单词 | 独立自主 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 独立自主 —act independentlyless common: independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination • maintain control over one's own affairs See also:独立 v—separate v 独立—stand alone 自主 adj—independent adj • autonomous adj 自主 n—autonomy n • ownership n
关于必要的司法管理问题,《检察机关法》授权总检察院负责进行有效的司 法管理,并规定:“维护并促进各级法 官 独立自主 地 行使其法定职责”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to the proper administration of justice, the Act on the Office of the Public Prosecutor empowers that office to ensure the effective [...] administration of justice by “defending [...] and promoting the independence and autonomy of judges and [...]magistrates in the legitimate exercise of their duties”. daccess-ods.un.org |
中心是一个为教科文组织会员国提供服 务 独立自主 的 国 际机构,支持那些希望与之合作 的拉丁美洲国家保护非物质文化遗产的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Centre shall be [...] an international autonomous institution at [...]the service of Member States of UNESCO to support activities [...]safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the countries of Latin America desiring to cooperate with it. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们始终奉行独立自主的和 平外交政策,致 力于同世界各国发展友好合作关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have followed an independent foreign policy [...] of peace and committed ourselves to building friendly and cooperative ties [...]with all countries of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们指出,与国际现有机构合作建立的这种支持机制,是最不发达国家得 以有利可图地参与国际生产链并发展 独立自主 的 技 术改良能力所不可缺少的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that such support mechanisms, constructed in partnership with international existing institutions, are indispensable to enabling least developed countries to [...] participate beneficially in international production chains [...] and to develop an autonomous capacity for technical [...]improvement. daccess-ods.un.org |
地区中心应是一个独立自主的机 构,为那些地理位置靠近该地区中心和对其生物技术领域之 目标有兴趣,因而希望与地区中心开展合作的教科文组织会员国提供服务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Regional [...] Centre shall be an autonomous institution at [...]the service of Member States of UNESCO which, by their geographical [...]proximity to the Regional Centre and their common interest in its objectives in the field of biotechnology, desire to cooperate with the Regional Centre. unesdoc.unesco.org |
规约》中的一个创新是,负责审查起诉书和准备审案的预审法官不是审判 团的成员,而是独立自主的法 官,不能参加审判分庭的审判(参见《联合国和黎 [...] 巴嫩共和国关于设立黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的协定》第 2 条和《规约》第 7 条(a) 款及第 18 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the novelties enshrined in the statute is the fact that the Pre-Trial Judge, who is entrusted with reviewing indictments and preparing cases for trial, is not [...] a member of the trial bench, but [...] rather a separate and autonomous judge who cannot [...]serve in the Trial Chamber (see article [...]2 of the Agreement between the United Nations and the Lebanese Republic on the establishment of a Special Tribunal for Lebanon and articles 7 (a) and 18 of the statute). daccess-ods.un.org |
倡导负责任的自由,承认青少年时期是走 向 独立自主 的 过 程,倡导青少 年负责地享受其自由,使其认识到自己行动的后果,并承诺尊重他人的 自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Promote freedom with responsibility in a way that recognizes adolescence as a process of [...] ascent through [...] interdependence and autonomy, encouraging adolescents to use their freedom responsibly, [...]making them aware of [...]the consequences of their actions and committing themselves to respect the freedom of others. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 由于将包括技术操作员和主管在内的整个业务外包,约聘人 员 独立自 主,并且基本上是自我管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Because of the outsourcing of the entire [...] operation, including technical operators and supervisors, contractual [...] personnel were autonomous, and largely selfmanaged. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们将促进老年人独立自主,向 其 提供机会,使其有能力充分参与社会的各方面。 monitoringris.org | We shall promote independence, accessibility and the empowerment [...] of older persons to participate fully in all aspects of society. monitoringris.org |
厄瓜多尔决定成为决议草案 A/AC.109/2010/L.8 的共同提案国,反映了其对波多 黎各人民的承诺,以及对波多黎各不久将作为一个 具有民族特征的拉丁美洲和加勒比国家加 入 独立自 主国家行列的希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ecuador’s decision to co-sponsor draft resolution A/AC.109/2010/L.8 reflected its commitment to the Puerto Rican people and its hope that Puerto [...] Rico would soon join [...] the community of independent and sovereign States, as a Latin American and Caribbean nation with its own unequivocal national [...]identity. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 种可以独立自主操作 的设计对我们来说尤为重要,如果终端 设备大面积故障可能威胁到交易的进行。 igel.com | This ability to have autonomous, standalone operation is [...] a very important feature to us because a large-scale failure of [...]end devices could endanger trading. igel.com |
作为巴勒斯坦人民自决权和行使不可剥夺权利 的积极支持者,印度认为巴勒斯坦问题的解决应以 [...] 相关联合国决议、《阿拉伯和平倡议》和中东和平路 线图为基础,在安全和经认可的边界内建 立 独立、 自主、团结的巴勒斯坦主权国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | An active supporter of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and exercise of its inalienable rights, India believed that the solution to the Palestine issue should be based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative and [...] the road map to Mideast peace, [...] resulting in a sovereign, independent, viable and united [...]State of Palestine within secure and recognized borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
因特网上网服务由半独立自主的政 府机构美属萨摩 亚电信管理局提供。 daccess-ods.un.org | Internet access is provided by the American Samoa Telecommunications [...] Authority, a semi-autonomous Government agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
使政府计划与那些推动经济、社会和环境权利的公共政策挂钩,这些政策有 [...] 利于消除男女之间的就业不平等,有助于适当地管理环境资源和提供财政和 非财政资源,使妇女获得体面的生活条件,促进妇女 的 独立自主 , 特 别关注 农村妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | To link Government plans with public policies that promote economic, social and environmental rights and that aim to eliminate the employment inequalities between men and women and to promote appropriate management of environmental resources; and to offer financial and non-financial [...] resources that provide decent living conditions for women [...] and promote their autonomy, paying greater attention [...]to rural women. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此之前,中国对这一理念持强烈的保留态度,一直 习惯于以双边形式发展国家间关系,重点强调它 的 独立 自主和平外交政策。 crisisgroup.org | Before this time, China had strong reservations about the concept and remained accustomed [...] to conducting inter-state relations in bilateral formats with a strong [...] emphasis on its independent foreign policy brand. crisisgroup.org |
新合同中第 19 条规定,如果喀土 [...] 穆继续没收石油,勒索高额费用或采取其它顽固做 法,则南苏丹石油部有权“完全 独立自主 地 采 取行 动”。 crisisgroup.org | Article 19 of the new contract affords South Sudan’s oil minister the liberty to “act with his or her [...] complete and sole discretion”, if Khartoum continued to confiscate oil, extort [...] exorbitant fees or is otherwise obstinate. crisisgroup.org |
1993 年《宪法》宣布塞舌尔是一个“ 独立自主 的 民主共和国”,该宪法将民 主制描述为“一个宽容、适当尊重基本人权、自由与法治,行政、立法和司法三 权分立、相互平衡的多元社会”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In declaring [...] Seychelles a “sovereign and democratic Republic”, the 1993 Constitution describes democracy as «a pluralistic society in which [...]there is tolerance, [...]proper regard for the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the rule of law and where there is a balance of power among the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary». daccess-ods.un.org |
美国代表团仍 然认为,一个国际专家委员会无论拥有怎样的权限, 都很难运用该《公约》中的条款来受理个人上诉,同 时还必须尊重各国划拨有限的资源为本国公民提供 基础性服务的独立自主的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | It did, however, continue to believe that a committee of international experts, no matter how qualified, would struggle to examine individual complaints in a manner that was consistent with the provisions of the Covenant and respectful of the sovereign right of States to decide how they allocated the limited resources at their disposal in order to bring basic services to their populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要有三种类型的行政机构:国家 (中央或地方)直接管理的行政机构、国家间接管理的行政机构(拥有自己的法人, 不同于“国家”,以及行政和财政自主权,但是其活动追求国家目的),以及自 主管理的行政机构(追求的是机构创立者的利益 , 独立自主 地 确定其指导方针和 活动:区域和地方行政机关和社会团体即为此种情况)。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are three main types of administrative bodies: those within the direct administration of the State (central or regional); those within the indirect administration of the State (which possess their own legal personality, distinct from that of the “State”, as well as administrative and financial autonomy, but whose activity pursues [...] State purposes); and [...] those within autonomous administration (these pursue the interests of those who formed them and define in an autonomous and independent manner their [...]own guidance and activities: [...]it is the case of regional and local administrations and public associations). daccess-ods.un.org |
广告设计大专课程有效的结合了理论与实践,提供 了 独立自主 的 想 法空间,并强调概念、关键性的思维、技术上的掌握与口头呈现,从中激发出创意。 systematic.edu.my | The Diploma in Advertising Design programme combines [...] theory and practice effectively, [...] encouraging your independent creative ideas [...]and emphasizing conceptual, strategic thinking, [...]mastery of technique and verbal presentation within an environment that stimulates innovation. systematic.edu.my |
明爱协会(Caritas)的这一分支机构为有残障的失业人员提供服务和培训, 为他们创造就业机会,使他们能够 独立自主 地 生 活。 wacker.com | Not where “Weißer Rabe” is concerned: this affiliate of the social welfare organization Caritas provides support and training for unemployed people with handicaps, giving them the prospect of employment and the chance to determine their [...] own lives Weißer Rabe [...] (“White Raven”) is establishing two new types of vocational training at its Munich recycling business – production [...]helpers and warehouse helpers. wacker.com |
我们这一代女 性 是 可 以 独 立 自 主 的 enviefashion.com | We are the generation of women who can be active! enviefashion.com |
身为父母,我们想在孩子们对于独立 、 自主 的 正 常要求和我们希望永远保护他们的愿望之间取得平衡。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | As parents we want to balance their normal [...] desire for autonomy and independence with our wish [...]to always protect them. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
还开展了一些政策和提高公众意识的活动,其中包括政府根据 [...] 2008 年 2 月 13 日法 令重组海关部门,创建一个独立自主 的 实 体,国家海关总署。 multilateralfund.org | A number of policy and public awareness activities have also been undertaken, including the Government’s reorganization [...] of the customs sector, by its decree of 13 February [...] 2008, to create an autonomous entity, the National [...]Customs Authority. multilateralfund.org |
中方相信,在阿富汗政府和人民的努力 [...] 下,在国际社会的大力支持下,阿富汗政府和人民最 终一定会实现和平稳定、独立自主、 发 展进步和睦邻 友善的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that, with the energetic support of the international community and through their own efforts, the Afghan Government and people will [...] eventually reach the goal of peace [...] and stability, independence and self-reliance, development [...]and progress, and friendship [...]and good relations with its neighbours. daccess-ods.un.org |
时至今日,家族企业在创办人之子菲利普˙克林根贝尔格(Philip Klingenberg)的领导下,持续保有 独立自主 的 地 位,并持续积极拓展公司及CENTURY世纪表品牌业务。 century.ch | Today, our [...] family firm remains independent and is now headed [...]by the founder’s son, Philip Klingenberg, who is actively pursuing [...]the development of the company and the CENTURY brand. century.ch |
我们专注于客户的价值流,为客户提供全面的售前和售后服务,并一直致力于开发PLM(项目生命周期管理软件) 及 独立自主 的 数 控系统,使我们在今天的钢结构、金属加工和锻造行业市场竞争中独一无二。 ficepgroup.com | Our focus on the customer value stream makes our offering to the market place unique, concentrating our attention to a comprehensive service during the pre-sales and after-sales activities, the development and supply of PLM (product lifecycle management software) together with our ultimate CNC systems, for the structural steel, metal fabricating and forging industries is unique in our market today. ficepgroup.com |
(a) 认为就港口国为预防、阻止和消除非法、未报告和无管制的捕捞活动必 须独立自主地实 行措施通过了一项具有法律约束力的《协定》,是一项积极的事 态。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) View as positive the adoption of a binding Agreement [...] on measures that sovereign port States can [...]apply in combating illegal, undeclared [...]and unregulated fishing is a positive step. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会提请缔约国注意委员会关于残疾人的第5 [...] 号一般性意见(1994年) ,敦促缔 约国通过全面的反歧视法,向残疾人提供司法和社会政策方案,使残疾人过上正 常、独立自主的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee draws attention to its general comment No. 5 (1994) on persons with disabilities and urges the State party to adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation that provides persons with disabilities [...] with judicial and social-policy programmes which enable them to [...] live an integrated, self-determined and independent life. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家人权事务专员办公室是一个 独立自主 的 机 构,主要致力于在防范酷刑 和虐待行为方面发挥重要作用,特别是防范那些涉及到被剥夺自由者的酷刑和虐 [...] 待行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Office of the National Commissioner for Human Rights [...] (CONADEH), as an independent and autonomous body, has a [...]crucial role to play in preventing [...]torture and illtreatment, especially of persons deprived of their liberty. daccess-ods.un.org |