies", characterised as a deceit carried out in the belief that this was in the best interests of the person [...] deceived, or that it represented no more [...] than aharmless joke, notwithstanding thatsome [...]potential or actual prejudice might have been caused. hkreform.gov.hk |
当时,Facebook才刚刚在美国以外的国家兴起,Twitter仍旧是科技爱好者使用的新 玩意,新浪微博更是无觅踪影,而移动网络也是羽翼未丰。 labbrand.com | Back then, Facebook was just starting to gather steam outside of the US, Twitter was still a curiosity reserved for tech-enthusiasts,SinaWeibo did not even exist and the mobile web had yet to truly take off. labbrand.com |
印刷使用:在报纸或杂志上的广告;印制的广告材料;书籍、报纸、杂志的封面或插图;名片;传单;海报;CD / DVD封面;包装、标签或产品包装; [...] 文具:文件夹、笔记本、钢笔、铅笔、贴纸; 小玩意;日历; 杯子;鼠标垫;T恤衫、服装等。 cn.depositphotos.com | Printed use: advertisements in newspapers or magazines; printed advertising materials; covers or illustrations for books, newspapers, magazines; business cards; flyers; posters; CD/DVD covers; wrappers, labels or product packaging; [...] stationery: folders, notebooks, pens, [...] pencils, stickers; charms; calendars; mugs [...]or glasses; mouse pads; T-shirts, clothing, etc. depositphotos.com |
小猕猴欢欢因为贪玩,意外发动了科学怪人的新发明 ── 变形枪和时光倒流车,因而穿越时空,先後回到春秋战国时代、唐朝、宋朝、三十年代的上海,甚至登陆月球!到底牠会遇上甚麽趣事呢? hkiac.gov.hk | Accidentally triggering a time machine, [...] Little Monkey travels back to different dynasties in Ancient China, then returns to lead the way to the moon! hkiac.gov.hk |