单词 | 玩忽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玩忽 verb —neglect v玩忽 —trifle with • not take seriously 忽忽 —vacantlyExamples:玩忽职守—dereliction of duty • neglect one's duty See also:玩—have fun • trifle with • careless • keep sth. for entertainment • play with • legendary archer • sth. used for amusement 忽—ignore • overlook • surname Hu
主席,我要補充的是,我們提出這項修正案,其實只是想表達我 們對中央政策組過去多年來的失職和 玩忽 職 守 的極端不滿。 legco.gov.hk | We propose this amendment simply because we want to express our extreme dissatisfaction with the CPU for its misconduct and dereliction of duty over the years. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 确保对所有拘留期间死亡的事件进行独立、公正的调查,起诉那些施 行酷刑、虐待或玩忽职守 导致被拘留者死亡的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To ensure that all instances of deaths in custody are independently and impartially [...] investigated and that those responsible for such deaths resulting from torture, [...] ill-treatment or wilful negligence are prosecuted. daccess-ods.un.org |
在规定取消资格的法域,被认定不适合者通常 但并非总是缺乏商业德行、玩忽职守 或毫不称职。 daccess-ods.un.org | In jurisdictions providing for disqualification, those found to [...] be unfit often, though not always, have displayed a lack of commercial [...] probity, gross negligence or serious incompetence. daccess-ods.un.org |
同一法律还规定了对护理人员玩忽职 守 的处罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | That same Law also prescribes penalties [...] for caregivers who neglect their responsibilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定开展的业务所引起的索赔或债务而 [...] 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府商定,属于上述人员严 重 玩忽 职 守 或蓄意行为不当所造成的索 赔或债务除外。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold UNESCO and the above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations of the Regional Centre under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO [...] and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise [...] from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct [...]of such persons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
并不是监管之下发生的每一起死亡事件都 [...] 构成违反《公约》的行为;此外,即便是国家执法人 员 玩忽 职 守 ,致其监管之下 的人死亡,而且应该根据国内侵权法的规定为自己的疏忽造成的危害承担责任, [...] 这种疏忽也不一定构成《公约》禁止的“残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处 罚”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not the case that every death that occurs in custody constitutes a violation of the [...] Convention; moreover, even where a [...] State’s agents were negligent, resulting in the [...]death of a person in their custody, and [...]should incur liability under domestic tort law for the harm caused by their negligence, it is not necessarily the case that this negligence will also constitute “cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment” as proscribed by the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
36 军法署署长还认定,部分参加袭击行动的军 官 玩忽 职 守 , 但这没有改变高级指挥官努力遵守区别和相称重大准则的诚意。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of this, the anticipated incidental harm to civilians was low and the expected military advantage of the strike—targeting terrorist operatives involved in the launching of rockets towards [...] Israel—was high.36 The MAG further [...] concluded that the negligence of some of the [...]officers involved in the attack did not [...]alter the good faith of the senior commanders in seeking to abide by the key norms of distinction and proportionality. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为政府致力于人权及其对失职和 玩忽 职守 案件的检查措施的指标,至今已有 220 名警察、军队和特种部队人员受到惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | As an indicator of the Government’s commitment to human rights and its measures to check cases of delinquency and dereliction of duty, 220 police, army and special forces personnel have been punished to date. daccess-ods.un.org |
他 们最终因错误或非诚实行使职权,而被 判 玩忽 职 守。 crisisgroup.org | They were found negligent under the less [...] serious charges of wrongful or dishonest exercise of authority. crisisgroup.org |
根据本协定提供的技术援助关系到智利人民和政府,他们将从中获益;因此政府保 证承担全部责任,并确保教科文组织及其专家、雇用人员或官员免于因行使与本协定有关的 技术职责活动而由第三方提出的任何索偿,但是,因上述人员严 重 玩忽 职 守或蓄意行为不当 所造成的索赔智利政府当然不予负责。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 2. The technical assistance provided under the terms of this Agreement concerns the people and Government of Chile who benefit from it; consequently the Government shall undertake to assume full responsibility and to protect the Organization, its experts, staff members and officials from any claims by a third party concerning activities carried out in the exercise of their technical duties relating to this Agreement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对于由于玩忽职守而发生的违反行为,予以最多三年监禁或课以罚款 (《对外贸易和支付法》第 [...] 7 条 34 款)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Violations due to negligence are sanctioned [...] with imprisonment of up to three years or fines (section 34, paragraph 7, of [...]the Foreign Trade and Payments Act). daccess-ods.un.org |
显然加沙地带的检察院在履行法律赋予它的职责 时 玩忽 职 守,因为按照 《巴勒斯坦刑事诉讼法》第 126 条,检察院成员有责任视察其管辖范围内的监狱 和拘留场所,确保没有一个犯人被非法监禁或拘留。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that the Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Gaza Strip was remiss in performing the role entrusted to it by law, because it was incumbent on the members of the Office, under article 126 of the Palestinian Code of Criminal Procedure, to inspect prisons and other places of detention under their jurisdiction in order to ensure that no person is unlawfully imprisoned or detained. daccess-ods.un.org |
一大羣年耗八千多萬元民脂民膏的人,如果不 是不學無術,便是玩忽職守。 legco.gov.hk | Such a big group who spend some $80 million of the public coffers each year are either ignoramus or in dereliction of duty. legco.gov.hk |
守则号召出口机构,国家和地区配方设计师与他们的贸易组织合作,共同实现经销和分配的实施,减 少农药的风险,并与当局合作,在公司内杜绝任 何 玩忽 职 守 现象。 ipen-china.org | The Code calls upon importing agencies, national, regional formulators and their trade organizations to cooperate to achieve marketing and distribution practices that reduce the risks posed by pesticides, and to collaborate with authorities in stamping out any malpractice within the industry. ipen-china.org |
军法署署长还认定,鉴于当时的情况, 对 玩忽 职 守上尉采取的纪律措施以及 对负责选择弹药的军官作出的处分是充分的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The MAG also determined that the disciplinary measures [...] taken against the negligent captain, as well [...]as the command sanctions against the officers [...]in charge of munitions, were sufficient under the circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国政府负责处理由第三方对本组织、其工作人员或中心雇用的其他人员提出的任何 抱怨,并免除本组织和上述人员因根据本协定开展的业务而引出的责任,但经本组织和该国 政府商定,属于上述人员严重玩忽职 守 或蓄意行为不当所造成的抱怨除外。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Government will respond to all complaints by third parties against the Organization, its personnel or individuals hired by the Centre, and releases the Organization, its personnel and individuals hired by the Centre, from all responsibilities that could arise from activities contemplated in the present Agreement, except those cases where the Organization and the 172 EX/14 Annex – page 7 unesdoc.unesco.org |
显然,检察院玩忽职守,未能发挥法律赋予其的作用,根据巴勒斯坦刑事 程序法(2001 年第 3 号)第 126 条,该办公室成员有责任调查其司法管辖权范围的 监狱和拘留所,以核实那里是否关押被非法拘留的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that the Office of the Public Prosecutor was remiss in performing the role entrusted to it by law, because it was incumbent on the members of the Office, under article 126 of the Palestinian Code of Criminal Procedure (No. 3 of 2001), to investigate prisons and places of detention within their jurisdiction in order to verify that they held no illegally detained inmates. daccess-ods.un.org |
编著者/传播者被证实是故意或玩忽职 守 或造成了生命,身体或健康的损害,则必须负法律责任。 synflex.com | This shall not apply, if [...] deliberate acts or gross negligence by the author/operator [...]have been proven, in the case of compulsory [...]legal liability or injury to life, limb and/or health. synflex.com |
代表在其访问过程中见到,在一些情况下,由于建筑物不符合 标准或者由于国家机关玩忽职守 以致没有确保定期维修和加固公共工程,而造成 房屋被毁坏和民众生命受到威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | During his visits, the Representative saw in several instances that houses had been destroyed and people’s lives endangered by inadequate building standards and, in certain cases, a lack of due diligence on the part of the State to ensure that public works were regularly maintained and reinforced. daccess-ods.un.org |
船只马达在消失数日后追回,受牵连的工作人员 因玩 忽职守受到申斥。 daccess-ods.un.org | The motor was recovered a few days after its disappearance, and the staff member [...] implicated was reprimanded for negligence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在破产成为可能或难以避免的时期内,改变原先争取让股 东价值最大化的重点,转而考虑债权人的利益,这样就让董事有动力尽量减少 行为风险过高、轻率鲁莽或玩忽职守 而给债权人造成的伤害,因为破产程序一 旦启动债权人就将成为关键的利益攸关者 daccess-ods.un.org | In the period when insolvency becomes likely or hard to avoid, shifting the focus from maximizing value for shareholders to taking account of the interests of creditors provides an incentive for directors to minimize the harm to creditors, who will be the key stakeholders once insolvency proceedings commence, of excessively risky, reckless or grossly negligent conduct daccess-ods.un.org |
指責政府玩弄政治遊戲或玩忽職守 固然沒有不對,但問題是在眾 多工人面對工資低下的苦況之下,是否應設立最低工資? legco.gov.hk | Naturally, it is not wrong to accuse the Government of playing politics or dereliction of duties. legco.gov.hk |
一些国家的法律和判例以及一些区域人权法院已开始承认国家有责任 对玩 忽职守 案件的受害者提供赔偿,另外一些国家开始认可国际人权法的各类赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some States, in their legislation and jurisprudence, and some regional human rights courts have started to recognize State responsibility for providing reparation to victims in cases of lack of due diligence, while other States have begun to endorse the categories of reparations of international human rights law. daccess-ods.un.org |
60 酷刑一般不被定罪,但是,玩忽职守 等其他严重程度低于酷刑的其他罪行则被定 罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The courts encourage this practice by giving undue weight to confessions when evaluating evidence.60 Charges are generally brought not for torture, but for other crimes of less gravity, such as negligence. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据最高人民检察院3月提交给全国人民代表大会的报告,检察官对33,688件贪污、受贿 或 玩忽 职 守 案件进行了立案调查;2006年,最高人民检察院总共调查了29,966名官员,并起诉了40,041名官员。 embassyusa.cn | According to the SPP's March report to the NPC, prosecutors filed and investigated 33,688 cases of embezzlement, bribery, or dereliction of [...] duty, and they prosecuted [...]29,966 officials while investigating a total of 40,041 officials in 2006. eng.embassyusa.cn |
相应的信息资料应该包括,在每个警察局张贴 被剥夺自由者可以看到的海报,并在就警方的虐待或其他任何违规 或 玩忽 职 守行 为递交申诉的顾客接待区张贴海报。 daccess-ods.un.org | The corresponding information materials should include the placement of posters in every police station in the view of persons who have been deprived of their liberty and in customer service areas in which people may be submitting complaints concerning illtreatment or any other contravention or dereliction of duty by the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
该条款列出了防止、避免、制止和禁止蓄意破坏文化遗产行为的有关措施,从而明确 [...] 提出了各国为保证有效防止蓄意破坏行为所应采取的各种措施,因为一个国家如故意不采取 行动或玩忽职守 便不可能作到有效地防止。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By including measures with a view to preventing, avoiding, putting an end to and suppressing acts of intentional destruction of cultural heritage, this provision clearly expresses the variety of measures a State should take to ensure an effective prevention against [...] intentional destruction, prevention which is incompatible with [...] intentional non-action or negligence on the part of [...]a State. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它对南部日 益加剧的紧张局势表示关注,在这里,政 府 忽 略 了对基本服务的要求和发展问 题,伴随而来的示威导致与安全部队的冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | It expressed concern regarding [...] the increasing tension in the south, [...] where the Government ignored claims related to [...]basic services and development issues, [...]which had led to demonstrations resulting in confrontations with security forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, [...] 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可 以 忽 略 不 计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give [...] a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a [...] deviation is negligible in absolute terms. unesdoc.unesco.org |