

单词 狭路相逢

See also:




meet (by chance)
come across

External sources (not reviewed)

Just as the old
[...] saying goes, the brave one will win in the fierce competition, which suitably [...]
demonstrates the great spirit
of Li Ke and his team in forging ahead for national industry and national brand despite the troubles.
的摩纳哥和匈牙利之间的电路有很强 相 似 性 :两个 路 非 常 曲折 狭 窄 , 需要很大的洁净度和精确度。
There is a strong similarity between the circuit of Monaco and the Hungarian one: both circuits are very winding, narrow, and require [...]
great cleanliness and precision.
在夏季,那是宜人的休闲散心好去处;可是,这波的尼亚湾 狭 窄 部 份, 逢 冬 季 都会受到冰海寒风正面吹袭。
In summer, it’s a pleasant retreat, but
in winter it bears the full brunt of the winds sweeping in from the
[...] frozen sea at the Gulf of Bothnia’s narrowest point.
然而,这些问题属相对 狭窄的技术问题,最好通过精密的风险分析技 术、科学实验和从法律上对现有监控系统进行 [...]
They are, however, relatively narrow technical problems [...]
that are best dealt with through the use of sophisticated techniques
of risk analysis, scientific experimentation, and the legal re-evaluation of existing regulatory systems.
我们今天的辩论会极为重要,因为它 逢 包 括路撒冷 在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上数百万巴勒斯 坦人继续处于艰难处境之时。
importance, given that it coincides with the difficult situation that millions of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, continue to endure.
这一规定与一些国家新近制定的信息 相 比 ,范 围 相 对 要 狭窄 得多。
This is relatively limited in scope compared to some of [...]
the more recent right to information laws.
卿姐”曾多次說到,勉強是往往很難,亦不 會有幸福的,但我不想說出這句話,因為我始終認為我們在未來 路上 會相逢,因為我們是向同一個方向走。
But I do not want to put it this way, because I always maintain that we will meet
[...] one day on the road in future as we walk in the same direction.
據 7 月 3 日《文匯報》的報道,馬鞍山發生爭紙皮的傷人案,一名在邨 內撿拾紙皮及鋁罐以幫補家計的聾啞婦,懷疑“洗樓”撿紙皮時與另一名拾 荒男子爭執,其後不歡而散,但不久兩人 路相逢 , 聾 啞婦遭人以拳頭及硬 物襲擊頭部後,負傷送院。
A report carried in the Wen Wei Po on 3 July says that a case of assault occasioning actual bodily harm due to a dispute over cardboards had occurred in Ma On Shan. It was suspected that a dumb and deaf woman who collected cardboards and aluminum cans in a housing estate had a dispute with another male scavenger when making her rounds in buildings to collect cardboards and both parties subsequently left with displeasure.
相 信 這逢國議 員 今 天提出 議 案 的主要 原因。
And I believe this should be the major [...]
factor that has prompted Mr MA Fung-kwok to move the motion today.
关于新的第 5 条草案(合作义务),起草委员会
[...] 多是第六委员会的成员提出的:提及民间社会,一 些人认为过于宽泛和模糊,已替换为 狭 义 的 术语相关的 非政府组织”,由于认识到红十字国际委 [...]
员会在提供人道主义援助中的重要作用,补充提到 了红十字国际委员会。
With respect to new draft article 5 (Duty to cooperate), the Drafting Committee had made the following changes to the Special Rapporteur’s initial proposal, a number of which had also been suggested by members of the Sixth Committee: the reference to civil society, which some had considered overly
broad and vague, had been replaced by
[...] the narrower term “relevant non-governmental organizations”, [...]
and a reference to the
International Committee of the Red Cross had been added in recognition of that organization’s vital role in delivering humanitarian assistance.
就以港同盟和匯點數月前在港島就㆗巴服務 所作出的㆒項調查為例,我們觀察到 逢 早 、 晚的繁忙時間,隧道巴士和冷氣巴士, 這兩種必然賺錢的巴路線,會出現班次過剩,即班次比法例所要求的多出很多的 情況,而普通巴士的班次不足和誤點的情況是非常嚴重,尤以東區、灣仔、西環這 些區域為甚,因為這些路線或許沒有錢賺,甚至有虧蝕的情況。
The problem of inadequate frequency and unpunctuality of ordinary buses is very serious, particuarly in districts such as the Eastern District, Wanchai and the Western District because perhaps the routes concerned are non-profitable or are even suffering losses.
在下一个发 展阶段,中国必须重视 提高劳动生产率,更 好地平衡投资与消费这两大经济增长的推动力—而这个至关重要的转折点又逢 一路高歌猛进的中国互联网时代。
The next stage calls for a sharper focus on productivity and a better balance between investment and domestic consumption as drivers of growth—and this crucial turning point has coincided with the arrival of the Internet revolution in China.
然 而 , 我們深 信 窮 途未必是路,絕處也可逢 生 。
It is, however, our firm
[...] belief that a blind alley is not bound to be a [...]
dead end, and there can still be delivery from desperation.
迷人的,红色的狭窄的铁路在盘 旋的桥梁和陡峭的山谷中蜿蜒通行 – 这一著名的风景图点缀了很多瑞士的旅游小册子。
A quaint, red, narrow-gauge railway trundling [...]
over vertiginous bridges and breathtaking gorges is a familiar image that
graces the cover of many a Swiss tourist brochure.
为此,在协商中再次提请注意《突尼斯议程》在推 动信息和通信技术促进发展这一范围广泛的挑战与加强利益攸关者的能力以根 据多边、透明和民主的日内瓦原则参与因特网治理这 相 关 的 、但更 狭 义 的目 标之间的区分。
The consultations thus drew renewed attention to a distinction made in the Tunis Agenda between the broad challenges of promoting information and communications technology for development and the related, but narrower, objective of enhancing the capacity of stakeholders to engage in Internet governance in accordance with the Geneva principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy.
沿岸模块所关注的生境是位于潮间带的生境(红树林,潮沼,滩涂和海滩)和位相 对狭窄的潮下带的生境(大型海藻区和附带的大型海藻,海草床,珊瑚礁和牡蛎礁石)。
The recognized importance of the development of ecosystem-based management approaches highlights the need to develop operational ecosystem models for the purposes of fisheries management.
法院首先回顾说,根据居留公约第 18
[...] 条,“劳动者的自由流动原则 应作广义解释,而克减这项原则相 反 做 狭 义 解 释”。143 法院还回顾,根据其 判例,罪行如果造成真正和足够严重的威胁,影响到社会的根本利益,就构成 [...]
The Court first of all recalled that, according to Article 18 EC “the principle of movement for workers must be given a broad interpretation, whereas derogations from the principle must
be interpreted strictly”.143 It further
[...] recalled that, in line with its own case [...]
law, an offence disturbs public order if
it creates a genuine and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interest of society.
插入式连接接头能保证快速狭小空 间的 路 安 装,并能提供客户最大的安全系数。
Plug connectors guarantee fast,
[...] space-saving installation of lines while ensuring maximum [...]
safety for the customers.
科索沃最终地位的争端涉面更广,而大会提出的问题已经限制在这个争 端相对狭义的方面。
As posed by the General Assembly, the question already confines
[...] the Court to a relatively narrow aspect of the wider [...]
dispute as regards the final status of Kosovo.
鑑於家庭對我們的社會十分重要,家庭與公共政策亦息 相 關 ,又 適 逢 今年 是國際家庭年,本局促請政府為本港制訂㆒套家庭政策。
That in the light of the importance of the family in our society and the close relationship between the family and public policies, and in this International Year of the Family, this Council urges the Government to formulate a family policy in Hong Kong.
第二個實際的地方是,雖然在制度上,調查者的職級最低限度要 較被調查的人高一級,例如為一名警員落口供,便要由“沙展”或以上 職級人員處理,但實際上,所謂山水 相逢 , 在 一段時間,甚至可能 在很短的時間後,他們已經調到某個“環頭”或某組別,成為同事;甚 至如果被調查的人在被調查期間升職,其職級有可能較曾經調查他或 為他落口供的同事高,這樣又如何令人信服呢?
The second practical factor is that even though under the existing system, the personnel conducting the investigation should at least be one rank higher than the one under investigation (for example, the statement of a constable should be taken by a sergeant or officers of an even higher rank), in reality, as this is indeed a small world, after a certain period of time or even very shortly, the investigator and the one under investigation may be deployed to the same region or office to work in collaboration.
逢 看到有行路過, 牠便會走上前嗅一嗅,發覺不是主人的氣味,便會 回到牠原本徘徊的位置,也就是救火喉附近。
Whenever someone passed by, it would come forward and take a sniff. When it found that the person did not smell like its owner, it would go back to the place near the fire hose, where it was originally wandering.
如果由于车行狭窄、路面或路况等 原因,考虑到对面交通的密度,速度较低或车体庞大的车辆, 或必须遵守限速的车辆, 若不能被另一车辆轻易或安全地超过,此种车辆的驾驶人应减速,必要时尽快移至路侧,以便让后面的来车超过。
If, owing to the narrowness, profile or condition of the carriageway, taken in [...]
conjunction with the density of oncoming
traffic, a vehicle which is slow or bulky or is required to observe a speed limit cannot be easily and safely overtaken, the driver of such vehicle shall slow down and if necessary pull in to the side as soon as possible in order to allow vehicles following him to overtake.
無論如何,數位同事今 天如此憤怒,說出那些話,我是可以理解的,所以我希望一切順其自然, 日後總相逢的一天。
Therefore, I hope nature be allowed to take its course, and we will meeting each other one day in future.
由 於 722TH 和 723TH 兩項 工程計劃的路段均屬吐露港公路北 段的一部分,在有關地 點 使用與吐 露港路相同 種類、設計和顏 色 的隔音屏障,可視 為 吐露港公路沿 線 隔音屏障的自然延 展部分。
As the road sections in 722TH and 723TH are part of the Tolo Highway northern section, noise barriers of the same type, make and colour at these locations could therefore be regarded as natural extensions of the noise barriers along Tolo Highway.
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领土范围已经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外狭义意 思,即仅涉及保留的领土范围的扩大“使保留的实 施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the maintenance of the reservation the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of the reservation “radically changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
在其他一些国家,连接首都与省会城市之间的许多道路仍然是 路 , 相当 多 的省级公路也仍然是土路,在雨季可能根本无法通行。
In other countries, many road connections between the capital city and provincial capitals are unpaved, while a great many provincial roads remain unpaved and may be impassable during the rainy season.
[...] 不了程翔再被拘留多一天或一夜;即使是與程先生萍 相逢 、 素 昧平生的 人,亦認為官方的說辭尚未完全解開事件中的疑團。
Even people who only have a nodding
acquaintance with Mr CHING or who do not
[...] know him at all believe that the official [...]
version cannot completely answer the doubts surrounding this incident.
回顧歷史,即使渡盡劫波也相逢一 笑,何況我們要處理的,何況 民主派所追求的,何況香港人所渴望的,是《基本法》必然要落實的、莊嚴 的承諾呢?
If we review history, we could still exchange smiles even if we went through a lot of trouble and hardship, not to mention what is to be dealt with, pursued by democrats and Hong Kong people are the solemn promises the Basic Law is obliged to honour?
日本提议通过一项决议,建立联合国生物多样 性十年,这逢相关的 《公约战略计划》所包含的 时期,并将与联合国沙漠和防治荒漠化十年形成强 [...]
Japan proposed adopting a resolution to establish a United Nations Decade on
Biodiversity, which would coincide with the period
[...] covered by the related Strategic Plan [...]
for the Convention and would create a strong
synergy with the United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification.




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