单词 | 玈 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 毡—felt (fabric)Examples:毛毡n—blanketn 毛毡—felt 画毡—felt desk pad for calligraphy
这家前身为教授,HEC,成为任何天才在时尚界的关键,革命性世界成功地毡的珠宝。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This former professor at HEC, become key to any genius in the fashion industry, revolutionizing world successfully felted jewelry. en.horloger-paris.com |
所有Jupiter萨克斯管均配备标准金属音色加强器、可调教喇叭毡子、升C发音,後倾降B系统、进阶喇叭支架及可移除式喇叭口。 tomleemusic.com.hk | All Jupiter saxophones come standard with metal tone boosters, adjustable bell felts, C# articulation, tilted Bb mechanism, adavanced bell brace and removable bell. tomleemusic.com.hk |
请勿在铝质或亚麻油地毡上使用漂白剂。 essa.ca | Do not use bleach on aluminum or linoleum. essa.ca |
此外,这新产品易於携带及收藏,不占地方,更可作临时流动乾燥熨烫毡使用,方便快捷,提高生产力。 luenyickhong.com.hk | Besides, easy to carry about and store up, the mat can be used as mobile ironing mat to improve productivity. luenyickhong.com.hk |
店内采用深色木材、柔软地毡及精致的铬素材,并同时糅合白色、灰色及黑色等色调,营造迷人舒适的氛围。 iwc.com | The emotional, warm ambience is underlined by the use of dark woods, soft rugs and exquisite chrome materials, blending the shades of white, grey and black. iwc.com |
在更换 油毡之前,让地板彻底乾透。 essa.ca | Let the floor dry thoroughly before replacing the linoleum. essa.ca |
另外,在Kuznetskiy 的Podium Concept Store 可找到各式各样的家居用品,例如枕头、地毡、碗碟、银器,甚至石像和花瓶等。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | In Podium on Tverskaya street one can find D&G, Seven Jeans, Paul Smith, and the Podium Concept Store on Kuznetskiy there can also be a found a vast choice of household items – pillows, rugs, dishware and silverware plus goodies like statues, vases, and more. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
与乙烯地板相比,油毡需要的维护,清洁和抛光也相对较少,因为油毡侧重於糙面精整,而乙烯地板侧重於需要更多产品和劳动力的光泽整理。 socalgas.com | Linoleum also requires less maintenance, cleaning and buffing compared to vinyl flooring because linoleum promotes a matte finish, while vinyl flooring promotes a gloss finish, which requires more product and labor. socalgas.com |