单词 | 玉器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 玉器 noun —jade n (almost always used)less common: jades pl 玉器 —jade artifactSee also:玉 n—jade n
这一现象在玉器和伐木业中尤为普遍。 crisisgroup.org | This phenomenon is [...] particularly popular in the jade and logging industry. crisisgroup.org |
以朝下的花朵為足是痕都斯坦玉器上 常 見的事。 e-yaji.com | The inverted-flower foot is a standard [...] feature on Hindustan jade vessels, several [...]of which have a foot very similar to this one. e-yaji.com |
此外,這種玉料是很特別的,只有一系列的給朝廷雕 的 玉器 才 出 現同樣的玉。 e-yaji.com | The green of this material is quite unlike any other and appears in a series of larger objects made for the court, some of which bear credible Qianlong marks. e-yaji.com |
此外,大连也因其产量丰富的玻璃器 皿 、 玉器 、 丝绸、珠宝、工艺品、雕塑和古董花瓶而闻名于世。 shangri-la.com | Dalian is also known for its [...] abundance of glassware, jade, silk, jewellery, handicrafts, [...]sculptures and antique vases, all [...]of which can be purchased at the city’s local markets. shangri-la.com |
来北京旅游,不能错过当地特色的购物市场,如秀水街丝绸市场、潘家园、珍珠市集,在市场里可以淘到古玩、 瓷 器 、 漆具 、 玉器 、 地毯、丝绸、绘画和书法作品、手工艺品以及刺绣。 shangri-la.com | Beijing's most popular markets are the Xiushui (Silk Market), Panjiayuan and Pearl [...] Market where you can find antiques, [...] porcelain, lacquer ware, jade, carpets, silk, painting, [...]calligraphy scrolls, handicraft and embroidery. shangri-la.com |
那麼,如果我們這個想法是對的,將來我們會利用這些煙壺的某種特色來推測其 他 玉器 的 來 源。 e-yaji.com | If this was the case, then certain stylistic features may help us to decide the [...] original provenance of other wares. e-yaji.com |
不過,它很可能不是仿痕都斯坦玉器 的 所 謂“西蕃作”,因為所稱“西蕃作”的器物打磨光亮是比較閃爍的,而本壺呈現治玉傳統的琢磨光潤,沒那麼發亮。 e-yaji.com | It is possible that this bottle was made in the main [...] workshops in response to the emperor’s [...] love of Hindustan jades, since the finish [...]is consistent with the traditional polishing [...]of nephrite, whereas the known wares from the Tibetan workshop tended to have a more glittery finish. e-yaji.com |
不過,這種主題主要是乾隆晚期才最受青睬的,而在1760年以後給內廷 製 玉器 的 作 坊已達到八所,本件鼻煙壺到底是甚麼地方作的,難以得知。 e-yaji.com | The popularity of this subject during the late Qianlong period suggests the possibility that this might date from the post-1760 period, in which case [...] there were as many as eight imperial [...] facilities producing jade for the court and [...]it could have been made in any of them, [...]including the palace workshops. e-yaji.com |
乾隆時期出現比較多的帶象徵性沁染 的 玉器 , 特 別是1760年代以後。 e-yaji.com | Such token staining is quite common [...] on Qianlong jade carvings and particularly on the massive output from the 1760s onwards, when the sources of jade came under Qing rule. e-yaji.com |
鼻煙壺不算是藝術品,用處在供熱衷藏家的太太和孩子們一點消遣,不要他們在爸爸考慮唐代三彩馬或 瓷 器 、 玉器 甚 麼 的時候偏喧嘩胡鬧起來了。 e-yaji.com | They were intended not so much as objects of art but as a useful diversion for spouses and children of [...] serious collectors so they would not interrupt them when they were considering a Tang [...] horse, or a piece of porcelain or jade. e-yaji.com |
而且,痕都斯坦玉器一般 是薄壁微透,按理說,西蕃作也應該也是器壁比較薄,而本壺內膛掏得不甚徹底。 e-yaji.com | The Tibetan workshop might also have been expected to emulate the unusual thinness of the Hindustan jades which excited the emperor, whereas this example is not super-hollowed. e-yaji.com |
果實形的多半是桃子形的白玉器,而大多數是出色而素描性的雕品。 e-yaji.com | They consist of fruit forms, usually [...] peaches in white nephrite, and they are nearly [...]always masterly carvings, albeit in an understated manner. e-yaji.com |
自V&A于1852年收藏了第一批中国文物始,V&A的中国收藏品总量目前已超过了15,000件,囊括了中国各类艺术的精品,包括陶瓷制品 、 玉器 、 金 属制品、漆器、纺织品、家具、雕塑、象牙制品、竹制品、犀角、玻璃制品、绘画作品、手稿以及印刷品。 vamuseum.cn | Today, the V&A Chinese collection amounts to over 15,000 objects, with fine [...] examples from all branches of Chinese art [...] including ceramics, jade, metalwork, lacquer, [...]textiles, furniture, sculpture, ivory, [...]bamboo, rhinoceros horn, glass, paintings, manuscripts and prints. vamuseum.cn |
而且,乾隆帝的影響到了道光年間才逐漸衰弱,不帶年號款而呈現乾隆時期的風格 的 玉器 , 有 可能是乾隆帝在世以後作的。 e-yaji.com | The impetus of the Qianlong emperor’s personal interest in jade and close surveillance of jade carving style, particularly during the latter part of his reign, suggests that Qianlong quality and style would have been maintained well into the Jiaqing period, and perhaps even into the Daoguang. e-yaji.com |
第14屆香港珠寶設計比賽」是由香港貿易發展局、香港珠 石 玉器 金 銀 首飾業商會、香港珠寶玉石廠商會、香港珠寶製造業廠商會及香港鑽石總會合辦,旨在進一步提高香港珠寶的設計水平和品質及鼓勵新穎的創作意念。 lukfook.com | The 14th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition” was jointly organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong Jewellers’ & Goldsmiths’ Association, the Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association, the Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association and the Diamond Federation of Hong Kong. lukfook.com |
根據本壺和蘇作玉器的對 比,我們大膽地推定,它不是在蘇州雕的,就是蘇州來的雕匠在京師的宮廷作坊裏雕的, 而且是乾隆時期的作品。 e-yaji.com | In fact, this bottle is so stunning that we will boldly stick out our necks and guess that it was made at the imperial glassworks, with carving done by a lapidary trained at Suzhou and co-opted to the palace jade-carving workshops in the early Qianlong period. e-yaji.com |
经典馆设于馆外展区,40余家经营中西方传统艺术品的艺术机构齐聚于此,其艺术形式涵盖中国传统水墨画、工笔画、佛像、唐卡、古典家具、珠 宝 玉器 、 瓷 器 等 古 董杂项,以及西方经典油画、雕塑等。 artbeijing.net | The Classical Hall, located just outside the Contemporary Hall, will exhibit Chinese and Western traditional art works from 40 art institutions. Art forms on display will include traditional Chinese ink painting, fine [...] brushwork, sculpture, Thangka, classical [...] furniture, jewelry, jade, porcelain, and miscellaneous [...]antiques, as well as classical Western painting and sculpture. artbeijing.net |
深圳蓝景光电不但可以提供优质的LED灯饰,还能围绕见光不见灯的原理,为客户进行一对一照明设计,让客户实现科学布光,最大限度地美化店面形象,目前,深圳蓝景光电的珠宝照明灯具灯条已得到广大客户的肯定和认可,蓝景牌珠宝照明产品广泛应用到:黄金照 明 , 玉器 珠 宝照明,化妆品照明等各种珠宝产品的照明上.在LED珠宝界得到了不少的认可,未来蓝景光电还将加大开发力度,让更多的珠宝照明产品服务于广大消费者. szljgd.cn | Shenzhen Blue King optoelectronic can not only provide high-quality LED lighting, but also around to see the light but not light principle, one-on-one lighting design for customers, allowing customers to achieve scientific light cloth beautify the store image, Shenzhen Blue King affirmation and recognition of our customers optoelectronic jewelry lighting light bar has been the Blue King brand jewelry lighting [...] products are widely applied to lighting: [...] Lighting of gold, jade jewelry lighting, [...]cosmetics, lighting and other jewelry products [...]in LED jewelry industry has been a lot of recognition, future photoelectric Blue King will also intensify efforts to develop, so that the the jewelry lighting products and services in the vast number of consumers. szljgd.cn |
本年藝博館繼續與故宮博物院攜手,聯同澳門基金會、澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局、澳門日報合辦“君子比德──故宮珍藏清 代 玉器 精 品 展”,展出故宮珍藏清代宮 廷 玉器 一 百 三十四件。 yp.mo | Jointly organised by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Macao Museum of Art, Palace Museum, Macao Foundation, Macau Government Tourist Office and Macao Daily News, the exhibition entitled Noble Virtuosity: Imperial Jades of the Qing Dynasty from the Palace Museum is the major highlight of the [...] annual MAM series of [...] exhibitions, showcasing 134 items of imperial jade from the Qing Dynasty housed in the Palace Museum. yp.mo |