单词 | 猱 | ||||||||||
释义 | 猱—brisk and nimbleless common: macaque (zoology) scratch 沱—tearful branch (of river) Examples:沱茶—dome shaped tea-brick caked tea 涕泗滂沱—broken-hearted and weeping bitterly a flood of tears and mucus 滂沱—pouring flooding 滂沱n—bucketn 沱沱河—source of Changjiang or Yangtze river 滂沱大雨—torrents of rain [idiom.]
滂沱大雨把㆞面的表土,甚至 底土冲入溪涧㆗,淤塞情况便会出现。 legco.gov.hk | Siltation occurs when heavy rain falls and washes away the topsoil and even subsoil into the streams. legco.gov.hk |
在大雨滂沱时,水塘收集所得的雨水或会满溢。 devb.gov.hk | At the time of heavy downpours, overflow of rain-water collected at reservoirs may occur. devb.gov.hk |
代理主席,在天水围的家境清贫学生,由於家里要节省交通开支,竟读 至中五也从未踏足文化中心,我认为这是不公道的;80 岁曾经为香港经济作 过贡献的长者,在滂沱大雨下执纸皮,每斤卖 7 毫,而且还要买一些烂菜或 过期食物来维生,我认为这也是不公道的;不少综援家庭没有钱购置电脑, 或未能负担安装宽频上网的费用,令他们在学的子女未能跟其他同学一样, 上网做功课,我认为这亦是不公道的。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, it is unfair that students from poor families in Tin Shui Wai have never visited the Cultural Centre because of the need to save the transport expenses; it is unfair that an 80-year-old elderly, who has contributed to Hong Kong economy, has to collect cartons in heavy rain and sell them for 70 cents a catty and, what is more, buy scraps of vegetable or expired food to support their living; and it is also unfair that many CSSA families cannot afford to purchase computers or install broadband facilities such that their children cannot, like other students, do their homework on the Internet. legco.gov.hk |
对於储 备 的 运 用 ,财政司司长在 1996 年 发 表 任 内 第一份 的 财政预算案时曾 加以解 释 , 说 财政储 备并非 用 以应付 目 前遇到的 轻 微 骤雨, 而是用 以应付 滂沱大 雨 , 以表达 他不可以轻易动用储 备 的理财 原 则。 legco.gov.hk | In 1996, when he presented his first Budget, the Financial Secretary, to express his fiscal management principle against dipping into the reserves without careful consideration, gave an explanation on the use of the reserves. legco.gov.hk |
上月底,2 000名幼师和家长冒着黄色暴雨下 的滂沱大雨上街,到政府总部请愿,递交6 000个幼师的签名。 legco.gov.hk | At the end of last month, 2 000 KG teachers and parents took to the streets amidst the amber rainstorm warning and pouring rain and went to the Government Headquarters to submit the petitions of 6 000 KG teachers. legco.gov.hk |