单词 | 猥獕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 猥獕—vulgarless common: despicable abject See also:猥adj—humbleadj 猥—rustic plentiful
星光公司成立于1985年,现有汕头市星光塑胶有限公司、汕头市新星光塑胶有限公司、汕头市乐途文具有限公司等企业。 st3d.com | STARLIGHT Company was founded in 1985, consisting of: Shantou Starlight Plastics Co. st3d.com |
另一方面,民政事务局亦可与广 东省人民政府文化局合作,聯络潮汕地区的剧团,安排每年 一次的香港盂蘭节盛会唱戏表演。 forum.gov.hk | Furthermore, HAB should collaborate with the Bureau of Culture under the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government in liaising with the opera troupes in Chaozhou and Shantau areas to arrange for singing and performing activities in the annual Yun Lan Festival. forum.gov.hk |
可以通过以下途径购买兰博基尼 2011 年秋冬系列产品:兰博基尼位于圣亚加塔•波隆尼、洛杉矶、温哥华、墨尔本、柏林、香港、成都、重庆和汕头的精品旗舰店;全球 120 家兰博基尼汽车经销商店铺以及兰博基尼网上商城 Lamborghinistore.com。 lamborghini.com | The Autumn/Winter 2011 collection is available at the flagship boutiques in Sant’Agata Bolognese, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Melbourne, Berlin, Honk Kong, Chengdu, Chong Qing and Shantou, as well as at the 120 Lamborghini dealerships worldwide and online at the Lamborghinistore.com. lamborghini.com |
除了展示一系列富有实验意味的新媒体艺术外,更循环播放2008年「Arc Electronica」的得奖短片,与及汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院的优秀作品。 think-silly.com | Apart from the main venue, Microwave also set up a ‘Project Room Exhibition’ in the Hong Kong Film Archive exhibition hall showcasing new media art, award-winning short film ‘Arc Electronica’ and a selection of work from Shantou University Cheung Kong School of Art & Design. think-silly.com |
彼亦为香港广东汕 尾同乡会总会永远名誉会长。 cre8ir.com | He is also Permanent Honorary Chairman of the Confederacy of Hong Kong Shanwei Clansmen Limited. cre8ir.com |
... 汕头市欧格包装机械有限公司是广东省民营科技企业、国家高新技术企业,专注于涂布和印刷等软包装技术的研究和应用,现已形成了光学级高精密涂布生产线、宽幅卫星式柔版印刷机等特色产品,具有先进的研发理念和自主开发创新能力,成为中国同行业领先和最具成长性企业。 sino-corrugated.com | Ltd. is a Guangdong private-owned enterprise, national high-tech enterprise ,focus on research and application of coating and printing etc. Soft packing technology...Shantou Olger Packing Machinery Co, . sino-corrugated.com |
东亚中国於2012年分别在昆明及寧波开设2间分行,并在全国开设8间支行,当中包括於广东省的顺德、湛江、汕头及佛山开设的4间異地支行。 stock.pingan.com.hk | BEA China opened 2 new branches in 2012, in Kunming and Ningbo, as well as 8 new sub-branches including 4 “cross-location” sub-branches in Shunde, Zhanjiang, Shantou, and Foshan in Guangdong Province. stock.pingan.com.hk |
汕头市骏荣汽车销售服务有限公司 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Shantou Junrong Motors Sales & Service Co. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
李嘉诚先生与Philippe Kourilsky教授会面,一同出席的尚有(右起)巴斯德研究所执行副所长Michele Boccoz女士、汕头大学医学院/香港大学医学院联合流感研究中心主任管轶教授、法国驻港总领事孟嗣德先生和上海巴斯德研究所所长Vincent Deubel先生。 lksf.org | Joining the meeting of Mr Li Ka-shing and Professor Philippe Kourilsky are (from right) Ms Michele Boccoz, Executive Vice-President of Institut Pasteur; Professor Quan Yi, Director of the Joint Influenza Research Center of Shantou University Medical College and Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong; Mr Serge Mostura, Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Mr Vincent Deubel, General Director of Institut Pasteur of Shanghai. lksf.org |
广东太格尔电源科技有限公司成立于1998年,位于汕头市潮南区司马浦溪美朱太格尔科技园内,是一家从事可充电手电筒、LED手电筒、LED头灯、LED小台灯、电蚊拍、随身电源、应急灯、耳机八大系列的集开发、设计、生产、销售于一体的生产企业。 st3d.com | Ltd established in 1998, located Taigeer Industrial Village, Xime Zhu SiMaPu, ChaoNan Town, SanTou City, and specialized in Rechargeable Torch Light, Led Torch, LED Reading Lamp, Mosquito Killer Bat , Power Supply of Personal Stereo, Emergency Lamp, Fire Emergency Lamp etc, and is combining w... st3d.com |
如预算文件(A/64/685)第 21 段所示,一些工程,例如建造社区警务中心、 通往特大营地的沥青路以及直升机停机坪,已经超过其预定的完成日期,并将延 续到 2011/12 年度,原因是:工程能力有限且缺乏必要的技术资料;在某些情况 下,授予合同后仍未解决土地问题;安全方面的制约因素延误了调动承包商进入 工地的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | As indicated in paragraph 21 of the budget submission (A/64/685), some of the projects, such as the construction of community policing centres, asphalt access roads to supercamps and helipads, have slipped beyond their expected completion dates and will continue into 2011/12, owing to a lack of necessary technical information as a result of capacity constraints in terms of engineering; land issues, which in some cases have remained unresolved after the awarding of contracts; and security constraints that have delayed the mobilization of contractors to the sites. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是,多年建设项目将在本预算期间完成,整个项目中包括建设计划的 38 个军事营地、19 个建制警察部队营地和宿舍,以及建设 70 个社区警务中心、 进出特大营地的沥青道路和 34 个直升机停机坪,这些项目已超过其预期的完工 日期,原因除其他外包括在确定土地和获得政府许可方面遇到尚未解决的困难, 以及安全方面的制约因素延误了承包商进入工地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the multi-year construction project will be completed during the budget period, which in its entirety includes the construction of the planned 38 military camps, 19 formed police unit camps and living accommodations, as well as the construction of 70 community policing centres, asphalt access roads to super-camps and 34 helipads, which have slipped beyond their expected completion dates, owing, inter alia, to unresolved difficulties in identifying land and obtaining governmental permits, as well as to security constraints that have delayed the mobilization of contractors to the sites. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近的一项研究开发了一种负离子橡胶改性沥青,可大量消耗废旧轮胎,改善道路及其周边环境,有益人体健康,具有巨大的经济和社会效益。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The Anion rubber-modified asphalt developed in this study can consume a large amount of waste tires, improve the pavement as well as its surrounding environment; it is beneficial to human health; moreover, it possesses a huge social and economic benefits. chinese.eurekalert.org |
二零零五年十月获任命为汕头大 学财务顾问。 cre8ir.com | In October 2005, he was appointed as the financial adviser of Shantou University. cre8ir.com |
新信荟智中标龙山中学网上巡查系统建设项目 汕尾市政府采购管理办公室2010年5月4日发出陆丰市龙山中学“网上巡查系统建设”(招标编号:LFCGZX2010—12)项目中标公告:广州市新信荟智信息产业有限公司以人民币555280元中标该项目。 timeless.com.hk | XinXinHuiZhi won the LongShan Secondary School Web Invigilation System Project 4 May 2010, ShanMei Municipal Government Procurement Management Office issued a tender award notice : GuangZhou XinXinHuiZhi Information Property Limited won the LongShan Secondary School Web Invigilation System Project (Tender Reference: :LFCGZX2010-12) at RMB555,280. timeless.com.hk |
此外,该成员认为民政事务局应聯络盂蘭胜会的有关 团体和潮汕籍社团,作全港性普查,为申报资料作好准备。 forum.gov.hk | The member added that the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) should liaise with the relevant organisations including Chaozhou and Shantau associations to conduct a territory-wide survey to get better prepared for the submission. forum.gov.hk |
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本次工程建设在天津、石家庄、呼和浩特、太原、昆明、兰州、阿克苏、珠海、深圳、武汉、长沙、郑州、桂林、南宁、海口、三亚(2)、湛江、汕头、重庆、贵阳、拉萨、济南、青岛、南京、杭州、合肥、南昌、福州、厦门、温州、宁波、长春、哈尔滨、大连等34个物理节点安装多业务板卡、思科3560、思科2851等设备;北京网控中心试验室、首都机场、北京ACC、上海虹桥、上海ACC、广州白云(旧)、广州白云(新)、广州ACC等跟随当地其他节点一起安排工程;在9个原有节点主控板升级、6个新增节点、一级节点三个和北京总局空管局等节点安装网络设备MGX8830/B;在北京及上海节点安装MPLS/VPN网管、安全产品及部分节点光端机扩容等。 surekam.com | In this project, multi-service cards, Cisco 3560 switch, Cisco 2851 router and other devices are installed at 34 physical nodes in Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hohhot, Taiyuan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Aksu, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Guilin, Nanning, Haikou, Sanya (2), Zhanjiang, Shantou, Chongqing, Guiyang, Lhasa, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Changchun, Harbin and Dalian. surekam.com |
本研究工作由教席主持人查建中教授全面负责、指导和主持,由北京交通大学博士生冯 磊担任项目经理并承担主要研究工作,教席助理何永汕、北京交通大学博士生比利时鲁汶工 程联合大学助理教授 Lambda Verdonck 等参加了调研和撰写报告工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This research work has been directed by the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair, Prof. Cha Jianzhong, who is totally responsible for this project and is the principle investigator. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由2008年5月18日起,汕头及中山之电话号码将更改为8位数字,汕头将於原有7位数字之电话号码前加上「8」;中山将於原有「2」或「3」开头之7位数字电话号码前加上「2」,其他号码则加上「8」。 hkbn.net | With effective from 18st May, 2008, the numbering plan in the city of Shan Tau will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the prefix “8” to the original 7-digit phone numbers. hkbn.net |
近年来承担的主要设计项目有闵东地区海光缆线路工程设计;中国移动公司上海分公司长兴岛——崇明岛48芯过江光缆工程设计;青草沙水库光缆保护工程设计;61398部队江杨北路五洲大道等通信管道工程设计;联通宁波分公司本地传输网工程设计;井宝大厦无线室内覆盖工程设计;汕头国际海缆雷达系统扩容项目的勘察设计等。 cscc.com.cn | In recent years, our major design projects are Mindong Area submarine cable project, China Mobile Shanghai Branch Changxing Island - Chongming Island 48 core cross-the-river submarine cable engineering, Qingcaosha reservoir cable maintenance engineering, 61398 troops communication pipeline design of Jiang Yang Road Wuzhou Avenue, local transmission network engineering of Unicom Ningbo Branch, Jinbao Building indoor wireless coverage engineering, expansion project of Shantou International submarine radar system, etc. cscc.com.cn |
汕头同创文具经营品牌:汕头同创办公用品商行销售的产品品牌主要有:五千年、钊盛、齐心、树德、富得快、金得利、晨光、张小泉、3M、施乐、远生、三木、得力、德贤、英雄、上汇、卡西欧、汉高、劲量、晶密、唯融、云广、飞利浦、sony、万事达、亚信、树德、源兴、工字牌、派克、至优、益而高、威狮、三菱、日本旗牌(雅丽牌)、乐普生、晨奇、canon、epson、惠普等办公文具及办公耗材。 chinatrader.ru | Shantou tongchuang Stationery Brand: Shantou Office Supplies Firm Genesis brand products sold are: five thousand years, Zhao Sheng, united, Shuter, rich quickly, Jindeli, dawn, Zhang Koizumi, 3M, Xerox, far Health, Miki, Deli, German-yin, the hero, the sinks, Casio, Henkel, Energizer, GEMET, the only financial, Yunguang, Philips, sony, MasterCard, AsiaInfo, Shuter, Lite, work plate, Parker, to excellent, beneficial and high Weishi, Mitsubishi, Japan's flag card (Alice Brand), Lepusheng, Chen Qi, canon, epson, HP and other office stationery and office supplies. chinatrader.ru |
李嘉诚先生与Philippe Kourilsky教授会面,一同出席的尚有汕头大学医学院/香港大学医学院联合流感研究中心主任管轶教授和法国驻港总领事孟嗣德先生。 lksf.org | Joining the meeting of Mr Li Ka-shing and Professor Philippe Kourilsky are Professor Guan Yi, Director of the Joint Influenza Research Center of Shantou University Medical College and Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, and Mr Serge Mostura, Consul General of France in Hong Kong. lksf.org |
按规划,明年广东省将在广州、东莞佛山、中山、肇庆、汕头等市建设总里程1500公里、规模约10万盏的LED路灯示范推广工程。 meibowtdg.com | According to plan, next year in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Shantou City, building the total mileage of 1,500 kilometers, the size of about 10 000 of LED street lamp demonstration project. meibowtdg.com |
汕头市计划在2014年年底前普及公共领域的LED照明,加快普及社会应用LED照明,通过一系列应用工程的实施,实现照明节能50%以上。 jxlcd.com | Shantou plan by the end of 2014 public awareness in the field of LED lighting, LED lighting to speed up the popularization of social applications, through a series of application engineering, lighting energy saving more than 50%. jxlcd.com |
汕头LED产业技术创新联盟由该市9家行业骨干企业发起,联盟成立后将凝聚整合企业、科研院校、服务机构等社会资源,以企业为主体,在原材料制备、关联产品供应、关键装备研制、产品售后服务等价值链环节实现联合攻关、分工协作、联合互动、互利共赢。 jxlcd.com | Shantou LED industry technology innovation alliance launched by the city nine industries backbone enterprises, the alliance was founded after will promote integrated enterprises, scientific research institutions, service organizations and other social resources, with enterprises as the main body, in preparation of raw materials and related products supply, and key equipment, product after-sales service, such as value chain link to realize joint research, collaboration, the joint interaction, mutual benefit and win-win results. jxlcd.com |
有关创兴银行有限公司 创兴银行有限公司(「创兴银行」)(香港联合交易所股份代号:1111)於1948年创立,现於 香港设有总行及46间分行,另於香港以外设有3间分行(分别位於汕头、澳门及三藩市)及2 间代表处(分别位於广州及上海)。 chbank.com | In addition to the Head Office in Hong Kong, CHB currently operates a network of 46 local branches as well as three branches (one in each of Shantou, Macau and San Francisco) and two representative offices (one in each of Guangzhou and Shanghai) outside Hong Kong. chbank.com |