

单词 王家



Wong Kar-wai (1956-), Hong Kong film director

See also:

reign over
king or monarch
best or strongest of its type
surname Wang

External sources (not reviewed)

尼泊王家军队 在同尼泊尔共产党(毛派)( 尼共毛派) 的冲突中采用的秘密拘 留的做法一直受到尼泊尔民间社会和联合国机构的详细报告。
The practice of secret detention by the Royal Nepalese Army [...]
(RNA) during the conflict with the Communist Party of Nepal
(Maoist) (CPN-M) has been the object of in-depth documentation, both by Nepalese civil society and United Nations bodies.
Same as Wong Ka-ying, the author hopes [...]
while everybody are competing for the supports from the public, they should also
focus on the scientific aspects of the public opinion surveys, and to understand the limitations of different types of polls, so that politics never got mixed with science.
波斯沃斯大使和代表团会见了中共中央对外联络部部 王家 瑞 , 外交部常务副部长张志军,以及朝鲜半岛事务特别代表武大伟大使。
Ambassador Bosworth and the delegation met with  the Director of the International Department of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of
[...] China Minister Wang Jiarui, Executive [...]
Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun,  and
Special Representative on the Korean Peninsular Affairs Ambassador Wu Dawei.
报告中还记载了尼泊王家军队的 Chisapani 兵 营发生的有计划使用酷刑的做法。
The report documents the systematic use of
[...] torture in the Royal Nepalese Army’s [...]
Chisapani barracks, and I urge members of
the Council to read its chilling details.
我曾在 2006 年 5 月负责人权事务高级专员办公 室在尼泊尔发表一份调查报告的工作,该项调查所涉 及的是
[...] 2003 年和 2004 年在前尼泊王家军队设在加 德满都的 Maharajganj [...]
兵营内发生的任意拘留、酷刑 和失踪事件。
In May 2006, I was responsible for the publication by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal of a report of investigation into arbitrary
detention, torture and disappearances at the Maharajganj barracks in
[...] Kathmandu of the then Royal Nepalese Army in [...]
2003 and 2004.
王家政府 任命国家环境委员会为负责执行《维也纳公约》和《关于消耗臭氧层 [...]
The National Environment Commission [...]
(NEC) has been appointed by the Royal Government of Bhutan as the focal agency responsible
for implementing the provisions under the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
王家英文 章列舉的第二個原因是調查時間和頻次的問題:「中大每月只進行一次,時間是在每月的下旬,而港大則每月進行兩次,進行的時間是在每月的上旬和下旬......較有意義的做法是將中大和港大在同一期間(每月下旬)所做的調查進行比較。
Wong Ka-ying has suggested [...]
the second reason which is related to the survey period and frequency. He wrote, "CUHK only conducts
(the surveys) once a month, the survey period is end of the month; whereas the HKUPOP carries out the surveys twice every month, and they are conducted at the beginning and end of each month ......The more meaningful way is to compare the surveys conducted by the two universities at the same period (at the end of each month).
王家康先 生出生于香港,自幼在美国成长及接受教育,1989年起回港发展。
Born in Hong Kong, brought up and educated in US and returned to HK in 1989, Mr. Wong is a multi-cultural business executive who is fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghaiese.
參觀者可透過宮庭藝術,見王家生 活 的輝煌。
They are displayed for
[...] the first time in the United States.
自2009 年批准其延期请求以来,柬埔寨报告说,2009 年柬埔寨排雷行动处 给予高王家军认证, 国家排雷行动标准正在批准过程中,而且排雷计划将与 [...]
Since its request was granted in 2009, Cambodia reported that in 2009 the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces received
accreditation from the Cambodian Mine Action
[...] Authority, that the National Mine Action [...]
Standards are in the process of approval and
that the plans will be aligned with the NMAS.
报告还记载了尼泊王家军队 的 Chisapani 兵营有系统地使 用酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇。
The report cites credible witness testimony suggesting that a number of detainees were killed while in custody, or shortly after being removed by members of the security forces, and documents the systematic use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the Chisapani barracks of the Royal Nepalese Army.
分別在三個展覽廳,一共展出橫跨三世紀的印 王家 文 物 精品二百件,並有視聽媒介展示珍貴的歷史材料,與深入淺出的描述。
One of the shiniest exhibits would have to be this tailor-made Cartier necklace made with diamonds and precious stones, the largest the jeweler has ever been commissioned to do.
[...] 中国高级官员,其中包括:外交部长杨洁篪,中共中央对外联络 部部王家瑞, 国家发展与改革委员会主任张平,商务部部长陈 德铭,文化部部长蔡武,国务院研究室主任谢伏瞻,中国驻朝鲜 [...]
He was accompanied by an exceptionally large delegation of Chinese senior officials, including: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi,
Chinese Communist Party International
[...] Department head Wang Jiarui, National Development and [...]
Reform Commission Minister Zhang
Ping, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming, Minister of Culture Cai Wu, Director of the research office of the State Council Xie Fuzhan, China’s ambassador to the DPRK Liu Xiaoming, premier’s office director Qui Xiaoxiong, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Wu Dawei and deputy director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Liu Zhenqi.
报告记载了 156 人的个案,这些人大 部分是在遭前尼泊王家军队 逮捕后失踪的,其失踪与国家当局有联系。
The report documents the cases of 156 people whose disappearances, the majority of which followed their arrest by the former Royal Nepalese Army, are linked to State authorities.
王家英教授 14.9.2006 y 保持現有的選舉委員會的制度 和提名門檻,然後根據有關的提 名程序爭取在 2012 年普選特 首,以回應民主派對盡早普選的 堅持,應較可能成為中央與民主 派之間在普選特首問題上達至 妥協的基礎。
The proposal should serve as a basis for compromise between the Central Authorities and the pro-democracy camp on the issue of selecting the CE by universal suffrage.
然而,秘密拘留 的做法主要与尼泊王家军队 有关,因为据报道称,毛派分子可能当即就将其认 为是反对他们的人杀害了。
Report of the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances on its mission to Nepal (E/CN.4/2005/65/Add.1).
曾合作的藝術家及團體有城市當代舞蹈團、香港舞蹈團、香港芭蕾舞團、香港芭蕾舞學會、修芭娜‧嘉亞辛舞團(英國)、The Arts Fission
Company(新加坡)、英國皇家舞蹈學院、香港話劇團、致群劇社、桃花源粵劇工作舍、香港小交響樂團、Osage Art
[...] Foundation、香港電影資料館、英皇舞台、甘國亮、陳寶珠 王家 衛 、 劉偉強、黎海寧、伍宇烈、楊春江、梅卓燕、邢亮、桑吉加、王延林、周書毅及葉詠詩。
Artists and organization that he has worked closely with include City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Ballet Group, Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company (UK), The Arts Fission Company (Singapore), The Royal Academy of Dance (UK), Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Amity Drama Club, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong Film
Archieve, Emperor Stage, KAM Kwok-leung,
[...] Connie CHAN, WONG Ka-wai, Andrew LAU, [...]
Helen LAI, Yuri NG, Daniel YEUNG, MUI Cheuk-yin,
XI Liang, SANG Jijia, Andy WONG, CHOU Shu-yi and YIP Wing-sie.
該片導演、2007級藝術設計專業學 王家 琨 告訴記者,“蘇丹留學生拉古在同濟大學的留學生文藝晚會上演唱了原創作品《同濟tongji》,我就把這一原創歌曲改良,做成MV的形式,作為自己畢業設計的副產品推出,沒想到成了一部廣受校友歡迎的同濟宣傳片。
The director of the film, 2007 Art and
[...] Design students Wang Jiakun told reporters [...]
that "the the Sudanese foreign students
Laguna Tongji University students on the variety show concert of original works "Tongji tongji", I put this original song improved, made in the form of the MV launch as a by-product of their own graduation design, I did not expect to become a widely welcome by alumni of Tongji videos.
曾獲九個格林美獎座、跟Jude Law一起王家衛的《My Blueberry Nights》當主角,Norah [...]
Nine Grammys, starring in Wong Kar-Wai’s ‘My Blueberry [...]
Nights’ with Jude Law, Norah Jones has been sailing through her career all along.
[...] 非執行董事陳炳權先生、TAN Yee Boon 先生王家驊先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company consists of three executive directors, Mr. CHAN Chak Paul, Mr. NGAI Wah Sang and Mr. WANG
Daming and three independent non-executive directors, Mr. CHAN Francis Ping Kuen, Mr.
[...] TAN Yee Boon and Mr. WANG Jia Hua.
副国务部长斯泰恩伯格和代表团与国务委员戴秉国、中共中央对外联络部部 王家 瑞 、 外交部常务行政副部长张志军、外交部副部长崔天凯、以及朝鲜半岛事务特别代表武大伟大使会面。
Deputy Secretary Steinberg and delegation met with State Councilor Dai Bingguo, Director of the International Department of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of
[...] China Minister Wang Jiarui, Executive [...]
Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun, Vice
Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai, and Special Representative on the Korean Peninsular Affairs Ambassador Wu Dawei.
由夏永康(Wing Shya)及陳國輝合導,美國霍士電影公司第一部投資的華語片《全城熱戀熱辣辣》(Hot
[...] Summer Days)割畫不久,作王家衛的御用劇照攝影師,當然不會放過為執導作品拍照的機會。
A photographer himself, it is hardly [...]
surprising that Wing Shya took the opportunity to create photography for his own film debut.
治喪委員會副委王家多年好友艾德溫‧J‧福爾納 (Edwin J. Feulner [...]
Jr) 在王月蘭女士追思會中說道:「按照西方標準,王文洋及其弟妹可能是在一個非傳統家庭中長大,但是,我很快瞭解到,他們成長中學到的是非常傳統的價值觀念,跟我所學到的相同:家庭的重要性、合作的重要性、誠實、勤勞、回饋社區的重要性。
[...] friend of the Wang family and Vice Chairman [...]
of the Funeral Committee, Dr. Edwin J. Feulner Jr. said: “Winston and
his sisters and brother may have grown up in an unconventional family by Western standards, but I learned quickly that they were raised with very traditional values.
活动不仅有请到了华美银行总裁Julia Gouw,到场的还有旅美艺家王伟中 与旅美二胡表演艺术家韩华奇。
At the Malibu leg, attendees included Julia Gouw,
President and COO of East West Bank, US-based
[...] Chinese artist, Wang Weizhong, as well [...]
as US-based erhu performer, Han Huaqi.
法國畫家 Jean-Paul Pancrazi 和台灣多媒體藝術家和雕家王鈴蓁用他們的作品去描繪物質形式。
French painter Jean-Paul Pancrazi and Taiwanese multi-media artist and sculptor Sunny Wang give material form [...]
to the act of tracing.
中国哲家王阳明(1472-1529 年)推进了“心与意”的概念,与笛卡 尔的二元论不同的是,他的理论概括了思想过程和身体之间的联系。
The Chinese philosopher Wang Yangming (1472-1529) [...]
advanced the “heart and mind” concept, which, in contrast with Descartes’
dualism, encapsulated the connection between the mental process and the body.
著名藝家王禎寶 、繆鵬飛和馬若龍的作品,勢必成為展覽的焦點,而新晉藝術家黎小傑、黃家龍、百強和唐重富於創意及實驗性的作品,也必令人眼前一亮。
Selected works of
[...] well-known artists James Wong, Mio Peng Fei and Carlos Marreiros will [...]
be the highlights of the show while
the creative and experimental works of young artists Lai Sio Kit, Coke Wong, Fortes Pakeong Sequeira and Tong Chong will surely attract the attention of the audience.
主题演讲嘉宾包括中国家具协会理事长朱长岭先生、欧洲家具零售商协会主席Denis Heylen先生、美国Ashley集团首席执行官Todd Wanick先生、亚洲家具联合会会长林作新先生、著名经济 家王 德 培 先生,这五位嘉宾将与我们分享过去一年宏观经济与家具业发展的情况,并对未来的家具业发展趋势做出分析及预测。
The keynote speakers include Mr. Changling Zhu, the president of China National Furniture Association; Mr. Denis Heylen, the president of European Furniture Retailers Association; Mr. Todd Wanick, CEO of Ashley Furniture Group; Mr. Lim Cheok Sin, the chairman of Council of Asia Furniture Associations and Mr. Depei Wang , a famous Chinese economist.
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、 爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联 王 国 和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 议;邀请阿拉伯家联盟 作为观察员出席咨询委员会的会议。
The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Jordan, Lebanon,
[...] Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; [...]
to invite the
European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
在摩洛王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了一张摩洛哥地方电子政务的路线图,目 [...]
的是清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。
As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by the Government [...]
of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support
to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs in the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco with a view to collecting information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.




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