

单词 玉石具焚

See also:


jade and stone
precious stones

External sources (not reviewed)

一言以蔽之,便是現在曾蔭權的政府是採用一種所謂親疏厚薄、寧玉 石俱焚而不對民間讓步的政策。
In a word, it is because Donald TSANG's government has adopted a policy which
is premised on affinity, a policy which prefers to destroy everything,
[...] rather than giving way to the wish of the people.
所以,對於今天這玉石俱焚的做法,大 家真的不要罵梁國雄議員,因為這是立法會在整體表決的結果出來 後,大家選擇要走的一條路。
Therefore, with respect to this approach of total destruction, Members should not blame Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung indeed because it is the result of a vote taken by all Members of this Council.
政府曾恐嚇議會說,如果法例不獲通過 便 玉石 俱 焚 , 甚至會不設上限。
The Government once threatened this Council, saying that it would destroy everything or even remove the cap if the Bill is negatived.
有勞工界的朋友說,反對及廢除今天這項公告所訂的最低時薪額 便等玉石俱焚。
Some people in the labour sector said that everything would be destroyed should the minimum hourly wage rate stipulated in this Notice today be rejected and repealed.
位於雲咸街的古董店兼畫廊Artemis收藏了大量不同朝代 玉石 製 成 的雕塑, 店內亦有出售古董具。
A gallery and antiques store on Wyndham
Street, Artemis contains a large collection of
[...] beautiful sculptures made from jade and stone from a variety of dynasties.
梁議員提出,現時建議的最低工資只有時薪28元,並不是訂在勞 工界爭取的33元水平,對“打工仔”來說並不理想,亦達不到目標,於 是他決定“ 不能收貨” ,他認為這是“ 嗟來之食” ,故此他寧玉石俱 焚,推倒重來,對於梁國雄議員的這個見解,我表示尊重,但我並不 認同。
Mr LEUNG pointed out that as the minimum wage proposed now is only $28 per hour, instead of $33 for which the labour sector has been fighting, it is not desirable to wage earners and has failed to meet the objective and so, he decided not to accept it, for he considered that it is like "alms handed out in contempt" and he would rather destroy everything by overturning this proposal and starting all over again.
此外,工作组指出,鉴于在治理有罪不罚现象方面合作义务似乎是引渡 或起诉义务的石,需 要基于国家实践,对下述问题作系统的评估:在多大程度 上,合作义务作为一般规则或相对 具 体 的 罪行而言,可指导本专题的工作,包 括涉及引渡或起诉义务的实质范围、内容以及诱发该义务的条件的工作。
In addition, it was pointed out that, as far as the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity seemed to underpin the obligation to extradite or prosecute, a
systematic assessment,
[...] based on State practice, needed to be made of the extent to which that duty could elucidate, as a general rule or in relation to specific crimes, work on the topic, [...]
including work in
relation to the material scope, the content of the obligation to extradite or prosecute and the conditions for the triggering of that obligation.
在中国的南海政策上,国石油公司 具 有 成 为最重 要的准政府参与者的潜力。
Some of the most important potential quasi-governmental actors in Chinese South China Sea policy are the national oil companies.
科特迪瓦石具 有独特的形状、颜色、大小和清澈度,很容易与产自 Camp Alpha 的钻石区分开来。
They can easily be distinguished from diamonds that are produced at Camp Alpha by their distinctive shape, colour, size and clarity.
這 項建議可謂煮焚琴,把一具文化 歷史背景的條文和構思改成這 樣。
This recommendation is tantamount to
[...] cooking a crane for meat and burning a stringed instrument for fuel, in that it seeks to change a provision and a concept with cultural [...]
and historical background in such a way.
有的玻璃玉石例子具有特 別寬闊的壺口,我們認為這大概是清朝中葉玉石煙壺的特徵,因為寬口常常是跟從乾隆末葉到道光時期常見的掏膛徹底情況有關的。
Some of the glass and stone examples have unusually [...]
wide mouths, which we have suggested is probably a feature on hardstone bottles of the mid-Qing
period, from the latter part of the Qianlong reign into the Daoguang period, since it is often found with the virtuoso hollowing associated with the same sort of period.
這不玉石俱焚,如 果是真心相信最低時薪33元才可以解決工人 的生活,便要支持33元,便要支持我們,這樣會給予政府很大的壓力。
It is not indiscriminate destruction. If they really believe that only a minimum hourly wage of $33 can meet the needs of living of the workers, then they should go for $33 and they should support us.
現在,香港㆟只試圖表達支持的聲音,換來的卻是惡言恐嚇,經濟坦克 玉石 俱焚,目 的是要阻止我們對民主的要求。
The present attempt by Hong Kong people to voice their support for the reform proposals is met with vicious intimidation and economic tanks to blast us economically to smithereens, all for the purpose of stemming our quest for democracy.
這一玉石俱 焚 的 活動, 不但會 對自然生 態 造 成 難 以 估 計 的 損 害 , 更 會 使 業 權 人 和 執 法 部 門 之間的 關 係 更 緊 張,而這接 近 1 000 公 頃 的 私 人 土 地,亦不能獲 得 充 分 的 保 育 。
This type of mutually destructive activities will not only cause immeasurable destruction to our natural ecology but also aggravate the already tense relationship between landowners and the law enforcement departments.
現 時對於李柱銘議員提出的這項議案,便說一定要反對,好了,任由他反對吧, 又一次玉石俱焚好了
All right, we will just let him oppose it and this will again be an instance of "everyone loses".
热处理工装具及焚化炉 市场上的领导者,其CRONITE 及 KLEFISCH 品牌在全世界获得认可。
Leader in heat
[...] treatment assembly jigs and incineration hearth markets, [...]
and recognised around the world for its CRONITE
and KLEFISCH trade names, AFE Cronite cumulates over 40 years of experience in designing and producing heatproof cast steel components that are resistant to high temperatures, abrasion, and corrosion.
(四 ) 鑒於現時土瓜灣區內不少舊樓需要清拆或進行維修工程,對 建築維修工人的需求因此增加,勞工處會否全面監管,以確
[...] 保進行該等工程的註冊石棉承辦商向每名清拆石棉的工人 提供適當的訓練和指示,並保證他 具 備 清 拆 石 棉 所需的技 能及知識;若會,詳情為何;若否,原因為何?
(d) given that at present, quite a number of old buildings in To Kwa Wan need to be demolished or maintained, thus increasing the demand for construction and maintenance workers, whether the LD will exercise comprehensive monitoring to ensure that registered asbestos contractors who undertake such works provide each asbestos abatement worker with appropriate training and instructions, and ensure that they are equipped
with the skills and knowledge
[...] necessary for asbestos abatement; if it will, of the details; if [...]
not, the reasons for that?
玉米炊具采用 预设烹饪时间和低压加热器,确保玉米穗在最长五个小时内保持新鲜的外观、味道和气味。
The Corn Cooker uses a preset cooking time and low temperature [...]
heater to ensure the corn on the cob consistently looks,
tastes, and smells fresh for up to five hours.
可是,這種被迫出來玉石俱焚的做 法,只是凸顯出 在最低工資法例中,鞏固行政長官會同行政會議專權的條文的霸道。
This notion of seeking to destroy the good and bad alike as an outcome of compulsion only highlights the fact that the minimum wage law perpetuates an obvious attempt in the provisions to consolidate this hegemony of the Chief Executive in Council.
在另㆒方面,劉千石議員絕不妥協 玉石 俱 焚 的 態 度,亦不值得欣賞。
Mr LAU Chin-shek's uncompromising attitude [...]
which could lead to destruction of good and bad alike is not commendable either.
當 我擬備這項修正 案 的 時 候 , 我有一種感覺, 就 像 夏佳理議員昨 天 宣 布 不 參 選 , 我 當 然感到十分 遺憾, 而 我 的 感覺是 , 不 知道政 府是否 因為這修正 案是由民主黨 的李永達提出 , 所 以 寧玉石俱 焚 , 也 不 接受這個較 為 溫 和 的 方案。
I was not sure whether the Government actually wanted to blow up the whole thing because the amendment, despite its relatively mild nature, was moved by LEE Wing-tat of the Democratic Party.
何秀蘭議員:主席,梁國雄議員今天提出的這項議案,確實是一玉 石俱焚的議案。
MS CYD HO (in Cantonese): President, the motion moved by Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung today is really a motion of "all or nothing".
其實,這項條文才玉石俱焚的根 源,而 這根源是由當局所促生的,要大獲全勝的並非梁國雄,要“贏晒”、“贏 到盡”的是政府,梁國雄議員只是不想輸,他只是不願意乖乖輸給當 局而已。
It can be traced back to the authorities. The party which aims at a total and landslide victory is not LEUNG Kwok-hung, but the Government.
即 使 議員對 政 府 法 案的修正案可能獲 得支持,政府 亦 會 使出最後 武 器 , 收 回 法 案 , 造玉石俱 焚 的效果 。
Even when Members' amendments to government bills are supported, the Government still has a last resort, that of withdrawing the bills, resulting in nobody being the winner.
在该国的两个生产厂家中,一个厂家(Chimcomplex)将彻底改造一个小型的 甲基氯生产车间,该车间作为副产品生产与氯仿混合在一起的 CTC ,这个车间经
[...] 过改造,将成为一个每年名义产量为 40,000 吨的甲基氯车间,并具有焚化设施, 用以每年销毁 2,000 吨 CTC [...]
Of the two producers, one (Chimcomplex) will revamp a small chloromethane process which co-produces CTC mixed with chloroform to a nominal 40,000
tonnes per year chloromethanes plant
[...] which would have incineration facilities to consume [...]
the 2,000 tonnes per year co-produced CTC.
来北京旅游,不能错过当地特色的购物市场,如秀水街丝绸市场、潘家园、珍珠市集,在市场里可以淘到古玩、瓷器、 具 、 玉 器 、 地毯、丝绸、绘画和书法作品、手工艺品以及刺绣。
Beijing's most popular markets are the Xiushui (Silk Market), Panjiayuan and Pearl
Market where you can find antiques,
[...] porcelain, lacquer ware, jade, carpets, silk, [...]
painting, calligraphy scrolls, handicraft and embroidery.
相 對其他技術,建議方法( 即 採用熱力解吸法
[...] 處理受㆓噁英污染泥土,然後把處理後的剩餘物運往青衣化 學廢物處理㆗焚化) 具備不 少優點,包括擁 有大規模實㆞ [...]
成 功經驗、 高 效清除污染物、對環境造成不 良 的 副 影響較少 及 高成本效益 。
Compared with other alternatives, the
recommended method of thermal
[...] desorption followed by incineration of the treatment [...]
residue at CWTC has the advantages of
proven large scale experience, high efficiency of contaminant destruction, less secondary environmental impacts and cost-effectiveness.
如果1個月做 不到全贏,即使爭取到立法會的10席直選和變相直選,即使已經明確指 出是絕不會放棄廢除功能界別的立場,也要立即否決 玉石 俱 焚 , 原 地 踏步;否則便是行差踏錯,這種一步到位、寸步不讓的策略,我尊重但 不同意,更不會放棄一步一腳印的寸土必爭。
And if we fail to attain overall victory within one month, even if we can secure 10 directly elected and de facto directly elected seats in the Legislative Council despite the explicit statement that we will absolutely not change our position towards the abolition of FCs, must we veto the package at once to destroy good and bad alike, and go nowhere, or else, we will be accused of having made a mistake?
我們從不同的渠道爭取應有的權益,發表意見,其實絕對是應該 的,但卻不能玉石俱焚或兩敗俱傷的方法,令大家的聲音無法被聽 見,或令大家所爭取的最後也化為烏有。
However, we should not act in such a way that no one will come out winners or neither side gains. In the end, none of our voices can be heard, or everything is back to square one.
那麼,我們現時並沒有這種權力,而只可 玉石 俱 焚 地 選 擇是否 接納時,是否便沒有出現爭拗呢?
They said that if the Legislative Council were given the power to make such amendments, it would only lead to disputes every time. Then can we say that there is no dispute when we do not have such power now and we can only choose the total destruction approach of taking it or leaving it?




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