单词 | 猿类 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 猿类 noun —ape nExamples:类人猿—hominid See also:猿 n—apes pl 猿—ape
这可能导致了疫苗被黑猩猩 SIV,也就是 HIV-1 的猿类版本,污染。 vsoconsulting-cn.com | That could have resulted in the contamination of the vaccine with [...] chimp SIV, the simian version of HIV-1. vsoconsulting-cn.com |
内部泉池沿着类似縁 側的过渡空间移动;一条有遮盖的外通道,链接温泉内的所有功能。 chinese-architects.com | Within this interior world of the pools movement is guided by a transitional space operating akin to an engawa; an external covered path that links all programs within the spa. chinese-architects.com |
联合国的这项工作实际上已激励其他组织沿着 类似但却互补的路线进一步开展工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | This United Nations work has, in fact, helped to spur further work by others along similar but complementary lines. daccess-ods.un.org |
在林奈生活的时代,人们相信所有物种都是上帝创造的,而上帝创造的这个世界又是以人类为中心的,林奈将他命名的 猴 类 、 猿类 和 人 类本身都置于Primates这个目下,正反映了当时人们的自然观。 lywch.cn | Live in a time of Linnaeus, believe that all species are created by [...] God, God created this [...] world are monkeys, apes and human human-centered, Linnaeus will be named after him placed in Primates this [...]heads, is a reflection [...]of the people's view of nature. lywch.cn |
除两名发言者外,所有发言者和所有书面发言都明确支持延续该论坛,许 [...] 多人要求进行不同程度的调整和改善,而有一些人则支持沿 着 类 似 于 目前形式的 路线延续因特网治理论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | All but two speakers and all written statements explicitly supported a continuation of the Forum, with many calling for adjustments and [...] improvement in various degrees, while some supported a continuation of [...] the IGF along similar lines to its [...]current form. daccess-ods.un.org |
小型中上层物种构成了上岸量的近50%,随后是“其他沿海鱼 类”。 fao.org | The small pelagic species constitute almost 50 percent of the landings, followed by “miscellaneous coastal fishes”. fao.org |
他 强调海洋和沿海区与人类活动 对海洋生态系统的压力与日俱增之间 的关系,尽管国际社会努力制定一项全球综合海洋治理制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | He emphasized the nexus between oceans and coastal areas [...] and the ever-increasing pressures on ocean [...] ecosystems from human activities, despite [...]efforts by the international community [...]to develop a global and comprehensive governance regime for the oceans. daccess-ods.un.org |
不可持续的社会经济发 [...] 展、人口增长、不加控制的城市化和沿海开发,使 这 类 灾 难 的风险和脆弱性剧增。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The risk of and [...] vulnerability to such disasters is [...]exacerbated by unsustainable socio-economic developments, population [...]growth, and uncontrolled urbanization and coastal development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
外部伙伴关系 之一是教科文组织与联合国环境规划 署、17个分布区国家和几个非政府组 织在以防止大类人猿濒临灭绝为目的 的大类人猿保护项目(GRASP)中的 合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One example of an external partnership is that of UNESCO’s [...] collaboration with UNEP, 17 Range States, and several NGOs [...] in the Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) aiming to combat threats of imminent extinction of the Great Apes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
负责休闲渔业的政策制定者和管理者 [...] 需要获得该领域的信息以及消极影响该领域可能因素的知识(包括沿海发展、鱼 类生境修复、污染和极端气候事件)。 fao.org | Policy-makers and managers responsible for recreational fisheries need to obtain information about the sector, as well as knowledge of possible factors that affect [...] the sector negatively (including coastal [...] development, fish habitat modification, [...]pollution and extreme climate events). fao.org |
政府间海洋学委员会推动严谨的科学研究、系统观测以及为有效管 理海上和沿海地区人类活动提供的可靠服务,这是可持续发展和缓解贫困的关键因素。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The IOC’s role in contributing to sound scientific research, systematic [...] observations, and reliable services for effective [...] management of human activities in [...]marine and coastal areas is a key factor of [...]sustainable development and poverty alleviation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,环卫系统在继续恶化,不仅增加了加沙的生活公 害,而且造成每天向地中海倾倒四千万至五千万公升的未经处理或部分处理的污 水,并污染了加沙的部分供水和危及沿海水域的 鱼 类。 daccess-ods.un.org | A series of recent deaths from swine flu have caused fears of an onslaught of the disease against a population whose resistance has been reduced due to an inadequate diet and medical care, and otherwise living under constant threat.58 Further, the sanitation system continues to deteriorate, not only adding to the hazards of life in Gaza, but resulting in the dumping of 40–50 million litres per day of partially treated or untreated sewage into the Mediterranean Sea, as well as contaminating parts of the water supply in Gaza and endangering the fish in coastal waters.59 After the end of hostilities in Gaza last January, States gathered at a donor conference in Sharm el-Sheikh pledged $4.5 billion in funds for the reconstruction of Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
在大类人猿保护 项目 (GRASP)的框架内,2003 年 11 月在教科文组织总部举行了一次专家筹备会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Within the [...] framework of the Great Apes Survival Project [...](GRASP), a preparatory meeting of experts took place at UNESCO Headquarters in November 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第八届湿地缔约国会议(拉姆萨尔)正式推出了一本关于“人与生 物圈计划、世界遗产和拉姆萨尔”方面的珊瑚礁的书。2002 年也是“国际生态旅游年”, 魁北克首脑会议(2002 年 5 月)的后续活动包括:2002 年 10 月在波兰为中欧和东欧国家举 [...] 办了一期以山区生态旅游为专题的国际讲习班,环境规划署-教科文组织-世界旅游组织的旅 [...] 游可持续发展旅游组织者行动继续进行,根据新的协定与欧洲委员会开展合作,注意“ 大类 人猿生存项目”(GRASP)的生态旅游问题,环境规划署倡导了一种第二类的合作伙伴关 系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the eighth Conference of Parties on Wetlands (Ramsar), a book on coral reefs in MAB, World Heritage and Ramsar was officially launched. 2002 was also the “International Year of Ecotourism”: follow-up activities to the Quebec Summit (May 2002) included an international workshop in October 2002 in Poland for countries of Central and Eastern Europe focusing on ecotourism mountain areas, continuation of the UNEPUNESCO-World Tourism Organization Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development, collaboration with the Council of Europe [...] under a new agreement, and ecotourism [...] aspects of the Great Apes Survival Project [...](GRASP), a Type 2 partnership lead by UNEP. unesdoc.unesco.org |
20 位青年科学工作者获得了人与生物圈计划研究奖,其中半 [...] 数以上是妇女;另有 20 个奖项授予在非洲最不发达国家从事 类 人 猿 研 究 的青年科学工作者。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Twenty young scientists received MAB research awards and more than half of [...] them were women; another 20 awards were given to African young scientists [...] predominantly from LDCs for great apes research. unesdoc.unesco.org |
生态和地球科学处的能力建设活动,尤其是:地球科学;人与生物圈计划青年科 学工作者奖和青年科学工作者研究类 人 猿 补 助 金;教科文组织热带森林综合管理 地区研究生院 (ERAIFT);其它类似的补助金计划、学习中心和以生态系统为 [...] 主的培训班以及依据环境科学评估结果对政策制定者的培训;教科文组织支持 [...] 《生物多样性公约 》(CBD)交流、教育和公众宣传全球倡议(CEPA)的工作计 划;培养政府官员协调实施《生物多样性公约》(CBD)、《联合国防治荒漠化 公约》(UNCCD)和《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的能力 unesdoc.unesco.org | activities related to capacity-building in the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, especially: geosciences; [...] MAB Young Scientists [...] Awards and the Research Grants to Young Scientists on Great Apes; the UNESCO Postgraduate [...]Regional School on [...]Integrated Management of Tropical Forests (ERAIFT); other similar granting schemes, learning centres and ecosystem-based training courses, as well as training for policymakers based on the findings of scientific environmental assessments; UNESCO’s support to the Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Programme of Work of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); capacity-building for public officials in the harmonized implementation of the CBD, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD); and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些专家 从事制定全球大类人猿保护 战略和筹备拟于 2005 年召开的政府间会议的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The experts worked on a global conservation [...] strategy for great apes and the preparation [...]of an intergovernmental meeting to be convened in 2005. unesdoc.unesco.org |
海洋问题部长级圆桌会议之际,三十二名部长和二十五国的代表团聚集一堂,讨论和 强调了海洋问题对于理解气候变化、造福 人 类 , 尤 其是为沿海社区提供生态服务方面的重要 作用,以及教科文组织及政府间海洋学委员会(IOC)在支持全球海洋管理方面的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On the occasion of the Ministerial Round Table on oceans, thirty-two ministers and twentyfive national delegations gathered to discuss and highlight the vital role of oceans in understanding climate change, in providing ecological services to human well-being, and in particular to coastal communities, as well as the role of UNESCO and its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) in supporting global governance of the oceans. unesdoc.unesco.org |
预计世界上捕获的鱼类约90%来自沿海国的EEZ内。 fao.org | Some 90 percent of the world’s fish harvest is estimated to be taken within the EEZs of coastal States. fao.org |
该专家筹备 会议首次聚集了大类人猿保护 项目的所有合作伙伴(教科文组织、环境规划署和各非政府组 织),新闻界和媒体在国际范围对这些国家的活动作了大量生动的报道,例如《自然》杂志 发表了社论。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This meeting which brought together for the first time all GRASP partners (UNESCO, UNEP, NGOs) and the range States received impressive press and media coverage on the international level, as exemplified by a nature editorial. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有害藻类事件对水产养殖、人类健康和沿岸生态系统具有重要影响, 这些影响在许多地区正变得日益严重。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Development of the data management and communications subsystem will be the primary integrator of the observing system, the “life blood” of the system that links all of its components. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,大类人猿(会 使用狩猎工具的黑猩猩)的存在激发了对该保护区特有的科学好奇心,为该分地 [...] 区提供了一个促进生态旅游、以环境问题巩固和平的绝佳机遇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, the [...] presence of great apes (chimpanzees using [...]hunting tools), which constitute a unique science attraction, [...]affords the subregion a splendid opportunity to promote ecotourism and to incorporate environmental issues for the purposes of consolidating peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该项目的目标包括改善沿海生态系统的管理,为沿 [...] 海地区的家庭制定替代生计项目,加强教育,增进对 人 类 活 动 对沿海生态系统的 影响的认识,从而加强减轻这些影响的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among its objectives, the project aims to improve the management of coastal ecosystems, develop alternative livelihood projects for families in coastal [...] areas, and improve education and awareness of [...] the impact of human activities on [...]coastal ecosystems and thus strengthen the [...]capacity to mitigate the impact. daccess-ods.un.org |
在诸如大类人猿保护 等项目中,更宽泛地说,在为了解气候变化及其影响所做的总体工 作中,从空间进行地球监测的可能性是促使教科文组织加强参与各种空间活动的一个主要原 因。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The possibilities for earth monitoring from space in projects such as GRASP and, more generally, in the overall effort to understand climate change and its effects are among the main reasons that have prompted UNESCO to scale up its involvement in space activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
设立妇女、科学、技术和发展等问题的七个教科文组织教席网络、颁发教 [...] 科文组织-欧莱亚奖金和“妇女科学工作者”奖学金以及另外给非洲从 事 类 人 猿 研 究 的青年科学工作 者发放补助金都强调教科文组织在能力培养、建立和发展研究和培训网络以及推动性别平等方面的 [...]促进作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The establishment of a network of seven UNESCO Chairs dealing with issues on women, science, technology and development, the award of the UNESCO-L’Oréal prizes and scholarships “for women in science”, and the [...] allocation of additional African Young [...] Scientist Grants for great apes research, underline [...]UNESCO’s catalytic role in building [...]capacities, setting up and nurturing research and training networks, and fostering gender equality. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一是全球海洋模块,它主要探测和预测海气系统的变化、提高海洋服务 [...] 水平(由海洋观测气候专门小组领导,该气候专门小组由世界气候研究计划、全球气候 [...] 观测系统和全球海洋观测系统联合发起成立);二是沿岸模块,它主要涉及海气系统中 大尺度变化、人类活动对沿海生态系的影响以及提高海洋服务水平(由沿岸海洋观测小 [...]组领导,该小组由联合国粮农组织、国际地圈—生物圈计划和全球海洋观测系统联合发 起成立)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The observing system is being developed in two related and convergent modules: (1) a global ocean module concerned primarily with detecting and predicting changes in the ocean-climate system and improving marine services (led by the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), which is jointly sponsored by World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS); and GOOS) and (2) a coastal module concerned with the effects [...] of large scale changes in the [...] ocean-climate system and of human activities on coastal [...]ecosystems, as well as improving marine [...]services (led by the Coastal Ocean Observations Panel (COOP), which is sponsored jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and GOOS). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些海洋现象影响的对象是:(1)海上作业的安全和效 率;(2)自然灾害对人类的影 响程度;(3)沿岸生态系统对全球气候变化的敏感程度;(4) 公共健康与福利;(5)海洋生态系统状况;(6)海洋生物资源的可持续性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Achieving the important and challenging goals of these agreements depends on the ability to rapidly detect and provide timely predictions of changes1 in a broad spectrum of marine phenomena that affect (1) the safety and efficiency of marine operations; (2) the susceptibility of human populations to natural hazards; (3) the response of coastal ecosystems to global climate change; (4) public health and well being; (5) the state of marine ecosystems; and (6) the sustainability of living marine resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2011 年 4 月,该小组会议的重点如下:能力建设; 藻类 密集孳生为害对人类健康 的影响,包括人们目前了解很少的少量接触的长期影 响;有害藻类事件 、沿岸地区管理和与沿海富营养化的联系;以及气候和全球变 化对其大量繁殖的发生和后果的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 2011, the Panel meeting focused on [...] capacity-building; the [...] effects of harmful algae on human health, including the longterm effects of low-level exposure which are poorly understood; harmful algal events, coastal zone [...]management and linkages [...]with coastal eutrophication; and the effects of climate and global change on the occurrence and impact of blooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管在向小型渔户提供专属捕捞区方面取得进展,但对违规行为的投诉一直 没有断过,且所涉范围广泛,例如工业化船只违禁捕捞和其他工业造成破坏性影 响,包括采矿、港口发展、鱼类加工 、沿海水产养殖业和房地产开发,特别是与 旅游部门有关的房地产开发。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress in providing exclusive fishing zones for small-scale fishers notwithstanding, there are persistent and widespread complaints of violations, such as prohibited fishing by industrial boats and the damaging effects of other industries, including mining, port development, fish processing, coastal aquaculture and real estate development, especially linked to the tourism sector. daccess-ods.un.org |