

单词 狭窄范围

See also:

范围 n

range n
ranges pl
limit n
extent n
coverage n
definition n
scale n
domain n
ground n
realm n
reach n

范围 v

ambit v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 款的起草工作文件,从来没有打算对可以进 行政治辩论的议题规狭窄的范围, 或 详细规定讨论议题的方式。
According to the travaux préparatoires of section 266 (b)
of the Criminal Code, it was never
[...] intended to lay down narrow limits on the topics [...]
that can become the subject of political
debate, nor details on the way in which the topics are discussed.
对两份声明所作的比较表明:法国的声明在比 挪威的声明更狭窄的范围内接 受法院的管辖权;因此,作为法院管辖权之 基础的当事方的共同意志存在于法国的声明所表明 狭窄范围 内。
A comparison between the two Declarations shows that the French Declaration accepts the Court’s jurisdiction within narrower limits than the Norwegian Declaration; consequently, the common will of the Parties, which is the basis
of the Court’s jurisdictions, exists within these narrower limits indicated by the French reservation”.150 (29) The reciprocity of the effects of the reservation also rebalances the inequalities created by the reservation in the bilateral relations between the author of the reservation and the other States or international organizations with regard to which the reservation is established.
未经允许任何人不得超出相关版权法律所允许 狭窄范围 使 用 本站内容,特别不得复制,翻译,影印和经电子系统处理后使用本站内容,否则将受到相关法律制裁。
This shall particularly apply to copies, translations, copying onto microfilm and processing in electronic systems.
世贸组织贸易便利化范围相当狭窄 , 但即使在这一范围内,一旦达成贸 易便利化协定,发展中国家就可能面对执行方面的困难。
Even in the rather narrow context of WTO trade [...]
facilitation, developing countries may face implementation difficulties once
the Trade Facilitation Agreement is concluded.
这一规定与一些国家新近制定的信息法相比 范围 相 对 要 狭窄 得多
This is relatively limited in scope compared to some of [...]
the more recent right to information laws.
这种方式的优点是简洁明了,但也可 范围 过 于 狭窄, 限 制过于严格,长期来看可能产生问题。
This has the virtue of being clear, but it may also be excessively limited and rigid, which could be a problem over time.
(3) 第 2
[...] 款涉及恢复施行由于武装冲突而中止的条约问题, 范围 较 狭窄 :它 只适用于因实施第 6 条而中止的条约。
(3) Paragraph 2, which deals with the resumption of treaties which
were suspended as a consequence of an
[...] armed conflict, is narrower: it applies only [...]
to treaties that have been suspended as
a consequence of the application of article 6.
(c) 虽范围应保持狭窄,反 应却需深入,需动用会员国、联合国系统、区 域组织和次区域组织以及民间社会伙伴的现有各种各样预防和保护工具。
(c) While the scope should be kept narrow, the response ought [...]
to be deep, employing the wide array of prevention and protection
instruments available to Member States, the United Nations system, regional and subregional organizations and their civil society partners.
一些与会代表感到准则范围太狭窄 , 有 必要加以扩大,以覆盖资助的项 目的实际意义和成功的或失败的项目等问题。
Some participants felt that the scope of the guidelines was too narrow and that there was [...]
a need to broaden it to address
issues such the relevance of financed projects and successful or failed projects.
iv) 尽管 1974
[...] 年建议书的价值经久不衰,但它在某些重要方面存在着用语过时范 围过于狭窄的问 题,导致将当代关切的一些重要问题排除在外或轻描淡写,这些 [...]
问题包括但不限于:性别平等、私营部门和军事研究的作用、科学和技术全球化 以及新的信息技术的影响。
(iv) Despite its enduring value, the 1974 Recommendation suffers in certain important
respects from out-dated language and
[...] from an excessively narrow framing that excludes [...]
or underplays important issues of
contemporary concern, including but not limited to gender, the role of the private sector and of military research, the globalization of science and technology, and the impact of new information technologies.
在与国家和国际利益攸关方就安全部门改革问题进行的磋商中,国家当局批 评过去的方范围过于狭窄或执 行过于缓慢,因此无法交付最需要的结果。
During the consultations with national and international stakeholders on security sector reform, national
authorities criticized past
[...] programmes for being too narrow in scope or too slow in [...]
implementation, and therefore unable
to deliver the most-needed results.
与此同时,事实上出于同样的原因,这种做法的适 范围 也 是 狭窄 的 , 排除了大 量的潜在公共利益。
At the same time, indeed by the same
[...] token, it is also narrow in scope, excluding a [...]
wide range of potential public interests.
(c) 第(1)款(a)项中对数学计算公式的提 范围狭窄 , 应 当改为更广泛地提 及自动评审方法,其中包括一种计算公式,为此可以借鉴世贸组织《政府采购 [...]
(c) To replace the narrow reference to a mathematical [...]
formula in paragraph (1) (a) with a broader reference to an automatic
evaluation methodology including a formula, drawing on the relevant wording found in the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO GPA).
认为《欧洲联盟基本权利宪章》规定的缔约国的义务范围, 比国际法规定范围狭窄,它 重点关注尊重人权义务,但不太注意保护和促进人 权。
The scope of States parties’ obligations under the Charter
of Fundamental Rights of the European
[...] Union was deemed narrower than under international [...]
law, focusing on the obligation
to respect and paying less attention to the protection and promotion of human rights.
与制成 品出口国相比,依范围狭窄的出 口品的发展中国 家面对的贸易冲击更大。
Developing countries
[...] that relied on a narrow range of exports faced [...]
far greater trade shocks than countries with manufactured exports.
综合评估不够充分,表明要求进行的评估工 范围狭窄
Integrated assessments are
[...] rare, reflecting narrow mandates of those [...]
requesting them.
我知道,我们的联合国建设和平委员会的议范 围较为狭窄,只聚焦于四个国家。
I am mindful that our United Nations
[...] Peacebuilding Commission has a narrow agenda that focuses [...]
only on four countries.
这种设计 可能太过局限,导致其适用的行 范围狭窄 。 行预咨 委会认为,应根据将这一模式初次用于南苏丹特派团 的经验等,探索建立规范化资金筹措和成本核算模式 的其他方法。
The Advisory Committee was of the view that alternative methodologies for establishing standardized funding and costing models should be explored, based, inter alia, on the experience acquired through the first application of the model to UNMISS.
如核查报告所述,秘书处对巴西配额制 范围狭窄 表 示 关切,该制度只侧重于 CFC-12 的进口。
The Secretariat is
[...] concerned about the narrow scope of the quota [...]
system for Brazil, focussing on CFC-12 imports only, as reported in the verification.
[...] 可以发表,附以或不附以讨论纪要。此类会议不同于第IV类会 议,即国际大会,主要在于其规模较小 范围 较 窄 和 性 质较非 正式。
Meetings in this category differ from
those in category IV, international congresses, mainly by their smaller
[...] size, more limited scope and less formal character.
即使在这种情况中,为了使在国家继承之日之前未来得及反对保留的国家 或国际组织能够反对,那么维持领 范围 已 经扩大的保留必然会打破条约的平 衡:这正是这一例外狭义意思,即仅涉及保留的领 范围 的 扩大“使保留的实 施条件发生根本的改变”的情况。
Even in such a situation, in order for a State or international organization that has not objected in time to the reservation prior to the date of the succession of States to be able to object to it, it would be necessary that the
maintenance of the reservation
[...] the territorial scope of which has been extended should upset the balance of the treaty: that is the sense of the restrictive formulation of this exception, which covers only those situations in which the territorial extension of [...]
the reservation “radically
changes the conditions for the operation of the reservation”.
工作人员代表同意人力资源网的意见,认为该文件 范围 过 于 狭窄 , 偏 重 性别平等和地域分配问题,今后秘书处最好能将其调查范围扩大,使之包括各多 样性问题。
The staff representatives concurred
with the Human Resources
[...] Network that the scope of the document was too narrowly focused on gender [...]
and geographical distribution
and that it would be desirable in the future for the secretariat to widen the scope of its investigation to cover diversity issues.
他们强调说他们并不反对横向专题,而是认为这些专题目标不明确,其面向 范围 过 于狭 窄,并且它们往往侧重于小项目。
They stressed that they did not oppose cross-cutting themes, but rather that the objectives were not clear, that their orientation was too restricted, and that they had tended to focus Part I (A) – page 32
有些资金差距是由于个人筹资机 制或来源(如生物多样性保护、碳) 范围 太 过 具体 狭窄 , 因 为这些机制或来源不 涵盖可持续森林管理的所有方面,也没有将之作为一个综合概念,以促进所有的 [...]
Some funding gaps are owed to
[...] the specific or otherwise narrow scope of individual funding [...]
mechanisms or sources (e.g.,
biodiversity conservation, carbon) that do not cover all aspects of sustainable forest management, nor use it as an integrating concept to enhance all forest benefits.
有几位委员会成员专门提及关于尊重被驱逐者 人权的一般性义务的第 8 条草案,并表达了他们的 意见,即规定范围过于狭窄,应 重拟该条款,使 之涵盖被驱逐个人的所有人权。
With specific reference to draft article 8, regarding the general obligation to respect the human rights of persons being expelled, several
Commission members had expressed
[...] the view that the scope of the provision was too narrow and that the article [...]
should be reworded to
refer to all human rights of the individuals being expelled.
质疑程序中的参与方一般较采购程序中的参与 范围狭窄 些 , 但第(2) 款提及的通知可能导致更多供应商或承包商根据第 [...]
68 条[**超级链接** ]赋予的 权利寻求加入程序,或者自己提出质疑,声称因为相同情形而遭受损失或损 害。
They are generally a narrower group than the participants [...]
to the procurement proceedings, but the notice referred to in
paragraph (2) may lead to more suppliers or contractors seeking to join the proceedings under the right conferred by article 68 [**hyperlink**], or to launch their own challenge, where they assert loss or damage arising from the same circumstances.




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