

单词 献身

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然而,让 人充满希望的是,教师得到了应对这些挑战的培训,他们 献身 精 神 使特别报告 员相信,这些孩子将有一个光明的未来。
There is hope, however, as teachers are trained in dealing with such challenges, and their commitment reassures the Special Rapporteur that these children have a bright future.
另外两位离任委员――巴巴拉·威尔 逊女士和安杰伊·热平斯基先生,委员会对他们 献身 精 神 和作出的努力表示感 谢。
Two outgoing members were thanked for their dedication and effort: Mr. Andrzej Rzeplinski and Ms. Barbara Wilson.
结果,监狱工作人员的工资仍然很低,他们缺 献身精 神,并且容易腐败。
As a result, penitentiary staff remain severely underpaid, undedicated and susceptible to corruption.
教科文组织的总 部外工作人员在近距离为会员国提供服务的工作中,敬 献身 的 实 例比比皆是,在国家、分 地区和地区层面上开展的许多工作也值得高度赞赏。
Indeed, many are the examples of UNESCO field staff’s devotion to their responsibilities of proximity service to Member States, and many are its regional, subregional and national actions that are highly appreciated.
有必要对青 年等愿意专献身环境 治理的群体进行投资。
There is a need to invest in people, in particular youth, who are dedicated and willing to commit themselves to environmental governance.
纳尔逊·曼德拉是我们这个时代的典范,我们对这一 决议草案表示欢迎,因为该决议寻求确保他的价值 观,包括他致力于民主和保护人权以及为服务于人类献身的精 神,今后将继续引导我们以及我们的后 代。
Nelson Mandela is a role model for our times, and we welcome this draft resolution, as it seeks to ensure that his values, including his commitment to democracy and the protection of human rights, as well as his dedication to the service of humanity, will continue to guide us and our children for years to come.
几位发言者认为,要使跨学科方法具有实效,需要有专门的组织机构、 献身 精 神 的员工、专用预算、 有效的项目管理以及明确的职责关系。
Several speakers were of the opinion that to be effective, intersectorality would require specific organizational structures, dedicated staff, dedicated budget allocations, effective project management and clear lines of responsibility and accountability.
在目前时刻,面对在我们眼前发生的非常具体的 全球失业问题,我们必须协同努力,以我们的同情心献身精神抵挡把每个人——特别是年轻人——获 得体面工作酬劳的权利剥夺一空的海啸。
At this time, on the very specific issue of global unemployment that is exploding before our eyes, we must unite our efforts, our compassion and our dedication to reverse the tsunami that is washing away the rights of every individual — and especially of young people — to have a decent paying job.
最后,我谨向近东救济工程处和其他组织不顾自 己生命危险帮助巴勒斯坦人民的男女工作人员传达 本委员会的崇高敬意和诚挚感谢,赞扬他们在加沙极 端危险的战争情况下开展工作的勇气 献身 精 神
Tribute should be paid to the courage and devotion shown in their work under the extremely dangerous conditions of war in Gaza.
赞扬经常甘愿自己冒重大危险而参加人道主义行动的人员,尤其是当地征聘 工作人员的勇气献身精神
Commending the courage and commitment of those who take part in humanitarian operations, often at great personal risk, especially locally recruited staff
最后,我谨衷心感谢我的特别代表赫迪·阿纳比和联海稳定团的男女工作人 员们为海地稳定进程展现出的勇气 献身 精 神,并感谢为维和行动提供部队和警 察的各国政府。
I would like to conclude by expressing my sincere gratitude to my Special Representative, Hédi Annabi, and to the men and women of MINUSTAH for their courage and dedication to the stabilization of Haiti, as well as to those Governments which have provided troops and police to the operation.
这促 使 他献身于结束贫困的事业。
This inspired him to commit himself to ending poverty.
最后,我们对部署在世界各地的维和人员 献身 精神、勇气和牺牲表示敬意,并向每一个部队派遣国 的人民和政府表示由衷的感谢和赞赏。
Finally, we salute the dedication, courage and sacrifices of the peacekeepers deployed in peacekeeping operations around the world, and we express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the peoples and Governments of each and every troopcontributing country.
欧洲联盟赞扬近东救济工程处工作人员和管理 层献身精神 ,他们通常在困难或危险的条件下向 巴勒斯坦难民提供基本的服务。
The European Union commended the commitment of the Agency’s staff and management who, often in difficult or dangerous conditions, provided essential services to Palestine refugees.
几个月前与塞雷娜交谈时,我被她宽广的心怀和对儿童事业 献身 精 神深深地感动了。
In her new role, Colombia-born Shakira will travel to see first-hand the struggle of millions of children in developing countries.
最后,我感谢我的特别代表阿图尔·哈雷发挥的领导作用,并赞扬联东综合 团和联合国国家工作队的所有人员表现 献身 精 神,进行坚决努力,与东帝汶人 民结成紧密的伙伴关系,来推动东帝汶的和平与稳定事业。
In conclusion, I would like to thank my Special Representative, Atul Khare, for his leadership and congratulate all the men and women of UNMIT and the United Nations country team for their dedication and determined efforts, in close partnership with the Timorese people, to advance the cause of peace and stability in Timor-Leste.
他领导的小组献身精神 、努力 的工作和条理清晰的报告(S/2008/813)值得我们的 称颂。
His panel deserves our full appreciation for its dedication, hard work and well-articulated report (S/2008/813).
澳大利亚联席主席Bowen 部长对难民署工作人员献身精神 表示敬意,并 强调难民公约仍然是国际保护的基石。
The Australian Co-Chairperson, Minister Bowen, paid tribute to the dedication of UNHCR staff and highlighted that the Refugee Convention remained the cornerstone of the international protection system.
3)Ḥullin(“亵渎”,也称为“SheḥiṭatḤullin”=“屠宰 献身 动 物 ”),十二个章节,主要是与屠宰和withother有关规则吃的肉类交易的法律。
(3) Ḥullin ("Profane"; called also "Sheḥiṭat Ḥullin" =
[...] "Slaughtering of Non-Consecrated Animals"); twelve [...]
chapters; deals chiefly with the laws for
slaughtering and withother rules relating to the eating of meat.
认识到罗梅罗主教的价值以及他对人类事业的奉献,他作为一个人道主义者 在武装冲突献身于捍卫人权、保护生命和促进人的尊严的事业,他不断地呼吁对 话,反对所有形式的暴力以避免武装对峙,由此导致他于 1980 年 3 月 24 日逝世
Recognizing the values of Monsignor Romero and his dedication to the service of humanity, in the context of armed conflicts, as a humanist dedicated to defending human rights, protecting lives and promoting human dignity, his constant calls to dialogue and his opposition to all forms of violence to avoid armed confrontation, which consequently led to his death on 24 March 1980
修建印度门是为了纪念在第一次世界大战中英勇牺牲的印度和英国士兵,以及在第三次印阿战争 献身 的 印 度军人。
The India Gate was built to commemorate the Indian and British soldiers who died in World War 1, and those who fell in the Third Afghan War.
献身于实 验音乐,并且第一个用电小提琴表演实验音乐(在上世纪80年代)。
She has dedicated her life [...]
to experimental music and is the first performer to use electric violin (which was build for her in the 80′s).
巴基斯坦代表团希望对联 合国工作人员在个人安危受威胁时仍然对本组织作 出无私贡献表示赞扬,同时向那些为和平事 献身的 工作人员,包括自 1960 年代以来在执行公务时牺牲 的 100 多名巴基斯坦维和人员表示敬意。
His delegation wished to honour United Nations staff members for their devoted service to the Organization, despite the threat to their personal safety, and to pay tribute to those who had sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace, including the more than 100 Pakistani peacekeepers who had died in the line of duty since the 1960s.
(g) 知识丰富、技术熟练而献身致志的公务员,执行与确保法制、司法、 审计和行政管制有关的职能。
(g) Public servants who are knowledgeable, skilled and committed in executing functions related to ensuring law and order, justice, audit and administrative control.
有许多事业可以让我愿意为它献身 , 但 是没有一个事业可以让我为它杀人。
There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for.
几个月前与塞雷娜交谈时,我被她宽广的心怀和对儿童事业 献身 精 神深深地感动了。
We want not only their names but their hearts, and talking with Serena a few months ago I was just so impressed by how big her heart is, and how devoted she is to the cause of children,” he said.
职业培训和教育部门的主要目的,是把发展持续培训作为促进和加强人 力 资源的一种 手段,作为与 主要活动 部 门 的 伙伴发 展 关 系 的一种 手段, 除其他 外 ,以鼓励学献身于和 加入经济行业,提供适应 劳 动 力 市场需 求 和社会融 合的 培训。
The main objectives of the vocational training and education sector are the development of continuous training as a means of promoting and enhancing human resources, and the development of relations with partners in major sectors of activity, in order, inter alia, to encourage the commitment and accession of trainees to the economic sector and to provide training suited to the demands of the labour market and to social integration.
教宗引用圣若翰洗者,宗徒们及亚尔斯堂区主任司铎圣若翰维雅纳响应天主召叫的实例,强调司铎生活 献身 生 活 为作有效见证所应具备的三个要素:(一) 司铎献身者应与基督保持亲切的友谊 │ 这是最基本的要素;(二) 司铎献身者应 为天国的缘故,把自己完全奉献给天主;(三) 司铎之间,以献身者之 间,应彼此共融团结、衷诚合作。
Citing the calling of St. John the Baptist, the apostles and St. John Mary Vianney, the Cure of Ars,
the Holy Father
[...] highlights three aspects essential to an effective witness in priestly and consecrated lives: (1) as a fundamental element, a priest or consecrated person must maintain a close friendship with Christ; (2) complete gift of oneself to God, for the sake of the Kingdom of God; (3) fraternal communion and co-operation between priests and between consecrated persons themselves.
强调提名单位的重要性,这些单位将负责提名联合执行监督委员会的委员和 候补委员,这些人应具备所需的资历、有足够的时间和愿意在委员会任职及履行 职责献身精神 ,以确保委员会具备应有的专门知识,尤其是在财务、环境和联 合执行的规章事务和领导决策方面的专门知识,能够有效地开展工作, 请愿意参加联合执行项目的缔约方,凡尚未按照第9/CMP.1 号决定附件中的 联合执行指南1第20 段提供信息者,向秘书处提供有关信息
Stressing the importance of constituencies nominating members and alternate members to the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee who have the required qualifications, sufficient time and the commitment to serve on the Committee and perform their functions, in order to ensure that the Committee has the necessary expertise in, inter alia, financial, environmental and joint implementation regulatory matters and executive decision-making, and works in an effective manner, 1.




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