

单词 独联体

独联体 ()

Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)



Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)

See also:


autonomous body
independent system

External sources (not reviewed)

在拉丁美洲独联体的研究为各会员国提供了拟订关于青年的政策和 计划(包括防止青年暴力)的可用知识。
Research in LAC and the CIS has provided [...]
a body of knowledge available to Member States for the elaboration of policies
and programmes on youth, including on prevention of youth violence.
这种情况的出现部分是因为观察不足 并违背广大人口的社会和经济权益,落实公约措施的费用很高 独联体 ( CIS)在该领域的 内部规定目前正在制定。
Partially, this can be explained by insufficient observation and violation of the
social and economic rights of
[...] the general population, high expenses of the measures required by the Convention and the current elaboration of CIS internal regulations [...]
in this field.
在科多里 河谷上游的俄罗斯营的总部设在 Gentsvish 的独联体维持和平部队总部。
The Russian battalion in the upper Kodori Valley is headquartered in the former CIS peacekeeping force headquarters in Gentsvish.
仍在继续努力使独联体国家 各国的法律标准化,通过了一部关于反对极端 主义的示范法和关于反恐的示范刑事法和刑事诉讼法的修正案。
Work to standardize the national laws of CIS countries had continued with the adoption of a model law on countering extremism and amendments to the model criminal code and code of criminal procedure relating to counter-terrorism.
在莫斯科举行了题为“伊斯兰将战胜恐怖主义”的国际科学和神学会议, 来自亚洲、非洲、中东以及独立国家联 体(独联体 ) 18 个国家的代表以 及 12 个阿拉伯国家的大使参加了会议。
In Moscow, an international scientific and theological conference entitled “Islam will conquer terrorism” was held; representatives of 18 countries of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the ambassadors of 12 Arab States participated.
在欧洲新兴经济体中, 东南欧的失业率相当高,大多在 10%以上,而且较多是结构性而非周期性问题; 大多独联体国家 的官方失业率已回复到危机前的水平,即低于 10%。
In the European emerging economies, unemployment has been quite high in most of South-Eastern Europe, where it is over 10 per cent and is more structural than cyclical; official unemployment rates in most CIS countries have returned to their pre-crisis levels of below 10 per cent.
在 1990 年代,区域组织和国际组织开始应对网上犯罪问题,包括通过大会 (多年来大会已经通过了关于网上犯罪的若干决议)、56 英联邦(《网上犯罪示范 法》及可能对《哈拉雷计划》进行扩充以将电子数据涵盖在内)、欧洲委员会 (《网上犯罪公约》)、欧洲联盟(关于攻击信息系统问题的《框架决定》和理事 会根据《欧洲联盟条约》第 34 条制定的欧洲联盟成员国间刑事事项互助公 约)、独立国家联体(独联体)( 2001 年独联体国家 打击计算机信息领域犯罪 的合作协定)、美洲国家组织和上海合作组织等。
In the 1990s, the issue of cybercrime began to be addressed within regional and international organizations, including through the General Assembly, which, over the years has adopted several resolutions on cybercrime,56 the Commonwealth (Model Law on cybercrime and the potential expansion of the Harare Scheme to cover electronic data), the Council of Europe (Convention on Cybercrime), the European Union (Framework Decision on attacks against information systems and the Convention established by the Council in accordance with article 34 of the Treaty on European Union, on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the member States of the European Union), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (2001 agreement on cooperation of CIS countries to combat crimes in the sphere of computer information), the Organization of American States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
另外,各区域的进度参差不齐,部分区域已超过了确定的目标(南亚 67%的中期成 果对性别平等做出了贡献,西部和中部非洲则为
[...] 66%),而其他区域,例如中东欧/ 独联体(39%) 及东部和南部非洲(41%)需进一步努力才能达到预定目标。
Moreover, progress across regions has been uneven, with some regions having surpassed the target set (South Asia, with 67 per cent of intermediate results contributing to gender equality, and West and
Central Africa, with 66 per cent) while
[...] others, such as CEE/CIS (39 per cent) and [...]
Eastern and Southern Africa (41 per cent),
require further efforts to meet it.
该中心的活动受独联体执行 委员会的高度赞扬,这些在该国际组织提交 普遍定期审议的材料当中均有反映。
The centre’s action is greatly appreciated by the Executive Committee of the CIS as can be seen from the information supplied by this international body for the UPR.
白俄罗斯加入独联体成员 国《保护移徙工人及其家庭成员合法地位公 约》,其中采用了《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的主要条 款。
Belarus acceded to the Convention on the legal
status of migrant workers and members of
[...] their families from CIS member States, which [...]
reproduces the core provisions of the
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
独联体维持 和平部队撤出后,出于安全和后勤原因,观察团撤回了它同独 联体在祖 格迪迪地区东北角的维持和平岗哨设在一起的临时观察哨,以前曾用该 观察哨监测通往科多里河谷上游道路上的情况。
Following the
[...] withdrawal of the CIS peacekeeping force, the Mission withdrew its temporary observation post, which was co-located, for security and logistics reasons, with the former CIS peacekeeping [...]
post in the north-eastern
corner of the Zugdidi sector, and which had monitored the movement on the road to the upper Kodori Valley.
此 外,根据《退伍军人法》,向退伍军人和残疾军人发放了 独联体 国 家 范围内的 旅行票务津贴,总额为 915 000 列伊,发放给 612 位受益人。
Also, on the basis of the Law on veterans, travel tickets within the CIS countries were paid for veterans and the disabled in amount of 915,000 lei for 612 beneficiaries.
2008 和 2009 年期独联体国家 间展开合作,从而调查了 61 000 多起罪行, 逮捕 12 000 多名通缉犯,制止 341 个犯罪集团的活动,逮捕 42 名宗教极端主义 组织成员,缴获 6 800 件武器和 10.9 吨以上的麻醉物品,关闭 36 个毒品实验室 和切断 76 条非法移徙通道。
As a result of operations conducted in CIS countries in 2008 and 2009, more than 61,000 crimes had been investigated, over 12,000 wanted persons had been arrested, the activities of 341 criminal groups had been stopped, 42 members of extremist religious organizations had been arrested, 6,800 firearms and more than 10.9 tons of narcotic substances had been seized, 36 drug laboratories had been shut down and 76 channels for illegal migration cut off.
175 位参会者来自 16 个欧洲、亚洲和美洲国家独 联体国家、波罗的海国家、波兰、芬兰、德国、中国、 [...]
The conference was attended by about
175 people from 16 European, Asian and
[...] American countries (CIS states, Baltic states, [...]
Poland, Finland, Germany, China, USA,
Saudi Arabia, Japan, Thailand, Italy, Portugal).
俄 罗斯联邦通货膨胀已经下降,在 2012 年初只有约 4%,大大低于央行的目标;在 独立国家联体(独联体)大多数其他国家,通胀率为 5 至 10%不等。
Inflation has been declining in the Russian Federation and was only about 4 per cent in early 2012, which is considerably below the central bank target; inflation in most of the other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) has been in the 5 to 10 per cent range.
本组织努力确保俄罗斯联邦独联体 国 家青年不论经济地位、地理位置和国 籍平等接受高等教育。
The organization strives to ensure equal access for youth in the Russian Federation and CIS countries to higher education regardless of economic position, geography or nationality.
欧盟委员会代表欧盟向该地区的 若干项目提供了预算外捐款,这些项目由以前的“向独立国家联合体提供技术援助”独联体技援 )计划和最近的“加入前援助前文书”提供资金。
The European Commission has provided extrabudgetary contributions on behalf of the EU to several projects in the region, financed by the former Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) programme and more recently by the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
[...] 将对与独立国家联合体(CIS)国家之间的合作活动,特别是与保护工业产权政府间委员会 (ICPIP)独联体成员 国议会大会(IPACIS)之间的合作,给予应有的考虑,以便与这些方面的 [...]
In addition, cooperation activities in member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), in particular in cooperation with the Inter-State Council on the
Protection of Industrial Property
[...] (ICPIP) and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States [...]
(IPACIS) will be duly taken
into consideration with the aim to build synergies with these efforts.
Firebird International宣布,将全方位地开展商业咨询服务,帮助俄罗斯 独联体 的 工 作室和电影制作公司,以及媒体和科技公司方便地获得几乎与美国和欧洲客户相同的服务。
Firebird International announced that it will implement its hands-on, full-service approach to business consulting so as to help media and technology companies, as well as studios and film makers, in Russia and the C.I.S. gain easy access to nearly the same suite of services offered to its US and European clients.
在打击 有组织犯罪框架下独联体成员在 2010 年 1 月设立 了一个数据库,使其能够交换信息。
Within the framework of the fight against organized crime, the CIS members had established in January 2010 a databank enabling them to exchange information.
最近,ISO已经批准了GOST标准作为俄联邦 独联体 国 家的地方标准,因此GOST标准就非常类似于EN/CE规范。
Recently, GOST Standard has been approved by ISO as a local standard in Russian Federation and CIS countries and is therefore quite similar to EN/CE normative.
该代表提到了上独联体国家 和政府首脑会议 提出的杜尚别方案、失踪人员协定草案、设立金融 [...]
情报服务中心、打击犯罪的政府间方案、打击极端 主义和恐怖主义的合作方案、边境监察方案和打击 贩运人口方案。
He drew attention to the Dushanbe Programme resulting
[...] from the latest CIS conference of heads [...]
of State and Government and the draft
agreement on missing persons, the creation of a financial information service, an intergovernmental anti-crime programme, cooperation programmes to combat extremism and terrorism, and programmes for border surveillance and combating human trafficking.
汉高取得了坐落在圣彼得堡附近的Tosno的ERA AG公司的控股权,开始在俄罗斯 独联体 国 家,包括波罗的海国家开展业务。
Henkel acquired a shareholding in ERA AG in Tosno near St. Petersburg and started to build up its business in Russia and the CIS states, including the Baltic states.
EAAAE 的活动及其在很多俄独联体国家 和东 欧国家的许多科学家之间的联络能帮助促进俄罗斯、 白俄罗斯、乌克兰和其他国家的农业工程师参与 EAAAE 和 CIGR 的国际会议。
The activities of EAAAE and the communication among a large number of specialists from CIS countries and East Europe who use the Russian language can help to promote the participation of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other agricultural engineers in international meetings of EAAAE and CIGR.
随着苏联在1991年解体,GOST标准就由EASC进行维护和管理,并应用于多 独联体 国 家,其中又增添了一些省级法规。
As the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991
GOST Standard was then maintained and managed by
[...] EASC, and adopted by many CIS countries with [...]
some provincial rules added.
中东欧/独联体办事 处将支持各国调整公共系统和服务的方向,使其为最弱 [...]
势群体服务,提供较公平的获得儿童生存、保健、发展、教育、儿童保护和社会 保障服务的机会;在风险最高的青少年中防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病;支持各国家努 力消除母婴传播艾滋病毒现象。
The CEE/CIS Office will support countries [...]
to redirect public systems and services to reach the most vulnerable groups and
provide more equitable access to child survival, health, development, education, child protection and social protection services; to combat HIV and AIDS among most-at-risk adolescents; and support countries to achieve the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
Firebird International是由区域专家近期组建的一家咨询公司,主要从事为寻求进入俄罗斯 独联体 市 场 的美国和欧洲媒体及科技公司提供投资、销售及总承包企业解决方案。
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - January 22, 2013) - Firebird International, a consulting firm recently formed by regional experts to provide investment, sales, and turnkey
corporate solutions to US
[...] and European media and technology companies looking to enter Russia, C.I.S., announced that it also be scouting Russian and regional [...]
companies that wish to
garner investment and expand to or simultaneously launch in US.
(c) 在欧安组织支持下,于题为“公共采购决策:效率和透明度”的圆桌 会议(2011 年 5 月 15 日至 20 日,哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳)上,发起了一项欧洲 复兴开发银行和贸易法委员会关于加 独联体 国 家 和蒙古的公共采购条例的倡 议。
(c) Launch of an EBRD and UNCITRAL initiative, supported by the OSCE, on enhancing public procurement regulation in the CIS countries and Mongolia, at a Roundtable on Public Procurement Policy-making: Efficiency and Transparency (Astana, Kazakhstan, 15-20 May 2011).
俄罗 斯独特的地理位置使其在欧亚交通基础设施发展中
[...] 起到核心作用,目的是利用欧亚经济共同体和独立 国家联体(独联体)等 区域经济委员会的潜力, 建立有效的过境运输体系。
Her country’s unique geographical situation permitted it to play a central role in the development of the Eurasian transport infrastructure with the aim of establishing an
effective system of transit transport based on the potential of regional economic commissions, such as the Eurasian Economic
[...] Community (EurAsEC) and the Commonwealth of Independent [...]
States (CIS).
[...] 述期间,它们进行了两次评价:发展政策局完成了对开发署/世界银行/艾滋病署 联合艾滋病毒主流化方案的评价,欧洲 独联体 区 域局对支持与《生物多样性公 约》保护区工作方案有关的国家行动的工作进行了项目评价。
During this reporting period, they conducted two evaluations: the Bureau for Development Policy completed an evaluation of the Joint UNDP/World
Bank/UNAIDS HIV Mainstreaming
[...] programme, and the Regional Bureau of Europe and CIS carried out [...]
a project evaluation of efforts
to support country actions related to the Convention on Biological Diversity programme of work on protected areas.




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