

单词 独行



a law unoneself
decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action


go one's own way (idiom); to act independently without asking others

独行侠 n

bachelor n


independence of action
be unconventional


single person


decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action
a law unoneself

External sources (not reviewed)

他强调了食典工作的重要性,因为当前的 食品安全问题各国独行动无法加以解决,就食品安全而言,没有一个国家是安全岛。
He stressed the importance of Codex work as present food safety issues could not be solved by nations working in isolation because as regards food safety no country was an island.
[...] 相互关联,发展、和平、安全和人权互相加强,没有任何国家通过 独行 事 就 能 够使自己获得最佳保护,所有国家都需要一个符合《宪章》宗旨和原则的有实效 [...]
We therefore reaffirm our commitment to work towards a security consensus based on the recognition that many threats are interlinked, that development, peace, security and human rights are mutually reinforcing,
that no State can best protect itself by
[...] acting entirely alone and that all States [...]
need an effective and efficient collective
security system pursuant to the purposes and principles of the Charter.
(f) 联合国各机构、基金和方案在过渡期间不可能 独行 动 ; 包括联合国系 统在内的国际行为体需要商定一个由国家战略驱动并基于协调的需求评估和规 [...]
划的战略框架,它们还需要对摆脱冲突的国家采取灵活、迅速和可预测的供资方 法。
(f) United Nations agencies, funds and
[...] programmes cannot act alone during the transition; [...]
international actors, including the
United Nations system, need to agree on a strategic framework driven by national strategies and based on harmonized needs assessment and planning, and they need to adopt flexible, rapid and predictable funding for countries emerging from crisis.
工会组织可独 行动或 依据各自成员的决定行动,根据法律规定的条件组织和管理会议、示威、 [...]
游行、纠察、罢工及其他行动,利用它们作为抗议的形式,以改善工作条件、提 高工资水平和减少失业,加强工人在为其权利和专业、经济、劳动及社会利益作 斗争中的团结。
The body of the trade
[...] union, acting alone or based on the [...]
decision of the members of the respective trade union, organises
and manages under the conditions set by law meetings, demonstrations, processions, marches, pickets, strikes and other actions, using them as form of protest to improve their working conditions, increase the level of pay, reduction of unemployment, strengthen the solidarity of workers in their fight for their rights and professional, economic, labour and social interests.
此外,几内亚还根据评估报告和(或)全国安全部门改革研讨会的建议采取了 一些行动,包括禁止军人独行动和 佩带武器、设立负责监督军人的军事警察、 首都非军事化、在全国境内重新部署 1 686 名以上原总统卫队和空降营人员以及 装甲车、火炮、重武器和军事工程设备。
This includes a ban on soldiers bearing arms or moving in isolation, the creation of a military police force responsible for overseeing military personnel, the demilitarization of the capital city and the redeployment throughout the national territory of more than 1,686 members of the former Presidential Guard and the airborne troop battalion, as well as the redeployment to the country’s interior of armoured vehicles, artillery pieces, heavy weaponry and military engineering works.
(b) 采取适当措施结束酷刑,除其他外,尤其要成立独立的监察机
[...] 关,对发生在所有拘留场所的执法人员的不当行为的指控 行独 立 监 察和调 查
(b) Take appropriate measures to put an end to torture by, inter alia, establishing an
independent oversight body
[...] to carry out independent inspections [...]
and investigations in all places of detention of alleged misconduct by law enforcement officials
他们每个人都有自己在小组之外独特的创作领域,但是组成小组,“是用于 行独 自 工作时不可能、没勇气、没决心去完成的事业”。
Every member has his own distinctive creative realm, but in the form of a group, they “carry
out undertakings otherwise would be impossible, since they lack courage and
[...] determination when they work independently”.
此外,作为一个科学领头机构的标准专业做法,一些会员国要求请专家对自然科学计划 行独 立 评 估,以 加强尤为有效的计划。
Additionally, some Member States called for an expert and independent assessment of the natural sciences programmes as a standard
professional practice in leading scientific
[...] institutions, with the aim of strengthening [...]
particularly effective programmes.
[...] 咨询人将向军事顾问和主管维和行动副秘书长提供内部行动准备状态检查能力, 以行独立客 观的行动准备状态评估,其目的是增加价值,做好准备并增强实地 [...]
In line with concept and policy guidance, the consultant provides the Military Adviser and the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations with an internal operational inspection
capacity for operational readiness
[...] evaluations that is independent and objective, [...]
designed to add value to and prepare for
and enhance the performance of national defence forces in the field.
这些步骤包 括:维持和平行动部(维和部)和人道主义事务厅委托行独立研 究;维和部散发“行动构想”及“关于经 验教训的说明”文件;经常性地将保护平民任务纳入 联合国维持和平行动的任务规定;在秘书长报告中更 加连贯一致而有系统地考虑保护平民问题;将关于保 护平民问题的若干段落显著地列入维持和平行动特 别委员会的 2010 年建议中(见 A/64/19),包括制定全 特派团保护战略的战略框架;编制关于保护平民的培 训单元;评估执行保护任务所需的资源。
These include the independent study commissioned by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; the operational concept and the lessons learned note circulated by DPKO; and the regular inclusion of protection of civilians tasks in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping operations; the more consistent and systemic consideration of protection of civilians issues in the Secretary-General’s reports; the significant inclusion of several paragraphs on the protection of civilians in the 2010 recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (see A/64/19), including the development of a strategic framework for mission-wide protection strategies; the elaboration of protection of civilians training modules; and an assessment of the resource requirements for implementing protection mandates.
然而,根据指控的详细程度,专家们认为,可以相信在泰国存在中央情报局 黑点,并呼吁泰国当局对此事行独 立 调 查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the allegations, however, the experts believe it credible that a CIA black
site existed in Thailand, and calls on the domestic authorities
[...] to launch an independent investigation [...]
into the matter.
尼日利亚政府还同意依照本协定规定允许 行独 立 核实审计,并在多边基金有关年 度监测和评价工作方案中执行两年一次的核查;此外,这种外部评价可以由执行委员会领 [...]
导,以核查年度减少 CFC 的目标和 CFC 消费量是否与表 1 中商定的数字一致,全国淘汰
CFC 计划是否按年度执行方案中所规定和商定的方式执行。
The Government of Nigeria also
[...] agrees to allow independent verification audits [...]
as provided for in this Agreement, a biennial
verification to be implemented as part of the relevant annual work programme of monitoring and evaluation of the Multilateral Fund and in addition, such external evaluation as may be directed by the Executive Committee, to verify that annual CFC reduction targets and consumption levels correspond to those agreed in Table 1 and that implementation of the National CFC Phase-out Plan proceeds as scheduled and agreed in annual implementation programmes.
小组委员会建议通过确保行独立、 迅速和彻底的调查,确保提供医疗和 心理意见的专业人士来自具有独立性质的法医学研究所,而且按照适用的司法审 [...]
查标准在诉讼程序的相关阶段,承认独立专家的证词,以加强执行《伊斯坦布尔 议定书》。
The Subcommittee recommends strengthening
the implementation of the Istanbul Protocol
[...] by ensuring independent, prompt and [...]
thorough investigations and by ensuring that
the professionals who render medical and psychological opinions belong to forensic medicine institutes with demonstrated independence and that independent expert testimony be admitted at relevant stages of legal proceedings in accordance with the applicable criteria for judicial examination.
常设论坛鼓励农发基金: (a)
积极促进土著人民组织参与国家战略和方案周期拟定工作;(b) 通过利用关
[...] 于土著人民福祉的具体指标,并促进土著人民对农发基金供资的项目 行独 立评 估,改进这类项目的设计、监测和评估;(c) [...]
加强其宣传作用,传播其在国家、 区域和国际各级推行的土著人民发展最佳做法。
The Forum encourages IFAD to: (a) actively promote the participation of indigenous peoples’ organizations in country strategies and programme cycles; (b) improve the design, monitoring and evaluation of IFAD-funded projects by using specific indicators for
the well-being of indigenous peoples and by
[...] promoting an independent assessment [...]
of such projects by indigenous peoples; and
(c) improving its advocacy role in disseminating its best practices in terms of development approaches with indigenous peoples at the national, regional and international levels.
(b) 董事可确保其及时获得准确可靠的相关信息,特别是 行独 立 地 (而 不是纯粹依赖管理层的建议)了解公司财务状况;债权人所受压力的大小;法 [...]
(b) Directors could ensure that they obtain accurate, relevant and
timely information, in particular by
[...] informing themselves independently (and not relying [...]
solely on management advice) of the
financial situation of the company, the extent of creditor pressure and any court or recovery actions taken by creditors or disputes with creditors
而且,缔约国应对它参加“特殊引渡”的指控 行独立 的 后续调查,并在其下一次定期报告中通知这种调查结果。
Furthermore, the State party should
[...] establish an independent investigation [...]
to follow up on allegations of its involvement
in “extraordinary renditions” and inform the Committee of the outcome of such investigation in its next periodic report.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小 组 ( 独 立 审 查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织行的全 面管理审查完成以及联 合国系行政首长协调理事会独立 审 查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was
recommended in June 2008 by the
[...] Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
因此,预期买受人和有担保债权人以及与设保人打交 道的其他第三方都可能希望由登记中被指明为有担保债权人的人 行独 立核 实,以确信其实际上是否对其根据与被指明设保人的既有担保协议而可能感兴 趣的资产主张担保权。
Consequently, prospective buyers and secured creditors and other third parties with whom the grantor is dealing may wish to have independent verification directly from the person identified in the registration as the secured creditor as to whether it is in fact currently claiming a security right in an asset in which they are interested under an existing security agreement with the named grantor.
贸发会议具有行独立研 究、推动综合利用可再生能源 技术途径作为扶贫开发工具方面的经验交流的重要作用。
UNCTAD has an
[...] important role to play in conducting independent research and [...]
facilitating exchange of experiences on integrated
approaches to RETs as a tool for pro-poor development.
我们始终行独立自 主的和平外交政策,致 力于同世界各国发展友好合作关系。
We have followed an independent foreign policy [...]
of peace and committed ourselves to building friendly and cooperative ties
with all countries of the world.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一独立、客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以 行 其 年 度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 [...]
监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and
control processes by
[...] ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures [...]
and retains the right
quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
教科文组织为了落实达喀尔 论坛精神,在以下四个方面确定了自己的 职责和行动:(1)支持各国全民教育(EFA) 行动计划,重点是(根据各国的需要,并在 诸如联合国国别共同评估/发展援助框架) (CCA/UNDAF)等现有的发展框架内, 或在诸如减贫战略文件(PRSP)等其它 计划范围内)帮助各国拟订和实施它们的 全民教育计划;(2) 提高能力:首先是提高 各国负责拟订和实施国家全民教育计划相
关人员;其次是教育工作者,包括决策者、 教育机构负责人、制定课程人员、培训者 和教师等;(3) 在全民教育的各个方面,动 员全球和国家这两级的合作伙伴筹集资金,
[...] 并促进机构间的合作与协作;(4) 通过行 独立的 全民教育全球监测年度报告,来监 [...]
UNESCO defines its functions and actions for the Dakar follow-up in four areas: (1) supporting National EFA Action Plans, with the focus on assisting the countries to develop (according to their needs and within existing development frameworks such as CCA/UNDAF or other plans such as PRSP) and implement their national EFA plan; (2) building capacity, first for national stakeholders who are responsible for preparing and implementing the National EFA plans and secondly, among educators, including policy- and decisionmakers, heads of institutions, curriculum developers, trainers and teachers; (3) mobilizing partners at the global and national levels to mobilize resources and promote inter-agency cooperation and collaboration
in the various EFA processes; and (4) monitoring progress
[...] by issuing an independent annual EFA Global [...]
Monitoring Report.
关于设立 过 渡 时 期 司法机制的问题,该组织 要 求 布 隆迪政 府 公开重申,保证 不会用 磋 商 来作为 某 些 违 反 国际法 的决定或 行 为 的理由 ; 接
[...] 受 联合国、国际社会和民间 社会的参 与,确 保对这些磋 商行独立的 监督。
Regarding the establishment of transitional justice mechanisms, it called on the Government to publicly reiterate its commitment to ensure that consultations will not be used to justify decisions or acts contrary to international law; and to accept initiatives by the
United Nations, the international community and civil
[...] society to ensure an independent monitoring of [...]
these consultations.
另一个粮农组织第六条的机构,非洲内陆渔业和水产养殖委员会 (CIFAA)也在调查行独立审 查的可能性。
The Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of
Africa (CIFAA), another FAO Article VI body, is also investigating the possibility of
[...] conducting an independent review.
[...] 改革中继续建设国家能力,而不是提供由捐助方推动的短期技术援助,还包括必 须行独立和广泛传播的方案评价。
Recurring themes included the continuing imperative to develop national capacity in legal and institutional reform instead of providing
short-term, donordriven technical assistance, and the
[...] importance of independent and widely available [...]
programme evaluations.
缔约国应允许就此类绑架,尤其是随后在缔约国进行秘密拘留和实施酷刑的 指控行独立调 查,并在其下一次定期报告中通报此类调查结果。
The State party should allow for an independent investigation into allegations of such abductions, in particular when followed by secret detention and torture in the State party, and inform the Committee of the outcome of such investigation in its next periodic report.
在同一周,波利萨里奥阵线“全国委员会” 提出 2010
[...] 年优先事项,即“在撒哈拉国行使主权,在已解放领土重新定居,加 强撒哈拉人民解放军,支持在西撒哈拉被占领土 行独 立 起 义”。
The same week, the Frente Polisario “National Council” put forward the “exercise of sovereignty of the Sahrawi State, the repopulation of the liberated territories, the strengthening of the
Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army and
[...] support for the independence intifada in the [...]
occupied territories of Western Sahara” as its priorities for 2010.
如认为有必要确保进行二级监督,政府或与牵头执行机构合作,定期组织监测团, 以便对项目成果、目标的实现情况以及财务管理 行独 立 核 查。
Periodically the government, in collaboration with the Lead IA may convene monitoring missions to provide independent verification project outputs, achievement of targets and financial management, as considered necessary to ensure a second level of oversight.
医学和药草研究所设立了卫生研究道德委员会,其主要职责是在所有与人 类有关的研究项目实施前及实施期间,对其 行独 立 评 估,看是否符合道德准 则。
IMPM established a health-research ethics committee whose
[...] main task is to evaluate independently, before and [...]
during implementation, the compliance
of all research projects involving human subjects with ethical standards.
(h) 以发展为背景对公私伙伴关系行独 立 的 评估,旨在明确迄今为止已 取得或未取得成效的伙伴关系,以及今后可能取得更佳成效的伙伴关系及所需的 条件
(h) Undertake an independent assessment of [...]
public–private partnerships in the development context, with the aim of mapping
out what has and has not worked so far and what might work better in the future and under what conditions




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