

单词 猛烈抨击

See also:


violent (criticism etc)

抨击 n

fire n

抨击 v

pan v


attack (verbally or in writing)

External sources (not reviewed)

导致其支持率每况愈下的主要原因似乎是其过度的 民族主义运动和对民主党猛烈抨击。
Going overboard with its nationalist campaign and fierce attack against the Democrat Party appears to have been a major cause for the PAD’s declining popularity.
特别委员会的报告用大量篇幅对以色 列进猛烈抨击,但随便忽略了在其 7 月份访问加 沙期间发生的向以色列平民发射 [...]
19 颗火箭弹的事件 ——而且刚刚再次否认——而在过去的十年中,已 向以色列南部发射了 9 000 多枚火箭。
The Special Committee had filled many pages of
[...] its report with fierce criticism of Israel, [...]
but the firing of 19 rockets at Israeli
civilians during its mission to Gaza in July had been conveniently excluded — and just denied once more — as had the more than 9,000 rockets launched into southern Israel over the previous decade.
不過,最低工資的問題仍 然逃不猛烈的抨擊, 而本屬美事一樁的資助幼兒教育,亦因均寡的問題而 引發中產階級的強烈反彈。
As for the subsidy for early childhood education, which is supposed to be good, has attracted strong reactions from the middle class because of the inequitable treatment.
這些行為不但在國 際間受到批評,甚至在美國本土亦經常受 猛烈 的 抨 擊 , 證明這個美國大主義現在已 不合時宜。
Not only do countries all over the world make adverse comments about this but the Americans themselves also frequently level a broadside at such deeds.
发言 人最后说,尽管受到不公正抨击, 但 伊朗仍坚定 地致力于促进人权。
Iran remained firmly committed to the promotion of human rights, despite the unjust criticism in the report.
當時他 說:民建聯認為,公屋租金佔居民入息中位數不應高於 10%;最令我們感到 不滿的是,當時房屋署副署長鄔滿海先生通過傳 猛烈抨 擊 當 時立法局的數 位同事 ─ 當然包括陳鑑林議員 ─ 認為他們提出租金與收入比例的 中位數不應高於 10%,是一個隨意訂定的百分比。
At that time, he said, "The DAB is of the view that the MRIR should not be higher than 10%." What makes us most discontented was, Mr Marco WU, then Deputy Director of Housing, severely criticized several colleagues ― certainly including Mr CHAN Kam-lam ― at that time through the mass media, saying that the MRIR of less than 10% was just an arbitrarily set percentage.
當年的內地法律學者蕭蔚雲( 現已去世) 猛烈抨擊張超雄,特別批評公 投,甚至談到香港人只是居民,不可以稱公民,亦說公投是針對中央的 政治行動。
He even went so far as to say that Hong Kong people were only "residents", not "citizens", and that the holding of a referendum was a political act aimed at antagonizing the Central Authorities.
[...] 1860(2009)号决议之际,以色列仍然对加沙地 带巴勒斯坦平民进猛烈的军事攻击 , 越 来越多的平民被占领军打死打伤,本来 已经衰弱不堪的加沙地带遭受更为严重的摧毁;人道主义局势依然严重。
Regrettably, as we await the implementation of resolution 1860 (2009),
[...] the Israeli military onslaught against the Palestinian [...]
civilian population in the Gaza
Strip continues, with more and more civilians being killed and injured by the occupying forces and greater destruction being wreaked on the already debilitated Gaza Strip; the humanitarian situation remains grave.
我认为,五年来猛烈 打击罪犯和缉获 120 000 件武器,使我们可将答案归 结为两个字:利润——在每场战争中都会看到军火工 [...]
业的巨额利润,无论是在遥远国家的内战还是在罪犯 间的战斗中,都有机会出售更多的武器。
In my view, having fiercely fought criminals and [...]
having seized 120,000 weapons in five years, the answer can be summed up
in a single word, profits — the runaway profits of an arms industry that sees in every war, whether a civil war in some distant country or a battle among criminals, an opportunity to sell ever more weapons.
然而,這概念因遭猛烈抨擊而 被擱置。
However, it was met with sweeping opposition and was shelved.
因此,我會考慮建議民主黨研究是否應該修改這部分的會議常規,令正在發言的 同事如果說出㆒些與其他議員非常不同的意見,甚 猛烈抨 擊 對 方時,例如說他㆟歪 曲或誤導時,彼此可以有交鋒的機會。
In a way, this is not desirable. so I am considering making a request to the Democratic Party to look into the possibility of amending the relevant part of the Standing Orders to require the speaking colleague to respond, especially when he or she is talking about something totally different from what other Members think or something that amounts to an attack on somebody, for example, accusing somebody of distorting the facts or misleading others.
[...] 那些搭建物視而不見,我們便要冒相當大的風險,㆒旦發生意外或例如火災或其他類 似原因的事件,我們便會遭猛烈抨 擊。
If the Government were simply to ignore those structures, we would be running considerable risks and the first time there was an
accident or an incident, for example, involving fire or some other similar causes, we would be
[...] properly and roundly criticized.
律政署委託私㆟執業律師處理案件的制度,近期之所以受到這麼多議員 猛烈抨 擊,主要是因為政府在古勵志(Graham GRANT)的事件㆗,由委託他處理有關案件, 與他討論收費安排,以至審批和發放費用的整個過程,都顯示出其㆗存在很多問題。
The briefing-out system of the Legal Department was severely criticized by many Members recently, mainly because the Graham GRANT incident revealed many problems on the part of the Government in the entire process from assigning cases to him, discussing with him his remuneration to approving and paying his remuneration.
在过去四天里,以色列人民遭受到 2009 年“铸铅行动”结束后来自加沙的猛烈火箭和迫击炮攻击。
Over the past four days, the Israeli people have been subjected to the most severe escalation of rocket and mortar fire from Gaza since the end of Operation Cast Lead in 2009.
美利坚合众国通过 中央情报局分设在世界各地的中心犯下了杀戮、虐 待和其他暴行,导致现任政府声名狼藉,这在最近 的选举中都有所反映;抨击人权 理事会,但又惧 怕人权理事会审查其人权记录。
The disrepute in which the current administration had fallen because of the killings, torture and other atrocities perpetrated by the United States of America in centres operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) around the world had been reflected in the recent election; it criticized the Human Rights Council but feared to allow it to examine its own human rights record.
幸运的是,世界人民认识到了 被称为纳粹主义和法西斯主义的邪恶势力,并且对它 们进行了无情猛烈的打击。
Fortunately, the world recognized the evils known as Nazism and fascism and
[...] raised a merciless and heavy combat against them.
他的伟大的拮抗剂,圣西里尔亚历山大的,他们是在党的第一 猛烈 攻 击 T h e odoret,约翰,而且,正如否认Apollinarius方式邪教的完整性后,神圣的人性。
His great antagonist, St. Cyril of
[...] Alexandria, was at first vehemently attacked by Theodoret, [...]
John, and their party, as denying
the completeness of the Sacred Humanity after the manner of the heretic Apollinarius.
尽管已经正式停火,但占领者违反适用国际法而 对阿塞拜疆平民和民用目标故意发动的 击 近 年来 已变得更加频繁、更猛烈,导致住在阵线附近包括 儿童在内的许多居民死亡或受伤。
In spite a formal ceasefire, deliberate attacks by the occupier against Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects, in contravention of
applicable international
[...] law, have become more frequent and violent over recent years, resulting in the [...]
killing and maiming of
many inhabitants residing near the front lines, including children.
就格鲁吉亚而言,信息安全问题在 2008 年 8 月之后得到了特别重视,因为 当时俄罗斯联邦对格鲁吉亚展开 猛烈 的 分布式拒绝服务 击。
In the context of Georgia, the information security issues were given particular attention
after August 2008, when the Russian Federation carried out a heavy
[...] distributed denial-of-service attack against Georgia.
最近的悲剧性事件是 4 月 9 日发生 的,当时载着一名黎巴嫩记者和他的两名同事的汽车遭到叙利亚军队从边境对面 发射的有针对性猛烈炮火攻击,该名记者被打死。
The most recent tragic incident occurred on 9 April when a Lebanese journalist was killed as the car carrying him and two colleagues came under heavy targeted fire from the Syrian army across the border.
[...] 洪森对这些消极行为和阻挠战术极为沮丧,并经常 对其作抨击,甚 至曾任命他信为顾问。
Frustrated by this inaction and these
obstructionist tactics, Cambodia’s prime minister,
[...] Hun Sen, often lashed out and on one [...]
occasion appointed Thaksin as an adviser –
an episode that was the political low point of a troubled period.
行政主導方面,我也聽說政府有人抱怨,預算案採納了個別政黨 的建議,但預算案公布後這些政黨 猛烈抨 擊。
Regarding the executive-led system, I have heard that some people in the Government complained that the Budget adopted the proposals of certain political parties, but these political parties even made strong criticisms of the Budget after its release.
[...] 总统的宣布首先证明阿富汗安全部队具有稳定的能 力,其次也证明战争势头发生了变化,尽管最近塔利 班发起猛烈袭击。
President Obama’s announcement is a testament, first, to the steady ability of
Afghan security forces and, secondly, to the changed momentum of the war,
[...] despite the recent vicious attacks by the Taliban.
鑑於 在這次辯論㆗,政府處理這事的方法遭 猛烈抨 擊 ,我會接 談談我們處理這項工作 的方法,最後才討論政府就這項專營權而須向立法局作出的交代。
And since the Government's handling of this exercise has been under such heavy attack during this debate, I will then go on to deal with the way in which we have handled this exercise before finally discussing the Government's accountability to the Legislative Council in respect of this franchise.
星期庫務司曾蔭權先生所提出的羔羊論 猛烈抨 擊 本 局反對調高稅率和收費是政客 討好選民的行為,政府就好像㆒隻待宰的羔羊。
Last week, the Secretary for the Treasury, Mr Donald TSANG, put forward a lamb theory, delivering a scathing criticism that Members’ opposition to the increase of taxes and other charges was nothing but the politicians’ means of appeasing their voters.
當政府遭猛烈抨擊,指它在許多問題㆖遲遲不採取行動時,它的反應都是以不斷的「研究」問 題來敷衍;這點已成特色。
The response of the Government to strong criticisms of its inaction in many areas has been, characteristically, more of the same interminable "study" of the problems.
我獲悉去年當財政司提出財政預算時,其公共財政 觀點猛烈抨擊,認為過份保守。
Last year, I am advised, when the Financial Secretary put forward his Budget he was vigorously attacked for being far too conservative in his views on public finance.
特别顾问告知安理会,情况有所恶化,因为海盗进行了更好的组织,以更先 进的装备发起猛烈袭击,并 将袭击的地理范围向印度洋南部和东部扩大。
The Special Adviser informed the Council that the situation had deteriorated because pirate attacks had become more violent, were being carried out with more sophisticated equipment, had become better organized and had been geographically expanded towards the southern and eastern Indian Ocean.
部份委員日前在記者招待 會猛烈抨擊港 府在各有關方面的安排,顯然是有感而發的。
Several committee members strongly criticized the Government's monitoring body. Several committee members strongly criticized the Government's arrangements in various respects of the ACP projects in a press conference not long arrangements in various respects of the ACP projects in a press conference not long arrangements in various respects of the ACP projects in a press conference not long arrangements in various respects of the ACP projects in a press conference not long ago; this definitely was an expression of what they actually felt.




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