单词 | 猴子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 猴子 noun —monkey n (almost always used)monkeys pl (often used)Examples:猴子偷桃—(coll.) grabbing sb. by the balls • "monkey steals the peach" (martial arts), distracting an opponent with one hand and seizing his testicles with the other 猴孩子—little devil See also:猴 n—monkeys pl • monkey n
看到猴子的爪 子在唐人街出售后,IR开始用他的双手手指的愿望。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After seeing a Monkey's Paw sold in Chinatown, [...] I.R. starts making wishes using the fingers of his hands. seekcartoon.com |
漁 護 署 會 繼續嚴厲 執 行該措 施 , [...] 並 會 研究其他適當的 方 法,控制野 生 猴 子 數目的 增 長 。 legco.gov.hk | The AFCD will continue to strictly enforce the feeding ban and explore other suitable measures to contain the [...] growth of the wild monkey population. legco.gov.hk |
(五 ) 理 論 上 , 一 些 疾病如 B 型 疹病毒、 狂犬病、結核 病 [...] 和 寄 生 蟲疾 病 等 都可通過與 猴 子 接觸傳染給 人 類 。 legco.gov.hk | (e) In theory, a number of diseases such as [...] Herpes B, rabies, tuberculosis and parasitic diseases could be transmitted to human [...] beings through contacts with monkeys. legco.gov.hk |
這位天才的年輕藝術家,很明顯還沉醉于兒時那迷幻世界, 籠 子 裏 的 猴子 , 草 地上的秋千,這些都讓 Swatch 腕表充滿了快樂和愉悅。 swatch.com | This talented young artist clearly keeps at [...] least one foot in the monkey-barred, swing-set [...]playground of his childhood-steeped fantasy [...]world, which makes for Swatch watches that tickle and please. swatch.com |
重要的是,初学者 博尔萨的valores 不要冒险进入 行动 [...] 低流动性,因为最终如果你不收购了著名的 “ 猴子 ” , 需要出售,并不能找到任何人谁愿意买。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | It is important that the beginner in stock exchange not venture into actions with low liquidity [...] because eventually if you do not may [...] acquire the famous "monkeys", need to sell and [...]can not find anyone who wants to buy. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
畢業熊仔最受歡迎的包括Guilliver白色淺咖啡色米色公仔穿上畢業袍畢業帽和證書,德國Nici各款畢業公仔有綿羊畢業公仔猩 猩 猴子 長 頸鹿斑馬公仔Nici白馬樹熊獅子老虎兔子小狗花貓畢業公仔,我們也有獨家Nici與法拉利聯合推出的法拉利黑馬公仔,可以穿上畢業袍十分適合送給男性。 givegift.com.hk | Popular graduation bear includes Guilliver white teddy dressed in graduation gown, hat and certificate. There is German [...] Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep [...] plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra Nici [...]teddy dolls white horse koala lion tiger [...]rabbit doggie kitten graduation dolls, we also carry the exclusive Nici Ferrari black horse doll, a perfect graduation bear for guys. givegift.com.hk |
例如,在厄瓜多尔的亚马逊河地区,开采石油和 非法伐木致使猴子、西 猯和其它动物在偏远地区寻求 庇护地,而且严重威胁到自愿过着与世隔绝生活的 [...] Tagaeri 人和 Taromenane 人等土著社区的生存。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Amazonian region in Ecuador, for [...] example, oil exploitation and illegal [...] logging have caused monkeys, peccaries and other [...]animals to seek refuge in remote areas [...]and seriously endangered the survival of indigenous communities living in voluntary isolation, such as the Tagaeri and Taromenane. daccess-ods.un.org |
反面也雕得新穎別致,猴子後邊 的洞也是利用石料中的斑紋的。 e-yaji.com | The monkey on the other side is carved [...] with equal technical and artistic flair, using the natural striations in the material [...]to form a perfect cave in front of which he sits. e-yaji.com |
在试点活动中,来自摩罗.多斯.普拉泽雷斯 、 猴子 山 (M orro dos Macacos)、摩罗.多.波莱尔(Morro do Borel)、摩罗.多.乌鲁布(Morro do Urubu)、荷欣尼亚(Rocinha)这5个低收入社区的111名青年接受了培训,学习如何应用 这种名为“联合国儿童基金会-地理信息系统(GIS)”的程序,以评估其所在社区的风险和不安全因素。 unicef.org | In the pilot initiative, 111 youth in five low-income communities – Morro dos Prazeres, Morro dos Macacos, Morro do Borel, Morro do Urubu and Rocinha – were trained to use this programme, known as UNICEF- Geographic Information System (GIS), to assess the risks and vulnerabilities in their neighbourhoods. unicef.org |
叶展建兴 - 加入她的冒险尤里邪恶的战斗机器人 猴子 , 挽 救她的某些混乱的土地。 cn.moba-app.com | Leaf Bound Lite - Join Yuri on her adventure to [...] battle evil robot monkeys, and save her land [...]from certain mayhem. moba-app.com |
滑稽的猴子正在 野生动物园摧毁一辆汽车。 funny-animal.net | Funny Monkeys are destroying [...] a car at the safari. funny-animal.net |
活动的目的就是让这些猴子的 照片进入尽可能多的国家。 worldhepatitisalliance.org | The aim of the campaign is to [...] get pictures of the monkeys in as many countries [...]as possible. worldhepatitisalliance.org |
晶须持有,而它的触电一死蝙蝠,转向他到一个吸血鬼猫;埃德加变成一个死老鼠,他发现在垃圾成一个鼠人; [...] Nassor复兴他的木乃伊的仓鼠巨像;俊明的龟雪莱被覆盖在一个增长公式,并变成一个巨大的Gamera般的怪物和Bob的 海 猴子 成 长为两栖人形怪物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The classmates separately perform their experiments, which go awry and turn the dead animals into monsters—Mr. Whiskers holds a dead bat while it is electrocuted, turning him into a vampire cat; Edgar turns a dead rat he found in the garbage into a wererat; Nassor revives his mummified hamster Colossus; Toshiaki’s turtle Shelley is covered in a [...] growth formula and turns into a giant Gamera-like [...] monster; and Bob’s Sea-Monkeys grow into amphibious [...]humanoid monsters. seekcartoon.com |
家庭生活:巴巴里猕猴生活在女性部队是公平和平等的人口由男性 和 猴子 包 括约15至30人。 zh.northrup.org | Family Life: Barbary Macaques live in troops that are fairly equally populated by males and females, and [...] consist of about 15 to 30 monkeys. northrup.org |
在Edinburgh Zoo您可以与超过1000头稀有濒危动物近距离接触,包括狮子、老虎、美洲虎、小熊猫、考拉和北极熊,而在Longleat Safari [...] Park,和您一起走在路上的有高大的长颈鹿、调皮捣蛋 的 猴子 , 以 及斑马、犀牛、老虎和狮子。 visitbritain.com | At Edinburgh Zoo you can get close to over 1,000 rare and endangered animals including lions, tigers, jaguars, red pandas, koalas and polar bears while at Longleat [...] Safari Park you’ll share the road with giant giraffes [...] and meddlesome monkeys as well as zebras, [...]rhinos, tigers and lions. visitbritain.com |
猴子丛林 这个野生动物栖息地会给游览者一个独特的角度去观 赏 猴子。 abgcorp.com | Monkey Jungle This wildlife habitat gives visitors a unique perspective of monkeys. abgcorp.com |
而小熊和猴子的手部搖動速度會隨著步行快慢而改變 combi.com.hk | Bear and monkey shake the maracas [...] and beat the drums according to the walking speed. combi.com.hk |
和细胞钙离子测定选配附件一起使用,F-7000荧光分光光度计可检测上表皮生长因子-注入COS-7细胞(从一 种 猴子 肾 脏 中萃取)在两个波长中的荧光强度值,并计算钙离子浓度。 hitachi-hitec.com | With the optional interacellular calcium measurement accessory, the F-7000 can measure fluorescence intensity values at [...] two wavelengths in EGF-injected COS-7 cells [...] (extracted from a monkey's kidney), and [...]calculate the concentrations of Ca2+. hitachi-hitec.com |
這些的寵物由猴子到猩 猩到老虎或大貓都有. englishtown.com.hk | Pets in this [...] form can range from monkeys and chimpanzees to [...]tigers and other large cats. englishtown.com |
我吃很多,这样我可以申请吉尼斯世界纪录:世界上最肥 的 猴子。 funny-animal.net | I keep eating a lot so that I can apply for a Guinness World [...] Record: the fatest monkey in the world. funny-animal.net |
尺寸和重量:包括它们的尾巴,Debraz za 的 猴子 长 到 3至5英尺长,重量约为9.5至18磅。 zh.northrup.org | Size & Weight: Including their [...] tails, Debrazza's monkeys grow to be between [...]3 and 5 ft long and weigh about 9.5 to 18 lbs. northrup.org |
拍摄本身非常疯狂,所有18位DJ展现出了旺盛的经历 , 猴子 、 蛇和鸟作为道具。 ba-repsasia.com | The shoot itself was crazy, with all eighteen DJs showing an immense amount [...] of energy, and the monkey, snake, and bird [...]acting as props. ba-repsasia.com |
如何处理猴子(5教训) - 对于那些谁不知道,这是值得给这个帐户的艾伦·Arantes,优秀管理员论坛“进取型投资者,”现实表明,“模糊”,不幸的是在股市频繁。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | How to handle a monkey (in 5 lessons) - For [...] those who do not already know, it is worth giving this account of Allan Arantes, [...]excellent administrator Forum "Aggressive Investor," a reality show that "obscure" and unfortunately frequent in the stock market. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
通过这项研究,可以得出的结论是迄今为止机能未知 的 猴子 的 内 侧前额区域,不是选择一个具体的行动,而是进行行动选择方式的选择,是与更高级层次的意识决定相关的。 tohoku.ac.jp | The group discovered that this region functions during the selection of response tactics (internally-developed protocol to select response, as opposed to “rule” that is defined externally) rather than the selection of response itself, indicating that it participates in decision making at more abstract level than simply deciding specific actions. tohoku.ac.jp |
世卫组织全球疫苗安全咨询委员会负责向世卫组织提供具有潜在全球重要性的疫苗安全问题方面的建议,自2000年8月以来,该委员会定期审查了有关硫柳汞在人类(包括低出生体重婴儿) 和 猴子 中 的 可用药动学信息,并评估了研究有关硫柳汞与人类神经发育障碍(如自闭症)相关性的动物模型的正确性。 who.int | Since August 2000, the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), responsible for advising WHO on vaccine safety issues of potential global importance, has periodically reviewed available information on thiomersal pharmacokinetic [...] studies in humans (including low [...] birth-weight infants) and in monkeys and has assessed [...]the validity of animal models in studying [...]associations between thiomersal and neuro-developmental disorders (such as autism) in humans. who.int |
從人類和實驗動物( 例如大鼠、小鼠、豚鼠、倉鼠和猴子) 所得的資料 顯示,甲基汞會對神經系統造成影響,嚴重程度視乎劑量和對甲基汞的 [...] 敏感程度而定。 cfs.gov.hk | Both data from human and experimental animals, such as rats, mice, guinea [...] pigs, hamsters and monkey indicated that MeHg [...]causes subtle to severe neurologic effects [...]which depends on dose and individual susceptibility. cfs.gov.hk |
不同于其它动物园被困笼中的猴子, 这里 的 猴子 可 以 自由的漫步在公园里,游客可以在特定的小路上观 赏 猴子 蹦 来 蹦去,在树丛中穿梭,或者和同类互动。 abgcorp.com | Instead of being locked in cages, the monkeys roam freely about the park, while visitors can watch them from caged pathways as they scamper [...] around, swing from trees, and interact with one another. abgcorp.com |
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆 与 猴 面 包 树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。 clarinsusa.com | By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions. clarinsusa.com |