

单词 猜忌

See also:


fear v
scruple v

give up sth.
be jealous of
avoid or abstain from

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的政策,拒絕公眾的知情權和參與權,就只會招致更多 猜忌 和 不滿,也會損害政府 的形象。
If the Government works behind closed doors when formulating policies which have far reaching effects on people's livelihood and refuses to allow the public to exercise their right to
know and right of
[...] involvement, more conjectures and discontents [...]
will arise and the image of the Government will be tarnished as well.
局長身 為 這個機構的 管 理人 ─ 我當他 是 董 事長 ─ 在 面 對機構 出 現這麼多 猜疑的文化 ,大家互猜忌, 互 不 信 任 , 他要如何 整 頓 呢 ?
As the Secretary is the manager of these NGOs ― I would consider him the managing director ― how can he restore order in the midst of a rising culture of mistrust, mutual suspicion and distrust?
不公開資料只會減低市民參與的興緻,增加市民對政府 猜忌 , 絕不是㆒個民主開 放的政府所應做的事。
This is absolutely not something that a democratic and open government should do.
他们的不作为可能导致丧失目前的和平机会,并使该 地区再次陷入暴力猜忌的循环。
Their inaction may cause the present opportunity for peace to be lost and lock the region once again in cycles of violence and mistrust.
我在兩星期前在NOW TV跟泛民一位溫和的學者討論時,也有一位 支持公投的學者,他顯得有很猜忌。
At a NOW TV programme held two weeks ago, I had a discussion with a moderate academic.
如果有的話,這做法是 阻礙溝通的渠道,更加充分體現了不信任和不理智 猜忌 心 態 ,將友好和公正的溝通接 觸都扭曲了。
This practice, if it exists, indeed blocks the communication channels and also embodies the distrust and nonsensical suspicion mentality.
事实上,六十多年来,甚至自《联合国宪章》通 过的 65 年来,各国政府代表以及相关民间社会组织,
[...] 都在制定基本生存法则的各种各样政治矛盾中,猜 忌、争论和最终的分裂中,互相争斗。
The truth is that for more than 60 years, or even 65 years, since the adoption of the Charter was considered, the representatives of Governments, with civil society organizations involved, have fought among themselves amid political
contradictions of all sorts in devising basic rules of
[...] existence, amid suspicions, controversies [...]
and, finally, division.
把 核武器加到这一局势中,只会加剧现 猜忌 与 恐 惧。
To add nuclear weapons to that situation only reinforces existing mistrust and fear.
2005年的政改及2010年的政改,大家都看到,在互不信任及惡鬥 的情況下,政府秘密地與不同黨派“密斟”,除了造成不必要 猜忌及 互 相攻訐外,政府為了奪得支持票,被迫對某甲作出讓步或與某乙作 出協調,大家看到,最後的結果有兩個:一個是四大皆空,另一個則 獲得一鱗半爪,雖然有寸進,但沒有路線圖。
From the constitutional reforms in 2005 and 2010, Members can see that the Government had been holding secret talks with different political parties as there were mutual mistrust and dogfights, which caused unnecessary suspicion and mutual attacks.
與會國家之 間存在著利益和政策的分歧﹐互 猜忌。
There were differences of interests and policies
[...] between them as well as mutual jealousies.
然 而 ﹐ 實 際 的 結 果 卻 是 制 造 了 全 歐 性 的 恐 慌猜 忌 和 仇 恨 。
However, their actual result was that there was universal fear, suspicion and hatred among the various nations.
德 國 在 軍 事 ﹑工 業 方 面 的 快 速 發 展 ﹐引 起 了 英 國 的 惶 恐猜 忌 ﹐最 後 迫 使 英 國 與 法 ﹑俄 聯 盟 。
The rapid development of military and industrial power aroused British fear and suspicion which lastly drove her to ally with France and Russia.
但我相信即使作出解釋,也不能消除同事們互不信任、互 猜忌 的 問題,這是如我們 ㆒樣的不成熟政黨政治議會必須面對的。
But I understand that even with such an explanation the problem of mutual mistrust and suspicion will not be entirely resolved.
因此,目前剩㆘來的問題,只是㆗英兩 國政府是否願意基於本港未來穩定發展的切實需要,以及港㆟的意願,消除彼此間 不必要猜忌、成 見和處事程序㆖出現各方面意識形態的分歧,以務實和理智的態 度,磋商妥善的解決方法。
Now the question is: Are the Chinese and the British governments willing to discuss and find a proper solution, based on Hong Kong's real needs to have a steady development in future and the wishes of the people of Hong Kong, and to do away with needless mutual suspicion, and to take a pragmatic and rational approach to remove prejudices and ideological differences over procedural matters?
可惜很令㆟痛心的是,這個條例草案及有關的臨時措施在七月㆔十日推 出來後,實在引致現在公務員內部出現分裂 猜忌。
It is extremely sad and regrettable that the ranks of the Civil Service have split and mutual suspicion has arisen since the introduction of the Bill and the interim measure on 30 July.
這包括港府官員正式出席 預委會或其小組會議;向㆗方及預委會清楚解釋政府運作,政策制訂目的和 政策過程,以及跨越九七必須及早商議的事務範疇,好讓㆗方預委會明白港 府㆒貫運作,減少彼此間不必要 猜忌。
The contacts should include the formal attendance of the Hong Kong Government officials at meetings of the PWC and its subgroups; the offer of clear explanation to the Chinese Government and the PWC in regard to the operation of the Administration, the objectives and procedures of our policy formulation as well as the scope of those matters which require early negotiation for the sake of straddling 1997.
他與銀 行 交 涉 時,銀 行 職 員 卻 反 問 他 是 否有他認識 或知道 密 碼 的人 提 走存款 , 言 語 間 , 當 然 是 對 他 百猜忌, 而 且 堅 持 不 肯 作 出 賠償。
When he negotiated with the bank, its staff instead questioned him whether any of his acquaintances or anyone who knew the personal identification number might have withdrawn the money, hinting that they were highly suspicious of him and refusing downright to pay any compensation.
滥用安理会给予的授权来为政治 和改变政权的目的开路,这造成了安理会中相猜 忌,使 安全理事会在面对同样挑战时动弹不得、无 法作为,令安理会在推动保护平民的工作时,无法 采取坚决的行动。
Abusing the authorization granted by this Council to advance political and regime-change agendas has created mistrust within the Security Council and has led to paralysis and inaction on the part of the Security Council when faced with similar challenges and has prevented the Council from acting resolutely Civilians suffer the most in war and bear the brunt of its scourge.
事實上,有關計劃對成立同業聯盟起阻嚇作用,亦可 顛覆現存同業聯盟的運作,因為可引起同業聯盟成員之間的不信 任猜疑。
In practice, the programme has a deterrent effect on cartel formation, and destabilizes the operation of existing cartels as it seeds distrust and suspicion among cartel members.
[...] 則搜尋備份存檔中的多個檔案時,您要花費很多時間試 猜 測 哪 一個過期備份可以刪除,但又 不會遺失重要資料。
Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on
exploring multiple files in your backup
[...] archives, trying to guess which of the outdated [...]
backups can be deleted without losing important data.
[...] 出同㆒理由,指民主黨沒有提其㆗㆒份不利於㆗央公積金的研究報告提供給議員審 閱,猜今㆝大家在這裡又抱 甚麼心情呢?
If the Government put forth the same reason alleging that the Democratic Party had not
provided Members with a report which was unfavourable
[...] to the CPF, let us guess what would be our [...]
frame of mind here today?
所以,我 相信在這問題㆖,我們不須忌的說 恐防干涉等。
Therefore, I believe that we need not evade the issue for fear of being accused of intervention.
再者,西式蒸餾烈酒(如 拔 蘭 地、威忌、蘭酒、伏 特 加、琴 酒 )和其他酒精飲品(如日本清酒、蘋果酒和強化酒), 亦沒有個別消費量數據。
Lastly, individual consumption data for Western distilled spirits, such as brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, gin, and other alcoholic beverages, such as sake, cider, fortified wine, were not available.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆忌惮 的 掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
对死者的区域位置是一个中间Assyriologists争论的主题,而在一个从死里复活(或回到地球相当),其中有些人会推断,从信仰的美好希望建议的形式从引用“生命水”,以马尔杜克,或米罗达巴拉,为“一谁带来死的生命”,是一个非常令人怀疑 猜 想。
The location of the region of the dead is a subject of controversy among Assyriologists, while the suggestion of a brighter hope in the form of a resurrection (or rather of a return to earth) from the dead, which some would infer from the belief in the "waters of
life" and from references to Marduk, or Merodach, as "one who brings the dead to life", is an
[...] extremely doubtful conjecture.
正在思考并建立一个各个层面的文明间、文化间和人民间对话,包括信仰间对话的共 享价值观框架,以便打击不宽容、偏见、成见、相 猜 疑 和缺乏了解,并建立持久和平和尊 重人类尊严的基础。
A framework of commonly shared values is being reflected and applied at all levels of dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, including interfaith dialogue, with a view to fighting intolerance, prejudice, stereotypes, mutual suspicion and ignorance, and to developing the foundations for a lasting peace and respect for human dignity.
蔡素玉議員: 主席,為 了協助 來 港 的 外籍教 師更容 易融入 社 會,政府會否 考 慮印製一 些 小 冊子, 內 容是專 門
[...] 介紹香 港 人的起居習慣, 以至生 活忌 , 藉 此 減少彼此間因為文 化背景不 [...]
同而引起矛盾和 衝突?
MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Cantonese): Madam President, in order to assist expatriate teachers to integrate into society more easily, will the Government consider publishing some pamphlets with specific information on the
usual ways of life of Hong Kong
[...] people, including their taboos, so as to minimize [...]
contradictions and conflicts arising
from different cultural backgrounds?
这类行动必须与体育运动界按照《条例》规定所采取的行动相配 合,因为,如果这两种文件之间缺乏协调一致,则有可能被一些人所利用而肆 忌 惮 地 长期 在体育运动中使用兴奋剂。
Such actions must be complementary to those actions being taken by the sporting movement under the Code, as any lack of harmonization between the two instruments has the potential to be exploited by unscrupulous individuals to perpetuate doping in sport.




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