

单词 王朝



Bagan (Pagan) Dynasty of Myanmar (Burma), 1044-1287


Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century


Xia dynasty, unconfirmed but placed at c. 2070-c. 1600 BC

See also:


towards prep
underneath prep


morning adj


court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor v
make a pilgrimage to v

External sources (not reviewed)

美丽的罗迪公园占地90英亩,由15和16世纪强大的赛义德(Say yi d s ) 王朝 和 罗 迪(L od i s ) 王朝 建 立
Established between the 15th and 16th centuries by the powerful dynasties of the Sayyids and Lodis, the beautiful gardens occupy 90 acres of land.
它独特的文化 遗产由于从公元前四千年起的历 王朝 , 特别是苏美尔、巴比伦、亚述、阿肯弥尼和阿巴斯王朝作出的重大贡献而享有盛名。
Its unique cultural heritage is distinguished
by major contributions from a series of kingdoms from the fourth millennium B.C. onwards – notably the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Achaemenids and Abbasids.
4 此地圖支持了對於印度孔王朝和笈 多 王朝的 哪個概括性的歸納?
7 Base your answer to this question on the graphic organizer below and on your knowledge of social studies.
其独特 的文化遗产反映了阿契美尼王朝时 期 的波斯 、亚历山大大帝时期的希腊、佛教、印度教 和伊斯兰教复杂交会的历史。
Its unique cultural heritage reflects a history marked by the complex encounters between Achaemenid Persia, Alexandrian Greece, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.
王朝的操 作沒有競爭可能是製表業的歷史上最長的。
This reign of operation without competition is probably the longest in the history of watchmaking.
昂热,安久的古都,是1154年至1399年以来的第二个首都的英国金雀 王朝 家 族 成为英国国王和公爵安茹。
Angers, the ancient capital of Anjou, was from
1154 to 1399 the second capital of England
[...] since the Plantagenet family became kings of England as [...]
well as Dukes of Anjou.
我还应当指出,最近的恐怖袭击导致数十人丧生 和几百名手无寸铁的平民受伤,其中包括男人、妇女 和儿童,袭击的目标是从伊拉克各个地区步行前往侯 赛因·本·阿里·本·阿布·塔列布阿訇圣祠的朝圣 者,这个圣地是为了纪念倭马王朝 时 期 ,于公元 680 年与其家人及信众一起遇害的先知穆罕默德的孙子。
I should also point out that the recent terrorist attacks that killed dozens and wounded hundreds of unarmed civilians, including men, women and children, targeted visitors who walk on foot from various regions of Iraq to visit the holy shrine of Imam Hussein bin Ali bin Abu Taleb, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad who was killed along with all of his family and followers in 680 A.D., during the time of the Umayyad Dynasty.
為wellnigh五百年入侵後,馬其頓的帕西經文仍處於分散狀態,但只有保存記憶,直至偉大的拜火教的波斯薩 王朝 ( 公元226-651 )時,文本再次收集,整理,翻譯到巴列維,並解釋。
For wellnigh five hundred years after the Macedonian invasion the Parsee scriptures remained in a scattered condition, much being preserved only by
memory, until the great Zoroastrian under
[...] the Sassanian dynasty (AD 226-651), [...]
when the texts were again collected, codified,
translated into Pahlavi, and interpreted.
在下述 兩段時 期,彈 劾 較
[...] 為 常見: 首 先是14世紀都王朝成立的時 期,其次是17及 18世 紀。
Impeachment was relatively common in the following two
periods; firstly in the fourteenth century
[...] under the Tudor dynasty, and secondly [...]
in the seventeenth and eighteen centuries.
[...] la Feuille 记载了错综复杂的西班牙王位继承战争(1701-14 年),这场战争始于西班牙哈布斯堡国王查尔斯二世的去世,他把西班牙留给了法国波 王朝 国 王 路 易 十四的孙子安茹公爵菲利普。
In this “portable atlas,” de la Feuille documented the intricacies of the War of Spanish Succession (1701-14), which began after the Habsburg king of Spain,
Charles II, died and left
[...] his kingdom to Philip, the Duke of Anjou and the grandson of the French Bourbon king, Louis XIV.
此分類之業績由生產及銷售酒類產品之本集團上市聯營公 王朝 酒 業 集團有 限公司(「王朝酒業」)所貢獻。
The result of this segment is contributed by a listed associate of the Group, Dynasty Fine Wines Group Limited (“Dynasty”), which produces and sells winery products.
有耶路撒冷的四个捕获的帐户,记录(1)由希沙克(2)21点16分由非利士人及阿拉伯人统治的约兰(2 CHR王朝在罗波安(王上14:25); );(3),以色列王约阿施,亚玛谢(2国王14:13)的统治时期,;(4)由巴比伦人,当耶路撒冷和尼布甲尼撒(公元前586年)被毁。
There are on record the account of four captures of
[...] Jerusalem, (1) by Shishak in the reign of Rehoboam (1 Kings 14:25); (2) [...]
by the Philistines and Arabians in the reign of Jehoram (2 Chr. 21:16); (3) by Joash, the king of Israel, in the reign of Amaziah
(2 Kings 14:13); and (4) by the Babylonians, when Jerusalem was taken and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (BC 586).
富丽堂皇的宫殿曾是现今国家统治者—Al Nahyan 王朝的皇家宅邸。
This grand palatial fort was once the majestic residence of the Al Nahyan royal family, the present rulers of the country.
拿 破 崙 因 此 反 對 任 何 可 能 損 害 波王 朝 地 位 的 行 動 。
Napoleon therefore opposed any action likely to harm the position of the Bourbon monarch.
[...] 物也纷纷兴建,包括纪念伊玛目布哈里和法尔干尼的纪念碑,帖木儿汗和帖木王朝博物 馆,以及体现东方建筑传统之优雅和现代建筑发展之辉煌的其他许多纪 [...]
New memorial sites have been built, including the Memorial of
Remembrance and Commemoration, the Imam
[...] al-Bukhari and al-Ferghani sites, the Tamerlane [...]
museum and many others, which combine
traditional oriental architecture with modern architectural elements and are renowned for their elegance and grandeur.
伯尔尼和日内瓦的共同利益是反对萨 王朝 , 因 此在1526年结成联盟。
Bern and Geneva thus shared an anti-Savoy interest, and made an alliance of combourgeoisie in 1526.
中间凸出部分(参见下图)上的马赛克描绘了由路德维希四世所创建的Ettal 基金会,代表着巴伐利王朝时代 的宗教和慈善主张;马赛克的每一侧都有 [...]
因戈尔施塔特大学开幕景象和诗人Wolfram von Eschenbach 在瓦尔特城堡 歌唱比赛上取得胜利的场面,代表着巴伐利亚经济和艺术的繁荣。
Thus, the mosaics on the centre risalit (see image below) depict the foundation of Ettal by the German Emperor Ludwig
IV, as an example of the piety and charity of
[...] the Bavarian dynasty, flanked by the [...]
opening of the university in Ingolstadt
and the victory of the poet Wolfram von Eschenbach at the Sängerkrieg as an example of Bavaria‘s scientific and artistic prowess.
維持二十年。他們旨在維持其重畫的領土疆界﹑保証永久不讓波拿巴及 王朝 在法 國掌權﹑打倒革命的原則﹐以及在將來避免任何革命起義。
They aimed to preserve the territorial boundaries they had set, to insure
the perpetual exclusion of
[...] Bonaparte and his dynasty from the French throne, to fight [...]
against principles of the Revolution,
and to prevent any future revolutionary uprisings.
他们与其他人一道在 8 月的大规模审判中受审,后来 于 2009 年 10 月被德黑兰革命法庭定为“与真主为敌”罪,原因是据称他们参与 了一个宣扬在伊朗伊斯兰共和国复 王朝 的 团体 Anjoman-e-Padeshahi-e Iran, 以及危害国家安全。
They were among those tried in the mass trials of August and were subsequently convicted ofmohareb by Tehran’s Revolutionary Court in October 2009 for their alleged membership in Anjoman-e-Padeshahie Iran, a group that advocates the restoration of a monarchy in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and of harming national security.
就天津港發展王朝酒業 以外之業務,董事會已委聘羅申美諮詢顧問有限公司(「羅申 [...]
美」)輪流對本公司及其主要附屬公司進行內部監控審核,就 財務監控、運作、合規及風險管理功能等方面之效率進行評 估。
For businesses
[...] other than TPD and Dynasty, the Board engaged [...]
RSM Nelson Wheeler Consulting Limited (“RSM Nelson Wheeler”)
to perform internal audit function to assess the effectiveness of the financial, operational and compliance controls and risk management functions of the Company and its major subsidiaries on a rotation basis.
[...] Aryabhata出生在Asmaka地区的Vakataka王朝 在 南 印度虽然作者承认,他住他的大部分生活Kusumapura在古普塔帝国的北部地区。
In it is claimed that Aryabhata was born in the Asmaka region of
[...] the Vakataka dynasty in South India [...]
although the author accepted that he lived
most of his life in Kusumapura in the Gupta empire of the north.
在该地区的主王国马塔兰王国分崩离析后,1757 年 Mangkunegara 王朝在苏腊卡尔塔中心地区成立,这是一个采用世袭制的小公国,是荷兰在爪哇分而治之政策的产物。
Mangkunegara was established as a small principality with a hereditary ruler in the center of Surakarta in 1757, following the breakup of the area’s main kingdom, Mataram, as [...]
part of the divide-and-conquer
policy practiced by the Dutch in Java.
代表团称,自十七世纪以来,不丹的治理就是以正义、平等和仁爱为基础, 并经旺楚王朝历届 君主的完善和更新。
The delegation stated that Bhutan’s governance since the 17th Century is based on the precepts of justice, equity and compassion, refined and updated by successive monarchs of the Wangchuck dynasty.
同年7月15日,本笃十三建立神学,法学,医学,数学系,的Universitas Studii是一般;年4月13日1753皇帝弗朗西斯斯特凡诺我的哈布斯 王朝 的 奥 延伸度的有效性从卡梅里诺神圣罗马帝国全境,并赋予校长腭计数的标题。
On the 15th of July of the same year, Benedict XIII founds the Universitas Studii Generalis with the faculties of theology, jurisprudence, medicine and mathematics; On April 13 th 1753 the emperor Francesco Stefano I of the of Habsburg Lorena extends the validity of the degrees from Camerino to the whole territory of the Holy Roman Empire and confers to the rector the title of palatine count.
王朝矿业 公司 (Northern Dynasty Minerals) [...]
正在推进位于阿拉斯加 西南部的Pebble铜金钼项目,项目包括矿体修整及自然崩 落开采。
Northern Dynasty Minerals is [...]
advancing the Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum deposit in south western Alaska, which includes
an orebody amenable to block caving.
东欧土耳其战争, 土耳其塞尔维亚战争, 摩尔达维亚战争, 第一次土耳其在地中海地区的战争, 土耳其瓦拉几亚战争, 土耳其内战, 土耳其威尼斯战争,
土耳其内战, 土波1514年战争,
[...] 土耳其马穆鲁克战争, 西缇奥·德·罗达斯, 土耳其哈布斯堡战争, 埃塞俄比亚阿达尔战争, 在匈牙利的小规模战争, 土耳其萨王朝战争, 土耳其威尼斯战争, 第四次土耳其威尼斯战争, 土耳其萨王朝战争, 长期战争, 波兰土耳其战争, 土耳其萨王朝战争, 波兰土耳其战争, 克里特战争, 普土战争, 波兰土耳其战争, 俄土战争 (1676-1681), 土耳其战争, 俄土战争 (1710-1711), [...]
土耳其威尼斯战争, 第四次俄土战争,
土波战争, 第一次土埃战争, 第一次土埃战争, 第二次土埃战争
Wars in eastern europe, Ottoman-serbian War, Moldavian Wars, First Ottoman Wars, Ottoman-Wallachian War, Civil wars in Turkey, Ottoman-Venetian War, Ottoman Civil War, Ottoman–Persian War, Ottoman–Mamluk War, Siege of Rhodes, Ottoman-Habsburg wars,
Ethiopian–Adal War,
[...] Little War in Hungary, Ottoman–Safavid War, Ottoman–Venetian War, Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War, Ottoman–Safavid War, Long War, Polish–Ottoman War, Ottoman–Safavid War, Polish–Ottoman War, Cretan War, [...]
Austro-Turkish War,
Polish–Ottoman War, Russo-Turkish War, Turkish War, Russo-Turkish War, Ottoman–Venetian War, Russo-Austrian-Turkish War, Ottoman–Persian War, First Turko-Egyptian War, First Turko-Egyptian War, Second Turko-Egyptian War
这种长久以来的他者属性造成了亚洲的焦虑,它随着19世纪末亚洲封建帝制相继瓦解、殖民主义不断扩张、现代民族国家艰难建立的风云动荡,贯穿于近百年的亚洲历史之中。以中国和土耳其这两大东方帝国为例,它们在追寻自己的现代性的过程中几乎同步并具有惊人的相似性: 王朝 与 奥图 曼 王朝 差 不 多在同一时间崩溃,孙中山和凯末尔(Mustafa Kemal [...]
This long-standing attribute of the Other has resulted in Asian anxiety; it was present throughout nearly a century of Asian history, as Asia lived through changes and turbulences from the end of the nineteenth century onwards –the successive collapse of feudal monarchies, the continuous expansion of colonialism, the arduous establishment of modern nation-states, etc. Take the two Eastern empires, China and Turkey, for example, they almost coincided and shared astonishing similarities in the process of looking
for their own modernity: the
[...] Chinese Qing dynasty and the Turkish Ottoman dynasty fell at about [...]
the same time, and Sun Yat-sen
and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk emerged at roughly the same moment; both people were firm advocates of westernization, were deeply worried for their chronically weak countries, and in order to learn from the West and to catch up with it, they established a republican regime in their own country.
帕 木竹王朝的松 秋堅贊(1302-1364),推翻了圖博的蒙古統治(比元朝在中國結束統治早十年),接下來的黃金盛世,乃是所有博彌都稱之為“Ga mu Ser Khor”(快樂的黃金時代),因為此地如此安全與和平,據說一位老婦人可以安全無虞地帶著一袋黃金從圖博的這一頭走到另外一頭,沒有盜匪覬覦。
Jangchub Gyaltsen (1302-1364) of the Phamodruba dynasty overthrew Mongol rule in Tibet (a decade before the Mongol Yuan dyasty ended in China) and ushered in a golden age that Tibetans call “Gamu Ser Khor”, since the land was so safe and peaceful it was said that an old woman carrying a sack of gold could pass without fear from one end of Tibet to the other.




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