

单词 玉林地区

See also:


Yulin prefecture level city in Guangxi

林地 n

forest n
woodlands pl
forest land n

地区 n

area n
region n
country n
district n
section n
place n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl

External sources (not reviewed)

中国青海玉树地区今天 遭受强烈地震,造成了 当地人民的巨大生命和财产损失。
The earthquake caused heavy losses in terms of the lives and property of the local people.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立 地区 水 观 察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in
relation to water issues,
[...] the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well [...]
as drawing on local
knowledge for the protection of the environment.
“其他土地”包括裸露的土壤、岩石、冰和不属 林地 、 耕 地 、草 场、湿地或住区类别的所有地域。
(g) “Other land” includes bare soil, rock, ice
[...] and all land areas which do not fall under the forest land, cropland, grassland, [...]
wetlands or settlements categories.
出席本次课程有FNC董事长兼总经理兼发言者的叶克强先生、培训经理 玉 英 先 生、 地 各 组 织及部级的各位女领导、同塔省劳动联合会会长范式眷女士、同塔省劳动联合会副会 林 和 盛 先生、属于行业工会,职员工会,工 区 及 经 济 区 工 会 ,各市社工会之单位工会及属于省级劳动联合会之单位工会及驻该省的中央工会等单位之逾800位工会员。
In this occasion, there was an attendance of Lecturer – Chairman of Board – President of FNC – Mr.
Diep Khac Cuong,
[...] Training Manager – Mr. Thach Ngoc Anh, delegates who are former female leaders of local Departments, Divisions, Fields, Reunions; Mrs. Phan Thi Quyen – President of Provincial Confederation of Labor and Mr. Lam Hoa Thanh – Vice President of Provincial [...]
Confederation of
Labor and especially participation of more than 800 trade union members are working at basic Trade Unions under Provincial Confederation of Labor; Central Trade Union of Branches located at provincial region.
区对林地和林 业资源的权利方面,立法已被推迟,因为社区、环境和商业利益难 以兼顾。
With respect to community rights to forest lands and resources, [...]
legislation has been delayed because of difficulties in
striking a balance between community, environmental and commercial interests.
[...] 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这地区拥有世界最大面积的红林, 提 供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number
of countries in the
[...] Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided [...]
a critical spawning
and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
开辟了总面积约2350平方米的牡丹精 区 , 扩大牡丹种植面积900平方米;并重塑了优质汉 玉 质 地 的 “ 牡丹仙子”塑像,高达5.8米;修建了牡丹仙子观花台。更新“荷花杯”为“水上回转游艇”占地约230平方米,更新“西游乐园”为“室内电光打靶”占地200平方米,更新“空中转椅”为“碰碰船”占地225平方米,新建“儿童乐园”占地336平方米。
And at the former
[...] address "Queen Wu Appreciating Flowers” Statue, which was 3.6 meters high and the foundation was 1.2 meters; opened up a Top-notch Peony Area with an area of 2,350 sq; increase peony planting area of 900 sq; remodeled quality white marble statue of “Peony [...]
Faery", 5.8 meters high;
and built Peony Faery Flower Viewing Platform; renewed “Lotus Cup” into “Aquatic Swinging Yachts” covering an area of 230 sq; renewed “Journey to the West Park” into “Indoor Lightning Shootign Practice” covering an area of 200 sq; renew “Overhead Swivel Chair” into “Bumper Boats” covering an area of 225 sq; built “Children Play Center” covering an area of 336 sq.
[...] 是在消除极端贫困和饥饿、减少艾滋病毒/艾滋病感 染、提供卫生设施和安全住房、保护 林地区 生 物多 样性、调动适用实现千年目标的官方发展援助、获取 [...]
But that is not the case with others, in particular the elimination of extreme poverty and hunger, the reduction of the spread of HIV/AIDS, access to sanitation and safe
housing, the preservation of
[...] biodiversity of forest zones, the mobilization of [...]
official development assistance that is compatible with the achievement of the MDGs,
and access to markets and to new information and communications technology.
玉树地区健康和康复项目 p. 9
Yushu Health and Rehabilitation [...]
Project p. 8
除了对森林产品不可持续的开发外,这些促成因素包括 林地 转 用 于农业、 采矿以及建设人类区和基础设施。
In addition to unsustainable
[...] exploitation of forest products, these drivers include the conversion of forest land for agriculture, for mining and for development of human settlements and infrastructure.
在热带林地区,高 碳森林被砍伐,农业密集 种植导致的土壤风干、大量化肥的使用、以及粮食运输等,都会增 玉 米 种 植的二氧化碳排放量。
In the tropics crop and plantations cultivation contributes to carbon emissions through the clearing of carbon-rich forests; soil erosion from intensive agricultural methods; [...]
the large use
of fertilisers; and the transport of feedstock.
(c) 本集團之繳入盈餘為根據(i)本集團因於一九九八年六月五日完成重組(「集 團重
[...] (ii)本公司根據集團重組而承擔當時股東郭文雨先生及其妻 林玉 鶯 女 士結欠本集團之前控股公司Corasia International [...]
(BVI) Limited(「Corasia BVI」)之債項約17,039,000港元(「該債
項」),高出本公司就此作交換而發行 之股份面值;及(iii)因削減股本產生之貸方額約112,950,000港元之差額而產生。
(c) The contributed surplus of the Group represents the difference between the aggregate of the nominal value of (i) the share capital of the subsidiaries acquired pursuant to the Group reorganisation completed on 5 June 1998 (the “Group Reorganisation”); (ii) the debt of approximately HK$17,039,000 (the “Debt”) due
by the then shareholders, Mr. Kwok Man
[...] Yu and his wife, Ms. Lam Yuk Ang, to Corasia International [...]
(BVI) Limited (“Corasia
BVI”), the former holding company of the Group, and assumed by the Company under the Group reorganisation, over the nominal value of the shares of the Company issued in exchange thereof; and (iii) the credit arising from the capital reduction of approximately HK$112,950,000.
在亚地区建立一个红林区域研 究与管理活动网络的工 作已经开始,这是支持这个濒危的生态系统工作的一 部分,也是教科文组织在太平洋地区开展的重要工 作。
Building a network of research and
[...] management activity on mangrove sites in the Asia-Pacific has begun, [...]
an important constituent of supporting
work in a critically endangered ecosystem, and of developing UNESCO’s work in the Pacific.
例如,怡安曾捐款支持青玉樹、 四川 地 震 及南 亞 地 震 和 海嘯的災民。
For example, we donated money to support the reliefs of Sichuan Earthquake and South Asia Earthquake & Tsunami.
藏族人的游牧生活依然在继续,蕴含生态环 境保护理念的社会文化习俗还在传承;但是现在更应密切关注国家 区 域 发 展规划、 自然保区建设、持续增长的城镇人口以及由此带来的一系列挑战与机遇、各式各样 的发展时机以及2010玉树大地震造 成的社会影响。
Tibetan nomadic pastoralism is still practiced, and socio-cultural norms still support a conservation ethic—but now there are also additional layers of national development plans and nature reserves to consider… together with the challenges and opportunities associated with a new town-dwelling population, a variety of development opportunities, and the continuing social aftershocks of the 2010 earthquake.
世创电子材料在美国俄勒冈州的波特兰生产基地位于威拉米特河(Willamette)和一个 地 约 20 平方公里 林区 之 间
Siltronic’s site at Portland (Oregon, USA) is located between the
[...] Willamette River and a forested area of approximately [...]
20 km².
达喀尔办事处还在致力于拟定一个在几内亚和几内亚比绍之间的 Cantanhez 森林地区建立 一跨界生物圈保护区的项目。
The Dakar Office is also working on a project
for the establishment of a transboundary biosphere reserve
[...] covering the Cantanhez Forest between Guinea [...]
and Guinea-Bissau.
[...] 及在可持续森林管理方面对其与森林有关的传统知识和习俗的保护和利用,以及 需要有更多机会获取森林资源,并进入相关市场,以支持生活在 林地区 内 外以 森林为生的土著社区的生计。
The forest instrument includes substantial recognition for the rights and needs of local and indigenous communities and addresses the protection and use of traditional forest-related knowledge and practices in sustainable forest management, and the need for enhanced access to forest resources and
relevant markets to support livelihoods
[...] of forest-dependent indigenous communities, living in and outside forest areas.
气候变化造成的不利影响、自然灾害、森林火灾、气载污染、不可持续的娱 乐地、森林区块化、外来物种入侵、将森林转为农用以及没有财政和技术资源 进行可持续森林管理等众多压力,继续在威胁全世界森林的生物多样性,从而减 少了具有生物多样性的森林所能提供的各种生态系统的货物和服务。
A number of pressures, including the negative impacts of climate change, natural disasters, forest fires, airborne pollution, unsustainable recreational use, forest fragmentation, invasive alien species, conversion of forests to agriculture and inoperative financial and technical resources for sustainable forest management implementation, continue to threaten the world’s forest biodiversity, thus diminishing the full range of ecosystem goods and services that biologically diverse forests are able to provide.
在Norte Chico的一地点存在玉米的 非结论性的证据让考古学家思考玉米农业是否帮助刺激了在大约公元前3000年到公元前1800年间沿秘鲁太平洋沿海出现的重大文化发展,玉米是哥伦布到来之前的这个大陆的重要谷物。
Inconclusive evidence
[...] of the presence of maize, an important cereal [...]
crop throughout the pre-Columbian world, at Norte Chico
sites has led archaeologists to speculate whether maize agriculture helped spur major cultural advances that occurred along the Pacific coast of Peru from roughly 3000 to 1800 B.C.
2008年1月 选定位玉门市北坪区关外关2楼,一座138平方米的房子,作为照相馆的营业场所。
January 2008 Decided on the location for the studio, a 139 m2 premises in Guanwaiguan Building 2 in Yuping District.
原訟法庭就《公職人員薪酬調整條例》(第 574章 )的司法覆核 頒布的判詞 第 81 段 引述了上 訴 法 院林玉明及 其他人 訴 律政司 [1980]HKLR 815(“林玉明案件”)所 作的裁 決。
With reference to the decision of the Court of Appeal on the Lam Yuk Ming and Others v. Attorney General [1980] HKLR 815 (Lam Yuk Ming case) quoted in paragraph 81 of the judgment of the Court of First Instance (CFI) on the judicial reviews of the POPA Ordinance (Cap. 574), Miss Margaret NG considered that the real issue decided in the case was whether the Government’s use of legislative means to change the Colonial Regulations could override the employment contracts of civil servants, but not that whether the Government had power to reduce pay by legislation.
建设中西地区1000万亩玉米膜 下滴灌工程,新增粮食生产能力100亿斤。
[...] of 1,000 acres of corn in central and western regions drip irrigation [...]
projects, new food production capacity of 100 tons.
在巴 西亚马地区、刚 果民主共和国(ERAIFT)和印度尼西亚,网络与合作伙伴之间 的合作带来了为期三年(2011-2013 年)的热林地与资 源综合管理南-南合作工 作计划。
Collaboration between networks and partners in the Brazilian Amazon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (ERAIFT) and Indonesia has resulted in a three-year (2011-2013) work plan for South-South cooperation for integrated management of tropical forest land and resources.
备选1 :为核算土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业的温室气体排放量和清除 量,缔约方应核林地、耕地、草地 、 湿 地 和 住 区 的 人 为温室气体源排放量和汇 清除量以及从土地利用类林地、耕 地 、 草 地 、 湿 地 和 住 区 的 土地利用变化产生 的温室气体源排放量和汇清除量。
2. Option 1: For the purpose of accounting greenhouse gas emissions and removals from
land use, land-use change and forestry, a Party shall account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and
[...] removals by sinks on forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands and settlements as well as greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from land-use changes from the land-use categories forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands or settlements to any other [...]
land-use category.
例如,大雨侵袭林地区可能 会造成某 个国家灾难性的山泥倾泻、大规模破坏以及数百人丧生;但是在成功养护大量森 [...]
Heavy rains hitting deforested areas, for instance, [...]
may result in disastrous mud slides, massive destruction and hundreds
of deaths in one country, whereas a neighbouring country that managed to preserve much its forest cover is hardly affected.
居住在林地区的土 著人民对土地和自然资源拥 有明确界定的权利,包括其祖先的土地归社区所有、其领土上自然资源的管理、 [...]
[...] peoples who live in forest areas have clearly defined [...]
rights to land and natural resources, including communal
ownership of their ancestral lands, management of the natural resources on their territories, the exercise of their customary laws, and the capacity to represent themselves through their own institutions.
此外,由于伊斯兰马格里布基地组织建立在非洲穆 林地区 的 中 心,由寻找 人生坐标和前途的无业青年组成,萨赫勒和西非经共体所有居民都可能陷入不稳 [...]
Furthermore, AQMI having established itself at the
[...] geographic heart of the Muslim area of Africa, [...]
made up of young populations, out of work
and seeking reference points and prospects, all the peoples of the Sahel and ECOWAS can find themselves destabilized and may provide an ideal breeding ground for recruitment and takeover.
1981年,在原吊桥位置上修建了横跨涧河,连接公园南北观 区 的 “ 玉 带 桥 ”,完成熊猫馆主体工程,新建相应的服务设施:餐馆、茶社、照相馆售货亭;安装儿童玩具“宇宙飞船”,园内有 地 花 木141种,温室花木249种。
In 1981, “Yudai Bridge” was constructed stretching over the Jianhe
River, connecting the north
[...] and south viewing areas of the park; complete the principal part of the Panda House; equipped with supporting facilities: restaurants, tea houses, photographic studio, retail kiosks; installed “Rotating Children’s Planes”(toys for children); there are 141 peony species of difference size and 249 greenhouse flowers [...]
and trees.
(b) 与区域经济共同体和非洲经委会次区域办事处合作,开 区 域 评 估研究,评价水稻 玉米 和区域价 值链的经济效益,并记录必须解决的基本问题、挑战、需要和差距,促进非 洲农业价值链的发展
(b) Conduct, in collaboration with the regional economic
commissions and ECA
[...] subregional offices, regional assessment studies to evaluate the economic benefits of rice, maize and livestock regional [...]
value chains, and to document
the underlying issues, challenges, needs and gaps that must be addressed to facilitate agricultural value chain development in Africa




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