单词 | 狼吞虎咽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 狼吞虎咽 —wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenouslygorge oneself狼吞虎咽 verb—bolt vSee also:吞咽 adj—swallowing adj 吞咽 v—swallow v 吞咽—gulp
現時午膳時間縮短 [...] 了,即時令業界人士在午膳時間感到非常大的壓力,他們在處理和安 排工作上已出現困難,甚至只能 狼吞虎 嚥 進 食午餐。 legco.gov.hk | Now, the shortening of lunch break has immediately exerted enormous [...] pressure on them. They find it difficult to process and arrange their work, or [...] even necessary to gobble up their lunch. legco.gov.hk |
有毒流体或烟雾 [...] 有毒流体或烟雾在溅入眼中、触及皮肤、吸入 或 吞咽 时 , 可能会导致重伤或死亡。 graco.com | Toxic fluids or fumes can cause serious injury or death if splashed in the eyes [...] or on skin, inhaled, or swallowed. graco.com |
警告:充气罩囊内压过高可能导致位置不正和 咽喉发病,包括喉咙疼痛、吞咽困难 和神经受 损。 vitaid.com | Warning: Excessive intracuff pressure can result in malposition and pharyngolaryngeal morbidity, including sore throat, dysphagia and nerve injury. vitaid.com |
应为 NCCP 患者保存内窥镜检查结果,警报 症状包括吞咽困难、吞咽痛、 体重减轻或贫血。 iasp-pain.org | Endoscopy should be reserved for patients with NCCP and alarm symptoms including dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, or anemia. iasp-pain.org |
這種「前 門拒虎,後門引狼」的 做法,根本不能消除本港性別歧視的情況。 legco.gov.hk | This approach which [...] is like "inviting a wolf to enter through the back door while fighting off a tiger at the front gate" [...]cannot, by any standard, [...]eliminate sex discrimination in the territory. legco.gov.hk |
剛才談到的是巴士,與港鐵一狼一虎 地 吞 噬 香港人,當吞噬到某 程度,便出現了小巴,也有“ 巴 ”。 legco.gov.hk | In mentioning franchised bus operators, they join hands with the MTRCL in gobbling up the people of Hong Kong, just like wolfs and tigers. legco.gov.hk |
如果有害液体或有毒气体溅到眼睛里或皮肤上, 或 吞咽 、 吸 入有害液体或有毒气体可能导致严重伤 [...] 害或死亡。 graco.com | Hazardous fluids or toxic fumes can cause a serious injury or death if splashed in the eyes [...] or on the skin, swallowed, or inhaled. graco.com |
即使我們看到一些動物,甚至是豺狼 、 甚至 是 虎 豹 、甚 至是獅子,牠們都會為自己的子女拼命,寧願自己犧牲都要救自己的 [...] 子女。 legco.gov.hk | Even for [...] fierce animals like wolves, tigers or lions, they will [...]fight desperately to save their offsprings and sometimes even risk their own lives. legco.gov.hk |
地產霸權如狼似 虎,不 管開設工廠、商店或經營零售還是建築業務,無論任何場合或 任何關係,均有可能會與某一、兩個地產霸權扯上緊密關係,又或因 為政策上的得失而必然會影響部分生意的經營。 legco.gov.hk | These real estate hegemonies are ruthless and no matter if we run a factory, shop or in the retail or construction business and no matter when it comes to any occasion or relationship, we are bound to have dealings with one or two of these real estate hegemonies. legco.gov.hk |
他們必須於幾天之內逃出冰極天與地,可怕的是,一群目露兇光的的北極 灰 狼 , 正 對他 們 虎 視 眈 眈,垂涎著他們的人肉鮮味。 vbox.hk | However, they may not be survivors much [...] longer when they realise that they are stranded in the wild and [...] hunting them are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders. vbox.hk |
現時的情況,就像在前門拒絕了一頭狼,但後門卻放了一隻 老虎 進來,政府究竟想要狼還是老虎呢? legco.gov.hk | The present situation is like refusing a wolf to enter the house from [...] the front gate, but actually a tiger is allowed into the house through [...]the back door. legco.gov.hk |
这些用于面向成人市场新奇产品类的磁体如果被儿 童 吞咽或 摄入,将可能导致严重伤害或死亡。 tuv-sud.com | The magnets, which are used in certain novelty items marketed to adults, can cause serious [...] injury or death if swallowed or inhaled by children. tuv-sud.com |
随着病情的进展,食道癌症状出现的频率会有所增加,主要表现有:异物感 、 吞咽 困 难 和疼痛等。 asiancancer.com | With the development of the disease, the frequency [...] of esophageal cancer symptoms will increase, which including foreign body sensation, [...] difficulty and pain in swallowing. asiancancer.com |
2、放射治疗:放射治疗主要用在不适合做手术和没有严 重 吞咽 困 难 的患者身上。 asiancancer.com | 2、Radiation therapy: Radiation [...] therapy is mainly applied for patients who are not suitable for surgery and have no [...] serious difficulties in swallowing. asiancancer.com |
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难 、发声困 难、节律紊乱,耳痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、听力损 伤、呃逆、声音嘶哑、唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌神经麻痹、口 腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组 织创伤(会厌、喉、唇、口腔、后咽壁、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 大、声带麻痹和呕吐。 vitaid.com | Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, aspiration, bleeding, breath holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry mouth/throat, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, hypersalivation, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve paralysis, mouth ulcer, myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation, tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate, uvula, tonsils), tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting. vitaid.com |
通常是在发现有持续的腹痛、恶心、贫血、体重减轻 、 吞咽 困 难 或胃肠道内出血的症状后进行此检查。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | The procedure is usually performed because of persistent [...] symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, anemia, weight [...] loss, difficulty swallowing, or bleeding in the [...]gastrointestinal tract. tianjin.ufh.com.cn |
放射性疗法常常会破坏唾液腺的大部分分泌体液的细胞,导致唾液流不足,因此也就导致了不舒适,并削弱咀嚼 、 吞咽 和 说 话能力,在一些情况下还会导致口腔感染和牙齿腐烂。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Radiation treatment often destroys the majority of the salivary gland's fluid-secreting cells, resulting in inadequate [...] saliva flow, and hence, discomfort, impaired [...] ability to chew, swallow, and speak, and, [...]in some cases, oral infections and tooth decay. chinese.eurekalert.org |
面對如此弱勢的政府及先天性嚴重缺乏認受性的管治班子, 如 狼似 虎的傳 媒和各懷鬼胎的野心家,又怎會放棄這大好良機? legco.gov.hk | Faced with such a weak government and a governing team [...] which inherently and seriously lacks [...] public mandate, how possibly will the menacing [...]media and people with wicked ambition [...]who have an axe to grind let go of this golden opportunity? legco.gov.hk |
否則的話,當他們在前線面對那些如 狼 似 虎 的 政客, 以及可能心懷怨恨的員工時,由於缺乏政治籌碼,沒有討價還價的能 力,勢必完全無力招架。 legco.gov.hk | Otherwise, the lack of political chips and bargaining power will leave them totally vulnerable on the frontline with predatory politicians and possibly a grudging staff. legco.gov.hk |
他們已經捱了幾年的苦日 子,如果政府能夠早一點在下月1日實施的話,最低限度也能讓他們 應付如狼似虎的通脹,以及能實現加薪願望,開開心心地迎接兔年。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government could implement the law at an early date, that is, on the first day of next month, at least they may be able to cope with the strong inflation and realize their aspiration for a pay rise and joyously celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit. legco.gov.hk |
英国皇家陆军使用了XD系列中的“卫士”90和110 型,被称为陆虎“狼”系列。 hobbyboss.com | The XD was available both in Defender 90 and 110 forms and known to the [...] British Army as Land Rover Wolves. hobbyboss.com |
因此,我覺得人類在使用能源方面,好像“前門 拒 虎 , 後門 進 狼” 那 般,即使抵擋、拒絕了一個,另一個是同樣的兇惡和危險。 legco.gov.hk | Even if we ward off or reject one danger, we will find that another danger is similarly ferocious and dangerous. legco.gov.hk |
在心绞痛患 者中,出现胃灼热或吞咽困难 可能增加罹患相关食管病症的可能性 [2];但是,高达 50% 的心源性胸痛患者亦可能出现胃灼热、 反胃或吞咽困难 [7]。 iasp-pain.org | In patients with angina, the presence of [...] heartburn or dysphagia may increase the likelihood of an underlying esophageal condition [2]; however, as many as 50% of patients with a cardiac cause of chest pain may also have heartburn, regurgitation, or dysphagia [7]. iasp-pain.org |
NOT-S 面试部分由六组问题组成 :感觉功能,呼吸,习惯,咀嚼和 吞咽 , 流 涎,和口 腔干燥情况 (I-VI)。 mun-h-center.se | The NOT-S interview contains six sections: sensory function, breathing, [...] habits, chewing and swallowing, drooling, and dryness [...]of the mouth (I–VI). mun-h-center.se |
语言病理学家可以协助患者改善语言 及 吞咽 的 问 题。 hsbc.com.hk | A speech pathologist can help improve [...] problems with speaking and swallowing. hsbc.com.hk |
白喉发病时通常是渐进式的,早期症状包括虚弱、发热、喉部轻微疼痛 和 吞咽 困 难。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | The onset of disease is usually gradual. Early symptoms include fatigue, fever, mild sore throat [...] and problems with swallowing. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
将摄像机及其附件存放在婴幼⼉取得不到的地⽅,特别要注意存 储卡和电池等⼩部件,以免婴幼⼉卸下 和 吞咽 它 们。 praktica.de | In particular, small parts such as memory card and battery could be [...] easily dismantled and swallowed by them. praktica.de |
老實說,即使合法賭波可以 [...] 從外圍莊家爭回“客仔",賭博對社會的禍害依然無法紓緩,結果是前門抗 狼,後門進虎,政府開賭,社會賠本! 張宇人議員 張宇人議員 張宇人議員 張宇人議員:代理主席,我跟很多同事在條例草案審議期間,聽到多達 [...]80 至 [...]90 個社工、宗教和教育等團體的發言。 legco.gov.hk | Consequently, we will be placed in a situation [...] like fighting a wolf at the front gate but letting a tiger in through the [...]back door. legco.gov.hk |
狼不会在羚羊吃草的时候轻举妄动,因为其反应灵敏、奔跑快捷,狼根本不是其对手;当羚羊睡觉的时候 , 狼虎 视 眈眈却不敢放肆,因为羚羊的敏感度非常高;当羚羊散步时,狼只能在其周围无所事事,因为警惕性决定了这时进攻必定失败;只有在早上羚羊撒尿的时候,而且是撒了三滴尿的时候,狼才会出击,这时的羚羊由于膀胱充盈,奔跑的速度受到限制,两腿的快速摩擦可以导致膀胱破裂,狼的早餐便有了着落。 powermetal.com.cn | Wolf will not act rashly when the antelope is grazing because the quick response and running speed of the [...] antelope is far more [...] superior to the wolf; when the antelope is sleeping, wolf will stare but [...]do not dare to take any action [...]since the sensitiveness of antelope is very high; when the antelope is walking, wolf will just lurk around but do nothing, since its vigilance decides that attacking antelope at this time is bound to fail; only when antelope is peeing in the morning and has just peed out three drops of urine, wolf will attack because at this time, antelope’s running speed is limited since its bladder is filling and the quick friction between two legs will cause its bladder to break, now there will be a delicious breakfast for the wolf. powermetal.com.cn |
在這個問題上,如要設立行政上訴委員 會,當局必須在立法過程中對行政委員會的組成、職權、權限作出某 些 規定,否則前門拒虎,後門進狼;雖 能節省成本和 時間,但可能得 不到舊有 條例下 需要付錢的 更 佳 機制。 legco.gov.hk | Otherwise, while a tiger is barred from entry at the front door, a wolf comes in through the back door; although the cost and time can be saved, we may lose the better mechanism which requires payment under the former ordinance. legco.gov.hk |