单词 | 玛莎拉蒂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玛莎拉蒂—MaseratiSee also:莎拉—Sara or Sarah (name) 拉玛n—Raman
为期三天的展览吸引了亚洲地区超过12,500名贵宾和游客莅临,参观超过30辆来自7个世界顶级品牌的最新名贵超级跑车,包括:Ferrari(法拉利), Maserati(玛莎拉蒂),Lamborghini(兰博基尼), Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯), Pagani(帕加尼), Bugatti(布加迪)以及Shelby SuperCars。 macau.com | The three-day event attracted more than 12,500 VIPs and visitors from around the region – in Macau to see over thirty supercars on display from seventeen brands - including Ferrari,Maserati,Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Pagani, Bugatti and Shelby SuperCars. macau.com |
女星莎玛海耶克亦曾在颁发奥斯卡奖项时,配戴6.17克拉的浓彩粉红色钻石戒指。 ravenelart.com | Pink diamond ring when presenting an Oscar Award. ravenelart.com |
随着源源不断的胜利和Quattroporte总裁系列运动版的推出,玛莎拉蒂的知名度不断提升,“来自意大利的美国偶像”这一特殊身份令公司更加声名卓着。 maserati.com.cn | Maserati’s fame grew with the victory [...] and the arrival of the Quattroporte Sport GT S, ‘An American Idol from Italy’, can [...]‘only reinforce’ this reputation. maserati.it |
他的状态很快解体,但他的一些追随者结合其他伊斯玛仪团体组成的法蒂玛王朝的北部非洲,在10世纪。 mb-soft.com | His state soon disintegrated, but [...] some of his followers combined with other Ismaili [...] groups to form the Fatimid dynasty of North [...]Africa in the 10th century. mb-soft.com |
AutomobileMagazine.com网站对玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列运动版大加赞赏,同时得到称赞的豪华跑车还有宾利飞驰和捷豹XFR。 maserati.com.cn | AutomobileMagazine.com was full of [...] praise for the Maserati Quattroporte Sport [...]GT S, flanked by other luxury sport sedans [...]like the Bentley Flying Spur and Jaguar XFR. maserati.it |
玛莎拉蒂兄弟的主要工作仍然是调试Isotta Fraschini车,但他们也从事其他和法拉利相关的工作。 maserati.com.cn | TheMaserati brothers’ main [...] activity was still tuning Isotta Fraschini cars, but they also worked on other marques. maserati.com.au |
离开Diatto之后,他在1926年制造出了Tipo 26,这是第一辆纯粹的玛莎拉蒂车,也是第一辆带有三叉戟标志的跑车。 maserati.com.cn | Away from the racing world, Alfieri completely dedicated himself to the workshop and in [...] 1926, after leaving Diatto, he produced the Tipo 26, [...] the first all-Maserati car, and the first [...]to sport the trident badge. maserati.com.au |
大型飞行员系列TOP GUN海军空战部队Miramar腕表(型号501902 ),是向原位於加州密拉玛基地的海军陆战队Top Gun飞行学校的致敬之作。 iwc.com | With identical specifications, the Big Pilot’s Watch TOP GUN Miramar (Ref. 501902) is a tribute to the original Marine Corps Top Gunflight school in Miramar, California. iwc.com |
2012伦敦新闻画报有限公司( www.iln.co.uk)。若非玛莎拉蒂和发行人允许,不得复制本刊发表的原文和其他稿件。玛莎拉蒂和发行人对于从他处转载的文章中的观点和陈述不负任何责任。玛莎拉蒂对本刊中的广告内容不负任何责任,发行人保留自行决定接受或拒绝广告的权利。 iltridente.maserati.com | 2012 Illustrated London News Limited www.iln.co.uk. Original articles and other contributions published in this journal may be reproduced only with permission from Maserati andthe publisher. iltridente.maserati.com |
基地must'ali和他的子孙继续在埃及,直到秋天的的法蒂玛王朝的第1171 。 mb-soft.com | Al-Must'ali and his descendants continued in Egypt until [...] the fall of the Fatimiddynasty in 1171. mb-soft.com |
芬兰奥兰圣奥拉夫教堂 – 圣奥拉夫教堂位於芬兰奥兰群岛主岛上的约玛拉(Jomala)市政区。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | St. Olaf's Church in Åland, Finland - St.Olaf's Church is situated in the municipality of Jomala on the main island of Åland, Finland. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
它们有助於防止法蒂玛王朝的埃及从伊斯兰什叶派主导整个中东地区,并在12世纪,阻断内陆扩展,由十字军国对叙利亚海岸。 mb-soft.com | They helped to prevent theFatimids ofEgypt from making Shiite Islam dominant throughout the Middle East and, in the 12th century, blocked inland expansion by the Crusader states on the Syrian coast. mb-soft.com |
文章的标题是“Quattroporte总裁系列运动版与美妙的玛莎拉蒂轰鸣声”,这名记者在文中记录了玛莎拉蒂berlina在恶劣路况中的表现,“摩德纳到拉文纳路途遥远,中间只有短短几公里高速公路,却有许多A级和B级的沥青公路”。 maserati.com.cn | Entitled ‘The Quattroporte GT S and [...] the magical Maserati roar’, the journalist sums up the Maserati berlina after a workout on a demanding stretch of road “from Modena to Ravenna with just a [...]few kilometres of motorway [...]and lots of A and B roads; a strip of asphalt that links two proudly distinct sides of the region”. maserati.it |
玛莎拉蒂运动气质和奢华享受的结晶:新款Quattroporte”是La Repubblica日报于2009年2月9日刊登的一篇关于玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列运动版报道的标题。 maserati.com.cn | Maserati sport and luxury: the new Quattroporte” is the title of the La Repubblica feature from 9 February 2009 about the new MaseratiQuattroporte Sport GT S. maserati.it |
而令这难忘时刻更具有历史意义的是,让·克里斯托夫·巴宾先生与Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons公司销售与零售副总裁穆罕默德·阿卜杜玛耶·塞蒂奇(Mohammed Abdulmagied Seddiqi)先生和豪雅中东地区总经理卢克·迪罗克斯(Luc Decroix)先生三人携手向豪雅中东品牌形像大使穆罕默德·本·苏拉耶(Mohammed Ben Sulayem)先生颁发豪雅赛车终生成就奖。 tagheuer.com | And to make this memorable moment even more historical, Mr. Jean-Christophe Babin, alongside [...] Mohammed Abdulmagied Seddiqi, the Vice [...] President of Sales & Retail at Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons and Luc Decroix, General Manager of TAG Heuer Middle East; awarded Mr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, the brand local ambassador, with TAG Heuer Lifetime Motor-Racing Achievement Award. tagheuer.com |
玛莎拉蒂TROFEO MC世界锦标赛的第四站比赛将是这一单一车型锦标赛今年在欧洲的最后一场赛事。 maserati.com.cn | The fourth [...] round in the Maserati Trofeo MC World [...]Series will be the last European meet in the single-make series. maserati.it |
他的注意力完全被新款Quattroporte总裁系列运动版吸引,并在北美国际汽车展玛莎拉蒂展位前用照片记录了这款车的英姿。 maserati.com.cn | His attention was particularly captured by the presentation of the new Quattroporte Sport GT S, photographed at theMaserati stand set up at the North American International Auto Show. web.maserati.com |
美国着名时尚杂志Robb Report为玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列运动版授予2009年“最佳汽车”大奖。 maserati.com.cn | The prestigious US lifestyle magazine, Robb Report, hailed the MaseratiQuattroporte Sport GT S the ‘Best of the Best’ berlina in its 2009 awards. maserati.it |
Mistral后来演变成了Ghibli,这股汽车新潮流的强大魅力甚至感染了亨利•福特二世,他曾驾驶一辆玛莎拉蒂敞篷车出现在底特律。 maserati.com.cn | The Mistral morphed into the Ghibli and the [...] strength of the new motoring currents affected even Henry Ford II who took to driving [...] around Detroit ina Maserati Spyder. maserati.com.au |
最后,一篇有关Miura跑车的文章列出了当时的最好超级跑车,其中就包含玛莎拉蒂Bora。 maserati.com.cn | To round things off, an article about the Miura included a rundown of the best supercars of the age, a list [...] that mentioned theMaserati Bora. maserati.it |
该网站讲述了世界超级跑车锦标赛2007赛季的精彩故事,在这个激动人心的赛季,玛莎拉蒂包揽了GT1组别的全部四项桂冠。 maserati.com.cn | The site that tells the story of the extraordinary FIA GT 2007 [...] season in which Maserati haswon all four [...]titles up for grabs in the GT1 class. maserati.it |
标题出自玛莎拉蒂公司CEO罗伯托•隆奇的原话:“我们未来几年的目标是每年售出15000辆汽车”,以及“我们有大约10%的员工专业从事品质管理”。 maserati.com.cn | The title [...] refers to CEOof Maserati, Roberto Ronchi’s, [...]words "Our goal in years to come is to sell 15,000 cars per year" [...]and "About 10 per cent of our employees are dedicated to quality". web.maserati.com |
1930年,波尔扎奇尼驾驶V4在黎波里为玛莎拉蒂首次赢得大奖赛冠军。 maserati.com.cn | In 1930 the V4 driven by [...] Borzacchiniwon Maserati’s first outright [...]Grand Prix victory in Tripoli. maserati.com.au |
但是,我们一眼就可以看出,实际上往往都是对所有改革问题的 系统对抗和歪曲事实的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | But what we have seen, without becoming involved, are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
全新Quattroporte总裁轿车在发动机转速只有1750 rpm的情况下即可提供500 Nm的扭矩,V6车型在不到6秒的时间内即可由静止加速至100 [...] km/h,其NEDC混合工况燃油消耗量仅为9.8升/100km,使其成为玛莎拉蒂历史上燃油经济性最佳的Quattroporte总裁车型。 maserati.com.cn | With 500Nm of torque arriving as early as 1750rpm, the new [...] Quattroporte V6 will accelerate [...] to 100km/h in less than sixsecondsand will [...]deliver an NEDC combined fuel consumption of 9.8 litres/100km, creating the most efficient Quattroportein history. maserati.com.au |
在这次活动中,这些顾客在一家典型的巴伐利亚式酒店住宿,体验了在德国首次推出的江诗丹顿SIHH [...] 2006(2006日内瓦高级钟表展)最新表款,并在阿尔卑斯的乡间座享全世界最豪华的汽车——法拉利、玛莎拉蒂、宾利、蓝博基尼和劳斯莱斯,享受了独特的驾乘体验。 vacheron-constantin.com | On the programme, stay in a typical Bavarian hotel, experience the German premiere of the Vacheron Constantin watch novelties SIHH 2006 and unique ride on [...] board of the world's most luxury [...] limousines such asFerrari, Maserati, Bentley, [...]Lamborghini, Aston Martin and Rolls Royce [...]in the beautiful countryside of the Alps. vacheron-constantin.com |
常务副秘书长阿莎-罗丝·姆滕盖蒂·米吉罗女士和特别代表兼《2011 年世界发展报告:冲突、 安全和发展》主任萨拉·克利夫女士向安理会作了通报。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Asha-Rose Migiro, and Ms. Sarah Cliffe, Special Representative and Director, for the World Development Report 2011: “Conflict, [...] Security and Development”, briefed the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於郑海泉议员希望两局有更佳的联系,而我亦敬重他为㆒个 表现出色,但有点古怪的银行家(众笑) ― 他的才干毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成为 部长的潜质 ― 我会支持有关建议,即行政局及立法局所有议员每月㆒起举行闭门 会议,在自然的情况㆘,大家畅所欲言,事後亦不会有投诉、误解、歪曲事实或泄漏 消息的事情。 legco.gov.hk | Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon. legco.gov.hk |